Extreme Demon

Chapter 1183 Ceremony 1

In the vast dark void.

The mother river meanders to an invisible end, and through the translucent inner wall, you can see the countless rivers flowing through it.

The universes of different sizes on the inner wall are clearly visible like suckers, rotating at a constant speed.

Xining was dressed in black and purple armor, with an ancient and majestic aura of nothingness lingering behind him, and he was holding a long sword shining with red light in his hand.

Are you really planning to help him break through the Anti-Void?

He looked at the empty darkness opposite with a half-smile, as if there was something lingering there.

As the words vibrated and passed, a gray-white figure slowly emerged from the void. The figure was holding a cage scepter, and large translucent tentacles continued to spread out from the top of the scepter.

It is one of the two leaders of the Existence Alliance, the Star Hunter.

Star Hunter looked indifferent, stretched out his hand and gently spread it out, and there was a tiny gray-white vortex slowly condensing in his palm.

Of course it's true. Anti-void has always been a hidden danger for us. Wouldn't it be better to take this opportunity to completely solve it?

Is this what you really think? Xining sneered, Don't lie to me, you and I should know that even if you and I are at the top, as long as we exist, as long as we are alive, there will be joy, anger, sorrow, and pity. , Emotion is a part of life, and desire is the continuation of emotion. Or do you want to come up with your theory that all living beings are equal and time and space rotate?

The Star Hunter was silent for a moment and did not speak.

Seeing this, Xi Ning sneered again.

You and I both know what is in the counter-void. Chaos demons are just ordinary existences living in it. Since there are true seals of death and eternal particles in the positive void, hey, they are in the counter-void.

Don't you also have this idea? Star Hunter said calmly.

But I won't be so hypocritical. Everything I said is the truth. What I told Lu Sheng was all true. I just said it less. Xining raised his eyebrows.

I didn't lie either. Star Hunter said calmly.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and both saw similar things in each other's eyes.

I've already informed the Chaos Demon. As long as he opens the gap, I can't tell what the result will be. If you have an idea, you can seize the opportunity. Xining turned around and flew into the distance in the blink of an eye. Then he left the place and disappeared into the darkness.

Star Hunter was silent. Holding the scepter in his hand, he turned around and slowly approached the outer wall of the mother river, disappearing into the hazy river water.



The development speed of the Sisters of Steel is far beyond everyone's imagination. In just five months, it has covered most of the Kars Empire.

In Ziteng City where Lu Sheng is located and nearby Baiwu City, most of the female elites have become members of the sisterhood.

The reason why it can expand so fast is actually very simple.

First, the conditions for joining the sisterhood are very simple. You only need to take an oath and recite a series of special numbers to complete the joining ceremony.

Second, joining a sorority can provide you with a certain degree of tax relief. Especially for high-income people.

These tax exemptions are actually preferential treatment obtained by Princess Ruolin through her own efforts.

Princess Ruolin originally did not have so much authority, but at a royal reception, she made a bet with His Majesty the Emperor and won the condition by eloquently speaking alone to three experts in court literature and history.

It also secured enough development space for the Sisters of Steel.

Although this move brought the Sisters of Steel to the forefront, everyone noticed this new organization.

But compared to the huge gains from the sisterhood, Ruolin thinks there is nothing unworthy.

There are more and more knowledge packages on the Mathematics Internet, and the database that members of the core sisterhood can mobilize is also getting larger and larger. Their image in the outside world continues to evolve into powerful female elites with profound knowledge and ever-changing abilities.

And because when facing different situations, we can support each other through the mathematics network at any time, borrow each other's strength, and make suggestions.

The core members of the sorority are growing incredibly fast.

In just six months, it transformed from a loose regional organization into a large-scale women's organization that spread across the country.

Seventeen of the female members have successfully become the most dazzling female models in the entire empire.

Their families, their status and rights in the family have all undergone earth-shaking changes.

Lu Sheng, on the other hand, lived in seclusion behind the scenes, quietly waiting for the fruit to mature.

Time passed slowly, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The ceremony for the first true sacrificial call in the Sisterhood was finally ready.

In order to avoid the Holy See having special means to trace it, the members of the Sisterhood placed the summoning ceremony at the most remote border of the empire, in an abandoned town called Sayres.

It takes five days to drive straight from Ziteng City where Lu Sheng is located.

If we work harder and keep changing horses, we can shorten the time to 70% of the normal time, which is a little more than three days.

In order for this summons to go smoothly, Lu Sheng asked for leave from the college in advance, said hello to his mother at home, and asked Kasha to come and visit occasionally. To prevent my mother from getting drunk and dying at home.

As for himself, he rushed to the abandoned town of Sayres in person. Somehow, the closer the call came, the more Lu Sheng felt bad.




