Extreme Demon

Chapter 104 Approaching 4 (It will be available tomorrow, please order~ You’re welcome, feel free to

Take me to see where that strange thing appeared. Lu Sheng didn't waste any words. The situation was now chaotic, and there were actually strange things causing trouble.

If it was Hongfang, it would definitely not be so petty. The disappearance of just a few ordinary people would have no impact on the Zhen family. It might in turn cause the royal family to resent it, which would outweigh the gain.

Just outside the city by the dock. Ning San promised.

The two of them rode on their fast horses. After receiving the news, Xu Chui quickly selected someone to follow them.

I ran all the way down and walked around the mountain city for about half an hour. Ning Sancai stopped at a small pier in the wild and got off his horse.

Lu Sheng dismounted and glanced around.

The river is calm, with faint white lines floating in the distance. The sun shines brightly, making the water surface sparkle from time to time.

Several long fishing boats were cruising slowly on the river, and fishermen were casting nets on the boats to catch fish.

It was noon, the temperature was slightly hot, and there were some shirtless coolies carrying goods on the dock. Several caravans were waiting aside, watching the goods being loaded onto the cargo ship.

Where is the accident? Lu Sheng asked with a frown. Such a scene does not look like a place where a case occurred.

On the right side of this pier, people often see people carrying sedans passing by there in the middle of the night, and there is no sound. Ning San replied.

While the two were talking, they walked towards the river bank on the right.

Until he reached the place, Lu Sheng sensed all the way and didn't feel the presence of Yin Qi at all. With no clue, he couldn't figure out the problem.

Wait here tonight. I want to see for myself what this sedan is. He narrowed his eyes.

During the battle between Hongfang and the Zhen family, there were still people who dared to reach out to Yanshan City, a stronghold of the Red Whale Gang. No matter who it is, it is a naked provocation to the Zhen family and the Red Whale Gang.

Seeing the crowds of people on the pier, Lu Sheng said nothing and just stood on the bank of the river without saying a word.

He didn't move, and Ning San didn't dare to move. Soon Xu Chui arrived with more than a dozen people. Under Lu Sheng's arrangement, they explored the terrain around the dock. But they found Zheng Xinzhong, the yamen arrester who was still guarding here.

Lu Sheng found a place to rest in a nearby fishing village and met Mr. Zheng, the yamen's boss.

Yulianzi? Zheng Captou stood in front of Lu Sheng with a hint of respect. After hearing the question, a look of confusion appeared on his face.

The day before yesterday, I said that I was going out with Mr. Wang from our yamen to investigate the midnight ghost sedan case here. Is Ying Ai not back yet? He replied quickly.

People here go out for investigation because they don’t have timely means of communication, so it’s not a big deal to be gone for three to five days.

Then since they left, has the sedan still appeared? Lu Sheng continued to ask.

It happened again last night, Zheng Captou replied with a wry smile.

It seems useless?

No, it feels like the time is much shorter. Zheng Captou answered quickly.

The time is much shorter. Lu Sheng thought for a moment and asked the head catcher to leave. He asked his subordinates to borrow pen and paper and wrote a letter in his own hand. After sealing it with wax, he had someone send it to the gang leader of the Red Whale.

He wanted to ask about the case and see if there was any reaction from the Zhen family. Logically speaking, there was no conflict in such an important place before, but now there is a conflict with Hongfang. The Zhen family will never allow such uncontrolled things to happen near the city.

He and Ning San paid some small money in a nearby village and found a place to rest. Lu Sheng left only Ning San and Xu Chui behind and let the others go back.

The three of them waited until night by the river. They didn't see the sedan, but they happened to see Yu Lianzi, who had returned from exhaustion, appearing on the river.

Lu Sheng led people to guard the shore and saw Yu Lianzi looking around in the darkness, seemingly looking for something.

Let's go up and have a look. He took the lead and walked towards them.

Xu Chui and Ning San looked at each other and quickly followed.

When the three of them got closer, they realized that Yu Lianzi looked tired and a little disappointed.

Lord Lu!? Why are you here? Yu Lianzi also saw Lu Sheng leading people forward.

How was it? How was the matter handled? Lu Sheng approached and asked,

It's very troublesome. Wang Baotou and I got separated, and I can't find him if I look for him later. Foreign leader, something is wrong recently. Yu Lianzi said solemnly.

Is the situation wrong? Lu Sheng was stunned, Why is it wrong?

To be honest. Yu Lianzi said softly, When Wang Baantou and I caught up, we saw someone faster than us, so we caught up first.

Is there anyone else? Have you seen what it's like? Lu Sheng asked with a frown. Most people would avoid this kind of thing, but there were actually people who dared to catch up with them, and they were even faster than Yu Lianzi, who was good at martial arts. This is somewhat interesting.

More than that, there have been very few strange incidents in our jurisdiction in Yanshan City recently. The originally huge city and its surrounding areas had a large population. Due to some time ago, there have been cases that may be about monsters and ghosts almost every now and then.

And now, it has been more than ten days and a half before this happened. Moreover, the subordinates suspected that after today, the ghost sedan would never appear again. Yulianzi whispered.

Oh? How do you say this? Lu Sheng asked.

Although my subordinates didn't catch up, they heard screams from in front of them halfway. It seemed like someone was fighting. When I got closer, I couldn't see anything, and there was no trace left. Yu Lianzi said in a deep voice, So it’s very possible that someone solved the matter before us.”

