Extreme Demon

Chapter 1065 War 1

So. Amfretty and her father should be one of the pillars of this world's resistance to the root of nothingness.

Although there is more than one country in this super-level world, the Motu Empire, as one of the strongest military powers, Motu plays an important role.

To be able to serve as prime minister in such a huge empire is self-evident in terms of his strength and prestige.

Lu Sheng quickly determined Amfretty's position and rights, and roughly knew where she was in Blue Starlight.

Regardless of this, start the emergency rescue plan first. In order to fight against the powerful enemy, I extracted too much magma from the planet, which has affected the normal circulation and operation of the entire planet. Remedies must be made immediately. Lu Sheng lowered his head and looked down at the earth below.

The city is almost invisible, with only a few remaining remains of man-made buildings still shaking on the black ground in pieces that are split and floating.

The wind roared across the sky, blowing the thick black smoke floating on the ground.

Lu Sheng could smell countless burnt smells mixed together, as well as a large amount of unknown gases escaping from the interior of the earth's crust.

All the odors mix together to form an extremely unpleasant stench.

Go and search for survivors. No life should be given up. Lu Sheng said solemnly.

Yes! Several black shadows circled and flew downwards.

Lu Sheng fluttered his wings slightly, hovering around and looking down, his eyes constantly scanning below.

Soon, he saw a small group of black spots struggling desperately on a sloping boulder from a distance.

The huge crustal movement caused the boulders to almost turn over, and they were about to be completely crushed.

Lu Sheng made a light stroke with his right palm.

An invisible twisted air knife flew down with a roar, hitting the overturning boulder with a bang, and gently knocked it back to its original shape, and lay down flat.

Only then did he take back his hand. Flying all the way, rescuing all the people who were in trouble because of him.

It flew in the sky for more than two hours.

He just rested temporarily in a temporary floating base nearby.

The surrounding military bases were all destroyed in the battle just now. The survivors were searched and rescued by the cadres of Jiumingtang, but only a few thousand people were rescued.

Too many civilians died from huge tectonic movements.

Despite the frantic search and rescue efforts of Jiu Ming Tang, they still cannot change the tragic facts.

In the floating base, Lu Sheng urgently contacted the General Defense Department, only to learn that General Anfredi of Blue Starlight had led the army to use extraordinary means to quickly take over the entire General Defense Department of Bejia Star.

The large crustal oscillator and plate stabilizer slowly started to activate, quickly calming down the various earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis stirred up by the war.

In this war, not only the city where the Juyi Group is located will suffer, but the entire surrounding states will be severely affected.

Anos Province was affected even though it was on the other side of the planet. The earthquake caused many civilian deaths and injuries due to the collapse of old buildings.

Coastal cities were even wiped out by a huge tsunami that destroyed nearly half of the city area, causing countless casualties.

The entire Double Star quickly fell into chaos. Under such a chaotic situation.

Lu Sheng received an invitation to meet with Blue Starlight Amfretty.

As a reserve member of the Cross, he is theoretically at the same level as Amfretty, but in fact Amfretty is far above him in terms of strength and prestige, so he can only be regarded as the first newcomer.

And Amfretty is the real boss.

However, what surprised him was that when he received the invitation, Amfretty during the video call did not feel domineering at all, but simply invited him for a meeting and consultation very calmly.

Discuss strategies for the upcoming measures to be taken by the Imperial Military.

This feeling is like a business-like atmosphere.

Regarding Amfretty’s strength. Lu Sheng roughly estimated that if the previous fluctuations on the periphery of the huge fleet were her full strength, then Amfretty could single-handedly wrap up the entire fleet's movements.

Its strength is most likely on the same level as his own body.

After all, those are not ordinary battleships. Each one is a giant ship equivalent to several ordinary planets. Dozens of giant ships were traveling at the same time, and even Lu Sheng himself did not dare to be absolutely sure that he could completely control their flight trajectories.

But Amfretty actually can.

With the main ship as the core, she led the entire fleet to collide with the imperial fleet at high speed. Lu Sheng could clearly perceive the entire series of processes.

This is equivalent to using its own power to wrap dozens of planets and hit the enemy.

He can easily destroy a planet or a galaxy, but that doesn't mean he can move such a huge mass in one go.

Lu Sheng was also looking forward to this meeting.

As a reserve member who agreed to join Blue Starlight, he could learn more about their level of information during the conversation with the other party.

Inside the giant ship suspended above the General Defense Department base.

In the cold and cold battleship conference hall.

Lu Sheng was wearing a black windbreaker with a huge nine-character white seal on the back. Ansha and Hongthorn followed behind.

