Extreme Demon

Chapter 1192 Invasion 2

There was a gray mist everywhere, and nothing could be seen clearly. The ground was barren and hard rocks, and the corpses of some Chaos Demons and Chaos Evil Things were lying on the ground.

There was also the largest black giant, slowly crawling out of the pit, covered in blood and trembling.

Lu Sheng lightly stamped his feet. Although this body was a child he had just created, after devouring many planets, its energy level had been raised to a level far beyond the reach of ordinary creatures.

If converted according to energy level, it is almost at the Death Star level.

It's enough for now. Let's go grab a few living creatures from around to search for souls and see where we can get the aura of chaos. Lu Sheng glanced at Gu Luodu, who had just climbed out of the pothole. .

It's just you.

He strode forward and grabbed Gu Luodu, who was struggling to get up, with one claw.

No!! What are you doing! I am a member of the Chaos Demon God Ra's clan! If you dare to offend me, our clan will cut you into pieces and put your soul on the Chaos Demon Flame to be burned for thousands of years!! Gu Luodu suddenly felt uncomfortable. Miao, quickly unfolded the gray wings on his back, turned around and wanted to run away.

But a big hand grabbed it in the air, grabbed it easily, and pulled it back forcefully.

Lu Sheng grabbed this guy with one hand and gently pressed his forehead with the other hand.


The back of his hand split open, and a large number of black tentacles sprang out from it. These tentacles rushed to get in from Gu Luodu's eyes and ears, and soon became fixed like plant roots.

Then there were sucking sounds like blood-sucking sounds that kept coming out.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes and carefully sensed the soul memory transmitted from this guy.

Not long after, he loosened his palm, and countless black tentacles separated from Gu Luodu. At this time, this guy had completely turned into a skinny mummy.

Throwing away the body, Lu Sheng raised his eyes and looked towards Gray Mist.

According to this guy's memory, this is the edge of chaos. There is no concept of space and time. The breath of chaos and gray fog control everything. If you want to find the breath of chaos, you must control and influence the gray fog and let it take me straight. Otherwise, if Just looking around will never find Chaos.

According to the memory method he obtained, Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and clicked out weird and complicated twisted runes in mid-air. These runes were like living creatures, and they would automatically squirm and devour them once they were separated from Lu Sheng's fingers.

In the blink of an eye, all the runes devoured each other and only one remained. In the end, this rune was hazy and translucent, with vague limbs such as head, tail and limbs.

As soon as it took shape, it quickly flew out in a direction to the right.

Lu Sheng followed closely behind.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and they covered thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, like two streaks of gray smoke.

Countless chaotic evil creatures had not yet reacted. In the gray fog, they could only feel a strong wind passing through them. Two gray lines disappeared into the fog behind them in the blink of an eye.

The runes flew all the way, and after about ten minutes, they gradually slowed down.

Lu Sheng clearly felt that there were more and more living beings around him, and the number of Chaos Demons was gradually becoming denser.

Chaos demons moved lazily in the gray fog. Some of them had fixed shapes, and some were just a ball of fog that was constantly changing.

Gradually, the speed of the runes slowed down, and some gray stone pillars that resembled ruins slowly appeared around Lu Sheng.

The stone pillars are extremely thick, extending upward to an invisible end.

The surrounding gray fog gradually became thinner.


Suddenly the rune suddenly stopped, screamed in mid-air, and exploded immediately.

This means that its task of leading the way has been completed.

Is this the Chaos Clan? The information Lu Sheng found from Gu Luodu's memory showed that Chaos is located at the center of the seventeen Chaos Clan. If you want to contact Chaos, you must first pass through the Chaos Clan and enter the Chaos Holy Court. Only then can we come into contact with chaos.

Gu Luodu's clan is a powerful clan that controls source energy.

Source energy has the characteristics of being unpredictable and originating from the spirit and inner soul. To put it bluntly, it is the source of spiritual power interfering with the material world.

What the Chaos Demons of this clan who control source energy are best at is controlling the minds of their enemies, making them go crazy, commit suicide, and cause riots.

On the gray ground, Lu Sheng walked slowly between the huge gray stone pillars.

There are no living creatures at all here, no Chaos Demon, no Demon God Ra, and no other moving individuals.

There are only desolate ancient gray boulder pillars.

Is it possible that we went the wrong way? Lu Sheng was a little doubtful.

He stopped slowly, there was no use moving here. Only by truly mastering the way to your destination can you reach your goal.

After searching for a long time, Lu Sheng still couldn't find out how to get to the next area of ​​​​the clan.

Everything here is made of gray mist and chaotic atmosphere. Since this is the homeland of the Heart Demon Clan, there is no way it can only be these desolate stone pillars. Either I took the wrong path, or something happened here.

Lu Sheng was a little impatient.

Standing between the stone pillars, he took a deep breath.

A majestic gravitational force spread from his body and began to attract countless gray fog around him to rush towards him quickly.

I'll eat a little, so I won't be discovered. Anyway, no one was around to see it.

