Extreme Demon

Chapter 1170 Comprehensive 2

The sergeant leading the team and several professors nodded familiarly. Then he bowed slightly to Lu Sheng.

It is a pleasure to see the noble Mediator here. Lamb of Thousand Wolves, salute you.

As soon as he saluted, a group of police officers who came in behind him quickly followed suit. There were seventy-five special police officers in total, all of them followers of the Thousand-Headed Wolf God Sect.

The next step is up to you. The professor of the Department of Physics said sternly, Our people from the Procuratorate, the court, the auditorium, the lawyers, all of us have just sent letters to me, and we can go through the process normally at any time.

Understood. Such heinous crimes are of course severely punished by law. You are all good citizens who have acted bravely. Go back and have a good rest. You have worked hard all night. I will help you with the transcripts and other matters. The police chief patted the professor's shoulder with understanding.

Anyway, all the people who can be found in the auditorium of the court, procuratorate, and various law firms are taught by the Colorful Dragon King.

After the police chief exchanged polite words with several professors, he walked up to Pambo, the tied-up spiny starfish.

Whatever you are looking at, take it back with you! He kicked Pan Bo on the ground.

Officer, we belong to the League of Heroes. Do you know what you are doing now? Pang Bo, the sea star, looked calm. The League of Heroes is not some kitten or puppy. As an A-level hero, he is not a human being. If you dare to catch them, you can catch them.

Although A-level is not as good as S-level, it is still the face of the federation it represents. With the huge force of the Heroes Association, as long as the other party dares to arrest him, the police station here will be bombed tomorrow.

You dare to threaten me? Threatening a police officer who is performing his official duties is an assault on a police officer! Attacking a police officer is a serious provocation to the entire police system. The police chief raised his eyebrows, You're done, just wait until you're put in jail. you!

Then, no matter how many threats and arguments the Thorny Starfish tried, he ignored them. While praising the Thousand-Headed Wolf God, he asked people to put all the people into the police car and take them away.

Lu Sheng looked on and had a toothache.

The four divine religions cooperated for the first time, and all aspects of their actions were perfect.

Collusion between inside and outside, no, it should be called inside-and-outside cooperation. As long as a member of the Heroes Association enters the cell, it will be even harder to get out than to go to heaven.

Germain and others who followed behind, as well as some servants who were hiding, were all stunned at this moment.

A large-scale attack by the League of Heroes was completely disintegrated in less than an hour.

He also managed to capture two A-level heroes.

Groups of Hero Federation soldiers were handcuffed and taken away.

The last person to be taken away was the Silver Star Swordsman.

This guy also had a layer of invisible protection on her body, which seemed to be a stronger being left on her body to protect her safety.

She sat on the ground, ignoring the companions who were taken away, but stared straight at the professor of the philosophy department.

This was the one who just forced her down and beat her violently for more than ten minutes, but she was still unable to resist.

She used to think that these divine religions were nothing more than petty fighting and vulnerable to attack, but now she realized that this was no longer the level of petty fighting.

You think you have completely won this time? It's ridiculous. Silver Star Swordsman said coldly, This failure is just for the Heroes' Association to truly recognize you. Those ten S-class beings are not as simple as you think.

Without confrontation with forces of the same level, any one of them can easily destroy any of your so-called divine religions.

Lu Sheng shook his head with a smile.

This guy doesn't understand anything at all. Faith and heroes are actually not in conflict.

So far in the League of Heroes, many heroes have actually been absorbed into the Four Gods Religion.

They originally had special powers, but after being strengthened by their faith, their strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The S-class hero is powerful, but how many A-class heroes can he deal with? The human sea tactic alone can kill them all.

The Silver Star Swordsman's face slowly calmed down. His eyes fell on Lu Sheng.

We lost this time. Next time, next time I will come back. By then, it will not be as gentle as now.


In an instant, a ray of golden light fell straight from the sky, accurately shining on her body and wrapping her inside.

A big golden hand descended from the golden light and grabbed straight at the Silver Star Swordsman.

My father is here to pick me up. Goodbye. Everyone from the Four Gods Sect. The Silver Star Swordsman's face was cold, and he deeply remembered the faces of the group of people in front of him.

She will take revenge, for sure!

The police officers and chemistry students who were guarding him were forced to take several steps back by the pressure of the golden light, not daring to get close.


One of the big hands came down hard and wrapped the Silver Star Swordsman in his hand.

Goodbye. Her lips moved slightly and her body slowly rose.

Lu Sheng raised his head and looked at her, suddenly stretched out his index finger and moved forward.

An invisible ripple suddenly flew out from the fingertips and flew into the sky along the golden light.

The fluctuation instantly broke through the atmosphere and stabbed a silver-white humanoid mecha suspended in the orbit of space.

The huge mecha's eyes glowed with silver, its arms were raised like lightning, and a hand shield popped up in front of it.

Bang! ! !

The mecha was shaken by the huge impact.

But then, invisible fluctuations suddenly spread throughout his body.

boom! !

The entire mecha exploded and turned into an orange fireball.

The golden light beam pulling the Silver Star Swordsman was also suddenly disconnected.

