Extreme Demon

Chapter 113 Fight 1

A strong wind blew.

Lu Sheng walked down from the high place slowly, step by step very steadily and calmly.

The little red shoes stepped in slowly, revealing a burgundy long skirt, followed by a bow knot with a blood-colored jade pendant, and a delicate black belt.

Half of a woman's body was completely stepped in.

Both are moving at the same time, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry. But it's approaching quickly.


There was another crisp sound.

The upper half of the woman's waist squeezed in through the crack in the door in a strangely twisted posture.

No one from Red Whale can escape. A sharp and strange female voice sounded.

The woman's upper body had completely entered the hall, but she was holding a blood-red oil-paper umbrella in her hand.

But when she just walked in, what she saw was a pair of very close, dazzling beast-like eyes.

Lu Sheng stood in front of the gate and looked at the woman in red dress who had just entered. The corners of his mouth suddenly curled up on his originally indifferent face.

Are you the only one? He suddenly said.

The woman was stunned. But she didn't expect that someone would ask her that. Without even understanding, the other person asked what the meaning of this sentence was.

You her voice just came out. But he saw the other party suddenly smile.

boom! !

In an instant, a shadow grew rapidly, and an irresistible huge force, accompanied by a fierce whistling sound, fell hard on the center of her chest.


It felt like hitting the tough bark of a tree, or hitting in the wet mud. A faint black translucent film appeared on the surface of her skin, blocking the attack of this palm.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! !

The woman in red turned the paper umbrella around, and the sharp edge was like a blade, cutting towards Lu Sheng's forehead at high speed.

Go to hell!

Before she could make the cut, a burst of hot power suddenly burst out from Lu Sheng's palm.

boom! !

The blazing Chiji Jiu Sha Gong suddenly exploded, and the internal heat flow exploded between the two of them like a bomb.

The woman screamed, and her whole body was hit hard by the concussive force, and she flew up and hit the side wall diagonally.

Lu Sheng jumped up, and his whole body expanded rapidly in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, it expanded to twice the size of an ordinary person. With a terrifying explosion and speed, he slapped her forward and hit her hard.

Boom! !

As soon as the woman got up, she was hit by a palm and flew backwards. She and Lu Sheng hit the door together. The door of the main hall was twisted and was severely smashed into a dent. The depth of the dent was red, and there was actually a hole in the middle of the iron door. It was quickly burned red under this palm.

The woman watched helplessly as the other person's body suddenly expanded from the height of an ordinary person to more than two meters inflated like an inflatable.

The huge body was covered with horrifyingly twisted muscles like tree roots, and crashed into her with a huge impact.

It's like a mountain of meat hitting a small earthworm.

Before she even had time to react, she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

Lu Sheng put one hand through the woman's chest and slammed it into the hall door behind her, almost pinning the woman to it.

The scorching heat spread violently from his body and hands. The area where the door came into contact with him quickly became hot and red.

ah! ! ! !

Only then did the woman in the red dress realize what she was doing, and began to roar and scream wildly, and clawed at Lu Sheng with both hands.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! !

Dark scratches kept appearing on Lu Sheng's body, but they were of no use. They only produced violent sparks from time to time, like scratching on steel.

The entire Red Whale Hall fell silent in the blink of an eye, and everyone looked at Lu Sheng who was nailing the female ghost to the door in disbelief.

In other words, that huge monster like a mountain of meat.

At this time, Lu Sheng was almost three meters tall. The muscles all over his body were piled together, and his upper body was so exaggerated that it looked like it was covered with countless sarcomas of different sizes.

Even the skin on his face was distorted, and the entire face was stretched out by muscles, like a mask embedded in the center of his body.

His whole body was covered with black mesh lines, and a red blood mark appeared on his back, just enough to completely cover his entire spine.

Oh Lu Sheng looked at the woman struggling in his hands with disappointment, It turns out it's really just you.

What the hell are you!!? the woman screamed, and thick black smoke began to quickly emerge from the wound on her chest.

Something? Lu Sheng tilted his head, his eyes bloodshot.

I am a human being. I am a human being. He raised his arms, Well, can't you see? I am a human being!!

He put his arm towards the woman's mouth.

Don't you like to eat people? Let me eat them for you.

He began to squeeze the woman's mouth.

But because the force was too great, the muscles in his forearm were too hard, and the woman's head even made a slight cracking sound.

You don't. The woman struggled, trying to twist away.

Eat, eat, don't you like to eat people the most? Lu Sheng pressed his arms hard towards the woman's head, his eyes flashing with strange blood red.

Why don't you eat it? Isn't it delicious? He became more and more powerful and violent.

Bang! !

Finally, the woman stopped struggling for an instant. She suddenly stopped moving, and her head was completely crushed by Lu Sheng's arm. A pool of red and white stuff slowly flowed down from the door.

With a breath, the woman's entire body burned completely, and after a few breaths, it turned into countless black ash and flew away.

