Extreme Demon

Chapter 1142 Ending 2

Mother River time, one year later

Mobosh River Channel, Floating Island.

The simple long table was still the same as the last meeting, with top representatives from different universes gathered together.

The members of this meeting obviously changed several times.

One of the middle-aged men, dressed in purple and black, wearing a tight-fitting hunting suit, holding a cane inlaid with a dark gold clock, sat at the head seat at the end of the long table with a calm expression.

He is the star hunter of this generation.

The Star Hunters have no names, and their codenames are just their names, because they are not a single individual, but an entire powerful group that was once persecuted by void monsters.

The resources of the entire ethnic group were integrated into one, and they dedicated themselves to become the most powerful individual in the history of the existence camp.

At the other end of the long table, an old man with gray hair sat. He held a dark green tree root-like crutch in his hand. There was a cage-like metal sleeve on the top of the crutch, with a faint dark green fluorescent light inside. Occasionally, slender translucent tentacles can be seen, slowly extending from them and then quickly retracting.

His skin was dry and pale, and his eyes burned with the same pale, subtle fire.

How are you doing lately, Star Hunter? You seem to be in good condition.

Udyr, you shouldn't blame him. The Star Hunter just came back from the Dark Void, and he brought the leader of the Void Guardians, the head of Asalundo!

An old man with long blond hair said solemnly.

Really? So, where is Xining now? Udyr smiled, but his withered face looked uglier when he smiled than when he cried.

Still fighting with that unknown powerful being. Star Hunter said in a dull voice. His voice was like a grown man talking to an iron bucket, muffled.

Still fighting?!

Many strong men at the long table were surprised.

Didn't we already decide the winner before? That strong man was completely destroyed by Xi Ning's body. The blond old man frowned and asked.

That's just an illusion. Star Hunter said calmly, That unknown strong man has an organization called Yuan Mo Sect under his command. We can tentatively call it Yuan Mo.

Xining has indeed killed Yuan Mo many times. But what is incomprehensible is that Yuan Demon seems to have the highest level of immortality. No matter how you kill him, he can resurrect and counterattack in the next moment.

So what's the current situation? Udyr also became interested.

When did such a difficult character appear in the northern ethereal world? Before, they had only relied on them to entangle Xining and many armies of void monsters. The pressure is just too much.

Now a Yuan Demon appeared out of thin air and actually dragged Xi Ning's body back.

Kaio is very strong and can destroy the universe, but that does not mean that Kaio is stronger than all the energy in the universe combined.

Destruction is always easier than creation.

Kaio is more like a needle that can constantly pop balloon-like universes.

Xining has transferred almost all the avatars of power to deal with Yuan Mo. Now that we can sit together for a meeting so easily and leisurely, we have to thank Yuan Mo for his help. Star Hunter said calmly.

Then shouldn't we help Yuan Mo now and try to kill Xining? A black-haired giant said in a deep voice.

It is impossible to kill Xining. Udyr shook his head, The Void Realm King is not just an ordinary title. From the moment a realm king is selected from countless void monsters, the Void Monster who becomes the Realm King will It will undergo rapid qualitative transformation under the support of the entire ethereal world. It will have unimaginable super healing capabilities and extremely terrifying vitality.

This doesn't mean it can't be killed, right? A strong man asked doubtfully.

Of course. It's just that they have three immunity saves. The mother river time can be exempted from any type of damage three times every ten years. Udyr explained, When I fought against Xining's body, I almost died because of it.

Then we do nothing?

Doing nothing is the best choice. Before we have the power to completely destroy Xining. The best way is not to do anything. Udyr lowered his head, and the pale fire in his eyes became brighter. stand up.

Many strong men on both sides of the long table were lost in thought. Everyone present was an absolute strong man who had mastered the Certificate of Overlord, but Udyr was the only strongest man who had mastered the Certificate of Overlord in two digits. .

The proof of dominance is often related to how many universes have been saved. A universe can hatch at most five Certificates of Overlord. Moreover, the certificate of dominance of each universe cannot be issued to an individual repeatedly.

Therefore, Udyr's double-digit hegemony certificate means that he has rescued more than double-digit universes.

If possible, we need to contact the Yuan Demon. Udyr continued, The East is a mixed army like us and cannot cooperate with each other. Now the disadvantage is becoming more and more obvious. We cannot follow in their footsteps.

The Immortal Alliance in the south has stabilized the situation. The west is the true spirit system, which is the most stable. It is also the strongest point of the Quartet. Therefore, the situation in our north has the greatest impact on the overall situation.

I hope your judgment is correct. Star Hunter said solemnly.

Actually, we don't need to express goodwill by helping. Udyr smiled. Yuan Mo has descendants and relatives under his command. We can definitely start from this aspect. I have received information that this man still values ​​his relatives very much.

