Extreme Demon

Chapter 1147 Control 1

Time freezes again.

Redman Olga's confused mind erupted with an extremely strong alarm.

Seeing the huge figure walking in at the door of the hall, he felt like he was going to die.

During this time, he had been in a state of hallucination and semi-dream. Reality and fantasy made it almost impossible for him to distinguish where he was.

Could this scene before me be another nightmare of mine?

But why is this dream so clear?

His mind was in chaos.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng picked up the stone table that was blocking his way and threw it aside, not thinking it was blocking his way.

Father, the empire is in turmoil, and we can no longer waste time like this.

Who are you!? Redman shivered in confusion.

Me? I am your favorite Lanier! Father! Lu Sheng's thick head quickly returned to its original shape, turning into the delicate and soft face of Lanier.

It's just that her strong body, which is more than two meters tall, makes this face look scary and weird no matter how you look at it.

Oh no. Redman covered his eyes. I must be dreaming.

Dreaming? Stop having unrealistic fantasies. This is reality. I am your Lanier. Lu Sheng grabbed the king from his seat.

Help!! Protect Your Majesty!!

Hurry up!!

At this time, there were bursts of rapid footsteps outside the door, as well as the metallic sound of armors colliding with each other.

Huh?? Lu Sheng turned around and saw groups of heavily armed heavy swordsmen wearing heavy silver armor rushing in outside the gate.


A heavy two-handed cross sword whizzed towards Lu Sheng's neck.

He raised his hand to grab the sword, and smashed it forward with the sword.

The huge power coupled with terrifying speed made the heavy swordsman rushing at the front crash into the large group of swordsmen behind him like a cannonball.

Bang! !

Amidst the muffled sound, more than a dozen heavy swordsmen fell to the ground on the spot, like more than a dozen pins hit by a bowling ball.

I am Princess Lanny, who dares to stop me!! Lu Sheng roared angrily, holding Redman in one hand, and strode into the group of swordsmen.

He grabbed a swordsman and hit his head hard. The swordsman's metal helmet was dented on the spot. His head was bruised and bleeding, and he fainted to the ground.

He grabbed a long sword from the swordsmen rushing around and swung it around.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

Amidst the continuous heavy collisions, a circle of heavy swordsmen flew out like chickens, wailing and rolling to the ground, unable to get up.

Lu Sheng kicked forward and hit a swordsman in the armored belly.

The swordsman spurted blood from his mouth and nose. As soon as he rushed over, he flew backwards at a terrifying acceleration, knocking down more than ten other swordsmen in a row, and smashed into the palace stone pillars not far away.


The ceiling of the entire palace shook slightly, and there was a slight clicking sound.



For the Empire!!

Groups of heavily armored swordsmen rushed forward crazily, and then were thrown out as lightly as broken dolls, hitting the ground and never getting up again.

From a distance, it looks like countless waves crashing into an extremely hard rock.

As time went by, the number of palace guards who came to encircle and suppress gradually became fewer and fewer.

And because outside troops were not allowed to enter the palace, it took less than ten minutes.

Lu Sheng's feet were covered with more than 300 palace guard soldiers who came after hearing the news. It also includes two deputy captains of the escort.

The soldiers on the ground were dead and wounded, but Lu Sheng remained the same as before. Except for his torn clothes and pants, there were no wounds anywhere.

He held Redman and looked around, then walked quickly towards the meeting hall.

This time should be the time for Minister Godot to convene ministers to discuss political affairs.

Lu Sheng walked down the spacious corridor without any scruples.

The palace guard lost more than 300 people. Although the remaining people were coming gradually, there were very few who caught up. I only dared to follow behind and around me tremblingly.

Bang bang bang.

Amidst the sound of heavy footsteps, Lu Sheng held Redman in one hand and pushed open the door of the meeting hall.

The guard guarding the door tried to step forward to stop him, but when he saw the group of guard heavy swordsmen following Lu Sheng, his face suddenly turned pale and he did not dare to move.

The truly bloody Guard soldiers had all been knocked down by Lu Sheng in the melee just now.

Most of the rest are slick people who have climbed up through flattery.

The black door of the meeting hall opened heavily to both sides, revealing many ministers standing in rows inside.

Sitting on the throne was a middle-aged man with a hooked nose and thin hair. He has a kind smile and a face like a good old man. It is Godot, the powerful minister who controls the government.

Seeing a dark giant man more than two meters tall striding into the hall, a group of ministers' pupils shrank, and some of them became a little panicked. But more people still maintained their composure, staring at Lu Sheng coldly, their hands quietly pressing the weapons at their waists.

The Olga Empire allowed courtiers to bring weapons to court. As a great military power, the former Redman Olga was also a powerful warrior with extraordinary valor. Unfortunately, as the years passed, power and enjoyment corroded his soul.

Who are you? Do you know what crime you have committed if you rush into the hall rashly? A tall and burly general on the right took a step forward, pulled out his one-handed sword with a chirp and said angrily.

