Extreme Demon

Chapter 1161 Whereabouts 1

The world is collapsing, but our faith remains unchanged. God will save everything, redeem everything, and accommodate everything. Believers, born out of this world, will eventually go to the mysterious kingdom of God that is high above the unknown.

In an empty abandoned classroom, a large group of figures wearing long black clothes were sitting quietly on the benches, listening to the prayer ceremony being held by the middle-aged man above.

Everyone sitting there looked solemn and solemn, not distracted at all. There were only pious faces on the faces of the rows of people.


Suddenly, the classroom door was slammed open by a huge force.

A group of soldiers wearing black machine armor quickly rushed into the classroom with guns in hand.

Two men and women with the red hook logo of the Heroes Association slowly walked into the classroom.

Are you Hubblena? the person in front asked coldly, looking at the archbishop standing at the top.

Yes, I am Hubblena, and I am also my lord's loyal slave. The middle-aged man replied with a gentle expression.

The black robe he wore was different from the others. On the back and front of the black robe, there was a huge silver pattern similar to a magic circle, which looked like a rhombus and a disc superimposed on top of each other.

He opened his arms as if to embrace something.

Are you also here to pray for our Lord's generosity?

Fuck you! Die! The two heroes pulled out their pistols at the same time and shot Archbishop Hubble in a continuous manner.

Kill my brother, and I will make you pay with your life! The male hero looked ferocious as he pulled the trigger crazily and continuously.

As if this was a signal, the surrounding soldiers also raised their muzzles and pointed at the believers sitting around them.

chug chug chug

After a intensive burst of fire.

Bullets were shot into the bodies of believers and archbishops without any hindrance.

Blood splattered, but strangely, none of the Archbishop Haberna or the surrounding believers moved.

The bullets shot into their bodies were like beans, and they were quickly squeezed out from their backs.

Under the power of my Lord, no one can harm the believers of God. Archbishop Hubbana slowly lowered his arms.

call! ! !

In an instant, a white shadow flashed away and rushed out from behind him.

It was a huge, translucent tentacle with countless suckers densely packed on it.

The tentacles smashed hard, and before the two teams of soldiers who rushed in had time to react, they were smashed away by the huge force and exploded in all directions.

The two heroes at the head were wide-eyed with anger. The male hero took a step forward. His upper body muscles quickly swelled and became huge, and a faint silvery gray appeared on the surface of his body.

ah! !

He roared and hugged the giant tentacle.


Surprisingly, he succeeded. The huge tentacles were severely stuck in his arms.

But unfortunately, dozens more huge tentacles have once again shot out from behind the archbishop, and the dense shadows have already entangled the heroine behind him and lifted her up.

Repent, heretic! the Archbishop chanted.


The two heroes were torn into pieces almost at the same time.



The Flesh Evil God Sect has developed so fast? Lu Sheng was a little surprised when he perceived the information that had just been transmitted.

On the other side of the world, in an abandoned city in a remote area, the people of the Federation of Heroes clashed with the Flesh Cult.

The Cult of the Flesh Evil God, referred to as the Blood Cult. So far, tens of thousands of believers have developed. They travel not only to the underworld, but also to various remote and remote poor and backward areas.

In just a few months, the amount of spiritual power achieved has actually exceeded hundreds of points every day.

You must know that this is just the spiritual power provided by one church, that's all.

Lu Sheng sensed the message from the Archbishop over there.

The Blood Religion only has the Archbishop, which is the highest level, at least the highest level now. Church offices cannot be self-appointed, they can only be orally bestowed. Because different levels have different corresponding permissions.

The Archbishop has been able to summon powerful beings from the third level of the Star Temple. The Star Temple was divided into five levels by Lu Sheng, and each of the five different levels granted believers the right to summon.

At the same time, if these believers are devout enough, they can slowly gain resonance from the most commonly summoned monsters, so that they and the monsters interact and merge with each other, gradually greatly improving their physical and spiritual bodies, and becoming strong in disguise.

What shocked Lu Sheng was that just now, an archbishop of the Blood Religion had finally broken through to a new level of authority. His accumulated spiritual power has reached the level where he can summon level four monsters.

And as soon as this archbishop arrived, within a few days, he chose to summon a special monster that Lu Shengcai brought from the previous world - Fatian.

In other words, it is the Heart World version of Heavenly Magic Emperor En.

This version of Fa Dien has stronger recovery power, greater strength and speed. Also has special abilities.

So of course, the end result is that the League of Heroes went to crusade, and the two B-class heroes, together with more than thirty armed mecha soldiers, were completely wiped out, and no one was left.

Finally, someone has risen to the level of archbishop, then cardinal. Then there is transcendent, who greatly integrates the power of summoning monsters, transforms himself, and has a strong spirit. Then there is the pope who can finally summon level five complete star temple monsters.

Lu Sheng had already divided the levels.

The progress of the Blood Cult is a little higher than that of other churches. This is nothing. The trouble is that it is a bit too early to conflict with the Heroes Association.