Abandoned houses were leaking air everywhere, with large and small holes visible in their roofs, windows, doors and walls.

To the north of the town, in the deserted cemetery.

Erin of the Sisterhood was the core student who first discovered the feasibility of the summoning ritual.

At this time, she was wearing a pink dress and a white vest, holding a noble fan in her hand and shaking it gently.

She stood on the edge of the cemetery and stared at Su Li and others who were carefully carving formation patterns in an open space inside.

There were a total of five people present, all core members of the Sisters of Steel.

Lu Sheng, on the other hand, was hiding in a house not far away. The house was next to the cemetery and he could arrive in time to intervene at any time.

Through the dusty curtains, I looked at the cemetery below.

Lu Sheng was playing with a gold pen that was only given to him by the students.

The motion to adjust your position in the college has been submitted. It is mainly promoted by the Yilan family. A beautiful woman with waist-length blond hair behind him said softly.

Is it the proposal to apply for me to be a professor in the college? Lu Sheng asked in return.

Yes, to be precise, you are an associate professor. Your application for the position was promoted actively by the Yilan family, with Princess Ruolin as the assistant. It shouldn't be a big problem, after all, you are just an associate professor. Our purpose is to hope that you can Really grasp the real power of Wisteria College. Therefore, it is best for the next proposal to be a full professor and be responsible for certain affairs within the college.

Really? Actually, I don't want to be more of a course instructor. Having you in this class already makes me tired enough. Lu Sheng said with a smile. I don't want to build a second math network.

Actually, your physical condition does not allow the existence of a second mathematical network. The blond woman nodded with a smile.

It's a pity that the current sisterhood is still too small. If we can develop more members, by then, the entire empire will be our back garden. The woman regretted.

Perhaps this is fate. But I will continue to delve into relevant problems, and maybe I can find a disguised solution. Lu Sheng replied.

Really? Then it all depends on you, tutor. Praise for mathematics.

Praise mathematics. Lu Sheng nodded.

The blonde woman turned and left the room. She had to clear all the obstacles and hidden dangers around her for the entire summoning ceremony.

In addition, there are people who are responsible for cleaning up the fluctuating aura that may be transmitted.

From the memories of the nuns of the Holy See, they learned that using a material called black tree stone can greatly weaken the fluctuations in the spread of the summoning ritual.

Therefore, this ceremony also successfully obtained a large number of black tree stones and placed them around.

Lu Sheng came back to his senses and continued to lift a corner of the curtain, looking down at the cemetery below.

Erin there has officially begun chanting the summoning incantation.

The formation pattern carved on the ground is creating subtle whirlwinds as the mantras are chanted. The wind seemed to have stagnated, spinning and swirling above the formation without any sign of leaving.

Lu Sheng squinted his eyes and stared at the wind on the formation diagram. He could sense that subtle, indescribable aura was spreading in all directions from the center of the whirlwind.


A touch of gray gradually emerged in the air, then grew larger and larger, becoming more and more numerous.

Irene chanted the summoning spell repeatedly below, her delicately made-up face showing a look of horror and excitement.

The two members of the Iron Sisters on the side were each holding a short bow, and an exorcism arrow that had been blessed by a senior cleric of the Holy See was set on the bow.

Be ready to deal devastating blows to the summoned chaotic evil creatures at any time.

The gray in the whirlwind is getting bigger and more numerous.

Suddenly, a thick gray arm suddenly burst out of the gray.

It was a strong arm covered with sharp scales, with five fingers, nails as sharp as knives, and a tuft of black hair on the palm.

After the arms stretched out, followed by the shoulders, head, and half of the body soon completely left the gray color.

In less than half a minute, this chaotic evil thing summoned from the distant void appeared in front of everyone.


This is a snake-headed man with messy black hair all over his body.

Its head is a giant snake, its body is a human body, but there are three long dark red tails behind it, and its eyes are burning with two groups of gray flames.

It's really rare. I didn't expect that the ones who summoned me would be such cute little guys. The chaotic evil thing spit out the scarlet core, and the gray fire kept beating in its cold eyes, giving people a strong sense of danger. It seemed as if it might pounce towards the three people in front of it at any time.

Chaos Evil Lal, please abide by the agreement between us. You will become my sword and my shield, clearing all obstacles for me, everything.

Bang! !

Before Irene's follow-up control was finished, she was interrupted by the snake-headed man stepping on the ground with a loud noise.

The ground shook slightly, and the snake-headed man laughed ferociously, and suddenly rushed towards Irene.

He was extremely fast, comparable to an arrow from a string. Before the other two women could shoot the exorcism arrows, he was already in front of Irene. Raise your right palm high and smash it down.

Praise for the high number!! Suddenly a long chanting sound came from a distance.

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