Extreme Demon

Chapter 1114 Contact 2

The Church of Isis proposed an exchange. Cyril could apply to them to hire helpers to help guard the stronghold. Pay them wages at regular intervals.

Cyril, on the other hand, must provide sufficient convenience and intelligence to the church.

The Church of Isis seems to be very sure that monsters will attack the stronghold, so the liaison officer sent has a calm attitude with a hint of arrogance.

Lu Sheng's disciples went up on the spot and planned to perform a full martial arts show. Fortunately, Isla intervened and persuaded in the middle, so the conflict did not break out.

But after this conflict, it was impossible for Cyril to ask people from the church to help protect him.

Lu Sheng also vaguely discovered that after he taught the Assassination Boxing, the disciples under his command became more and more irritable as their martial arts values ​​increased.

In particular, the Phantom Fist has strong dodge ability and accuracy, which can greatly improve marksmanship. In the era of hot weapons, the rapid improvement of marksmanship means a rapid increase in actual combat power.

In just seven days, the outer disciples of the Ten Heart Fantasy Demon Sect have made little progress in boxing skills, but in marksmanship, almost all of them have reached the level of elite gunners.

Several of them are gunmen themselves, and they have even reached the level of sharpshooters.

Lu Sheng screened out fifteen people who wanted to become his disciples in Cyril, which had a huge population base. After being accepted into the sect, as an outer disciple, he taught the basic complex methods of Phantom Fist.

There are still some difficult monsters left among the three strongholds, and Isla led people to attack them.

Everything is developing for the better.

It's almost time.

Lu Sheng slowly closed his eyes. The subtle adjustments that the body has been making to adapt to changes are finally complete at this moment.

Under normal circumstances, the improved strength is only in a certain part or a certain field. In order to maximize the full power, all other parts of the body will focus on self-adjustment around the strengthened physical ability.

Just like the explosion of strength, it requires the all-round cooperation of muscles, fascia, and bones. It is an extremely delicate combination of movements.

Once the strength is improved, the rest of the supporting equipment must also keep up. Otherwise, you may lose control of your strength, or you may accidentally strain yourself.

At this time, Lu Sheng's power was finally fully adapted.

This means that his body is ready for the next stage of strengthening and improvement.

Ever since he came to this world, he has always had a sense of urgency, especially after seeing the corpse insect princess killing the black snake who was also a demon alive, this sense of urgency increased to the maximum.

Dark blue.

Lu Sheng thought silently in his mind.

The light blue interface suddenly popped up.

Lu Sheng's eyes fell on the first box among them.

‘Genshin-ryu Assassination Fist·Ten Hearts Phantom Demon Fist: eleven sections. (Traits: confusion of perception, ten circles of confusion, and no inertial movement.)'

This is the powerful ability brought by the eleventh paragraph.

The Ten Rings of Perception Confusion and Confusion were present in the previous ten levels. Only this irrelevant movement was the key ability that Lu Sheng had been able to achieve unscathed along the way.

Although his physical fitness is only at level 11, he can defeat so many monsters whose physical fitness far exceeds his own without any injuries.

It relies on this inertia-free movement.

This ability allows him to maintain a super-fast burst of speed in a very short period of time, and can even ignore inertia, stop whenever he wants, and change direction whenever he wants.

After Lu Sheng's transformation, the power of the Phantom Demon Fist was greatly increased, coupled with such terrifying and weird speed, plus Lu Sheng, who had reached the master's level in martial arts.

Such a combination would be almost invincible as long as they were not too much faster than him.

It's a pity. It's not invulnerable. There are flaws after all. Lu Sheng sighed. Silently click the modify button.

The entire modifier interface flashed slightly and quickly became clear again.

Promote the Ten Heart Fantasy Demon Fist to the twelfth stage. Lu Sheng gave the order directly.

A large amount of martial arts experience was quickly combined in his mind. After high-speed and high-intensity calculations, he quickly formed a new set of powerful boxing techniques that could further enhance his realm.

A large amount of spiritual power poured out from Lu Sheng's chest, flowed to all parts of his body, and began to concentrate on strengthening the major tissues and organs.

A sense of ever-increasing ecstasy struck Lu Sheng's mind.

He sat quietly with his eyes closed, his muscles all over his body were squirming and trembling like a little mouse. Suddenly he felt itchy on his neck and chest.

He quickly opened his eyes and took a look. At some point, faint red lines appeared on his chest.

The same goes for the neck.

After lasting for about ten seconds, the consumption of spiritual power slowly stopped.

The dark blue interface boxes are finally clear again.

‘Handshin-ryu Assassination Fist·Ten Hearts Phantom Demon Fist: Twelve Stages. (Traits: Phantom Killing, Perception Confusion, Ten Rings of Confusion, No Inertial Movement.)’

Phantom Killing? Lu Sheng's expression changed slightly. He was somewhat unexpected in deducing such a practical ability.

