Extreme Demon

Chapter 118 Stability 2

The master of the house is resting in the garden. The boy replied quickly.

Lu Sheng nodded and walked into the mansion, but was suddenly stunned.

On the ground in the middle behind the gate.

Lu Yingying, who had rarely been in contact with her, was actually kneeling on the open space in the center of the mansion under the scorching sun, biting her lips and saying nothing.

She had always been fair and clean, but now she was covered in sweat from the sun, and her clothes clung to her body. There was a layer of white salt on the back of her blue coat, which was left after the sweat dried in the sun. Particles.

Is this...? Lu Sheng frowned and casually called a guard next to him. Miss Fifth, what are you doing?

The guard helplessly replied: The fifth lady is in love with a scholar from the academy. He pointed to his stomach vaguely.

She was pregnant with a child, and the scholar disappeared. I heard that she was locked up at home. She didn't agree with it and even scolded the fifth lady many unpleasant words. When the master found out, he became furious and had a quarrel at home. He also said angry words and refused to admit it. Her daughter, let her go.

Lu Sheng's frown deepened. He had also heard before that Lu Yingying was in love with a scholar. It seemed that the scholar had a very good family background. He originally thought that everything would go well and finally found a good match, but he didn't expect that there would be trouble. This has become the current situation.

Okay, you can continue. Lu Sheng probably knew something about the situation, and strode into the main room. Walking out from the side of the lobby with the Wealth Mansion plaque, it was the current garden of Lu Mansion.

Lu Quan'an was sitting in a corner of the garden, his face ashen, and he was holding the two copper balls he had been playing with tightly.

Dad. Lu Sheng strode over and sat down on a stone bench next to Lu Quan'an. What happened to Fifth Sister?

You're here just in time! Xiaosheng, your fifth sister got involved with a big family in the city, and she's even pregnant with his child!

Tell me! Tell me! A young lady was pregnant before she even came out of the palace. Her belly was getting bigger day by day, and I realized that she suddenly vomited and fainted while shopping yesterday morning. After checking, I found out that she had a happy pulse. Now this matter has been spread, saying My Lu family is from a rural family, uneducated and without rules, and the girls in the family are wild and promiscuous! Lu Quan'an became very angry when he mentioned this matter.

What about the scholar? Lu Sheng frowned. Do you know which one it is?

Someone knows, but I don't know who it is! She won't tell, even if it's life or death. She says she's afraid of ruining their reputation! Lu Quan'an was the most angry. The reputation of others is just a reputation, but the reputation of my Lu family is not? Before I even got through the door, my elbows were focused on others.

But if a girl is still pregnant, wouldn't it be nice to let her kneel under the sun? Lu Sheng said softly.

Xiao Sheng, you should be a capable person now. I don't know how capable you are in this Yanshan City, but if you suggested letting me collect grain before, I'm sure you won't do too badly. Please help me. Look it up and find out which bad guy caused trouble for my Lu Quan'an's daughter! Although my Lu family is small, we are not easy to bully! Lu Quan'an also got angry.

Leave it to me. Lu Sheng nodded.

This family is also a mess. The girl Lu Yingying has always been cold-hearted and selfish in the past, but she didn't expect that she would be captured so easily and she would actually be pregnant with a child.

After lunch, he went back to his bedroom to meditate for a while, took the elixir and powder to help him cope, and continued to practice his internal skills.

Because the yin energy was exhausted, he could only practice internal skills to consolidate his skills.

As for hard skills, after he completed all four hard skills of Jinsha Gong, he then tried other hard skills, such as Baozhuang Gong, but found that it had no effect.

After careful study, he found that after he had reached this level of cultivation, the stimulation required in the rest of the hard skills training process was completely useless to him.

For example, in one of the hard skills, if you want to reach the highest level, you must beat yourself with an iron whip. But for the current Lu Sheng, even if the iron whip is broken, it will do no harm.