Lu Sheng thought, this body probably couldn't eat much gray mist, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Then he let go of his belly and ate.

A large amount of gray mist rushed in from his mouth like a tide.

Suddenly, as the gray fog decreased, the surrounding distant scenery slowly became visible.

Some transparent monsters hidden in the gray fog also emerged.

Who!!? A snake-headed man with two heads emerged from the mist.

At first, they seemed to blend into the gray mist, resting and sleeping. Suddenly, the entire gray mist was stirred and pulled, and they suddenly woke up.

The two-headed snakemen woke up from their slumber one after another. When they saw Lu Sheng in the middle who was swallowing the gray mist, all the two-headed snakemen immediately rushed towards him.

kill him!

An outsider! He is an outsider!!

Lu Sheng increased his devouring force, and all the gray mist suddenly rotated rapidly and turned into thick tornado air pillars, sweeping away in all directions.

Tornadoes entangled the flying Chaos Demon, crushing it into pieces in a few blows and turning it into countless fragments that were swallowed by Lu Sheng.


The swallowed air pillars are getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding stone pillars are slowly shaking. It seemed that it was gradually loosening under the huge pulling force.

call! !

Until all the surrounding gray fog completely disappeared into Lu Sheng's mouth, and all the fog that could be seen on all sides was swept away.

He just shut up and stopped swallowing.

Although his body is just an ordinary sub-body, his spiritual will is after all a terrifying existence fused with the power of gray liquid. In just such a short time, he swallowed up all the gray mist and clan chaos demons in the vicinity.

So, let me see, what is the entrance to the next level?

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand, spread it out, and pressed it down violently.

boom! ! ! !

The ground suddenly exploded, and a giant palm print with a diameter of a thousand meters emerged with him as the center.

Countless smoke and dust sputtered, the ground cracked, and stone pillars collapsed. The surroundings seemed to be doomed, and a large number of Chaos Demons in the distance fled away in fright.

Lu Sheng tiptoed and floated into the air.

Looking down from a high place, he soon discovered the clues.

The entire ground is densely covered with stone pillars, which naturally form the shape of a huge goat skull.

At the center of the skull's eyebrows, a gray-black wave was faintly rippling.

Found it! He leaned over and flew towards that place.

As soon as he arrived at that location, Lu Sheng suddenly felt something was wrong and moved to the left.


A black spike shot out from the ground and brushed against the side of Lu Sheng's face.

The terrifying impact slowly opened a bloody hole on Lu Sheng's cheek.

His expression remained unchanged, and he lowered his head downwards.

Is it you!? A voice shook.

The black spikes below quickly shrank, turning out to be a huge black hand.

The giant hand reaches out from the ground and grasps the surface.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, a black giant hundreds of meters long arched out from the ground.

The black giant has no color on his body, except for a single eye on his face that extends from his forehead to his chin.

There is no pupil in the one eye, only a colorful illusion.

Even with Lu Sheng's strong will, just looking at it made him feel a little dizzy.

I've been waiting for you for a long time, Lu Sheng. There was a vague smile in the black giant's eyes.

I am the third clan, the clone of the Demon Emperor, the Chaos Illusion Demon King Galel. I am waiting for your arrival here.

boom! !

A colorful beam of light burst out from his eyes, hitting Lu Sheng hard and wrapping him in it.

In the dreamlike colorful beam of light, Lu Sheng's body began to rapidly dissolve and disperse.

Since you are guarding here, that means that behind you is the edge of chaos? Lu Sheng said calmly. He didn't care at all that his body was starting to melt.

Maybe, maybe not, who knows? The Chaos Demon King sneered.

Since even the clan's top leaders have shown up, whether it's true or not, it seems I've found the right place, Lu Sheng said calmly.

Even so, what can you do now? Without this body, you can't even enter the Anti-Void. Galer sneered.


Lu Sheng's face showed a hint of strange color.

Unfortunately, from the moment you showed up, everything was doomed.

He closed his eyes and suddenly opened his arms.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng's entire body exploded in an instant, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood that flew apart.

I will sacrifice my blood to the void.

The God of Thousand Heads, the King of Suzakus, the Flower of Flesh and Blood, the Demonic Flame of the Underworld, the Rainbow Dragon Lord, sacrifice this flesh and blood to the heavens!

Come, come! Come down! ! The demonic shadows in the sky, the king of all transformations, my true form! The Strongest Demon Lord! !

The murmured prayers became louder and louder, and Galel's eyes changed drastically. He roared angrily, and sprayed out a large amount of colorful twisted halos from his eyes, annihilating the flesh and blood of Lu Sheng scattered in all directions.

But it was too late.

Overhead, a huge hole suddenly opened in the gray sky.

A ferocious giant hand, almost as big as half the sky, slowly reached in and grabbed him.

The shadow of terror instantly enveloped Galer and the surrounding land for thousands of kilometers.

It raised its head blankly, its colorful single eye reflecting the huge hand that was approaching rapidly.

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