Extreme Demon

Chapter 1075 Background 1

After another round of verbosity, Lu Ning disconnected and panted angrily.

His name here is Zhou Ning, and his surname is that of his adoptive father and adoptive mother. However, when he grew up, he still habitually named himself Lu Ning when playing games to commemorate his previous life.

In fact, now, his memory has begun to blur, and his past life has gradually become unclear.

Those once domineering lives, compared with the current calm and tranquility, are more like being wrapped in a veil of unreality.

Forget it, forget it. I don't want to think about it so much. Finish filming this movie and go back to rest. Putting aside his thoughts, Lu Ning didn't want to waste any more brain cells.

Beep beep beep.

Just when he was about to log off, a notification sound came from his mailbox. Information has arrived.

Lu Ning was slightly startled. Ever since he took the money in exchange for a super dumb name and signature, no one had taken the initiative to send him a letter.

Except when the director pays his salary, there is no one at other times. It is all system information.

However, when he glanced at it casually, he unexpectedly discovered that the message this time was not a system email, nor was it a director.

Clicked on the email and looked at it. The letter was from the same person who contacted him last time.

‘Little Tong: Did you say you wanted to meet before? Is it real? Don't fool me, I'm telling you, anyone who fools me will not end well. ’

'of course it's true. Lu Ning quickly recovered, You mentioned Qingcha Zong before. I would like to ask you where did you know the name? He was also a little confused, but because of the different languages ​​and characters, the three characters Qingcha Zong typed by the other party were just pronunciation. It was similar but different from the previous life, so he didn't care.

Maybe it's a coincidence, just think of it as a tribute to the memory of the past life.

Lu Ning was idle and started to chat with the kid.

Soon the two chatted and met offline. Lu Ning repeatedly sent the address he sent last time. But he never thought that the other party would actually come to him.

Let’s not talk about how time-consuming and energy-consuming it is just to meet an online friend. Even with such a long distance, a lot of money is wasted.

The other party also quickly left the coordinates of his planet. But it’s a location I’ve never heard of.

Lu Ning didn't care. The empire was so big that he couldn't even recite all the names of the galaxies, not to mention the planets, let alone two planets in one.

Can you give me your offline contact information or photos? The kid opposite sent another message.

Okay. Forget the photos. Lu Ning gave her the offline email address of her school dormitory.

I'll send you some souvenirs later. Although the other party is a girl, Lu Ning feels that she is very suitable for her. It is not the kind of mutual compatibility between men and women, but the same as a close friend.

After saying goodbye again, he disconnected the communication.

“It’s really time to go offline this time.”



The communication function is only available at level 10. What the hell is a game! Lu Sheng walked out of the novice village angrily carrying a wooden knife.

The fields outside the village are full of black scarecrow monsters.

He stepped forward and slashed one by one, constantly harvesting the so-called experience points.

After practicing for a while, Lu Sheng got bored and went offline, preparing to find someone to train on his behalf.

It's a pity that this game is extremely strictly monitored and there is no way to substitute players.

Soon Wei Zhenyu appeared again.

Master, I need to go to his specific address! He's at school!

Okay, okay, okay, I'll reward you with one million. You can spend it on your own when you go back. Lu Sheng said casually.

Thank you, Master! Wei Zhenyu said sweetly, One million, spend one hundred yuan to sell some souvenirs to that boy, and the rest is all his own. She made a lot of money.

We'll wait until we find someone. Lu Sheng didn't take it seriously. To him, money was just a number. It couldn't be exchanged for the resources he needed. No matter how much money he had, it was meaningless.

In the next ten days or so.

Lu Sheng began to quickly integrate the remaining work tasks and solved all the training tasks of Jiumingtang against Blue Starlight.

After working hard to plant hundreds of love-killing seeds and completing this year's share, he began to make arrangements to leave the planet and go to his son's location.

But before leaving, a batch of scale stone refining ore he ordered was already on its way here.

Because the order was placed from the nearby mineral star inside the blue starlight, the speed was extremely fast. It arrived in less than two days.

According to estimates, this batch of goods can provide Lu Sheng with at least 3 billion units of spiritual power.

Forced, Lu Sheng was temporarily unable to leave and was dragged away, so he continued to practice hard in secret.

This delay lasted more than half a month.

Amfretty once again pursued and reported a great victory, but the Jiying fleet also suffered heavy losses, with almost no survivors left. This has had a considerable negative impact on its reputation and image within the organization.

Blue Starlight convened two internal cross councils in succession. Lu Sheng also attended once.

All are accessed via long-distance communications.

However, because he was a new member of parliament and his strength was not very outstanding, he did not put forward any opinions. But even a fool can see that there are very few people in the parliament who support the Parreans.

Former Prime Minister Pareon proposed two bills in succession, both of which were voted down.

Lu Sheng also calmed down and waited until Anfreidi completely lost power before helping her in times of need.