There is also a Cloud Thorn Sword. After mastering it, you can continuously hit the iron plate with your palm against the spikes to break the spikes.

But now Lu Sheng slaps him, not to mention the iron thorn, even the iron plate will directly leave a slap mark.

The state reached by this hard function is no longer of any use to him.

He is now practicing Kung Fu, which means he is familiar with and consolidated it. In fact, ordinary martial arts are beyond his reach.

Hard skills were of no use, so Lu Sheng began to try to study the inner skills and mental methods accumulated in the gang in order to break through the ninth level of the Chiji Nine Evils Skill.

Unfortunately, at his level of skill, if he wanted to enter the next level, he felt that he needed too much Yin Qi, and one or two ordinary Yin Qi items were simply not enough. This is the key to his constant attempts to find Yin Qi items.

After completing his daily practice tasks, Lu Sheng slowly stood up.

Qiaoer specially made iced sour plum soup for him and sent it over.

Is Fifth Miss still kneeling? he asked casually.

She's still kneeling. Qiao'er's little face showed a hint of unbearable, The master has issued a death order and won't let anyone get close to help her. If she wants to kneel, let her kneel and die there.

Lu Sheng shook his head. You go and bring some water to Miss Fifth, just say it was my wish.

Qiaoer was immediately happy.

Yes! She couldn't stand it for a long time. A pregnant woman was kneeling in the scorching sun. This was to make her kneel until she had a miscarriage.

But now that Lu Sheng has spoken, the head of the family will probably give him some face. After all, the eldest son actually has the most authority in the Lu family now.

Qiaoer put down the sour plum soup and hurried out. Lu Sheng shook his head speechlessly, picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

After taking a short rest, he left the house and took a car to Xiao Mansion where Xiao Hongye lived.

He serves as the spokesperson of the Shangyang family, Xiao Hongye is the spokesperson of the Wuyou Mansion, and Taoist Baifeng is the director of the Royal Supervision Department.

The three of them together can determine the stability of most of the entire Northland. So there are not many gatherings like this, but there are not many.

Before Lu Sheng arrived at Xiao Mansion, he heard the sound of silk and bamboo coming from afar. When they arrived in front of the mansion, Xiao Hongye took the initiative to greet him with his concubine.

Brother Lu, please come in quickly! Old Taoist Bai Feng and I have been waiting for you until the food and wine have gone cold. Fatty Xiao complained with a smile.

Commander Xiao is joking, how dare I keep you and Master Baifeng waiting. Lu Sheng responded with a smile. Let's go in first.

The two of them entered the mansion together, guarded by servants, walked through the corridor, and walked into a small hall in the innermost part.

Old Taoist Bai Feng was already waiting in the small hall. Besides him, there was a long-haired young man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes sitting on the seat. This person looked at the door on the way, with a proud look on his face. Even when he was facing Xiao Hongye, he ignored them, as if he didn't see the two people coming in.

Please sit down, please sit down. Bai Feng quickly stood up and said with a smile.

Who is this one? Lu Sheng looked at the young man. There must be a reason for this outsider to participate in the small gathering between the three of them.

This one is Master Ling Feng, a master of swordsmanship who has traveled to various countries. Old Taoist Baifeng introduced. Although Mr. Ling comes from the Ling family, which is famous for its swordsmanship, his silver gauze swordsmanship is extremely powerful and he is challenging everyone who has become famous. I heard that Brother Lu's swordsmanship is so good that he can beat Hong Ming, the former top master in the North, the leader of Zihong. .So I came here specifically to ask for advice.”

There seemed to be something unclear hidden in the smiling face of Old Taoist Bai Feng.

Lu Sheng's heart trembled. In fact, he is not from a noble family, but an ordinary person who climbed up step by step.

He has always been worried about being discovered. Once it is discovered that he is a top master who came up from the hard work of a mortal, and can actually fight against people from aristocratic families, the consequences and reactions that will follow are almost impossible to predict.

