Extreme Demon

Chapter 1144 Once 2


In the dark interstellar space, circles of purple ripples, with a faint red light, spread around.

There are various galaxies of different sizes floating in the ripples. Some galaxies emit dazzling light like the sun. Some galaxies are so dim that only a hazy blue remains. Others are like living creatures, beating like a heart.

At the very center of the entire purple ripple, a huge golden planet surrounded and protected by a large number of yellow satellites was slowly emitting dense blue arcs.

The golden planet is called Source Star, and it is the largest headquarters of the Star Alliance in the Demon Universe.

On the source star, there is a huge green grassland that looks like a fairy tale. In the distance, the white snow-capped mountains are rolling. Silver-white butterflies and little fairies with colorful halos are flapping their gorgeous wings, constantly rising and falling on the grassland.

In a huge white palace on the grassland.

A lady in a black skirt, wearing a black gauze scarf and a slim and plump figure, was sitting in front of the stone window of the side hall, gazing at the pure and beautiful planet scenery outside.

There is a small colorful garden in the side hall, which is filled with all kinds of strange flowers glowing with color. There are densely packed all kinds of magical and strange reliefs on the wall. They are squirming, twisting, and crawling and moving on the ceiling and walls from time to time.


Suddenly the door of the side hall opened with a bang.

A figure filled with black energy and wearing a huge, heavy black armor slowly walked in.

A sliver of fiery red light was faintly revealed from the gaps in the armor on the figure's body. He was wearing a helmet so no one could see his face.

But every time he took a step, he would leave charred footprints on the ground.

Although these footprints were healed and disappeared by the palace as soon as they appeared, the burnt smell still made her feel helpless.

Good day, Anukadi. The woman stood up and bowed slightly towards the other party.

Good day, my love. The armored man walked up to her, stretched out his hand, and gently pinched the woman's chin.

Someone wants to see you.

Huh? The woman Ennai was slightly startled. She has been hiding behind the scenes and has not been on the board of directors for hundreds of years, and yet someone can still find her.

And being able to find her through the level of the deputy leader of the Star Alliance, she is obviously a big shot at the corresponding level.

She didn't remember that she had ever been in contact with a big shot at this level before.

Let's go, just go and take a look and you'll find out. Anukadi said solemnly.

Ennai nodded, stood up, and followed Anukadi out of the side hall, walking through the long white corridor, and they soon came to a wide hall dedicated to receiving guests.

There is a huge whirlpool-like golden statue on the side of the hall. I don't know what kind of image it is for worship.

An outrageously tall red-haired man was calmly facing away from the two of them, looking up at a huge statue dozens of meters high.

On the right side of the red-haired man sat a handsome man with hair like countless white tentacles sitting cross-legged.

Ennai recognized at a glance that this handsome man was Fando, the leader of the Star Alliance. He is also the most powerful river system overlord in the entire Star Alliance and one of the strongest in the Demon Universe.

He is considered the last hope of the protoss in many star realms, and is a great being revered as the eternally burning immortal fire.

And now, this existence is actually accompanying another red-haired man in this hall.

Ennai didn't expect that the scene would be so big, and she couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this time.

Are you here? Fando, the leader of the Star Alliance, turned his face and smiled at Anukadi and Ennai.

Master Lu from the Yuan Mo Sect and the Weird Research Society wants to see you.

To be precise, it's you I want to see.

The red-haired man slowly turned around, his black eyes filled with countless strange white spots, calmly staring at the nervous Enno.

Me? Ennai raised his head and looked straight at Lu Sheng.

It's just that the other party's face seemed to be distorted by some huge force, and only a blur of white-gold flames could be seen.

She knew that the power gap was too big, preventing her from looking directly at the other person's existence.

Unless the power fluctuation of this person who actively lowers herself is leaked, she will not be able to see the face on the other side clearly.

I don't remember having any dealings with you, the powerful Lu Huizhu. Ennai lowered his head and said solemnly.

Lu Sheng was slightly stunned, and then he realized that unknowingly, his rank had surpassed his opponent's by far.

The Mother of Pain remained unchanged in his eyes, and even seemed to have strengthened her cultivation for some reasons.

But compared with him who was already a larva in the universe at this time, the gap was really huge. So much so that when the other person stood face to face in front of him, he couldn't even see his face clearly.

He originally came here with hatred and anger, but now he lost his mood unconsciously.

Although the Mother of Pain was the root cause of his wife's death and the separation of his family. But when he actually stood facing the other party, he actually didn't feel any hatred. Some are just calm and sighing.

Master Lu, we have already arrived. Do you have any other instructions? Alliance Leader Fan Duo reminded with a hint of awe.

After actually meeting with Lu Sheng, he knew that the other party's power level was higher than his.

And after the news that Yuan Mo and Xining were fighting for more than a year spread, he clearly understood what level of existence the person in front of him belonged to.

The best he could do was fight against Xi Ning's incarnation, but the other party had been fighting fiercely with the original body for a year with no outcome.

