Extreme Demon

Chapter 1073 Looking for 1

Walking along the block, Lu Sheng returned to the hover car he drove. A two-headed dog was gnawing bones at the back of the car. He didn't know where the leftover bones came from.

Opening the car door, Lu Sheng turned over and sat in. Taylor was sitting in the driver's seat.

Sir, go back now?

There's no rush for now. Lu Sheng closed the car door. How's the new mining area going?

Preparations have been made for mining. Once your funds are in place, we can start work with all employees. Taylor is worthy of being the top modulator. After being tricked by Lu Sheng into killing the love, he wholeheartedly sold his original master, Amfretty. All gone.

Lu Sheng has figured out many of Amfretty's details. At the same time, as the best moderator, she can summarize Lu Sheng's work almost anytime and anywhere. So much so that now Lu Sheng doesn't need any assistants at all.

Just take her with you.

The only pity is that Taylor's life span was only twenty years.

This cannot be changed.

Because her metabolism is many times that of the average person, such a powerful metabolizer gives her extremely efficient work efficiency, but it also makes her consume much faster than the average person.

Then notify the main hall and mobilize the funds. Lu Sheng ordered calmly.

Yes. Taylor agreed. As soon as I stepped on the engine, the car slowly floated into the air, gliding silently into the distance.

Lu Sheng sat quietly in his seat.

In the past six months, he has not stayed on this planet honestly, but has been absorbing a large amount of scale stones at the same time.

Now the total amount of spiritual power he has absorbed has reached a terrifying 9.7 billion, and is just a little bit closer to reaching 10 billion.

This place is different from Bejia Star. Because of the large circulation volume, there are not many scale stones actually accumulated in the warehouse. Unlike Bejia Star, it takes a long time to accumulate more scales and then transport them to other planets.

Lu Sheng had only made a rough investigation of the situation before, but after discovering this problem, he immediately adjusted the system and changed the scale stone transportation to a longer delivery cycle.

In this way, you can save more at one time and transport it out.

The car was speeding all the way, constantly on the designated highway.

Light advertisements projected on both sides continued to flash across the car windows.

After a while, the car slowly slowed down and got off the highway. After a while, it turned this way and that, and then drove into an urban area with slightly dilapidated factory buildings.

Large trucks and suspended transport planes were parked on both sides of the road. Red alarm lights flashed in front of the tall black factory building.

Dark clouds gradually appeared in the sky, and in the dim warehouse area, warehouses stood silently like giant beasts in the darkness.

Taylor turned on the car lights, and two diffuse halos of light shone out, illuminating the road ahead.

All the scalestones recently mined have been concentrated and transported here, Taylor explained.

The car soon slowly stopped in front of the largest dome warehouse.

Lu Sheng pushed the door open and looked up at the warehouse.

Are they all here?

Taylor got out of the car and nodded.

Yes. As you ordered, they are all here.

Okay, wait for me here. I'll go in and check. Lu Sheng strode to the warehouse. The warehouses nearby are all owned by Jiu Mingtang. Fully automated networking facilities mean that there is no need for any manpower to guard the door, everything is fully automated.


The door flashed a red light, then quickly turned to green, and slowly opened to both sides. The huge, dark warehouse space inside was revealed.

Lu Sheng strode in.

There are densely packed containers piled up on both sides. The off-white container Shanghai is marked with the Jiu Ming Tang logo.

The warehouse door behind Lu Sheng slowly closed.

He glanced left and right and walked forward slowly. A trace of thought can spread out from his body silently, like a thread, quickly drilling into the surrounding containers.

After a while, subtle clicking sounds came from the container, which was the sound of the mind energy thread opening the box.

A large amount of filament-like spiritual power quickly flowed into Lu Sheng's body along the threads of thought energy.

He closed his eyes slightly and stood in the middle of the warehouse.

Dark blue. He thought silently.

The light blue interface pops up instantly.

Lu Sheng felt an indescribable sense of joy in his heart as he looked at the slowly changing and increasing numbers of spiritual power above.

Whenever this happens, he will appear extremely peaceful.

Time passes slowly.

Soon, the amount of divine power turned into 9.9 billion.

A strange feeling gradually came to Lu Sheng's heart.

He noticed that the modifier seemed to be undergoing some unclear changes.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.


Suddenly there was a crisp sound in Lu Sheng's mind.

He was startled.

At his current state, it is difficult for anyone to directly transmit voices into his mind.

It has been a long, long time since I made a sound directly in my head like this.

What's the sound? Lu Sheng glanced around and Nian Neng paused for a moment.

But soon he was shocked to see that the sound was actually uploaded from the entire modifier.

On the dark blue interface, the spiritual power numbers previously displayed were slowly changing and beating. From a large series of numbers, they quickly blurred and transformed into a single number 1.

Behind the 1 is a rotating colored crystal logo.

What is this? Lu Sheng hesitated slightly.

Modifier Shen Lan has rarely seen changes since he awakened this ability, and now such a big change has suddenly occurred. It really surprised him.

