Extreme Demon

Chapter 1050 Progress 2



A large number of carapace fragments flew out, along with blood and tissue fluid. Huan Shuzhong was confused. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his butt behind him. His whole body was spinning, flying high, and he lost consciousness in the blink of an eye.

Before it died, it vaguely saw those little hairballs rushing towards it, happily gathering around the point where it fell, and then opened their bellies one by one, revealing faces exactly like Wang Mu's.


Bai Songdie's eyes hurt, he let out a low cry, and felt a buzzing in his head.

She couldn't help but take a few steps back, trying to reach out to hold onto something.

Be careful. A big hand gently grasped her waist and helped her stand steady.

‘Tree King? ’ Bai Songdie suddenly felt a strong panic for no reason.

She quickly shouted in her heart.

In the past, as long as she shouted deep in her heart, the tree king would quickly respond and mobilize special powers to help her.

But at this time, there was no movement coming from deep inside.

Lu Sheng followed Bai Songdie's waist, gently moved up, and held her back.

Don't be afraid. When I came into contact with you just now, I helped you get rid of the stubborn diseases that have been dormant for many years. Some of the harmful substances that were parasitic in your body and sucked your nutrients have been expelled by me.

. Bai Songdie's pretty face turned pale and she smiled reluctantly.

She kept calling for the Tree King deep in her heart, but unfortunately, there was no response at all deep in her consciousness.

She now felt that coming here in person was the worst mistake.

You know, in order to obtain the special power of the Tree King, she spent an unknown amount of time, energy, and luck.

And now, he was expelled by the man in front of him just by saying that? She doesn't believe it! !

You don't look good. What's wrong? Do you have a cold? Lu Sheng comforted, Don't worry, maybe it was too much air-conditioning just now. Just rest for a while and drink some soup to warm yourself up.

He clearly sensed that the emotion-killing species had followed the space of consciousness and was deeply implanted in the soul of the reincarnator in front of him.

He didn't know whether the main god's space could remove this kind of influence similar to the inner demon's mind control, but now was a good opportunity to test it.

Master Wang, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to go back to deal with today. Bai Songdie gritted his teeth, feeling that he was uncontrollably developing a strange and special feeling for the person in front of him.

That kind of feeling is like an ordinary person suddenly seeing Buddha on the street, and he happens to be a Buddhist believer.

The enthusiasm is mixed with happiness, sluggishness, and a faint impulse that is willing to dedicate everything to it.

At this moment, she didn't know that something was wrong with her, and she tried to break away from Lu Sheng's arms with all her strength.

Unfortunately, to Lu Sheng, her strength was no different than being motionless.

Instead, the constant body friction made her breathe more rapidly, her whole body became hot, and her legs began to squirm with unconscious friction.

Don't be afraid, go in and have a good rest. When you wake up, you will be reborn. Lu Sheng said softly.

He helped Bai Songdie to the sofa in the VIP room and laid it across the sofa.

Bai Songdie soon became unconscious and fell into a deep sleep.

Lu Sheng sat opposite her and gently pressed his hand between her eyebrows.

What's your name? The psychological guidance technique was quietly activated.

He Xiao. Bai Songdie answered unconsciously with his eyes closed.

What are you doing here? Lu Sheng asked again.

mission accomplished.

What mission? Who issued the mission?

. Bai Songdie's face suddenly struggled, and large beads of sweat quickly appeared on his forehead.

What level of strength do you have in the circle around you? Lu Sheng quickly asked another question.

The Tree King is invincible! Bai Songdie's expression quickly returned to normal.

What is your mode of action? How many people usually work together? Lu Sheng thought for a while and asked again.

Each team has a different number of people. We must complete the mission, otherwise we will be wiped out. I generally operate with five people.

How to return after completing the mission.

Lu Sheng began to dig out the information he needed from Bai Songdie's mouth bit by bit.

Soon he also figured out that the method this woman used to control and charm others was to rely on a parasitic species called the Tree King.

When she confuses the other person and becomes infatuated with her, the space of consciousness is at its most relaxed state. The Tree King takes advantage of this opportunity and implants it deep into the other person's consciousness, thus subtly making the other person crazy about her.

With the help of this method, she controlled many powerful people and used them for her.

However, the tree king's control also has an upper limit, and it can control up to five people in total.

The selection of the five places must be done carefully.

Lu Sheng also roughly figured out the mission mode of the Samsara Team from her. To his surprise, he was able to issue tasks for the team to complete, but they had to be rewarded afterwards.

After leaving the VIP room, he asked two female disciples to go in and sent Bai Songdie to a nearby hotel to rest.

He still needs to observe this woman carefully for a while to see if she can use the Lord God to escape from his control. This is an experiment.

As for the biggest gain this time, it is not the woman named Bai Songdie, but the huge scale stone resources behind her that she represents.

