Extreme Demon

Chapter 1096 Attack 2

Go back. This place is not far from where we live. Luo Fei whispered.

Yes. Lu Sheng nodded, but unconsciously, he moved his gaze to the inside of the church. Through the spacious hall door, he could faintly see something transparent flashing past inside.

Everyone returned all the way and rested peacefully in the villa.

I originally thought it would really take a week before someone would contact me. Unexpectedly, it was only the afternoon of the third day.

Then Isis' people came.

Lu Sheng was standing on the lawn, standing quietly under the flower tree.

In the practice of Assassination Fist, the most important part is meditation, and among the meditation methods, standing still is the most important method.

In the process of quietly listening to your own heartbeat, you can abandon external influences and only focus on your inner self.

For the assassination boxing system, which aims to completely control oneself, this is the best way to adjust the state of practice.

Sister Luofei accompanied Anne to read in the villa.

Tang En lay on the grass and took a nap.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Suddenly a clear sound of electric bells came from the door.

Someone rang the doorbell. Lu Sheng opened his eyes. Look at the gate for the first time.

Tang En turned over and climbed up. Luo Fei and the other three quickly walked out and looked at the door.

Outside the door that everyone was watching, through the somewhat rusty iron door, a tall figure covered in black robes could be seen standing quietly outside the door.

The figure lowered his head and wore a black cloth mask on half of his face. He didn't mind the heat and wrapped himself tightly.

Lu Sheng walked quickly to the door and pressed the door button.

The iron gate clattered to the left.

Are you the ones who left the mark? A hoarse man's voice came from under the figure's mask.

It's us. Luo Fei brought Annie closer.

Annie. The figure actually knew Anne, and his tone suddenly softened. Although you can't see his expression, you can imagine that he must be smiling at this time.

Uncle Wenlingnington! Annie exclaimed, with a sweet smile on her face, she broke free from Luo Fei's hand and rushed toward him.

The man seemed to be afraid that something on his body would hurt the girl. He took a step back, moved some metal parts on the black robe away with his hands, and then hugged Annie with both hands.

Uncle, I miss you so much! Annie pressed her face tightly against the man's shoulder.

I miss you too, Annie. The man said softly. After comforting the little guy, he looked at Lu Sheng and his group.

Do you also want to treat your relatives and friends?

Is it okay? Tang En asked quickly in excitement.

I don't know, but I can take you to the church branch. There, you will be tested. The man named Wenlingnington said solemnly.

What kind of test? Lu Sheng asked.

Infection test. Wennington glanced at Lu Sheng. Suddenly his eyes changed. You don't need to go, you are already deeply infected. And you! He pointed at Tang En.

Tang En's expression changed and he still wanted to speak.

No need to explain, you two have either eaten food cooked by ghosts, or you are in too close contact with them. I can smell the rotten smell in your body from such a distance. Wenlingnington said coldly.

I Tang En had nothing to say. Not only had he eaten the food, he had eaten it for six consecutive years.

After you leave the ghost you have the closest contact with, you will completely transform into the same ghost within two months. Wennington said calmly. I've seen too many examples of this.

What about us? Luo Lan asked quickly.

You have no problem. Wennington glanced at Sister Luo Fei. You can follow me later.

Then what should we do? Tang En couldn't help shouting.

Waiting to die. Wen Lingtong replied coldly. I would like to advise you that there will be an accident here in four days. If you don't want to die early, you should change your stay first.

Lu Sheng stood aside and said nothing.

Sisters Luofei and Anne soon followed Wenlingnington away.

Before leaving, Annie secretly glanced at Lu Sheng, and it seemed that she had her own little agenda.

Lu Sheng estimated that she might sneak out to find him later.

But the key now is that Wenlingnington actually judged that the two of them were infected.

Lu Sheng and Tang En were soon the only two people left in the huge villa.

Damn it, I'm obviously still a normal person! Why does he think I'm an infected person!? Tang En said angrily, putting his hands in his hair in frustration.

We need more information about this sect. Let's search for survivors. Lu Sheng suggested.

Huh? Why? If it's just the two of us eating and drinking, we can last a long time, but it will be different if there are other people. Tang En disagreed.

You don't have to come. Lu Sheng said calmly. He suddenly remembered the gray-black mucus he had vomited before.

Maybe what Wenlingnington said is true.

Lu Sheng turned around and walked towards the villa.

Go to hell! Tang En turned back angrily and followed closely.

In the next few days, Lu Sheng and Tang En searched for survivors around them. Unfortunately, everyone around seemed to have evacuated early. Apart from the two of them, there was no one.

Lu Sheng continued to upgrade the Huanxinliu Assassination Fist to the fifth level. Fifth Dan is already at the level of a junior master in Genshin Ryu. After long-term training, physical fitness has made great progress in speed, explosive power, and accuracy.

