Extreme Demon

Chapter 1125 Seduction 3

To go or not to go.

There is actually nothing tangled about this issue.

Lu Sheng gathered his troops that day and selected three people from the Phantom Demon Sect. Together with him, he left Cyril at night and went straight to Asom.

Asomu is about three thousand kilometers away from Cyril, and it needs to cross a place called the Pearl Strait on the way. A boat transfer is required.

It also needs to pass through three strongholds as supplies.

Lu Sheng carried a fleshy specimen from Sun No. 1. Leave in the designated direction along the abandoned road.

Leaving Cyril, it took three consecutive days to eliminate monsters all the way, and the speed was not very fast. The car quickly ran out of gas, and there was no place to refuel along the way.

Lu Sheng simply took the people out of the car and walked forward.

He had a vague idea of ​​the purpose of that strange bud girl, but his core purpose in coming to this world was to find his relatives.

So whether it was a trap or not, he had to go there himself. Especially when there is no communication between Cyril and Asom.

Along the way, Lu Sheng encountered many strange and seemingly powerful monsters, but as a top-notch A-level expert, these monsters were just paper in front of him, and he could easily pierce and deal with them.

The so-called A level actually means invincible. The Corpse Insect Princess was invincible, and Lu Sheng defined herself as invincible.

But who is more powerful among A-level players, you still have to fight to know.

Heavy snow fell, covering the entire plain with a thick layer of white.

Like a white desert, the trees and grass on the plain can no longer be seen clearly. Instead, there were patches of dazzling white snow.

On the road, Lu Sheng and the other two drove a Mustang jeep that they had just picked up from the roadside, and they were speeding forward.

Something seemed to have fallen off the lower body of the Jeep, and it collided with the chassis from time to time, making an unpleasant deafening noise.

Lu Sheng was sitting in the passenger seat, playing with a handful of green spikes that had just been pulled off the monster's body.

The person driving next to me was Mark. The two strong men behind him were elite disciples of the Phantom Demon Sect, and they volunteered to follow Lu Sheng.

They are two brothers, one named Ken and one named Andy.

Both of them are 1.9 meters tall, only a little shorter than Lu Sheng. They are strong and strong, and both weigh more than 160. At first glance, they are not easy to mess with.

The car's engine ran for a while, then quickly stopped, allowing the car to slide forward.

The slippery frozen ground, like a mirror, can easily slide a heavy jeep weighing one ton forward.

Teacher, there's something wrong with the weather. Mark looked up at the sky.

There were dark clouds billowing overhead, it was gloomy and depressing, and the temperature was sultry.

In the distant sky, a gray snake-like cloud was slowly turning, as if it were a real living thing, constantly floating.

It's going to rain. Lu Sheng raised his head and glanced at the sky. Freezing rain, sleet.

Then let's find a place to take shelter. Mark never doubted Lu Sheng's judgment.

The car suddenly turned to the left, quickly leaving the main road and entering the desolate grassland.

There are often some abandoned stone buildings on the grassland, most of which are stone relics of the past. There are even occasionally small stone castles.

The car slowed down and searched for a while, and soon found an abandoned small earthen castle near a peach forest.

There is a deep moat dug into the earthen castle. There is a large withered peach forest in a semicircle around it, and you can still hear the faint sound of water.

This is a good place. Let's check first to see if there are any ghosts, and then choose a place to stay. Lu Sheng ordered.


The car drove slowly towards the earth castle.

When they stopped at the stone bridge in front of the gate of the earth castle, several figures could be seen vaguely inside the earth castle.

These people wore slightly outdated camouflage uniforms and held firearms in their hands.


A voice shouted from inside.

Passing by, staying overnight. Mark answered quickly and loudly.

There was a pause inside.

You are on the left and we are on the right!


Mark saw that the other party was probably a caravan temporarily staying here.

There are many caravans coming and going here, and many of them bring their own armed guards. Otherwise, ordinary people would have difficulty moving in the chaotic and dangerous wilderness.

The car drove slowly along the stone bridge into the earthen castle, and entered the area on the left as agreed.

After finding an empty place to stop, Mark and Lu Sheng got out of the car.

The entire high wall of the earthen castle was quite spacious, about the size of a football field, and the four of them occupied one side. Five people occupied one side opposite.

There was a bonfire burning on the opposite side, the red flames were as tall as a person, and they kept making crackling wood explosions.

Mark quickly found a spacious corner of the city wall, used the awning on the car to pull it over his head, and made a simple tent resting spot.

The other two people began to quickly light the fire and cook.

Lu Sheng took out a small black metal box from his backpack, opened it, and found another white metal box inside. He opened the white box again, and found a round piece of meat the size of a pearl lying quietly among the black velvet inside.