After walking out of the restaurant, Bai Juncheng had been waiting outside for a long time.

Teacher, according to the signed documents, starting from tomorrow, we will officially own the scale stone business of the entire Mining Cloud Group.

Give me the address of their scale stone warehouse. Lu Sheng ordered.

Okay. Bai Juncheng took out his mobile phone and quickly sent a text message to Lu Sheng.

What was Su Qin's reaction? Lu Sheng asked again.

They had a brief fierce conflict with someone before. The other party was very fast and had already evacuated quickly when our experts just arrived. Bai Juncheng explained.

How is your strength? Have you found your whereabouts?

We are still looking. Su Qin was slightly injured, and the others are fine. The other party seemed to be targeting Su Qin, the leader, from the beginning.

What about other aspects? Where is the down-and-out telekinesis master that you were asked to observe before? What happens now?

boom! !

Before Lu Sheng could finish his words, the revolving restaurant behind him suddenly exploded.

Countless glass and metal fragments were instantly torn, broken, and exploded in the flames. Huge red flames soared into the sky, completely covering the entire restaurant area.

The entire hotel roof was completely reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

Lu Sheng raised one hand in front of him. A broken wall that was as tall as one person flew toward the two of them, and was caught by Bai Juncheng and thrown aside.

You, these mortals, ants! Worship! Tremble!!

In the fire, a tall stone man made entirely of burning red rocks slowly climbed up from the ground.

Ouch! !

It suddenly lowered its head and roared towards Lu Sheng and the two of them. The violent sound waves shook the surrounding gravel like real substance, and the dust and flames seemed to be blown away by the air waves, twisting and deforming.

Most of the waiters in the surrounding restaurants were disciples of the Nine Life Hall. At this time, they all took off their waiter shirts, revealing their strong and exaggerated muscles.

Come on, don't get yourself killed. Lu Sheng raised his hand and looked at the time.


The strong men around him all laughed ferociously and walked quickly towards the Hellfire Stone Man, which was more than four meters tall.

With every step they took, their bodies began to expand and deform violently. After just a dozen steps, each of the men who were originally only 1.89 meters inflated to more than three meters. Like little giants.

More than a dozen little giants completely ignored the blazing flames and rushed toward the roaring hellfire.

One minute later.

The Hellfire Stone Man's head was caught in Bai Juncheng's hand and handed to Lu Sheng gently.

This wonderful creature seems to use some kind of invisible ray as a cohesive force to pull the surrounding special stones to form its body. Bai Juncheng explained, We tried to press its head on its buttocks, or take off its hands and feet and insert them elsewhere. , but none of them worked.”

The position of his limbs is fixed. There are no internal organs inside the body. We have taken apart the rest and looked at it. There is nothing. Now only the head is left.

Lu Sheng took Hellfire's head.

This kind of hellfire stone man that he had seen in many legendary games when he was on Earth was actually quite famous.

It is said that they are from the powerful Burning Legion and are the vanguard of the Legion.

Tell me, who summoned you? Lu Sheng casually threw his head to the ground in front of him.

Come on, I can give you a good time.

Hellfire struggled and roared, but unfortunately only one head was left. No matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail.

Just wait. The endless flames will completely burn everything about you! The Burning Legion will destroy everything!!

This thing seems to be similar to some demons in mythology. We may need further testing. Bai Juncheng suggested in a low voice.

The test results will be sent to me on my phone later. Lu Sheng ignored it. Checking the time again, he had already wasted a lot of time here today.

Also, the restaurant was destroyed. Let the branch thoroughly investigate the clues, contact Su Qin, and ask them to cooperate together to arrest the person. Lu Sheng paused and looked at the burning fire.

It's been a long time since I've moved my muscles. It's time to let everyone know that there is a price to pay for provocation.

You don't need to do it yourself, the disciples and others can handle everything. Bai Juncheng said quickly in a low voice.

Let Hong Qi do it. I want to see the results in three days. Lu Sheng said calmly.

After three days, he should be able to completely absorb all the scale stones.

Don't worry. We have identified several suspects. As long as the target is identified, the core department will take action immediately.

Lu Sheng nodded.

The Hellfire Stone Man just now looked fierce, but with pure strength, two Nine Life Hall disciples could defeat him.

After popularizing the technology of practicing electromagnetic energy and nuclear energy, Jiu Ming Tang's comprehensive strength increased rapidly like blowing air.

Nowadays, there are Zheng Huan and other Nian Neng tribes who combine martial arts and Nian Neng. Even Lu Sheng doesn't know what level of strength they have reached.

If compared to Su Qin and others, the three core disciples of Jiu Ming Hall could easily sweep away several people head-on.

Compared to the original Jiu Ming Tang that Su Qin and others said, the current forces under Wang Mu are many times more powerful.

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