As the situation continued to deteriorate, a week before Lu Sheng was about to leave the planet and head to the suspected location of Lu Ning.

There was finally trouble on Amfretty's side.


Lu Sheng opened the newspaper and his eyes fell directly on the largest page.

The Empire's former strongest genius, Amphrey Dipaleon, was finally arrested

Picking up the coffee on the side, Lu Sheng frowned and took a slow sip.

What's going on? he asked in a deep voice.

Master, this is the news that just came out this morning. In fact, we have contacted people within the organization and said that the person was caught the day before yesterday. It's just that the news was released and announced. Bai Juncheng said solemnly.

Even if Amfretty died in battle, she would not be captured like this. Such an ending is not suitable for her. Lu Sheng shook his head.

I don't know about this. But there may be some inside story. Bai Juncheng was also a little strange.

Lu Sheng was silent for a moment.

It's been almost a year since you joined Blue Starlight, right?

Yes, teacher.

Where are our people divided now? Lu Sheng asked casually.

Except for the core Tianlong Department, there are our people in other departments in the Blue Starlight Division of this star field. All of this can only develop so quickly under the glory of the teacher. Bai Juncheng took a small photo What a flattery.

Because I suddenly sent people to improve my physical fitness a while ago, I couldn't hold it back and started a little faster. Lu Sheng nodded. However, the people in the Tianlong Division are all close to the top masters of dark energy. It would be too obvious for me to attack directly and would be noticed, so I haven't moved yet.

I understand, we can only figure it out one by one. Bai Juncheng understood very well.

Pay close attention to where and where Amfretty is being held, and what are the empire's specific plans to deal with it? Lu Sheng ordered, In addition, Prime Minister Pareon will not just sit back and watch something happen to his daughter. Pay attention to his movements.

Then Master, what's our position? Hong Ji asked in a rude voice. Since the nuclear energy improvement method was started. Her thinking became increasingly confusing, and she was even a little confused at times.

But in exchange, his force value soared like a rocket. From being in second place before, he has now become the truly strongest disciple under Lu Sheng.

Stay still for the time being. On the surface, we support any decision of the organization, but once there is a need to cooperate with the rescue of Anfretty, we will act secretly. Lu Sheng gave the arrangement.

Yes! The cadres from the core department below responded one after another.

Lu Sheng tapped his fingers and looked at the top experts standing in two rows in the hall.

The people here have been reduced to the standard twenty people.

Except for a small number of disciples who were personally taught by him, the rest were all joined by external masters.

One-third of them are Vinaga level telekinesis masters

The core principle is survival of the fittest, and only the strongest will be ranked higher.

Lu Sheng implemented a ranking system in his headquarters, using a nearby asteroid as a sparring ground, and anyone could challenge higher-ranked players. There are three different candidates challenging the right in a year.

And those present here are the twenty people who fought their way in with their strength.

He simply used numbers to quantify the ranking of his disciples. From first place to twentieth place. Everyone has extremely huge rights.

Money, beauty, subordinate power, everyone has their own independent power.

General Anfredi, the location where he was captured was in the central star region of the empire. And I happened to have something to do and wanted to go over there. Which of you is willing to come with me? Lu Sheng looked at the many disciples present with a calm expression. .

Not long after, two people walked out slowly.

One is Bai Anyi and the other is Naisean.

Are you all willing? Lu Sheng was a little surprised. Bai Anyi didn't care, but Nese'an was also willing. You must know that he is a high-ranking noble of the empire. If we go together this time, once his identity is exposed, it will have an extremely serious negative impact on him. It might even be devastating.

Yes, teacher, I have been enjoying everything with peace of mind under your wings. Now, it's time for me to repay you. Bai Anyi's expression was firm. Unlike his brother, after his breakthrough, he looked more like him than other disciples. Lu Sheng.

Because he is the only pure warrior who practices alone without telekinesis or any external energy.

He walked out on another broad avenue alone in the art of load-bearing fighting.

He took out the essence of the Spiral Nine Life Method taught to him by Lu Sheng and integrated it into his own martial arts philosophy.

Not long ago, I went to other planets to challenge strong telepathic masters. After returning, he became more and more like a master.

Lu Sheng counted all his disciples and felt that the only one who was most likely to break through to the dark energy realm was Bai Anyi.

Although everyone accepted his blood energy transformation. His strength will increase rapidly as he improves.

But these powers are all derived from his joint transformation and do not belong to him.

And the only thing that belongs to him is the realm of martial arts.

Bai Anyi is uniquely blessed, and it is very possible for him to achieve the status of a martial arts master in a very short period of time.

Lu Sheng only reached the master level after he was several hundred years old, and his talent in this area was actually far inferior to Bai Anyi's.

As for the Grandmaster realm, he was stuck for a long time before he managed to break through.

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