Extreme Demon

Chapter 1180 Guidance 2

What the hell!

Lu Sheng finally understood why those few people were so devout and the real cultists didn't develop them. The development of this IQ is also a source of fire for oneself.

The hearing of Luo Fula in front of her was not as sharp as Lu Sheng's, and she could only vaguely hear a little bit of sound.

After forcing a smile, Lu Sheng briefly asked about the current situation of Luo Fula in front of him, and Luo Fula also answered respectfully.

If you have any trouble, you can come to me and ask. Maybe I can give you some help. Within my ability. Lu Sheng decided to develop another downline. Without caring about the discovery of the church, the more priests who pray to Anti-Void, the more likely they are to attract the attention of the Chaos Demon there.

I've already troubled you a lot. Luo Fula said guiltily. Looking at the teacher in front of her, she recalled the dark scene hidden in the church. She couldn't help it for a moment and wanted to talk to him, but what's the point? What to use?

There will be no consequences other than hurting the teacher. Facing the powerful church, no one can resist and escape from such a whirlpool.

Don't be afraid. If you are afraid, you can try reciting these silently in your heart. Lu Sheng took out a piece of paper from his pocket, tore half of it off, and scrawled on it the revised sacrificial incantation.

This is a prayer I compiled myself after I started practicing psychology. I can use the power of sound to comfort myself and calm my inner fear and uneasiness. I give it to you.

He thrust the note into the girl's hand.

Go, child, and may the Holy Light protect you.

Thank you, teacher. The Lord will definitely protect a good person like you. Luo Fula held the note gratefully, bent her knees again, and watched Lu Sheng walk into the door until the door closed. Only then did she take out the note in her hand, unfold it, and read it carefully.

There is not much content on it, just a paragraph, an inexplicable prayer mixed with syllables.

In the end, he told her not to spread the word.

Luo Fula found it and recited it silently, and found that her heart really calmed down a little.

For a moment, she seemed to have grasped some kind of life-saving straw. She held the note tightly, bowed gratefully towards the door of Teacher Ysera's house, and then turned and left.

Even while walking to the church, she kept reciting this magical text silently along the way.

Just meditating silently without a sacrifice won't work. It won't attract Anti-Void's attention at all. Lu Sheng leaned against the door and thought quietly.

So, what kind of person is willing to take the initiative to collect sacrifices and seek help from the anti-Void Chaos Demon?

The answer is, people who are desperate. Lu Sheng smiled slightly and found his target.

In such a gloomy era, everything else may be lacking, but the only thing that will not be lacking is despair.



Three days later, Wisteria College.

The students who had graduated, together with Lu Sheng, held a final dinner together in the academy, which was regarded as a teacher-appreciation banquet.

The fee is shared equally among all students and paid to the college canteen.

The setting is in the classroom where they teach. This is the fourth event, and it is held exclusively for Ysera.

Ysera is one of the lecturers. At the same time, because of his kind heart and extremely beautiful appearance, he is very popular among many students. Many men and women have a certain implicit admiration for him.

In the entire class, there are three male students and seventeen female students, a total of twenty people. Dining is buffet style and you can take your own food.

There is a chef in the canteen who specializes in grilling lamb chops for everyone, and a large number of fruit dishes are placed on the long table.

But the atmosphere in the banquet hall was rather depressing.

Because more than half of the girls present had to face the fate of marriage arranged by the family when they returned to the family after graduation.

This is irresistible, just like they have enjoyed the generous life of their family since they were born. After further studies at the academy, they learned etiquette, dance, music, mathematics, etc. to improve their self-cultivation.

And these, to a large extent, are for the purpose of marrying into a better family in the future.

No one likes this arrangement. The girls were whispering, their faces and eyes showing uneasiness and fear about their future fate. Even the most obedient girl who is content with the status quo is at best submissive and indifferent.

After all, no one would have feelings or expectations for a fiancé they have never met.

All teachers’ banquets are separate.

Today, it is Ysera's turn to accept this teacher-appreciation banquet.

He sat alone among a group of students, listening with a smile as each student stood up and said words of thanks and farewell to him. It seems no different from a normal lecturer.

In the past few days, he has already begun to improve and strengthen his physical body.

He did not use the power of his body, but only used the basic sword-slaying skills that this body had mastered to crazily improve them with his divine power.

In a few days, the stabbing sword skill, which was originally only nine levels, was improved to more than 300 levels in one go. It can be said that he barely has the power to protect himself.