He got up and made himself a glass of lemonade.

If possible, I would prefer to formally contact the Heroes Association after more than a year.

Some of the top leaders of the four major churches have begun to formally recruit government officials.

This means that the four major churches are gradually transforming from illegal organizations into legal organizations.

This is actually the general trend.

Heroes are a very small number of mutants who are born with extraordinary talents and powerful strength. Many heroes actually have a superior mentality.

Ordinary people live in this fiery world and urgently need strength to protect themselves, so the League of Heroes can grow.

But now, the foundation that gave the Heroes Association its transcendent status and strong strength has been shaken by the four major divine religions.

The most terrifying thing about the divine religion is that as long as you are pious enough, no matter what your qualifications are, you have the hope of becoming an apostle of God.

A large number of people have received different special talents because of their belief in the religion.

The people of the Blood Religion have gained healthier bodies and are immune to many common diseases. Increased resilience. Some of the core fanatics can even block bullets with their bodies. Bullets can penetrate them but cannot kill them.

This ability is extremely popular in poor, backward and disease-ravaged areas. As long as you have faith, you can avoid taking medicine and not being hospitalized, and you can also gain unimaginable powerful resilience.

This is the situation that anyone longs for.

As for the Thousand-Headed Wolf God Cult, the special talents that believers can obtain are to delay aging and not be afraid of severe cold.

Although he only has these two talents, he is extremely popular with many believers. It attracts countless rich people and high-ranking officials. In a short period of time, it has expanded its extremely huge strength and power.

After all, immortality is a powerful temptation that no life can refuse. Especially when some old people who could only stay at home and were unable to go out, after believing in the Thousand-Headed Wolf God Cult, actually regained a new lease of life and were able to go out and exercise freely on their own.

Although strenuous exercise is still not allowed, the Thousand-Headed Wolf God Sect's power, which is like recharging a battery and replenishing lifespan through faith, has caused a huge shock and has been unanimously praised by the majority of the upper class.

After that came the Colorful Dragon King Sect.

The gift given to believers by Lu Sheng in this church is strength. Powerful strength, speed, and sharp reflexes. There is also a tough outer skin and musculoskeletal structure.

This church is more popular among the military, practitioners, martial artists, fighters and other fields.

The last one is the Phoenix King Cult.

The talents of believers in this church are mainly mediocre and balanced, physical fitness, mental strength, resilience, anti-aging, immunity to diseases, etc. They have some abilities in various abilities, but they are not strong. It's a hodgepodge.

In fact, these talents need to be given according to the different levels of believers.

From the initial low-level monks and nuns, they gradually rose to a very high level. This gives anyone, any ordinary person, a clear path to becoming a transcendent being.

Not to mention that after assuming a church position, you can also gain the powerful ability to summon monsters from the corresponding gods of the Star Temple.

Lu Sheng picked up the cup and took a sip of water. He felt carefully that it had been a year since his arrival, and the power of the four major religions had grown to an extremely exaggerated level.

Yes, it's time to reach this scale and contact the Heroes Association.

He put down the cup and was about to turn on the TV to watch the news.

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly there was a slight knock on the door.

Who? Lu Sheng's mental telepathy quickly extended to the door.

It's me. The person was tall, wearing a long windbreaker with a gray hood. His face was invisible, and he could only hear a deep, magnetic voice.

Lu Sheng thought, and the door lock automatically opened.

There was a crisp click and the shop door opened. The man walked in slowly and raised his head to look at Lu Sheng. A faint white light illuminated his face. The person coming was clearly Dean. The rich man who first obtained the wood carving of the Thousand-Headed Wolf God Cult.

He has become something else now. If he was a rich man before, now he looks more like a pious and well-trained high priest.

Dear mediator. I am Dean, a humble lamb bathed in divine grace. Dean closed the door and said softly.

Of course, I recognize you. What are you doing here? Lu Sheng asked calmly.

The friction between the church and the League of Heroes is getting bigger and bigger, and I have a premonition that they will attack us sooner or later. Therefore, I came here this time in the hope of getting a joint alliance with the other three major churches. And the one who can contact other churches is Only you, mediator. Dean said solemnly.

Of course. Lu Sheng nodded. I'm glad you thought of me in the most critical moment. I can help you contact three other churches.

I'm a little worried. Dean said in a low voice. The League of Heroes is extremely powerful, but the Church is still very immature.

Don't worry, I will come forward when necessary. Lu Sheng smiled. God, I have predicted this. Don't worry about anything.

Really? That puts me at ease. Dean let go of his worries slightly.

After all, the League of Heroes not only has A-level heroes, but also the ten strongest S-level heroes. Although the heroes do not take orders from the Federation, they have many ways to leverage the power of the heroes.

By the way, the two people you asked me to help find last time. I got some clues a few days ago. Dean suddenly added.

Huh? Lu Sheng was startled. He didn't get any information from the four major religions.

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