The gap between them is huge.

Respecting the strong is the etiquette that every living being should have.

She offended the immediate family members of my subordinates. So... Lu Sheng didn't finish his words.

Please forgive my refusal. Master Lu, as the head of the Heavenly Demon Realm Research Association and the head of the Yuanmo Sect, I do not deny that you have made outstanding contributions to the stability and peace of the Heavenly Demon Realm. But Ennai is my brother's most important companion. If she offended you in any way, we can make amends to you in other ways.”

Fando, leader of the Star Alliance, interrupted him.

Lu Sheng smiled.

Can I interpret what you said as a provocation to Yuan Mo Sect and the Research Association?

Fan Duo suffocated slightly, and there was a faint flash of anger in his eyes.

You know that's not what I mean. We, the Star Alliance and the Yuanmo Sect Research Association, are allies in fighting against the power of nothingness, and we have had happy cooperation. In any case, there should not be irreconcilable conflicts between us. It's just you Please understand. The favor is for my brother.

I respect the Star Alliance's contribution to the Demon Realm. But this is not enough to offset the sins she has committed. The smile on Lu Sheng's face subsided.

Of course, you can also insist on rejecting my request. Naturally, Yuan Mo Sect and the Research Association will not affect the diplomacy between our organizations because of this trivial matter. However, as a person, I will feel very unhappy. His last words were spoken almost word for word.

For a time, the atmosphere in the entire hall was solemn and depressing.

Fan Duo looked solemn and said nothing.

The red light under Anukadi's armor slowly flashed faster. Clearly emotionally unstable.

Lu Sheng still stood in front of the three of them, waiting for their answers with a calm expression.

a long time

Isn't there any possibility of substitution? A difficult voice slowly came from under Anukadi's armor.

I don't like others to bargain with me. Lu Sheng lowered his eyes and said calmly.

Fando lowered his head and sighed in his heart.

The current Star Alliance is completely unable to resist when faced with the powerful Yuan Demon Sect Leader. Perhaps the strength and foundation of all the elders can be gathered to fight against this terrifying existence in front of him.

But that requires unifying the will of all the stars. It's not his decision alone. The elders would never agree because a mere mistress would offend the most powerful being in the Demon Realm and even the entire Northern Mother River.

Anukadi. He said in a low voice with some kind of comfort.

Under the heavy armor, the red light slowly became dazzling. The scorching temperature caused the surrounding space to twist and turn black, with large cracks appearing.

Anukadi held Ennai's hand tightly.

Ennai raised his head and looked at his man calmly and affectionately.

I There was deep anger hidden in Anukadi's voice. He seemed like a volcano that could explode at any time, carrying some extremely unstable danger, trying hard to suppress himself.

Brother. He raised his head and looked at Fando.

Fando lowered his head unconsciously and avoided his eyes.

We don't need to be afraid at all. We are the oldest cosmic star alliance! We are the most powerful gods that have existed since the primitive times on par with the ancient beasts! Why should we care about a latecomer, a piece of garbage that was founded less than a thousand years ago?

shut up!!

A roar of thunder exploded, rolling and surging in the hall, shaking Anukadi's whole body.

Do you know what you are talking about!?? The countless gray hairs on Fando's head danced and twisted violently, showing that he was angry and excited at this time.

Brother, I...!

Get out! Fando's eyes suddenly flashed with a blue light.

Anukadi's tall figure suddenly seemed like an illusion, being twisted by some huge invisible force, sucked into a golden vortex behind him, and disappeared.


Fando stretched out his hand, and the huge and invisible force severely suppressed Ennai who was about to scream.

He turned his face to look at Lu Sheng.

Dear Leader Lu, you have also seen that because of your request, we have temporarily lost a deputy leader. Such behavior will also have a very troublesome impact on our reputation. Therefore, I do not want you to leak this meeting.

Of course. Lu Sheng nodded slightly. Withdrawing his index finger that was about to take action, the opponent sent Anukadi away, leaving him with no target to attack. It was obvious that he had just planned to take action.

He looked at Enno again, whose face was filled with tears.

The woman in the black dress was like an ordinary little woman at this time, crying silently, struggling to catch up with Anukadi who was sent away under the pressure of huge power.

This situation made him feel like a bad guy who forced his lover to break up.

Then, she is yours. Fando lowered his eyes and sighed. He could risk offending Lu Sheng and send his brother away, but it was not worth doing to Ennai.

Lu Sheng nodded, stretched out his hand, and grabbed En Nai.

Huge and twisted power spurted out and quickly covered the struggling Ennai.

Her whole body froze, and a large black arc appeared on her body. Her whole body slowly became translucent, and then quickly shrunk. It flew into Lu Sheng's mouth and disappeared completely.

Thank you Fan Duo Alliance Leader for your understanding of righteousness. On behalf of Yuan Mo Sect and the Research Association, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. Lu Sheng thanked you at the end, turned around and strode out of the hall.

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