Extreme Demon

Chapter 1157 Weird World 1

White City, a commercial street that has just become ruins.

Lu Sheng sat lazily on a wicker chair, with the newly released spy movie on his right and a foreign language CD he just bought from the video store on his left.

He is learning the cultures and languages ​​of the world. Multitasking is not a problem for him. He can even do three things at once, four things at once, or more if he wants to.

But that would be too tiring. The strengthening and development of this body has not yet reached that level, so there is no need to rush it for the time being.

Lu Sheng played with a small wooden sculpture in his hand and watched the movie absentmindedly, but his perception was that he was paying attention to the large amount of spiritual power that was pouring in.

Compared with a while ago, the amount of divine power these days has increased from a dozen points a day at the beginning to a few hundred points a day.

This growth rate makes him quite satisfied.

More importantly, as his followers continued to expand, his perception and intelligence network gradually spread to all parts of the world.

The current planet, in his mind, was like a pitch-black ball with little bits of white starlight shining everywhere.

And these white starlights are increasing and increasing in brightness as time goes by.

Picking up a piece of chocolate biscuit on hand, Lu Sheng stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it, and drank it in one gulp with the yogurt.

He glanced at the aisle outside in boredom. The sidewalk outside the store had gradually regained some popularity.

Gradually more and more passers-by passed by. The ground that was cracked by the earthquake before has been almost repaired.

Humans are the most forgetful animals. As long as a little time passes, they will completely forget everything that happened before.

It's so annoying to look for relatives. The intelligence network has been checking for so long and there is still nothing. Lu Sheng was thinking about setting up a special method to find the relatives of this body.

This is not difficult for him now, but that kind of spell will touch some rules of this world, and it is very likely to cause movement from slightly stronger experts.

How about setting up something small and giving it a try first. Lu Sheng thought to himself.


There was a crisp sound, and just as he was thinking about how to handle the matter of finding his relatives, two young girls opened the door curtain and walked in.

Lu Sheng had just installed the door curtain, specifically to block the wind.

Behind the two girls who came in were three other people, all of whom seemed to be students.

The two girls were wearing denim shorts and gray T-shirts, with their long hair hanging down. They were no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, and they were at their most youthful and beautiful.

Although the two girls are not beautiful in appearance, their long white legs and young and supple skin can still attract the attention of most members of the opposite sex.

Boss, do you have any nail clippers? a girl asked loudly.

See for yourself. Lu Sheng didn't even bother to get up.

Soon, a fat girl pulled out a box of nail clippers from the corner.

Boss, how much does this cost?

Two hundred. Lu Sheng said casually. Although he didn't know how much it cost. But it doesn't matter.

Put the money on the counter by yourself. There is no receipt, no invoice can be issued, and no change can be given. He threw out the rest of the words in one breath.

The two girls were a little dumbfounded. This boss didn't care too much about business? If this continues, can we drive?

Lu Sheng waved his hand and said no more. As his network of contacts increased, he began to publish oracles every day, thus constantly looking for Wang Jing's master and disciple.

I don't care about opening a store here.

The two girls put down their money and left with their nail clipper boxes. Soon a few more students came in, looked at the decorations on the table, bought some small jewelry for disguise, and then left.

Throughout the whole morning, Lu Sheng inexplicably made more than 500 yuan by opening a store in this self-service manner.

At noon, he ordered fried noodles and sparkling drinks, and continued by switching to a foreign language CD.

This is it. I've been here in the morning. The boss here is very unique, the food is good, and the atmosphere is very mysterious. Don't you like this kind of atmosphere the best?

There was a faint sound of voices outside the shop.

The person who spoke seemed to be a student girl who had been here before.

She led another group of girls who seemed to be classmates from the same school and walked into the store together.

After a morning of selling, there wasn't much left on the shelves.

Lu Sheng still looked the same, sitting motionless. Not even the posture changes.

Hey, I haven't added anything yet. The girl who had done shopping in the morning said in surprise.

Out of stock, come next time. Lu Sheng waved his hand lazily.

A group of girls were immediately surprised when they saw this. It was the first time they saw the owner of such a shop, and they all chatted with interest.

After chatting for a while, these little guys went to look at other merchandise displays.

But one of the girls stared at Lu Sheng inexplicably for a few times. It was not the interested gaze of the opposite sex, but a confused and questioning gaze.

Lu Sheng picked up the remote control panel and changed the movie. He noticed the girl's gaze and turned his eyes slightly, landing on the girl who was staring at him.

This girl is almost 1.7 meters tall. She wears a black short skirt, a white shirt with her navel exposed, her breasts are high and bulging, and her long brown hair is as smooth and bright as fringes. The facial features are also quite delicate, and the tall and straight bridge of the nose is particularly eye-catching.

