Extreme Demon

Chapter 1173 Swallowing 1

Not bad. Lu Sheng looked solemn.

I also discovered black holes by accident. I originally thought they were just ordinary space, but I didn't expect that there are actually several black holes of different sizes surrounding us.

How many? How many exactly?? Wei Dazhuang said solemnly.

Three Lu Sheng thought about it and felt that it was a bit missing. .Thirty!

So many!? Wei Dazhuang was stunned.

Yes. After my investigation, only the Four Gods Religion has the ability to completely eliminate the influence of black holes. This is why I agreed to become a mediator. Lu Sheng said seriously. Now, you should know my good intentions, right?

Wei Dazhuang was silent.

At this time, a large number of items rolled up by the tornado flew down like raindrops.

Several S-class heroes from the League of Heroes fell to the ground like rubbish, like a few pools of jelly, their bodies were weak and unable to move.

Lu Sheng shook his head and pointed at Carter and others on the ground.

Or do you think that just relying on these people can completely eliminate the influence of black holes?

Wei Dazhuang looked at Carter and others on the ground. There was indeed a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Then, how can you prove that what you said is true? he finally asked. In fact, now, he already somewhat believes it. Because of the strength of this man at first glance, lying was meaningless to him.

It's very simple. The black hole is there and will not change or disappear due to any factors. You will know when you go there and see for yourself. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Wei Dazhuang couldn't help but believe a little more.

The last request. I hope you can agree. Of course, I know that you are not obliged to agree, so it's up to you. Wei Dazhuang said calmly.

What request? Lu Sheng asked. He had actually guessed a little bit of what the other party wanted to say.

Fight with me. Wei Dazhuang said seriously.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment.

I don't want to kill you. He also saw that Wei Dazhuang was a principled and bottom-line person, different from those he had killed before.

Except for those who were accidentally injured, Lu Sheng had never killed any innocent person.

So he can pat his chest and say he has a clear conscience.

It doesn't matter, just have a fight with me. Wei Dazhuang was a little speechless. He has been invincible for too long, and he finally encounters an opponent who seems to be able to beat him, so naturally he will not let him go easily.

But I really don't want to kill you. Lu Sheng frowned.

It doesn't matter, I'm not that fragile yet. Wei Dazhuang was helpless.

I can hold back on other people, but for you, because the gap between this body and yours is not too big, I can't hold back. If I go too far, I will probably kill you on the spot. Are you really sure you want to fight me? ? Lu Sheng asked solemnly again.

Unexpectedly, Wei Dazhuang became even more excited when he heard these words.

In other words, do you know how strong I am?

Of course. You can destroy this planet with all your strength. Lu Sheng nodded.

Wei Dazhuang was slightly startled. He knew that he had the strength to destroy everything nearby, but this was the first time he heard of destroying the planet.

In other words, you can easily destroy this planet? he asked.

Of course. In other words, a fight between the two of us is likely to destroy the world in an instant. Lu Sheng said calmly, So, you can use a move against me. It should be fine if you hit it with all your strength in outer space.

That's fine. Wei Dazhuang slowly stood up.

Lu Sheng also showed a look of interest. He was basically certain that he was the most powerful person in the entire universe.

He also wanted to test the limits of this man's strength.


Suddenly, the surrounding space and time began to vibrate.

Space quickly thickens like mud in a swamp, and time seems to have been pressed on the slowdown button, becoming slower and slower.

The powerful fist curled up around his waist seemed to be the source of all vibrations, constantly sending out subtle vibrations.

This kind of fluctuation is transmitted along time and space to all matter, and the intensity is getting bigger and bigger.

One punch. His entire arm was slowly wrapped with a white airflow-like object. His eyes were like stars about to explode, filled with a sharp will that could be chopped into pieces even with a knife.

The ground trembled, and huge boulders cracked from the ground and floated into the air. Then it is quickly broken into smaller pieces.

Lu Sheng also slowly stretched out his palm, and the same huge and dull vibrations spread from his palm.

Power that far exceeds the strength of a volcano can burst out of his body at any time.

No more fighting. Wei Dazhuang suddenly straightened up, and all the abnormalities on his body were retracted.

The boulders around him had not risen much before they automatically fell down again.

Huh? Lu Sheng was stunned and then retracted his hand.

As soon as the two stopped, all the abnormalities around them returned to normal.

I believe what you said. Wei Dazhuang looked calm, turned around and flew towards the distance.

He actually left like that for no reason?

Carter and the others lay weakly on the ground, almost vomiting blood when they saw this scene.

It took a lot of effort to find someone who could stand up to the mediator, but unexpectedly it ended without even starting a fight.

Lu Sheng watched Wei Dazhuang leave, and he could probably guess why the other party planned to leave.