Now that Bai Feng actually found someone and said he wanted to challenge him, he had to make some guesses as to whether Bai Feng had discovered something.

Gang Leader Lu. Ling Feng slowly stood up and held the hilt of the sword behind his back. I've heard the name of the Sword King of the North for a long time. Although he is just a mortal, he still has some merits. I didn't expect to be replaced by you in a blink of an eye. But it's just a coincidence that you and I are both of the blood of aristocratic families, so it's a fair duel. I don't know what you think. how?

Lu Sheng looked at this man. Although his face was arrogant and contemptuous, his movements and breath were extremely dignified and cautious. It was obvious that he was not as arrogant as he showed, and he was even more sure of it at the moment.

Master Ling has excellent swordsmanship, but it's a pity that my gang leader doesn't use a sword. He said calmly.

Why did Gang Leader Lu refuse? He went all the way to challenge no less than a hundred people. Hearing that Gang Leader Lu's black film was an extremely rare color, he came to ask for advice. Do you plan to avoid fighting? This is not a gang. The courage that a master should have. Ling Feng said in a deep voice. The aura on his body became sharper and sharper, and his whole body was like an unsheathed sword, with a strong and deep energy that was a bit aggressive.

It's just a competition. Brother Lu also asked me to see the style of the battle again. Xiao Hongye laughed.

That's right, that's right. I've long heard that Brother Lu's one-handed Heavenly Sword technique is extremely domineering and extremely powerful. I only watched it from a distance once when I watched the battle, but I didn't have the chance to watch it carefully a second time. Old Taoist Bai Feng followed.

What does Gang Leader Lu mean? Ling Feng stared at Lu Sheng with sharp eyes.

Lu Sheng looked at Xiao Hongye and Baifeng, and then at Ling Feng's sword-holding hand. He pondered for a moment.

Forget it, since both brothers want to see that I am good at swordsmanship, Lu will compete with Brother Ling.

In that case, let's go to the underground school ground. Xiao has dug a large school ground below the mansion specifically for martial arts practice. It will come in handy today. Xiao Hongye immediately suggested.

No need. Lu Sheng turned around, looked at Ling Feng and smiled slightly. Actually, it only takes one move, so let's forget it here.

!!! Ling Feng was startled, and suddenly he felt the pores and hairs on his body standing on end, as if his whole body was being stared at by some kind of terrifying beast. He was frightened, and he swerved to the left with all his strength.


A huge black claw suddenly pressed on his forehead.

It’s over!

This was the last thought that crossed his mind.

boom! ! !

A big hole was opened in the wall of the entire small hall. Lu Sheng grabbed Ling Feng's head with one hand and slammed it against the hard stone wall. His brains and blood exploded. Sprinkled all over the floor.


His right hand had swelled to more than twice the size of a normal person and became no longer human-like. He grabbed Ling Feng and slowly pulled it out from the wall.

Look, it's over. Lu Sheng looked at Old Dao Bai Feng with a smile, stretched out his tongue and licked the blood splattered on his lips.

Bai Feng was sitting on the seat, holding the armrest tightly with his hands, and the smile on his face gradually became stiff.

Ling Feng is dead.

The smile on Xiao Hongye's face disappeared. Although he was just a child of a declining family who challenged him everywhere, he was still a member of the family. Lu Sheng would kill whenever he wanted without any scruples.

Ling Feng's black film didn't even delay for a moment, as if the black film didn't exist at all, it was completely broken by Lu Sheng with brute force. Without the black membrane, there is no immortality.

The most important thing is that Ling Feng died, but he died so quickly that they didn't even see Lu Sheng's true identity, and it was over.

Gang Leader Lu is really the number one master in the North, hahahahaha. Xiao Hongye laughed a few times to break the embarrassment.

Just say this. If you really want to spread the word, you won't be laughed at. Lu Sheng said modestly, retracting his hand and wiping the dirt on Ling Feng's clothes.

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