He is the tallest and strongest among all the generals. He holds a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. He is wearing heavy black armor. He walks with great weight, which makes the ground around him tremble slightly.

But when he strode up to Lu Sheng, he looked up at Lu Sheng, who was a head taller than him.

The light was completely blocked, and his whole body was shrouded in the shadow of the other party's tall figure.

The general's palm, which had been holding the hilt of the sword, couldn't help but become slightly nervous.

I order you! Stand back!! He raised his sword high.

Bang! !

Lu Sheng brushed this man away and strode towards Gordo.

Hundreds of kilograms of armor were like toys in front of him, flying out sideways and hitting the many ministers standing on the right.

Screams filled the air for a while. A group of ministers were hit with bloody heads and broken bones and fell to the ground.

Seeing this tragic situation, the other generals who were planning to step forward to stop them felt very frightened and unconsciously took a step back, not daring to step forward.

The smile on Gordo's face slowly disappeared, replaced by calm and gloomy eyes, staring at Lu Sheng.

I really didn't expect that. Who are you? He said gloomily.

Lu Sheng paused and suddenly lowered his head. He saw that his legs were slowly wrapped with a thin layer of frost.

Huh? Spell? He said in surprise.

A gloomy old man in black robe slowly stepped out from behind Gordo. He held a delicate short staff and pointed it at Lu Sheng with the black crystal inlaid on the top of the staff. Traces of pale white mist flew out silently and blended into the white frost at Lu Sheng's feet.

Answer me, who are you!? Gordo looked cold.

Me? Lu Sheng raised his head and raised his feet fiercely.

Bang! !

The ice under his feet suddenly exploded, and under the squeeze of the huge force, they exploded into ice shards.

I'm Lanny, Princess Lanny of the Empire. Uncle Gordo, don't you even recognize me anymore?

Bang! !

There was another explosion.

Lu Sheng broke the ice under his feet step by step and walked towards Gordo without any hindrance.

The courtiers around him had begun to flee in panic. There were only a few red-eyed generals left, with tears in their eyes.

They are the only veterans who support the imperial royal family. They have been persecuted by Godot and tried to force them to abdicate. If they had not held military power, they would have been harmed by Godot in various names.

And now, although they don't know who the warrior in front of them is, no matter who it is, he has brought hope to this country!

Watching Lu Sheng break the ice step by step.

Gordo's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at the mage beside him.

The mage's face was gloomy, his arms were trembling, and he was holding the staff tightly. Waves of whispering incantations continued to recite from his mouth.

Burn! He suddenly raised his staff and waved it.


A golden ball of fire the size of a human head rolled, appeared out of thin air, and flew towards Lu Sheng.

boom! ! !

The fireball exploded before it reached Lu Sheng.

The blazing flames instantly swept through the surrounding space for several meters.

All the ministers instinctively looked for obstacles to avoid. The scattered sparks quickly ignited the dense hangings and silk curtains.

The flames spread and the entire meeting hall began to be filled with light black smoke.

The mage stared at the fire closely, holding the staff tightly in his hand and quickly regaining his breath. It would take at least five seconds for him to regain his breath and release the fireball again.

However, no monster can withstand the power of the powerful bursting fireball.

This is the absolute confidence he has built up over the years as a court mage.

Bang! !

Suddenly, a slightly blackened giant hand stretched out with flames and pinched his neck.


The mage's mind went blank before he could react.

When he came back to his senses, he slapped the giant hand hard with both hands, but facing the opponent with its weak strength was like a baby facing a giant crocodile, and he couldn't even give it a massage.

The huge and terrifying force slowly lifted him up and hung him in the air.

Under the shadow of the dancing flames, he struggled hard, and the gloominess on his face was gradually replaced by panic.

Snap, snap.

He slapped the giant arm with his palms wildly, trying to break free from the opponent's grasp.

Unfortunately to no avail.

The staff slipped weakly from his hand, hit the ground with a clang, and rolled down the stone steps.

The black crystal above clearly reflected the mage's struggling figure getting slower and slower.

Lines of red fire began to explode around his body, striking the giant hand crazily. Trying to explode the shackles on his arms.

But unfortunately, nothing worked.

Gradually, the mage's figure slowly stopped moving. He was like a fish dying of thirst. He kicked his feet a few times at the end, and his whole body was completely suspended on the palms of his hands. Like a suicide who hangs himself to death.

And Gordo has long been missing. While he was entangled with Lu Sheng, he quietly evacuated the place.

Lu Sheng casually tore off the robe of the mage's corpse and quickly took off the valuable things on his body.

Throwing the body aside, surrounded by firelight, he carried Redman and strode to the throne, turned around and sat down calmly.

The fire gradually began to spread and became more and more intense.

The palace guards who could have put out the fire had either died in the line of duty or been frightened and fled in the previous fight with Lu Sheng.

There was not even a single maid or attendant around the entire palace.

It's so sad. Lu Sheng pressed his hand on the cold armrest of the throne. He glanced at Redman standing aside.

Father, it's time for you to abdicate.

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