Lu Sheng felt more and more that there seemed to be a phenomenon in this world that was closely related to the power of nothingness.

He had thought that the key point was the ghosts whose existence was equal to non-existence.

But on the fourth day, the change that Wen Lingtong mentioned finally happened. This is what Lu Sheng wants to confirm and contact.

Night time.

Lu Sheng lay on his back on the big bed, breathing steadily and closing his eyes. He seemed to be sleeping, but in fact he was meditating.

It is impossible to replace sleep with meditation, but it can significantly shorten sleep time. After all, in this world where crises may occur at any time, a meditative state can respond to threats and crises in a more timely manner.

On weekdays, he would finish meditation around four o'clock in the middle of the night, and then fall into deep sleep for three hours from four o'clock to seven o'clock.

But less than an hour after he lay down this time, Lu Sheng felt an inexplicable sleepiness rush into his heart.

Unconsciously, he slowly fell into sleep, and his sleep became deeper and deeper.

There was silence in the bedroom, except for the faint sound of his breathing.

Time passes slowly, I don’t know how long it has been.

Suddenly, a stream of air slowly poured into the door lock.


The door was opened slightly.

The wooden door opened slowly, as if it was just blown open by the wind. It seemed that something invisible was quietly entering Lu Sheng's bedroom.


A cold wind blew.

Lu Sheng opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a white-haired old man with a blue face and a smile standing in front of the bed.

His eyes were distorted and blurry, as if he was spent. The old man suddenly disappeared and could no longer be seen clearly.


He stood up quickly, supported his body, and looked around.

Just for a moment, he seemed to see this body of Thomas's grandmother, standing in front of the bed looking at him.


Lu Sheng opened the quilt and got out of bed. He saw that the door of the room was swinging back and forth in the wind. He didn't know when it was opened.

He stood up, his expression serious.

He didn't wake up naturally just now, but suddenly felt a great danger approaching. The body hidden deep in the heart of his body issued a strong warning, which suddenly pulled him back from his sleep.

Sure enough, that Wenlingnington was right, there will really be trouble on the fourth day.

Lu Sheng looked around and found no movement.

He recalled the scene he had just seen, and his heart still contracted a little. That inexplicable sense of danger was so exciting that he was completely sleepless now.

Got to see Tang En! He quickly put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom toward another bedroom on the second floor.

As soon as he reached the door, he pushed lightly and Tang En's door opened automatically with a soft sound.

Lu Sheng's face hardened and he looked in through the crack in the open door.

Tang En was facing away from him, standing quietly in front of the bedroom window. The window was wide open, and he seemed to be looking up at the moon.

The moonlight shone down like a faint white gauze, covering his body with a thin layer of white light.

Tang En? Lu Sheng called softly.

No response.

His heart skipped a beat, suddenly feeling something bad, and he rushed in with a few steps.

Tang En slowly turned around at this time.

Blood was flowing from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. Thin lines of blood dripped down his chin and onto his chest, soaking a large area of ​​his upper body.

When those eyes looked at Lu Sheng, they seemed to be crying, and they seemed to be empty, with nothing in them.

Damn it!

Lu Sheng rushed forward and grabbed Tang En's shoulder.

Bang! !

Suddenly, a huge force hit his chest and abdomen from the front.

Lu Sheng groaned, flew out on the spot, and hit the wooden door of the bedroom hard, breaking the door panel directly.

What the hell! He quickly got up and got out of his original position, and there was another loud bang at the position he just left.

It seemed like something heavy hit the broken door panel hard, smashing the board into pieces.

There seemed to be something invisible whistling and hovering in the air.

Lu Sheng relied on his sense of airflow to quickly dodge left and right.

The invisible enemy seemed to be so large that almost the entire bedroom was within his reach.

Lu Sheng didn't dare to stop for a moment, and he could hear whistling sounds breaking through the air anytime and anywhere.

Fortunately, the fifth-stage assassination fist's body is much stronger than before.

Several rolls in a row. He exited the room and went to the small hall on the second floor.

Picking up the machete he had prepared for precaution from the corner of the small hall, Lu Sheng suddenly stepped aside and slashed hard to the right when he saw it.

Chi! !

Something seemed to be cut off by a knife in mid-air and fell down.


The air tightened rapidly, as if it was being pulled quickly by some huge force.

Lu Sheng stepped forward again, slashing forward with the machete from top to bottom.


A feeling of cutting into something real is fed back from the blade.


The wind was strong, and something seemed to be roaring and shaking in the air.

Tang En, covered in blood, finally took the opportunity to rush out of the room and staggered downstairs.

Run away! He yelled at Lu Sheng with all his strength.

Without saying a word, Lu Sheng turned over and jumped from the second floor, immediately rushing in front of Tang En.

The two quickly rushed out of the villa, ran across the lawn under the night cover, and ran to a commercial street a few hundred meters away from the villa. They stopped when there was no movement behind them.

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