Is it possible that this is just a simple change of the counting unit? Lu Sheng noticed that this colored crystal was automatically converted when its divine power reached 10 billion.

That said, there's a good chance this is just a new form of unit of measurement.

He carefully checked Shenlan's condition and made sure there were no problems or other changes before slowly relaxing.

Shenlan, nothing can happen. Lu Sheng breathed out. Although I can accomplish my goal by relying solely on my talents, with the help of this ability, I can save a little effort after all.

In fact, at this level, he rarely relies on Deep Blue.

If he wants to break through his current state, it mainly depends on his own hard work.

After practicing hard to a certain extent, and then realizing the realm, it will naturally come naturally.

Promote me the spiral nine-life method to the seventh life internal organs!

Lu Sheng tried to improve his seventh life, but tens of billions of divine powers were obviously still not enough.

Moreover, his current sixth life has not been completely digested, and his body is still improving.

Nowadays, Lu Sheng doesn't know how developed his brain is. He just felt that his mental energy was increasing a lot every day.

Now, his Nian Neng is more than a hundred times stronger than when he first broke through.

After the Vinaga level, it is just the starting point. A Vinaga class like Nessian can only control a few large battleships at most.

But when it comes to dark energy users, they can control battleship groups and directly carry out star-destroying bombardments.

Even a giant ship as big as a planet can be easily controlled.

Lu Sheng was not sure whether he had reached the level of dark energy user. But with the combination of telekinesis and martial arts, he was certain that he had definitely reached the high level of a true dark energy user.

Soon the spiritual power in the warehouse was absorbed. Lu Sheng retracted the telekinesis thread, closed the opening of the container again, turned around and left the warehouse.

Taylor has been standing still outside the door. She is wearing a white professional skirt, her legs are wrapped in thin black silk, her face is indifferent and calm. The long hair is tied up high, looking dignified and delicate.

Next to her, another beautiful girl stared at Taylor with a look of unwillingness, as if she wanted to drive her away from here.

Xiaoyu, are you here too? Lu Sheng said unexpectedly as he walked out.

Well, master. The thing you gave me has been done. Wei Zhenyu straightened her waist quickly, and she also changed into a black professional skirt, as if to compare with Taylor. She also wore stockings on her legs, but they were not black, but pink.

Lu Sheng glanced at the pantyhose on her legs with a strange look on his face, feeling an indescribable sense of violation. Especially when I saw a round lollipop printed on the outside of my thigh, I felt even more helpless.

Master, am I pretty this time? Wei Zhenyu noticed Lu Sheng's disgusted gaze and thought that he had successfully attracted the other person's attention. Suddenly, he was a little proud and turned around in a circle.

Beautiful. Lu Sheng nodded helplessly, Okay, get in the car. Please report the situation to me.

Yes! Wei Zhenyu said quickly.

At around 20 years old, she was much more mature and beautiful than in previous years.

Although her face is not as delicate as a moderator like Taylor, her years of training in martial arts have resulted in her having an extremely hot and well-proportioned figure.

Her chest, waist, legs, and curves are all to the most perfect and voluptuous standard.

The three of them quickly got into the car. Lu Sheng took out a can of high-energy drink from the refrigerator in the car and threw it to Wei Zhenyu.

Tell me, what information did you find when you went out this time?

In fact, he didn't care about this little guy's actions. Wei Zhenyu relied on his Buddhist fate to do everything, and it felt like everything that should happen came naturally and he just had to wait.

After screwing up four or five times in a row, Lu Shengzhan completely gave up on letting Wei Zhenyu do anything other than help.

Master, I really succeeded this time! Wei Zhenyu looked serious.

Huh? What's the success? Lu Sheng didn't care. He put another can of drink into his mouth and chewed it slowly. Mixed with the flavor of the drink, the metal can is crispy and delicious, giving you the feeling of eating Wangwang senbei.

We are looking for Lu Ning of the Green Branch Sect! Wei Zhenyu stood up excitedly. Master, don't think that I'm just having fun this time, going out to have fun.

Let me tell you, I really succeeded this time! I really found the person named Lu Ning you mentioned!

Really? Lu Sheng sat down calmly and leaned back on the sofa seat behind him. Then tell me, where is he? How old is he? What is his family background? What is his personality like?

Uh Wei Zhenyu suddenly got stuck. I don't know these.

Then you found him, didn't you? Let's take a photo of him, right? Lu Sheng asked back.

No. No photos. Wei Zhenyu suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

But I swear, I really found him! I spent countless manpower and material resources, and all my organizational funds this year! I found him secretly!

Didn't you use up your annual funds a long time ago? Last month you were still borrowing money from your brother.

Also, there were no more than twenty aliens in the Jiu Ming Hall last month. Where did you spend the countless manpower and material resources?

I really found someone!! But not in reality! Wei Zhenyu became anxious.

Huh? Lu Sheng opened his eyes. say clearly.

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