Extreme Demon

Chapter 1185 Planning 1

A ray of light flashed down from above the black giant, completely enveloping the giant in it.

Is this the legendary light of calculus!!? A member of the sorority looked obsessed.

The light seems to be rippling with extremely tempting delicacies, which can make people intoxicated just by looking at it. It also exudes a rich and penetrating aroma.

The twelve-armed giant roared angrily and was about to struggle, but was immediately covered by a transparent halo, and a look of intoxication quickly appeared on its face.

The arms that had just been raised to attack were quickly lowered in pairs.

As expected of the light of calculus! Even the Chaos Demon above the Chaos Evil Object can be restrained and controlled! Ruolin looked amazed.

After taking control of the twelve-armed giant, Ruolin quickly began to chant the contract incantation.

Now in the entire sisterhood, she is the only one who can contract with the Chaos Demon. She is also the only being in the entire sisterhood who was the first to break through the fifth level of spiritual will.

Lu Sheng stood far away, watching Ruolin begin to fuse and subdue the twelve-armed giant.

Behind the giant, the opened anti-void crack slowly healed, but Lu Sheng had no intention of rushing in.

He had a hunch that if he rushed in now, what might be waiting for him inside would not be a large amount of delicious gray mist, but a large group of heavily guarded Chaos Demon Clan.

Until Ruolin completely contracted the Chaos Demon, he remained motionless and had no intention of taking action.

Soon, the formation duration ended and the anti-void crack disappeared. The Chaos Demon, like other chaotic evil objects, turned into gray mist and flew into the shadow behind Ruolin.


A group of sorority members high-fived each other, and even a princess like Ruolin, who was usually very well-educated and indifferent to emotions and anger, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

It's not that she's timid, but that whether it's the Sisters of Steel or herself, if she really wants to control her destiny, she must have the power in her own hands.

And now, she has power in her hands.

According to the records in the booklet, a Chaos Demon has a combat power equivalent to that of an elite Holy Shield Knights team of the Holy See.

And it's that kind of extremely experienced hunting team. If she really wants to let go unscrupulously, the power Ruolin now controls is enough to easily overturn two elite teams of Holy Shield Knights.

After all, in addition to the Chaos Demon, she also contracted two chaotic evil creatures.

An elite team of Holy Shield Knights is usually composed of thirty elite knights and a knight commander.

With such power, only ten of them can completely destroy an ordinary legion of at least a thousand people.

But now, everything is focused on Princess Ruolin.

Go on, go on. Let me see how much you can endure.

The corner of Lu Sheng's mouth slowly curled up into a smile.

After the twelve-armed giant got into Ruolin's shadow, her body was gradually contaminated by the fused and contracted Chaos Demon, and she gained a large amount of strength and physical lifespan from the Chaos Demon.

A trace of gray air spread from her body.

That's gray fog.

Lu Sheng resisted the instinctive desire to devour the gray liquid in his body and watched calmly as the trace of gray energy dispersed automatically and disappeared into the air.

As expected of a super-powerful universe, it can even block gray mist. But if you can block it once, can you block it the second time?

The summoning was successful.

The strength of the Sisters of Steel has jumped again.

Lu Sheng's application for associate professor was quickly received. And he also became the youngest associate professor in the entire college.

Soon, as time passed, the second person who broke through the fifth-level spirit also appeared, and the Sisters of Steel quickly held a second summons.

Lu Sheng still did not take the opportunity to enter the anti-void this time.

Slowly, the optimized mental training method showed great power, and each core member continued to break through and reached level five.

With Lu Sheng's secret support, most of these core members who had been corroded by the blood of mercury broke through to level five in just half a year.

Chaos demons were summoned one after another.

Lu Sheng never made a move.

A total of eleven chaos demons entered this super-level universe. What they bring to this universe is not just the possible invasion crisis, but the gray mist aura they continuously release.

The gray mist was like rat droppings in a bowl of clear water, clearly conspicuous and contaminating all surrounding energy and matter at an extremely exaggerated speed.

Lu Sheng still didn't move, but the strong men such as Xining and the existence alliance who were hiding in the dark could no longer hold back.

The gray fog is rapidly eroding the pollution of this super universe. Although it will not transform a large area, it can transform a small area, making it easier for Anti-Void to break through and descend. This is the biggest trouble.

Once time passes, the area eroded by the gray mist will completely become a base for the Chaos Demons to come and go at will.

And this is absolutely intolerable.

They were also waiting for Lu Sheng to take action at first, but what surprised them was that Lu Sheng didn't react at all.

The entire Sisterhood of Steel seems to have nothing to do with Lu Sheng.

As time goes by, the erosion of the gray fog is coming to an end.

Soon, as Lu Sheng expected, the Alliance, Xining and others finally couldn't wait any longer.




Blue lightning flashed across the night. It rained heavily.

The woods and walled gardens were shaken by the wind and rain.

