Extreme Demon

Chapter 1168 Exposed 2

Inside the manor.

The solar lamp that was originally used for illumination had been smashed and extinguished by an unknown hidden weapon. Black shadows were fighting in the darkness with a cultist who only knew basic fighting skills.

The black shadows are all heroes of the League of Legends, but at this time, their numbers are not much different. With their average strength being dominant, they are still unable to defeat the hundreds of cultists in front of them.

This made the people leading the team look very embarrassed.

There were constant bursts of machine gun fire, and occasionally grenades would be thrown out in parabolas and explode in mid-air.

The cultists are not afraid of accidental injuries at all. They are all carefully selected saints. Even if their heads are blown off and they lie down on the ground to rest for a while, they can stand up again.

This is an extremely terrifying resilience. It can no longer be called recovery, but should be called immortality.

There is almost no concept of vital points for these saints. They hold firearms and can shoot at 360 degrees. It doesn't matter if they hit their own companions anyway. The bullets will be repelled by themselves, and the wounds can be healed in less than a second. As before.

This self-inflicted fighting style, coupled with enough weapons of all kinds, made it extremely difficult for the people of the League of Heroes to fight.

In just ten minutes, they lost more than ten people. Although they were all low-level members, it also made several leaders extremely angry.

These saints will die unless their heads and bodies are completely blown apart and the head and torso are separated for more than three minutes. Otherwise, if the time is short, they will be able to reattach their heads quickly, and they will become monsters!

Fortunately, reinforcements quickly entered the manor and quickly suppressed the Saints' crazy firepower.

Several heroes with good speed quickly broke the joints of these cultists with their afterimages. When they did not heal immediately, the others swarmed up and quickly disarmed and tied them up.

This is also the only way to resolve the battle quickly.

Soon, calm returned to the manor.

Two B-class heroes from the League of Heroes quickly walked into the hall with many of their subordinates.

Along with them, there were hundreds of armed union soldiers who surrounded the manor.

When the Silver Star Swordsman saw the two people coming in, he immediately knew that the overall situation had been decided, and a smile appeared on his face again.

How is it going?

Boss, the outside has been completely sealed off. They are all our people. A B-class hero whispered.

Very good. The Silver Star Swordsman looked at Landino and the other two. Now, how are you going to cope?

It's not how we deal with it, it's about you. Landino suddenly raised his head and showed a weird smile.

Suddenly, the wall behind the Silver Star Swordsman exploded, and a huge, thick bronze arm quickly broke through the wall and grabbed the back of her neck.

Who!? The Silver Star Swordsman turned around and thrust out his sword like lightning. Not only that, she spun her right leg and her eyes lit up with blue fluorescence.

Chi chi chi chi, four stabs sounded simultaneously with the tip of the sword she swung.

This is her power - quadruple attack. And it is a constant four times attack without consumption.

As long as she draws her sword, she will be four times more powerful. A mysterious invisible force will naturally assist her, increasing her attack by four times.

The tip of the sword instantly collided with the fist.

The slender sword blade was quickly bent.

The Silver Star Swordsman suddenly pulled out the pistol from his waist and aimed a shot at the opponent.


The bullet with four times the power ripped open the air at a terrifying high speed, hit the wall hard, penetrated it, and hit the person behind.

With a muffled groan, the visitor advanced instead of retreating. Fitting hit the wall with all his strength.

boom! ! !

The wall collapsed completely, and the man slammed into the Silver Star Swordsman who was caught off guard. The two of them flew backwards like cannonballs, knocking down a piece of furniture in the hall.

The vases were shattered, the cabinets exploded, and the stone fence was completely shattered.

The two of them separated indifferently, each standing in a corner.

Professor Seaman, you moved too fast. From the breach in the wall, another black shadow rushed out quickly and landed steadily in front of Landino and the others.

Only then did everyone see clearly that the two black figures were both white-haired and old-looking scholars.

Of course, just by looking at their faces, they are old people. If you look closely at their bodies, you can see that their muscles are bulging like giant beasts, and their black blood vessels and tendons are like steel cable tree roots, slowly twisting and twisting.

Compared to your philosophy department, our physics department has always been vigorous and resolute. The old man who had fought with the Silver Star Swordsman straightened up and said coldly.

The essence of our molecular physics is to smash our opponents into molecules!

Shit! The chemistry department is the real love. As soon as I smash the test tube, I can make her change her ways and become a new person! A strong man squeezed in at the door carrying a giant test tube that was as tall as a person.

You crude people who don't understand philosophy! Heart-to-heart communication is the right way! At the hole in the wall, a black giant more than three meters tall slowly bent down and entered the hall.

He was wearing the simplest grass skirt, holding a huge mace full of spikes in his hand, and his chest was covered with dense scars and chest hair.