Their power is so powerful that even if they just exchange a punch, the aftermath will cause huge damage to the creatures on this planet.

This is also Wei Dazhuang's only concern.

What a kindness. A strong man bound by kindness. Lu Sheng praised. He glanced at Carter and the others below. No more nonsense, he turned around and flew in the direction he came from.

Just as Wei Dazhuang guessed.

Both of them are beings who have reached the maximum limit of this universe. Once they take action, the power produced is terrifying, and the aftermath alone will indeed have an indelible impact on the planet.

For example, giant tsunamis, continental plate migration, multiple volcanic eruptions, and if you are lucky, about one-third of the life on the surface will die.

If you have bad luck, there is nothing to say.

If it were someone else, Wei Dazhuang might have the strength to solve everything.

After testing out his strength, Lu Sheng had a clear understanding.

It's a pity that the nature of his power is too simple and unable to fight against special structural phenomena such as black holes.

But if Wei Dazhuang wanted to, he could actually die with this body and destroy everything.

It's a pity that he can't be cruel.

Lu Sheng thought for a while and decided to do Wei Dazhuang a favor.

Finally, he took a look at the ruins of the Heroes Association headquarters below. Lu Sheng turned around and disappeared in a flash.



Five days later, thirty black holes slowly formed in the space around the planet.

In a situation where the League of Heroes was basically destroyed, the Four Gods Religion surfaced. Countless people joined the faith, prayed to the Four Gods, and begged for protection.

As a result, four huge energy shields divided the entire planet into four major areas, each of which was guarded by four gods.

And the huge gravitational force formed by the combination of thirty black holes began to crazily devour everything around it, whether it was matter, energy, or light.

All of them were transformed into cosmic source power under their terrifying gravity.

The transformed cosmic source power was collected by Lu Sheng in the counter space, and he continuously used the control of the mind world to extract the divine power from it.

Under such stimulation, Lu Sheng could absorb millions of spiritual powers in one day.

This is before the black hole fully expands.

After tasting the sweetness, he immediately began to place special black holes of his own design everywhere in other parts of the universe.

The birth of a black hole is very simple. You only need to find a star and continuously accelerate its burning. The energy of the burning star can also be used as a reserve energy and sent to the world of mind for other purposes.

Lu Sheng, who possesses the power of gray liquid, can completely devour and transform all other powers regardless of everything. Whether it is the power of existence or the power of nothingness. The black hole is a phenomenon that is right between the power of existence and the power of nothingness.

Soon, in just three days, Lu Shengli used his mental world projection to create more and more black holes everywhere in the universe.

At first there were only a few dozen, then gradually there were hundreds or thousands.

The amount of spiritual power coming in is increasing.

The entire universe was gradually minced into chaos by black holes like meat grinders.

Energy and matter are mixed together, and time and space are largely frozen.

And the amount of spiritual power Lu Sheng earned increased from millions per day to tens of millions, hundreds of millions. Billions.

The time at this time can only be calculated according to his own biological clock.

In the time of the outside universe, except for the only planet under his protection that is still rotating, the other surrounding stars have been gradually swallowed by the black hole.

The universe, which was originally small, has quickly come to an end under the influence of human beings.

And Lu Sheng, in order to save living beings, also began to issue oracles, ordering all major races in the telepathic world to save all life forms on different planets.

A large number of creatures and planets are gradually being pulled into the world of mind.

From the perspective of the mother river, this purple universe, which should have been as big as a football, is shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. And layers of ugly wrinkles appeared on the skin.

Like grapes that have lost their moisture.

Time passes slowly.

I don’t know how long it took.

The entire purple grape suddenly shrank and completely condensed into a black-purple bead, and then with a bang, it completely shattered and exploded.

From the powder, a red shadow jumped out. Floating in the darkness of nothingness, using the light emitted by the vines of the mother river, I looked at the powder floating around.

Fortunately, everything was transferred to the mind world at the last moment. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Completely absorbing the source power of this universe allowed him to finally digest the space and time of the universe that he had swallowed before.

And the beings living in that universe were successfully transferred to the world of mind without any sound. Become a part of His people.

There are only a dozen or so planets, and if they are thrown into the vast and sparsely populated world of the mind, they cannot even make waves.

The current Rabbit Buddha clan alone far outnumbers these people.

I've become a lot stronger and have more energy and food reserves. But it's still not enough. I have to eat a few more. Lu Sheng's eyes scanned the vines of the mother river, and then scanned the surrounding void and darkness.

The universe on the mother river looks very delicious, but after all, it is my hometown, so eating too much is not good.

It’s better to look for it in the darkness of nothingness. If you really can’t find it, dig into the corner of the mother river.

Anyway, there are so many universes in Mother River, so it shouldn’t matter how many of them he eats.

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