After feeling the physical condition, it seems that it can still improve. This load is nothing to his increasingly powerful body.

Promoted to the thirteenth level again! Lu Sheng simply decided to see what level he could advance to in one go.

There are not many changes in the 13th stage. The main thing is to improve physical fitness, with a balanced improvement in defense, speed and strength.

Next, the fourteenth stage, the fifteenth stage, and until the sixteenth stage, the body that had originally adapted showed signs of being unable to bear the load.

Lu Sheng also stopped.

From the eleventh stage to the sixteenth stage, almost most of the spiritual power is spent on strengthening the physical body.

Speed, strength, hardness and toughness of skin, muscles and bones, and the pressure-bearing capacity of internal organs. All have steadily improved in successive stages of improvement.

This improvement is more extreme and terrifying than Lu Sheng's previous improvement.

The magnitude was so large that even Lu Sheng himself could not predict how big the specific changes would be.

It seemed that his appearance had only become stronger, with his back muscles bulging as high as a triangular kite, and his whole body taking on an inverted triangle shape. The rest of his appearance remained unchanged.

The strength is probably enough. The continuous physical strengthening will not be completed for at least a few weeks. Just use this time to start searching for Miguang Sakura and others.

Lu Sheng did not forget the fundamental purpose of coming here.

Finding the lost relatives is the most important thing.

It took him half a day to adapt to the sudden increase in body speed and strength. If his previous strength and speed could still be associated with people, then now his speed and power have been exaggerated to an abnormal level.

Using the equipment in the door, Lu Sheng calculated his current data.

Explosive speed can reach four times the fastest speed of extreme athletes. The ultimate sprint speed is about one ten meters per second for ordinary people. That's the average speed calculation running away.

Lu Sheng's average speed can reach forty to fifty meters per second. With such explosive power in a small area, people can basically only see phantoms.

And his punching power can reach three tons. The strength of an ordinary person's fist, without deliberately accelerating the sprint and lengthening the fist distance, is at most one or two hundred kilograms. That is between one-tenth and one-fifth of a ton.

As for Lu Sheng's modified boxing technique, the ultimate strength he can achieve after training is dozens of times that of ordinary people.

The combination of high speed and violence resulted in destructive power. Even Lu Sheng at this time did not expect that it would be so powerful.

Although it is very different from his original body, it is enough for now.

After walking out of the retreat room, Jackson was already waiting at the door with a stack of documents.

Seeing Lu Sheng coming out, he quickly approached.

Master, last night, someone in the stronghold was attacked. One person died and three were injured. He handed over a stack of color photos.

Lu Sheng took it and looked at it. The picture above showed the wounds of several attackers.

The bloody wound looked like a large piece of flesh had been dug out by something.

Have you sent someone to investigate? he asked with a frown.

Already gone. According to the process you set, two Phantom Demon Fist disciples formed a team and went over to check the situation. It's just that I should have replied to the letter in the morning, but there is no news yet. Jackson said solemnly.

What about communications?

The earphones seemed to have been dropped somewhere, and no sound came out.

Lu Sheng suddenly thought of the approaching danger that Isla mentioned.

In addition, a representative of an organization who claims to be the Whisperers hopes to meet you. They have brought us a lot of urgently needed food. Jackson added, And it is free of charge.

Huh? Lu Sheng was surprised.

Nothing in this world is free. What do they want to see me for? Did they tell me the purpose?

No, these people are a little strange. Maybe you should take a look for yourself.

Where is he? Now.

I have already placed them in a place in the city.

Take me to see it.

Lu Sheng said nothing and planned to see the situation for himself.

He was short of food, and the other party brought food with great power.


Jackson took Lu Sheng out of the retreat and called the people on the Whisperer side.

The two soon met this group of mysterious people who claimed to be the Whisperers in a special conference room.

We are a secluded clan living in the mountains. We have been living in the mountains and wilderness for many years. It was not until the recent catastrophe that we had to be forced out of the mountains and forests.

A dark-skinned woman with a nose ring and a sincere expression stood in front of Lu Sheng and whispered.

The fate is turning, and the Sons of Chaos have just begun their journey. We send food in the hope that you can understand our difficulties. Give up Isla.

Give up Isla? Lu Sheng was rendered speechless by the other party's irrelevant logic.

All kinds of strange attacks will continue to happen around Isla, and the past is just the beginning. Cyril's power is very strong, but it only stops there. If you insist on not letting go, the woman said with an indifferent expression.

What is the Book of Beginnings? Lu Sheng suddenly asked.

Once the source of the catastrophe is obtained, it will be integrated into the body and gain extremely powerful power. The woman answered without hesitation. And Isra has a page of the Book of Beginning integrated into his body. So he is special.

Is there anyone else?

Yes. But Isla is the most special one. Only the power of the Book of Beginning can hurt Black Void level monsters, the woman explained.

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