Return to the primitive, let us treat each other sincerely, and return to the innocent heart of nature, so that we can get closer to the distance between our hearts! The giant winked at the Silver Star Swordsman. A strong smell of body odor wafted towards my face.

I @$ # %$\u0026*!! The Silver Star Swordsman turned pale and almost vomited.

After two old men and a giant entered the hall, the originally spacious space suddenly became smaller.

Germain protected his daughter and wife, and while neither party's attention was on them, he quietly led the people out of the hall at Landino's signal and walked out through the side back door.

Outside, you can already see strong men carrying giant test tubes, fighting fiercely with the people of the League of Heroes.

These giant men are nearly invulnerable, and bullets hitting them are no different than scratching an itch. The giant test tubes in their hands are more like huge stone pillars. Once the test tube is smashed down, two armed soldiers can be killed on the spot.

For a time, the entire green lawn of the manor was filled with pits and blood puddles. Mutilated corpses can be seen everywhere.

There is still a lot of flesh and blood that is rapidly squirming and healing, re-condensing into a human form.

Those were the saints of the Blood Evil Cult before. So far, only four of them have died in their fight, and the rest have recovered quickly.

After combining power with the summoned monsters, their physical bodies are backed by the mental world and can heal infinitely. No need to worry about consumption at all.

Anyway, Lu Sheng has some indigestion now, so he has plenty of energy, so he can use it as he likes.

The three of them, Mr. and Mrs. Germain and Enna, watched in horror along the way.

Fortunately for Germain, he had been exposed to the extraordinary circle before and was somewhat mentally prepared, but Ivanova and Enna were different. It was the first time for both women to witness such a cruel fight between extraordinary beings.

For a while, both of them felt that their legs were weak and they could not walk.

Fortunately, a female saint nearby quietly came over, helped the two of them, and led Germain out quickly.

Soon he exited the fence through the back door, and a black car that had been prepared was parked outside.

Get in the car quickly. Someone reminded in a low voice.

Germain nodded and quickly opened the car door with his wife and daughter and got in.


The engine sounded, and the car accelerated rapidly from slow to fast, speeding away towards the dock in the distance.

Wait! Let's go to the city first! German suddenly said.

Boss, we don't have time to delay. The driver, who was also the bodyguard hired by Germain, said in a low voice.

My son is still in the city, I must take him with me! German was very decisive. It's too late to get over now. Their focus now is no longer on me, but on the formal confrontation between the two forces. The situation has escalated to a level beyond my control!

So we are still safe now? Enna reacted.

Yes, their side is the real key to the overall situation. Whether we escape or not will not have much impact. German nodded.

Okay. As you wish. The driver reluctantly turned the car around, turned a corner, and drove toward the city.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, the entire vehicle shook violently. German quickly turned around, just in time to see a huge ball of red-yellow fire exploding in his manor.

The small manor building where he had lived for many years actually exploded completely.

Before he could express his emotion, he immediately heard a terrified scream from the driver.


A piercing scream approached quickly.

Boom! !

The blazing flames flipped the car over and stopped on the street.

Several passers-by who were taking a leisurely stroll were frightened by the two explosions and ran away. A cake shop on the roadside was partially hit by a car. Fortunately the fuel tank didn't explode.

The car door opened quickly, and German and Enna helped Ivanova out, who was slightly dizzy.

The driver's bodyguard opened the door and jumped out, standing guard in front of them.

But few of them dared to move any more.

A tall figure wearing silver and black armor was facing them straight, standing in the center of the street.

If you just look at the appearance, you can't tell what level this person is, but the white cloak behind the figure that is constantly being blown by the wind clearly shows what level of power the person in front of him is.

In the middle of the cloak, there was a black cross clearly printed on it.

This is a special symbol that only S-class heroes are eligible to wear in the League of Heroes.

S-class hero Phantom Knight. Nice to meet you. The armored man stretched out his right arm, and a row of small black sleeve arrow-like rockets automatically unfolded from his arm. One of the rocket positions was empty, and it was obviously used to prevent the car from escaping.

What a blessing. I didn't expect that I would meet you just in time if I came a step too late, the Phantom Knight said with a hint of a smile.

Now then. He raised his hand and pointed the rocket at the four people.

I originally thought I wouldn't have to show up anymore.

Under the streetlight on the side, the face of a man who was extremely familiar to Enna slowly emerged from the black shadow.

Brother!!?? She couldn't help but exclaimed.

Germain and Ivanova looked over with astonishment on their faces.

This is the eldest son they have never wanted to recognize as their family, Har Saladin. How could he appear here and meet them by such a coincidence! ?

And what did he mean by what he just said? ?

Lu Sheng slowly walked out of the shadows, completely revealing his current appearance.

He was completely black, with only one pair of eyes, which glowed with a steady red light in the dark night.

Behind him, a large amount of black smoke condensed rapidly like countless threads, weaving a huge human shape more than five meters high.

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