Lu Sheng pinched out the meat cubes, pinched some powder with his fingernails, then put the meat cubes back into the box, arranged them layer by layer, and put them back into his backpack.

Then he randomly grabbed some snow powder from around, found some stones and weeds, piled them together, and then evenly sprinkled the meat powder in his palms on the mess.

Teacher, what are you doing? Mark finished setting up the tent and came over to watch Lu Sheng sprinkle the powder curiously.


?? Cooking? Mark looked stunned.

We're almost out of dry food, so we have to save some. We'll finish this meal first while there are still materials around.

At this time, the bonfire on the side also lit up. Lu Sheng went over, took a burning log, and approached the snowdrift facing him.


Gradually, a sound like insects gnawing food began to come from the snowdrift.

Soon, under the sight of Mark and the other two people, the snowdrift in front of Lu Sheng began to change strangely.

The white snow piles were originally mixed with grass roots and stones, but at this time, whether it was snow powder, grass roots or stones, they began to melt as quickly as candles.

Everything turned into a puddle of flesh-colored mucus in just ten seconds. The slime continued to corrode the ground, but not long after, about twenty seconds, the corrosion process slowly stopped.

The activity can only be supported for half a minute. Lu Sheng looked at his watch. He reached out and picked up the ball of slime.

The entire mucus has actually quickly solidified into a gel.

Let's make soup with it. This will be very nutritious. Lu Sheng handed the ball of gelatin to Mark.

??? Mark took the thing with a confused look on his face. The amber gelatinous substance swayed in his hand, like a large flesh-colored jelly, the size of a basin.

This is emergency food. It is an emergency military meal made from the core cells of Bahan's meat. It can convert all materials except metals into proteins and fats to provide us with supplies. Lu Sheng explained .

Can this thing be eaten? Mark was speechless.

Of course, give it a try. Lu Sheng smiled.

Soon, Mark used this thing to cook a large pot of broth that looked very delicious. The aroma in the pot has already drifted far away before it is completely cooked.

Even the unfamiliar team on the opposite side couldn't help but cast their gazes in this direction frequently.

Lu Sheng walked up and scooped out a spoonful, blew it, raised his head and drank it.

Very fresh.

Teacher, are you sure we can eat this? Mark said speechlessly.

You couldn't before, but you can now. Lu Sheng replied sincerely.

Bahan's flesh is highly poisonous. Ordinary people who are not in good physical condition will die if they eat it. But Mark and others have practiced Phantom Demon Fist for so long and taken the diluted version of Bahan's Meat for so long, so their resistance has been greatly enhanced.

Naturally, there are no side effects after eating this broth.

Okay. Seeing that the teacher had all eaten, the other three had no choice but to take out bowls and drink one bowl at a time.


From time to time there were bursts of thunder in the sky.

In the black sky outside the castle, blue lightning flashed faintly.

Not long after, a soft sound of raindrops slowly sounded.

After Lu Sheng ate half the pot of broth. Feeling almost full, he stood up and leaned on the car, lowered his head, lit a cigarette for himself, and took a puff.

From a distance, he saw the group of people on the opposite side, who seemed to be laughing and talking around the campfire. The two girls covered their mouths and bent over, while a man opened his hands and argued angrily.

It's great to be young. Lu Sheng couldn't help but smile.

Teacher, you're not old, are you? Mark came over and took a bite of a cigarette and started to smoke.

You don't understand. The capacity of life is not just determined by age. Lu Sheng said calmly. He saw the people opposite him suddenly stand up. One man lowered his head and seemed to look at an instrument on his waist. Then his expression changed drastically and he started talking hastily with the others.

There was thunder in the sky, and because they all spoke in dialect, Lu Sheng couldn't understand what they were saying.

But what surprised him was that after hearing what the man said, the others all stood up in a panic.

What seems to have happened? Mark asked doubtfully.

Click click click.

Suddenly, a subtle sound of stepping on the snow came from outside the castle. There seemed to be many, many creatures approaching the castle at the same time.

What? Mark took out the tactical dagger from his thigh with his backhand, walked to the city gate and looked outside.

Fuck!! He was so excited that he almost jumped up from where he was.

Lu Sheng's figure flashed and he also reached the city gate and looked out.

Outside the city gate, countless black figures densely packed on the snow were swarming towards the castle.

The human figure cannot be seen at the edge, almost all within the field of vision, endless.

These figures are all composed of short, bald, gray-skinned people with stooped backs.

These people have no eyes, only the rest of their facial features. Most of them hold stone spears in their hands, and their strong and muscular bodies make them look hard to get along with.

Eyeless man! Damn! It's the Void Tide!! A harsh but understandable voice finally burst out from the campfire opposite.

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