Lu Sheng was sitting calmly in a roadside hotel room on the outskirts of Ziteng City.

Beside him, Princess Ruolin and Meng Lisa were sitting opposite each other. There was a chessboard in front of the two girls. On it was the most traditional matte chess game of the Kars Empire.

The so-called matte chess is nothing more than covering some chess-like pieces downwards to play flip chess.

The rules are still very simple: the big one eats the small one. Although it was simple, the two of them still had a great time.

Both Ruolin and Mengsha actually endured too much pressure in their daily lives. Until Lu Sheng came out of nowhere and gave them the Mathematics Network, allowing them to experience the joy of cheating.

The existence of Mathematics Network allows them to easily acquire all kinds of knowledge and skills that others have worked hard to accumulate for a long time.

All the members of the sisterhood have grown from ordinary mediocre mortals to strong men who have contracted with Chaos evil creatures and even Chaos demons. They themselves have become stronger and stronger under the reinforcement of these monsters.

Although they don't know any martial arts, they can crush countless strong men with their physical bodies alone.

Teacher, what do you want us to see when you call us here? After losing another game, Mengsha pushed away the chessboard with an expressionless face and looked at Lu Sheng who was sitting beside her.

Although the three of them were gathered in this room, Lu Sheng didn't say a word from the moment they entered until now. It was just the two of them playing against each other.


Another bolt of lightning pierced the night sky.

Actually, by now, you should have a lot of doubts, right? Lu Sheng said with a smile.

Meng Lisa and Ruolin looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Indeed, if at the beginning, what Lu Sheng did could be explained by a scholar who accidentally discovered a wonderful phenomenon, then now, at the level of summoning the Chaos Demon, a scholar alone can no longer explain this level of power. .

The mathematics network established by Lu Sheng was almost smooth sailing, and there was not a single accident in the summoning ceremony. The power it displays is shocking.

Especially as the membership of the sisterhood continues to expand, and the understanding of the Holy See and the cult becomes deeper and deeper.

In fact, within the sisterhood, there was already some concern about Lu Sheng's origins and intentions.

Ruolin and Mengsha are two of them.

They had been worried that Lu Sheng had some other special purpose in approaching them. But having reached this point, the people of the Sisters of Steel actually have no way out.

Neither they nor the other sisters can escape the life without Mathematics Network.

Their current status, power, talent, and image are almost all closely connected to the mathematics network.

Teacher, what is your purpose? Ruolin looked calm. In fact, she had some suspicions about this from the beginning. It's just that the temptation of Mathematics Network is too great, and she needs its power to assist her too much.

My purpose is very simple. Lu Sheng smiled, In this world, there is a place that you can't see. There is an extremely vast world.

There, there are two groups of people who are extremely afraid of the existence of the Chaos Demon. They do not allow the Chaos Demon to be summoned into this world. I have studied the Chaos Demon for a long time and have achieved great results. I am not willing to let my achievements be left in the dust. Being hidden. I am not willing to let my knowledge and abilities disappear into history as time goes by.

So you will use us to truly apply the results? Meng Lisa said in a deep voice.

That's right. Lu Sheng nodded, I don't have ambitions or much desire. I just want to see the boundless mysterious world behind the Chaos Demon. It is so fascinating. No matter how big the obstacles are, , nothing can stop me from exploring the truth and mysteries! This is also the ideal that we scholars dream of!

As soon as these words came out, the two women showed respect.

A great scholar who pursues truth and reveals mysteries is worthy of respect no matter what.

But what will happen if those two forces find out that we summoned the Chaos Demon? Meng Lisa asked again. This is what worries her the most.

You will be forced to terminate the contract and become normal people again. Lu Sheng said calmly.


The chess piece in Ruolin's hand was crushed to pieces. She put the pieces down expressionlessly.

In other words, there is no possibility of reconciliation?

Lu Sheng glanced at her.

It is impossible to reconcile. The Chaos Demon and them are incompatible with each other. They are opposite types in terms of power, so they will never tolerate our unscrupulous development. Therefore, we need to prepare in advance.

I understand, so you called us here just to confess this matter? You hope to get our support? Ruolin regained her composure.

Yes. Not only that, so far, the number of Chaos Demons in the sisterhood has exceeded double digits. It's time for us to truly show up in the world. Lu Sheng laughed. I want you to be prepared for this. Be prepared to be the target of public criticism.

The two women fell silent at the same time.

But, if those two major forces really attack us, Ruolin said with a hint of worry.

The current Steel Sisters alone are no match for them, but what if we can really get the support of the Chaos Demon Clan? Lu Sheng smiled.

This is his true purpose.

The mathematical network he developed, Mercury's Blood, serves this purpose.

The blood of mercury can transform a person into a physique most suitable for attracting chaos demons and anti-void creatures.

So as long as he really relaxes the restrictions and summons a large number of Chaos Demons,

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