Red Thorn's huge body was also restrained as much as possible at this time, but she still had a body of more than three meters, and still looked too huge and ferocious in the battleship passage.


The automatic sensor doors opened on both sides in front of Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng walked into the conference hall slowly.

There is only one huge oval table in the entire conference hall. The ground is flashing with dark blue fluorescent lines. The surrounding walls are inlaid with frames that look like oil paintings. There are various pictures inside that are constantly changing and beating.

There are deer running in the forest.

There were white clouds floating in the sky.

There are also giant elephants struggling to move forward in the glacier.

The unknown giant beast raised its head and roared towards the sky.

There were also fleets of battleships fighting each other. Some telekinesis masters controlled luxurious and religious-looking mechas and fought bloody battles.


Across the conference table, a slender dark blue figure slowly stood up.

Lu Sheng glanced over and focused on the white-haired woman in the middle.

The woman has flawless facial features and skin, and her white hair is slender and pale, like white snow without temperature, dazzlingly bright.

She was wearing a set of dark blue armor that was close-fitting and highlighted her body curves. He didn't wear a helmet, but stood up with a calm expression.

I'm glad that we can meet in such a peaceful environment. The woman said calmly, I am Anfredi, one of the current sixteen lieutenant generals of Blue Starlight.

Lu Sheng nodded slightly.

I am Wang Mu, a member of the Preparatory Cross Council and the leader of the Double Star Nine Lives Hall. It is a great honor to formally meet with the legendary and powerful imperial genius, General Amfredi, one of the Five Sacred Stars.

You're welcome. Speaking of which, I have a share of the votes for you to enter the parliament. Amfretty smiled.

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed and was no longer as serious as before.

Then thank you for your affirmation. Lu Sheng also smiled.

The two of them approached quickly and stretched out their hands to hold them tightly.


A circle of faint transparent ripples exploded from the moment the two shook hands, causing the nearest metal ground beneath their feet to dent slightly.

Not bad power. Amfretty showed a hint of appreciation.

I appreciate a tough guy like you more than those sissy trashes of the imperial nobles. She extended her hand to signal Lu Sheng to take a seat.

The two of them took their seats together with the subordinates around them.

Amfretty spoke quickly without any intention of being polite.

In this war, you must leave with us.

I understand. Lu Sheng nodded.

As long as you understand, I understand that it's hard to leave one's homeland, but there are some things that we have to do. Star Beji has become the front line of battle between us and the Imperial Telekinesis Alliance, and it may collapse at any time.

Amfretty looked calm.

In this universe, countless planets are destroyed every minute and every second. The Double Star is just one of them. Look at it. Our world cannot be limited to just one planet.

Thank you for your comfort. I'm just worried about how to find the next place to place my loved ones. Lu Sheng said calmly.

This is easy. You have two choices.

One is to find a place to settle on your own. The second one is sent to the most core place of the organization - the headquarters.

I'll think about it. Lu Sheng frowned.

The headquarters is located in the Black Sakura Galaxy. Although I know the name, even I don't know where this galaxy is. It exists in counterspace. It is a small micro-galaxy built in counterspace by the organization using some mysterious technology. .”

Is there really an anti-space? Lu Sheng didn't know much about this aspect.

Of course. The most basic condition for entering counterspace is the speed of light. Once it reaches the speed of light, you can freely enter and exit it. Mastering the counterspace technology basically masters the laws of time particles. Amphrey said with a smile.

It's like me. Guess how old I am? She raised an index finger, Give you a little hint.

How old? Lu Sheng looked at the other party carefully and said slowly.

A hundred years old?

Do you think I can still look like this when I'm a hundred years old? Amfretty was not as dissatisfied as ordinary girls. Just still smiling.

Please forgive me for my poor imagination. Lu Sheng only learned part of the technological knowledge from the books in Wenda Library. But most of those knowledge systems are backward systems that have long been outdated.

It is naturally impossible to have any records of the most cutting-edge technology such as counterspace.

Nineteen years old. Amfretty replied with a smile.

After more than two thousand years, I am still nineteen years old. I spend half of every year living in the counterspace. The time particles there flow backwards, so my tissues and cells are always maintained in a nineteen-year-old equilibrium.

Therefore, I will always be nineteen.

Amfretty smiled.

It's really amazing. Lu Sheng praised.

This kind of thing has never been seen in any universe before his arrival. Even in the high-level demon world and the evil god world, only some of the methods and spells involve the influence of time, but they are far inferior to what they are here.

This large-scale popular use of anti-space technology has risen to the concept of manipulating time.

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