She fell from the air with a confused look on her face and half-knelt on the ground.

What happened? What's going on? Where is here?

Take it away. Lu Sheng shook his head and was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Now that it has been exposed, he is too lazy to play the role of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. It is best to solve the matter as quickly as possible.

At the latest the day after tomorrow, I will go to the Heroes Association headquarters in person. He said calmly.

The surrounding senior leaders of the Four God Religions bowed their heads to show respect.

At the same time, he is also proud of the foundation of his divine religion. Compared with some bullshit heroes, the power of gods is truly irresistible. Their initial choice now seems to have a high probability of being correct.

Of course, this is under the premise that the mediator, who represents the highest combat power of the Four God Religions, can escape from the Heroes Association.

Now that no one has been promoted to the pope, the mediator has become the only pillar that can support the development of the Four Gods Religion.

The matter was resolved, and everyone was taken away by the police of the Thousand-Headed Wolf God Cult. As believers of the Cult, they can naturally summon monsters from the Star Temple to merge with themselves and gain super powers. It is not easy to suppress these members of the Heroes Association who have been severely damaged.

What Lu Sheng has to do now is to formally explain to Hal's family.

He turned around and looked at Germain, who was completely silent.

Is there anything you want to ask? While there is still time, I have to go to the Heroes Association in two days.

Germain looked complicated. Now he finally understood why Lu Sheng was unwilling to accept important positions and shares in the group.

It's not that he is too ordinary, but that he doesn't care at all.

However, from an ordinary long-lost shop owner to a powerful transcendent who suppresses the S-class heroes of the League of Heroes. The gap between them is really too big.

Until now, he was still in a dream and couldn't believe that what he saw was reality.

There was even a moment when he thought Lu Sheng was being impersonated.

Are you the mediator that the four major religious sects have been promoting for a long time? Germain asked hesitantly.

Well, as you can see. Lu Sheng nodded. “Faith and talent have given me unparalleled strength.”

Suddenly, he saw the faces of Germain and Enna in front of him changed drastically.

Watch what's behind you!! Enna screamed, swooping over and about to rush over.


There was a gunshot.

A spark suddenly lit up on the back of Lu Sheng's head. It seemed like something had been ejected.

He looked at the two of them doubtfully, and then understood.

It's okay. He stretched out his hand, and an armed soldier behind him who was attacking him slowly floated up. The gun in his hand and his whole body quickly began to glow with white frost. In less than three seconds, it was completely frozen. A white ice sculpture.

Bang! !

The ice sculpture fell to the ground, shattering into countless ice cubes with the man armed with a gun and a look of horror on his face.

I won't die. Lu Sheng smiled and said, Even I don't know how to kill myself. Let alone these little tricks. Let's go, let's find a place to sit down.

Germain looked dull, stretched his hand forward, and then slowly and awkwardly retracted it.

So handsome!! Cool!! Enna's expression of horror and worry just now turned into shock and admiration.

She rushed to Lu Sheng and touched his hand carefully.

Holy shit! It's hot! It's hot!!!

These are the hands of the legendary S-class hero!? Oh my god! It turns out that the hands of S-class heroes are also hot!? Enna shouted with a feverish expression. The aristocratic demeanor of the eldest lady is completely gone.

Except for being too strong, I am actually just an ordinary person, no different from ordinary people. Lu Sheng said speechlessly.

But you and I are brothers and sisters, why do I have no power at all? Enna suddenly said unwillingly.

Maybe it's because of faith. Lu Sheng smiled gently.

Then Germain wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by his wife Ivanova. As a mother, she was more concerned about how much Lu Sheng had suffered to get to this point.

After asking a few questions, the mother quickly hugged Lu Sheng and cried bitterly.

By the way. Did you just say that you were going to the Heroes Association? Germain asked suddenly. Are you going alone? Is it too dangerous?

It doesn't matter. I'm enough on my own. But I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until that time. Lu Sheng smiled.

After suffering such a big loss and having captured so many people from the League of Heroes, the Four Gods Sect will definitely fight back immediately.

Not to mention the day after tomorrow, I'm afraid they have already started taking action now.

But now he is still a mediator, so it is not conducive to jump out and take action directly. Let's first look at the strength of the Four Gods Religion.

Finally, we have the opportunity to overthrow the Federation of Heroes, and ordinary governments will never give up this opportunity.

Suddenly he thought of the bald man in red cloak he met before. That ridiculously strong freak. I remember that guy also seemed to be from the League of Heroes.




The center of the deserted forbidden land.

Wei Dazhuang yawned and took out a red letter that had just arrived from the mailbox at home.

I tore open the envelope and unfolded the letter inside, which contained only one sentence.

Dear Mr. Wei Dazhuang, the caped hero of the S-class hero, the Federation is facing unprecedented challenges and threats. We hereby summon all S-class heroes to attend the meeting. All meals and lodging are included, and the attendance fee is 10 million Federation Points. We hope to be on time.


Ten million Union Points can almost repay half of the debt he owes!

The bald man crushed the letter and his eyes quickly became firm and sharp.

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