Extreme Demon

Chapter 111 Malice 1 (Thanks to sister Su Xiaopa for being the second leader)

What! All the senior officials of the Forest Association are missing??!

In the Red Whale, Hong Mingzi stood up suddenly and was stunned.

Not only him, but also Chen Ying next to him, as well as other internal and external envoys and elders present at the meeting, the atmosphere was depressed and silent.

The leader of the Shelin Guild is a master of peak concentration. How could it be possible? Chen Ying opened his eyes and said in a low voice.

In his heyday, he was about the same as the leader of the Shelin Guild. Now this person has disappeared without a trace. Doesn't this mean that once something like this happens to him, he will suddenly disappear without anyone noticing.

An internal affairs officer turned pale and said softly: Could it be that he ran away from the battle?

Absolutely impossible! Hong Mingzi shook his head, That boy Zhang Yuandong is definitely not such a timid person.

That's what it is.

Everyone calmed down one after another, but suddenly they all thought of something.

To be able to solve a huge forest-related meeting so easily, and to have a master of concentration disappear so easily, the levels and powers involved. Apart from those beings who are opposed to the aristocratic family, what else can there be?

Hong Mingzi was mentally and physically exhausted and sighed. All the things that happened one after another in the past few days made him overwhelmed and unable to take care of everything.

He glanced at the people on both sides. Most of the strongest masters of the Red Whale Gang were here. Except for a few foreign envoys who were away on missions, this was the top force of the whole gang.

But so what? Facing the Red Square, facing ghosts and monsters, they are all chickens and dogs, and they are vulnerable.

And until now, only a few people know about the abnormality of the Zhen family, and most of the others are still in the dark.

This matter must be reported, right? a housekeeper whispered.

Whether it is that kind of pressing force, we must first find out. Elder Ouyang said solemnly. Besides, why didn't you see Lu Waishou? I heard that he went into seclusion again?

Ouyang Ningzhi and Mr. Wang were the first people to meet Lu Sheng. Now they were in trouble. When she mentioned Lu Sheng, everyone suddenly became nervous.

The name of the leader of Lu Sheng Road is famous in the entire Red Whale Gang and even other gangs in the mountain city.

He killed the deputy gang leader and burned the Song Family Village. Under his control, his subordinate Fei Ying Tang gained more and more control over Yanshan City, forcing many other forces to retreat one after another and had to give up part of their original interests.

Although Lu Sheng didn't make many moves, he was deeply rooted in people's hearts a few times. His strength and fierce character made everyone in the gang consider him a favorite.

Lu Wai is still in retreat and did not come to attend the regular meeting. But I will relay it on your behalf. Yu Lianzi, who was sitting in an inconspicuous place, slowly answered.

As the third most powerful person in the gang now, Lu Sheng's name holds great weight in everyone's mind.

The trouble this time is near Yanshan City. Yanshan City is also under the jurisdiction of Lu Waiwai. Why don't we ask Lu Waiwai for his opinion first and then make plans. A foreign affairs envoy suggested. The meaning in the words was obvious, that is, this matter should be handed over to Lu Sheng for investigation and handling in advance.

Yu Lianzi glanced at this person. My lord is currently in seclusion. I'm afraid I don't have time to deal with it for the time being. This matter is urgent. Why don't you nominate another person for in-depth investigation?

Let's discuss this later. Hong Mingzi looked at the people in front of him, knowing that no one was willing to take on this difficult matter.

Everyone had made up their mind that as long as they didn't accept it, the matter would have to be resolved immediately along the road to the mountain city.

Okay, the next thing is that there are unrest and troubles in many places in the North. Yuanli City and other three cities in the north have sent a request for help, asking for help to deal with the troubles. Which of you is willing to go? Hong Mingzi spoke weakly.

The atmosphere that was a bit depressing just now suddenly became more lively, and many people rushed to sign up. No one wanted to stay in Yanshan City, which seemed safe but was actually extremely troublesome.

Chen Ying saw this and shook his head slightly.

Quiet room.

Is this an external skill like Bone Shrinking Kung Fu? After mastering the hard skills, reaching the peak, you can freely control every muscle and bone of the body.

Lu Sheng felt the special changes in his body. This change seemed terrifying, but in fact it was just an enhanced version of the bone shrinking technique or the muscle-changing technique.

It is equivalent to forcibly compressing the originally powerful and huge body into what it looks like now. Once it explodes with all its strength, it will instantly return to its previous state.

The accumulation of hard skills can increase my strength to inhuman levels. It can also strengthen my physical body, making it difficult for swords to damage, and greatly increasing my defense. But the real ability to kill ghosts and monsters depends on internal strength. Lu Sheng stood in the original position. His eyes flashed.

I just don't know if my current physical body can be improved to another level. Although he doesn't know how strong he is now, he has definitely reached the level of Ju.

But the strange red square of the aristocratic family is not just a restricted level. The Zhen family is gone. If you want to be fully prepared, you must first consider all possible dangers.

What kind of force is Hongfang? Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. It seems that you have to collect information at the same time. Before that, the Yin Qi has been used up, and there are still two branches such as Baozhuang Gong that have not been practiced. Let's go find the Yin Qi first. . He immediately thought of the jade pendant in Chen Jiorong's hand.

After walking out of the quiet room, he opened the door and walked out of the courtyard, and immediately saw his subordinates waiting outside.