Lu Sheng took back his hand, feeling a little disappointed that he couldn't even use 10% of his strength.

This woman is just a ghost. Although she is infinitely close to the level of ghost, the difference between her and her is a world of difference.

Facing him now, the so-called ordinary ghosts are as weak as earthworms. There is simply no way to test his true strength in his current state.

Poor weakling. Lu Sheng's body quickly shrunk and recovered. Such an opponent could not make him excited at all.

Not to mention that he couldn't force out the trump card specially prepared for today, he couldn't even test the limit of his strength in his current anode state.

The anode state was the name he gave his body after it expanded.

He has discovered that in this state, all his blood and endocrine secretions will be rapidly strengthened, and his emotions and personality will become brutal and extremely aggressive. Even a little crazy.

Especially when internal strength and external strength are combined with luck, it will reach a limit.

It's just that this form is too inconvenient and ugly, so he carries out daily activities in a normal human form.

I originally thought that the opponent coming was a weird level opponent, but unfortunately, it turned out to be just a very close ghost.

But, it doesn't matter. Hongfang won't just send such a mere ghost. This should be just a test. Lu Sheng turned around with his upper body bare. In order to adapt to the sudden change in body shape, he was already wearing extremely loose and elastic clothes. Unfortunately, only the pants were left, and the top was still stretched out.

In the main hall, many senior members of the Red Whale Gang looked at him with frightened expressions, as if they were looking at some kind of monster.

Chief Lu? Are you really Lu Sheng? Elder Wang was one of the two people who discovered Lu Sheng for the first time. At this time, he slowly stood up with deep fear and disbelief.

Of course, is there any benefit to pretending to be me? Lu Sheng smiled at him, which frightened Elder Wang so much that he took a step back and almost fainted.

The scene where Lu Sheng changed his state just now was so shocking that everyone present was stunned and dumbfounded.

Only Hong Mingzi was well-informed and recognized that Lu Sheng had the characteristics of someone who had achieved great success in hard work, so he calmed down a little bit, but the rest of the people were different.

Junior brother, you, you have practiced Chiji Kung Fu to the highest level, the seventh level!?! He asked with a trembling voice.

Senior brother Mingjian. Lu Sheng replied with a smile.

Xiong Bo Shou also has the Golden Sha Kung Fu and the Dusk Drum Dan Kung Fu. This is the Jiujiang Tie Suo Kung Fu!!? Hong Mingzi had extremely rich experience and recognized many typical characteristics of hard kung fu from Lu Sheng at a glance.

With so much martial arts gathered in one person, he was so shocked that he was speechless and didn't know how to evaluate it.

Such martial arts talent is simply unprecedented, the strongest martial arts genius in history! !

In Hong Mingzi's mind, only this sentence came to mind.

He looked towards Chen Ying, and sure enough, Chen Ying also recognized some of Lu Sheng's Kung Fu features, and was shocked and speechless.

In the main hall, some elders with little knowledge even regarded Lu Sheng as a powerful monster like a ghost, with faces filled with fear.

The muscles and body shape, although still humanoid, were too exaggerated.

By the way, I am now the leader of the gang, so you might as well call me Gang Leader Lu. Lu Sheng said calmly.

Next, Hongfang will definitely not give up. We have to discuss how to deal with it.

Yes! How to deal with the subsequent attacks is the key. Now in Yanshan City, and even in the entire Northland, once the news of the Zhen family's departure spreads, our Red Whale Gang will become the target of public criticism, and Hongfang is just one of the forces peeking That's all, we have to make plans as soon as possible. Chen Ying took a deep breath, calmed down, stood up and said loudly.

Even he thought the approaching aura of the ghost just now was weird. The ghost woman was just a hair away from being weird, but such a powerful ghost couldn't get away with it in the hands of the new gang leader Lu Sheng.

His speed and strength were so strong that in almost an instant, Chen Ying saw the woman in the red dress nailed to the door. Even resistance is futile.

The gap was much wider than he imagined. Maybe this time, the Red Whale Gang really has hope to pass the test.

With the leader of the Lu Gang here, we will definitely be able to get through this difficulty!

The gang leader is so powerful!

One by one, the elders began to try to transfer their hopes to Lu Sheng. His expression gradually became more hopeful.

Lu Sheng looked across the crowd. Everyone else was just a blur. He just looked at the old gang leader Hong Mingzi.

Hong Mingzi stood tremblingly on the spot, with Chen Ying supporting him beside him. Neither of them knew what attitude they should take towards Lu Sheng now.

Now, what should we do? Chen Ying opened his mouth, looked at Lu Sheng, barely suppressed his shaking mind, and asked in a deep voice.

There's more than one ghost outside. Lu Sheng moved his body, turned and walked towards the door.

Let's go out and take a look.

He pressed his hands on the door and pushed hard.


The iron door was slowly pushed open, revealing a wide gray-brown deck outside.

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