Lu Sheng didn't speak and was silent for a while.

It was indeed abnormal. He rushed over here, intending to solve a few cases to contribute to the gang and earn points, but he didn't expect to learn about this situation.

Why didn't you tell me something happened before?

My subordinates also saw that everything was going well, so they didn't tell the boss. Yu Lianzi smiled bitterly.

Let's go, let's go back first. Lu Sheng looked around. The wind in the river was cold and full of moisture. It was not a place to talk.


A group of people left the riverside and rode back to the Jinyu Flower House overnight.

The night was deep and dark, and Lu Sheng was walking on the road, but he felt more and more oppressive, as if there were dark clouds and heavy rain.

He didn't know what went wrong, but if he could make himself feel this way now, there must be something wrong.

Outside, it's dark at night, why don't we go back tomorrow? Just rest in the fishing village for the night? Yu Lianzi was a little confused.

The four of them were riding horses and walking on the dark official road. There was only a little moonlight above their heads for light, so they could not see clearly at all. The horse accidentally went astray, and people had to correct the direction from time to time, which was very difficult.

Of course I have my reasons. Lu Sheng said in a low voice. You can't say that you feel wrong. By the way, apart from us, have the other gangs done anything strange lately?

When it comes to this, Yu Lianzi understands it quite clearly.

There is nothing strange, but the leader of the Forest Society has announced that the retreat has been going on for quite some time.

There were also high-level officials from Changing Sect traveling to the Central Plains together. Nothing else matters.

Really? Lu Sheng didn't know what his premonition was. He had never felt this way before, but in the end, it was better to believe that this kind of misfortune existed than not.

After riding for a while, Lu Sheng suddenly reined in his horse and stopped. Look ahead.

In the distance, along a mountain forest outside the mountain city, it seems to be the foot of Dongshan Mountain. There was a faint glow of fire in the night sky.

There's a fire there. Do you know where it is? Lu Sheng asked casually.

But he didn't want there to be no reply from behind. When he looked back, he saw Yu Lianzi's face was as pale as earth. Looking at the fire, his face was dull.

In that direction, only Wanqinglou, the headquarters of the Transformation Sect, is there! Such a huge fire is not a fire, but a call for help from Wanqinglou's fire smoke! His voice was trembling.

Huo Yan's request for help? Is the situation serious? And what does it have to do with our Red Whale Gang? Lu Sheng didn't quite understand that Yu Lianzi was so frightened. He was usually a calm person. Never let yourself be frightened by what happened to other gangs.

But there must be a deep-seated reason why he is behaving like this now.

Sure enough, Yu Lianzi's face turned pale, and she stared at the fire and said slowly.

Foreigner, the fire and smoke request for help will only be ignited when the Transformation Sect is in danger of annihilation. The last time it was lit was during the gang war, the Transformation Sect headquarters was almost wiped out, so the branches were summoned to come back for reinforcements.

That has nothing to do with us, right? Ning San wasn't sure why Yu Lianzi was so frightened.

No, no. Yu Lianzi gritted his teeth, I'm telling you the truth. He leaned close to Lu Sheng's ear and whispered softly.

The leader of the Transformation Sect is none other than Hong Xingrong, the eldest son of the old gang leader. And the entire Transformation Sect is actually the strongest invisible force under the old gang leader.

The Change Sect is the Red Whale Gang.

At this time, Lu Sheng completely understood. He had always been surprised that he had not seen many of senior brother Hong Mingzi's descendants come forward, but he did not expect that there was such a secret relationship.

If the Huanhua Sect was destroyed, wouldn't it represent the senior son's eldest son Hong Xingrong?

There was a serious look on his face, and he immediately understood the seriousness of the situation.

Let's go! Go to the headquarters immediately!

Several people speeded up and headed straight for the Red Whale.

Without stopping along the way, with lots of bumps and bumps, we finally reached the Red Whale with difficulty when the sky was slightly bright.

The entire Red Whale was brightly lit and busy and tense, with a large number of trucks and oxcarts constantly coming and going from the side of the ship.

Buckets of water were continuously poured into the bucket behind the bullock cart, and they were quickly pulled towards the changing gate. It's not far from there, and it can be reached quickly by oxcart.

Lu Sheng has a vivid image, and some people have long memorized it. He led people to dismount, and someone immediately took the horse to greet him.

Where's the gang leader? he asked urgently.

Go back and rest in the garden. The gang members who came to greet him respectfully replied.

Lu Sheng didn't stop at that moment. He took Jade Lotus Seed and asked the others to wait elsewhere, and rushed straight towards the small garden.

He had a serious look on his face. Along the way, the guards who originally wanted to stop him and warn his gang leader who was resting did not dare to step forward.

Lu Sheng was the third most powerful person in the gang, with a violent temper. He dared to beat the daughter of the deputy gang leader to death in front of everyone in front of the ship, and he was notorious for this.

Hurriedly pushing open the iron gate of the small garden, Lu Sheng saw Hong Mingzi standing under the yellow lantern.

The current leader of the Red Whale Gang, the leader of the Red Sun Clan, looked back with dull eyes, and his whole person seemed to have aged much.

The first words he spoke made Lu Sheng change his face.

Junior brother, the Zhen family has escaped.

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