For the record, the leader and deputy heads of the forest-related association in the city have disappeared together. People from the prefect's yamen have asked you to attend the meeting. The gang has also sent people to inform them that there is a regular meeting to attend. Lord Yu Lianzi has gone on your behalf. Headquarters. The subordinates guarding the area were a separate bodyguard formed by Lu Sheng and Ning San.

This guard is given the best resource treatment, and then distributes a simplified version of the hard skills of bear fighting. Lu Sheng divided it into two layers, and then passed the first layer to everyone.

Although the technique is simple, it is very effective. It can withstand certain assassinations with sharp weapons. With a layer of leather armor on the outside, it is easy to fight against three or five people.

This is his team.

In principle, it is not allowed to teach Bangzhong martial arts, but as long as he doesn't go too far, Xiong Fighter is still the first level of the simplified version, so it is not a trouble.

Prefect's Yamen? After Lu Sheng became the foreign minister, he had never formally met with anyone from the government. This is the first time.

What is the level of the magistrate's office in Yanshan City? he asked casually.

The person who reported Uh looked confused.

However, another guard on the side quickly answered.

Sir, according to the system of Yanshan City, it is considered to be the first level of Fucheng, but it is not Dafu City, so the yamen here are equivalent to between the fourth and fifth grades.

Oh Lu Sheng nodded. Jiulian City's Yamen was only a seventh-rank official, and it really couldn't be compared with the official ones here.

But now, for the Red Whale Gang with the Zhen family standing behind them, a fourth- and fifth-grade yamen is nothing. He is not qualified enough to recruit him to attend the meeting.

But then he thought again, if the Hongfang attack was really full-scale, then it would be difficult for him to take care of everything at the same time. He would go to the Laoshizi meeting to see if the court's attitude was good.

Go and ask Nezo Xubuki to come with me. He ordered.


The subordinates quickly called Xu Chui and Ning San over. Lu Sheng took them into the carriage and went straight to the prefect's Yamen, the largest authority in Yanshan City.

The regional system of the Song Dynasty was divided into seven levels: Tingzhou, prefectures, counties, townships and villages.

Yanshan City and Jiulian City are both prefectural cities and govern many counties, but the prefectures are also divided into three levels: large, medium and small. Dafu is the only prefecture in Beizhou, Zhongfu is a prosperous city like Yanshan City, and Xiaofu is like Jiulian City. The divisions are strict one by one.

On the carriage, Ning San was also spreading the information he knew to Lu Sheng.

Yanshan City is the third largest city in the entire Beizhou, so it is also of a very high level, and there is also a powerful Feilian Army stationed here.

I have also heard of Fei Lianjun's name. Lu Sheng nodded.

The commander-in-chief of the Feilian Army, Yuan Xu, is an elder who also has a name in our Red Whale Gang. It's just a name only. Ning San explained.

After some explanation, Lu Sheng quickly figured out the relationship. Fei Lianjun also invited senior officials from the Red Whale Gang to serve as martial arts instructors many times, and the relationship between the two parties was quite harmonious.

The carriage quickly drove slowly to the side entrance of the Yamen. Lu Sheng and the others got out of the carriage and were immediately invited in by the waiting receptionist.

After entering the inner courtyard and passing through the garden courtyard, the three of them met Li Rong County, the prefect of Yanshan who was in his prime at Yingsong Hall.

Li Rongxian, whose courtesy name is Zhenyi, and whose name is Longshan Jushi, is also a master of calligraphy and is a high-ranking official of the fourth rank in the dynasty. The Li family behind him has deep-rooted connections in Fucheng.

This person has two mustaches on his lips, a solemn face, and dark skin. He is sitting on the main seat and playing with a bluestone seal in his hand.

There were two people sitting next to him. One was Commander-in-Chief Yuan Xu. He was a giant man with big ears and eyes like bells. He was dressed in a military attache's fine cloth robe and had a straight sword at his waist. He was quite impressive when sitting on his seat. Power.

The other person is a Taoist in Tsing Yi with a face like a crown jade and a fairy-like spirit. He wears a white jade crown on his head and has goldfish threads tattooed on his sleeves. He is clearly the Director of the Supervision Department, Lao Tao Bai Feng, who has always been like a dragon in the mountain city.

Baifeng from the Supervision Department. Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes.

The Supervision Department is the main real-power department that supports the imperial government in truly controlling the huge cities and states in various places. It is also the investigation department that specializes in all kinds of strange and ghostly things.

When a dispute between a family and a family needs to be mediated, a high-level official like the prefect of Yanshan will have to question an expert from the Supervision Department before making a decision.

The Supervision Department in Yanshan City has always had no sense of presence. This time he actually took the initiative to stand at the front desk, which surprised him a little.

Did we get some news secretly? Lu Sheng's heart trembled. If the Zhen family's affairs were spread, it would be difficult to determine the court's attitude.

As for everyone else, they didn't pay attention and were ignored.

Oh, it's the leader of the Red Whale Gang who has arrived. Magistrate Li Zhenyi said with a smile, Come, take a seat.

Lu Sheng strode into the lobby and sat down on the vacant middle seat on the left.

He represents the Red Whale Gang, and the Red Whale Gang is the leader of the black and gray factions in the North, so his position is naturally not low. But it won't be too high. After all, it's not an official position.

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