Then, after studying the rules of this world, he used his strengthened body to successfully tap into a trace of the extraordinary power unique to this place.

It is a special power contained in the blood. Some are similar to vampires, using blood to gain stronger strength and longevity.

Even without relying on the main body, Lu Sheng relied on Deep Blue to quickly deduce the advanced level of this blood energy - a light silver blood essence.

He named this blood essence blood of mercury.

Now, it’s time to truly expand the scale of the sacrifices

Although it is possible to fight alone, it is too inefficient. Moreover, Anti-Void has already remembered his spirit, and if he offers sacrifices in person, the other side will definitely not open the door.

He must hide and find someone else who is completely unrelated to start the sacrifice in order to successfully paralyze the Chaos Demon. As long as a small gap is opened, he can take advantage of it and cooperate with Xining and others to rush into the Chaos Clan.

I sincerely wish Teacher Ysera that she can find her partner the next time the wisteria blooms. Thank you for your teachings to us in the past three years. The last silver-haired girl faced Lu Shengshen. After bowing deeply, this ceremony of taking turns to express gratitude was truly concluded.

Next, the twenty students all looked at Lu Sheng.

He personally delivered a speech to conclude the teacher-appreciation banquet.

Lu Sheng slowly stood up.

I believe you are tired of hearing beautiful words from other teachers, so I won't say them here. He had a relaxed smile on his face.

In that case, let me be practical. He paused and looked around at everyone present.

I believe that most of you here will face the helplessness of marriage and family distribution after graduation.

The students present all quieted down slightly. Those who were a little distracted before suddenly heard Lu Sheng directly point out the dilemma in such straightforward words, and they were all a little surprised and surprised.

He noticed that everyone's eyes were on him. Lu Sheng picked up the wine glass and let the light blue wine slide gently into his lips.

Do you know why you are facing such a dilemma? He smiled, The boys among you have to go back to accept the family arrangement and get married to a woman you have never met.

Girls have no choice, and their marriage partner may even be an old man over fifty years old.

Teacher, what do you want to say? Can you be more direct? A frosty girl with a ponytail said calmly.

She is the most prominent among this group of female students, named Ruolin Shadi. She is the thirty-seventh princess of the imperial royal family.

There are more than 300 princes and princesses in the empire, scattered across the country. Although many of them have noble status, their lives are not as good as those of ordinary nobles.

She is not the only princess in Wisteria Academy, there are more than ten others. But she was the only one who happened to be in Ysera's class.

What I want to say is Lu Sheng stood up. Put down the glass. His arm gently drew a strange arc, and a strange-looking gesture danced between his fingers and flashed by.

Many students did not notice this detail at all, but upon hearing his words, their attention was focused on Lu Sheng's face.

They were somewhat hopeful that perhaps this mentor, who had always been kind to them, could give some good advice at the last banquet.

Although everyone understands that this is very slim.

Lu Sheng smiled and propped his hands on the table.

You are missing something.

Same, something that can get you out of this kind of life.

Teacher, what exactly is it? Please tell me clearly. A fat girl stood up and said hurriedly. There was some expectation on his face.

No matter how much they learn to cultivate etiquette, they are still boys and girls under the age of twenty. It's about to mature, but it's still a little bit rough.

Unsteady, immature, impetuous, green, and easily incited. This is a common characteristic of this age.

There may be a few people who stay awake, but that's meaningless. When everyone around them behaves the same, a few here and there are nothing to worry about.

The torrent of thoughts will sweep them into a frenzy.

It's power!

The smile on Lu Sheng's face slowly subsided and was replaced by solemnity.

You are faced with the fear of production, the fear of being dominated, and the fear of being unprotected. Lu Sheng used three parallels in a row to highlight his key points.

But why do other brothers and sisters rarely have such troubles? You should think about what kind of peers around you can avoid such difficulties?

After speaking, many students present were stunned. Princess Ruolin breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not the content of a cult's preaching as she had guessed, but just the spread of unusual ideas. Such ideological trends are not uncommon in today's aristocratic circles, and many orators are lobbying those in power everywhere.

Most of them use this method to lead ignorant people into their own traps.

But at this time, she had to admit that what the mentor said was indeed the key reason why they were facing difficulties.

So, what do you mean? Ruolin asked aloud after being silent for a moment.

Lu Sheng opened his arms.

Power! Only by mastering power can you control your own destiny!

Reproduction is just a symbol of the incompetent and weak. Because they are placing their unachievable parts on the next generation.

And a truly strong person doesn't need to have children!

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