It's feasible. Star Hunter thought for a moment and nodded.



In the endless darkness of nothingness.

A white light flew rapidly from a distance, and two huge figures in the light were holding weapons and slashing at each other crazily.

Xi Ning was covered in blood, his face was ferocious, and he had no idea how many injuries he had suffered. He looked exhausted, and he couldn't even absorb the power of nothingness to restore himself.

The consumption of souls is too great.

Lu Sheng didn't know how many times he died. At this time, he relied solely on his willpower to hold on. More than a dozen pairs of arms behind him kept making lightning-like knife marks.

Although he is immortal, his soul has limits. He has lost count of how many times he has died, maybe tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions.

When the body of disillusionment caused him to die, the power of nothingness could not absorb any energy at all, and it was completely recovered and reshaped by the power of gray liquid.

This is also the key to his ability to approach infinite rebirth.

Both of them were exhausted by this time.

Both sides are very familiar with each other's moves, and there are no sneak attacks or surprises.

Xining is really helpless.

He had summoned a large number of void monsters before, and the void guardians helped, but except for himself, all the other beings were just food for Lu Sheng, and they were gone after a few mouthfuls.

In the end, not only did he give Lu Sheng time to rest and recover, but he also harmed his subordinates in disguise. The so-called immortality of void monsters was useless in front of Lu Sheng.

In desperation, he could only grit his teeth and insist on pushing forward.

In fact, at this point, both of them could no longer hold on.

Bang! !

Xi Ning tried his best to fight off Lu Sheng with a halberd, breathing heavily with a look of defeat on his face.

Stop!!! he yelled through the soul transmission.

Lu Sheng's hand waving the scimitar slowly stopped. He was also floating weakly in the darkness.

What do you want to say? Lu Sheng felt like he had to take a breath to speak. Although I no longer need to breathe for a long time.

It's a waste of time if we continue to fight like this. Xining calmed down a little and said quickly.

Instead of wasting our lives like this, let's agree to fight again in the future. To avoid being taken advantage of by other beings.

In fact, this is what Lu Sheng thought. After fighting for so long, it doesn’t matter whether it’s him or Xining. They all already felt how difficult the other party was.

Xi Ning's original intention of causing trouble for his relatives has long been thrown away. Now he just wants to go back and have a good sleep, and sleep hard for hundreds of years.

But he knew he couldn't. After all, he was facing more than just Lu Sheng. The Star Hunter and Void Hunter Udyr would not be willing to give him such a long period of rest. So he decided to call a truce.

Okay. As long as you don't come to trouble me, I won't make trouble for you. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Until now, nothing happened to his relatives, but he had eaten tens of thousands of Xining's generals as a supplement of nutrients.

Even Xi Ning himself tried to take a few bites of the meat on his body, but the purity of the void power inside was so high and thick that it almost burned his mouth through. Lu Sheng then temporarily gave up his plan to eat Xining.

I don't have time to trouble you now. I just want to go back and sleep. If possible, we'd better make an agreement to avoid falling into this kind of predicament again in the future. What do you think? Xining said seriously. He really didn't want to talk to you again. This guy is exhausted.

If it were an ordinary war of attrition, it wouldn't matter if it lasted for thousands of years.

But with this kind of highest-intensity all-out fighting, one could be killed on the spot if not careful. A year is too long.

I agree.

Lu Sheng nodded.

The two of them were suspended in the void, their lips moved slightly, and their souls communicated with each other. Soon, Lu Sheng, his own aura, and the aura characteristics of his relatives were recorded by Xining. In the future, when the void monsters in the north encounter them, they will try not to harm them.

And Lu Sheng also promised not to take the initiative to cause trouble when encountering Xining's forces in the future.

Each side takes a step back.

It's just that neither side swore an oath with the power behind them.

Xining did not swear by the name of nothingness, and Lu Sheng did not swear by the mother river as the foundation.

This kind of agreement is actually just a verbal agreement. Both of them knew very well that as long as their own strength surpassed that of the other, they would be sure to kill the other completely. Then this so-called verbal agreement will completely expire.

Goodbye. No, never again! Xining breathed out one last breath, turned around and suddenly turned into countless black mist, blending into the surrounding void and disappearing.

Lu Sheng also turned around and turned into a ball of white-gold fire, flying straight towards the huge mother river.

The two of them completely lack the demeanor and style of the so-called top big shots. Like two kids who went back to their homes after a fight. One had a bruised nose and face, and the other was in a trance.

But now the only thought in Lu Sheng's mind is to go back to his hometown and get married.

Find a more stable universe, create several races with Wang Jing, reproduce the offspring, and find a way to get the earth back when you have time.

As for the battle of nothingness, it has nothing to do with him.

Continue to thank you for the 10,000-point tip last week~

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