There is no doubt that this is a beautiful girl. Although she is not at the level of a goddess, she still has good temperament and appearance.

She was born with the nobility of a wealthy lady, and the solemn and perfect temperament of a mythical girl from Greek mythology.

It can be seen that she pays great attention to etiquette and posture in her behavior. She has obviously received good etiquette training and must have a good family background.

As her companions joked, the girl's smile and movements were not too exaggerated, but gave people a more gentle and tranquil feeling.

Unfortunately, Lu Sheng could tell at a glance that this guy was not actually the quiet and gentle type. It was just some external force from the past that forced her to use these postures to disguise herself.

Hello, handsome store manager. When the girl saw Lu Sheng noticed her, she quickly responded with a faint smile.

You Lu Sheng glanced casually at first, but then, he let out a light sigh and quickly turned his gaze back to focus on the other person again.

He had rarely encountered coincidences before. Most of the so-called coincidences were actually deliberately caused by himself or external forces.

But this time, he had to believe that there were still coincidences in this world.

Because the beautiful girl in front of him gave him the feeling that the blood of his body was very similar.

In addition to bloodline, Lu Sheng also discovered that this girl was indeed very similar to her previous body, Hal Saladin, based on the essence of her soul.

It should be Hal's sister or something. He instantly identified the other party's identity. A calculation slowly came into my mind.

Standing up from the recliner, Lu Sheng slowly walked to the group of students who were selecting, and stopped naturally next to the girl.

What do you want to buy? he asked softly.

I just want to take a look. The girl was used to seeing a lot of people of the opposite sex attracted to her body and face, but for some reason, she didn't feel any similar lustful gaze on the uncle in front of her.

Then take a good look. If nothing happens, you can come here often. Lu Sheng said casually and went to check on other girls.

After he got closer, he confirmed that this girl was the biological sister of this body and bloodline. The similarity is extremely high.

But now he doesn't intend to recognize her. Anyway, he has found her. He has just put a mark on the girl. As long as there is no big problem, he can find her anytime and anywhere.

What he wants to do most now is to carefully investigate whether this encounter is really a coincidence or accident.

After turning around again, he returned to the recliner and sat down, but Lu Sheng was not in the mood to watch any more movies.

Soon the group of girls wandered around for a while and then left on their own, leaving only the girl who seemed to be his sister.

Store manager? the girl asked cautiously. Can I ask you a question?

Say. Lu Sheng resumed his lazy posture.

How old are you this year? the girl whispered.

Thirty-four, or thirty-five, who knows, I was an orphan when I was a child, and I decided my own birthday. Lu Sheng answered casually.

Really? The girl was a little confused, why did the other party reveal her life experience so simply when they were just strangers. But she didn't take it seriously. She walked around the store but didn't want to leave.

Not only was she somewhat interested in this store manager who was full of mystery, but she was even more interested in the fact that she felt a clear sense of intimacy from this store manager. This kind of intimacy made her naturally let down her guard against the other party.

Store manager, how much money can you make in a month by doing this business? Aren't you going to do marketing? What about advertising?

There is no need for marketing. I don't make much money in a month, but it is enough. My little friend, it's time for you to go home. It's getting late. Lu Sheng said lazily.

One last question. The girl showed a gentle smile, Store manager, do you think you and I look very similar?

Huh? Lu Sheng didn't realize that this girl found out the clues so quickly. He thought the other party wouldn't notice it so quickly.

Really? Many people strike up a conversation like this. Maybe it's because I'm too handsome. Lu Sheng rubbed his cheek and threw a small object casually.

Go ahead, I'll give you this. If you want to come shopping later, I'll give you a 20% discount.

What he threw out was a 20% off membership card that Hal Saladin had printed before.

Now it's just right for him to use it as a casual favor.

The card flew out lightly and landed accurately in the girl's right sleeve.

She was stunned for a moment, raised her sleeves in surprise, and took a closer look.


Okay, okay, let's go. We're going back. Lu Sheng waved his hand impatiently.

Well, see you next time, great store manager. The girl bowed her knees with a smile, turned around and left quickly.

After his sister left, Lu Sheng lay on the recliner for a while. When the takeaway he ordered was delivered, he slowly got up and quickly finished his lunch.

Then he opened his phone and saw that someone had sent a large email to the mailbox inside. He had asked Dean to send it, and it contained a general introduction to the extraordinary power of this world.

He deeply suspected that Wang Jing's master and apprentice might be hiding in the ranks of these extraordinary heroes.

After collecting information through believers during these times, he roughly figured out the situation here.

This world is also a bit strange. This planet is the center of the entire universe.

There are also racial planets in other places, but they are far less vibrant than here. All kinds of forces are squeezing in here.

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