Extreme Demon

Chapter 1025 Wedding Banquet 1

There is an island in the center of Yuanle Lake, which the locals call Golden Bell Island. Legend has it that a golden bell hung on it for a hundred years and then disappeared mysteriously.

No one knows how the golden bell came to be, and no one knows how it disappeared.

But those were all legends from the past. Now Jinling Island is full of red fruit flowers.

Many people contracted land to plant orchards and contracted riverbanks to breed fish.

In addition to this, it is also a place where a large number of tourists gather every year.

The island, which stretches thousands of meters vertically, is crowded with about a dozen various farmhouses and entertainment attractions.

Although it is the age of science and technology, there are no signs of technological advancement here.

Help! Suddenly a sharp cry for help came from the river.


A shirtless man dived into the water and swam towards a young woman who was choking on the water in the distance.

Soon, he tried his best to rescue the young woman ashore. I also lay on the river beach, gasping for air, too tired.

After resting for a while, he stood up and wanted to leave.

Stop, my cell phone is still in the water! Cell phone!! The woman grabbed him and shouted.

Miss, the water is so urgent that you can't use your phone even if you bring it up, the man said helplessly.

Are you from the lifeguard? I'll give you three thousand! Help me pick up the phone! Hurry up! The woman was jeweled and had a bossy attitude.

I really can't do it anymore, the man replied helplessly. His physical strength was not very good to begin with, so it was a miracle that he could save people.

I don't care. If you don't get my phone, I'll remember your face. I'm telling you, you can't run away!

river bank.

There was an extremely tall middle-aged man wearing brown sunglasses, followed by a slightly thinner young man.

The two of them looked at the young man who was arguing with someone from a distance.

He is doing good deeds. But why can't he get good rewards? the middle-aged man said in a low voice.

Because the good things he did are taken for granted, right? The young man behind him thought for a moment and answered.

That's right. The middle-aged man nodded, Because he found the wrong person. The person he saved has not yet reached the most desperate moment. So I am not grateful to him.

The most desperate moment? The young man was puzzled.

It's the same as the home of the person we're going to. The middle-aged man watched the rescuer being pulled by the woman's clothes and refusing to let him go.

Then what if the situation itself would not develop to such an extreme level? the young man asked again.

It's very simple.

The middle-aged man walked over slowly.


He suddenly grabbed the hair of the woman who was acting violently, lifted her up straight, and threw her into the water.


Ahhhh! ! ! Help! !

The screams and calls for help sounded again.

The man on the lifeguard team was shocked, but when he saw the woman falling into the water, he instinctively wanted to dive in to save her.


The middle-aged man slashed the side of the man's neck with his palm. The man fell unconscious on the spot and fell to the ground.

Now, she is desperate. The middle-aged man looked at the woman struggling in the water calmly, turned around and walked slowly towards the distance.

Master Wang, will she die? The young man couldn't help but ask. Looking at the woman who was struggling, he seemed a little intolerable.

Who knows. Lu Sheng said calmly. Life is about making choices again and again. In the process of making choices, we bear the variables and consequences that come one after another.

He paused.

Like her, it's only a matter of time before she encounters a situation where no one can save her. I just help her a little earlier.

The young man felt choked for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Although he always felt something was wrong, he couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.

Let's go. Lu Sheng led him towards the dock area in the distance.

He knew that this was the master restoring the situation and giving the lifeguard and the woman a new chance. Opportunities for new choices.

This time they came to this island for the same purpose.

The core members of the Pladun family live on this island all year round. There are three people at the core of this large family that controls the largest scale mineral industry in the province.

Orin Pula Shield, Caesar Pula Shield, and Lizer Pula Shield.

These three people control 99% of the entire family's mining resources. Rather than saying that they belong to the Pula Dun family, it is better to say that Pula Dun has risen to glory because of them.

Among these three, Li Zepu Dun, the leader, leads the other two to control the entire family industry.

Jiu Ming Tang's offensive was very comprehensive, massive, and very covert. The Pladun family has not noticed it yet.

Lu Sheng also had another purpose in bringing Wei Handong here.

The two walked along the dock area for a while, and soon saw a small group of riverside villas along the shore.

This villa occupies almost half of the entire island.

This is it. Wei Handong looked at the map and compared it. Li Ze lives here all year round. He pretends to be an ordinary young white-collar worker and goes out early and comes home late. Until now, his family here doesn't know that he is the biggest controller of Plimpton. He has assets worth tens of billions.

This is the life he chose. Lu Sheng said calmly. Giving up fame, wealth, enjoyment, and luxury, just to keep the ordinary and warm. He did the right thing, because the latter is far more rare than the former.

Wei Handong also realized something at this time.

Indeed, luxury, fame, wealth, and enjoyment are all available at any time as long as you have power and wealth. But the latter are completely gone once you lose them. Because these cannot be bought with money.

As long as you understand. Money is just a tool used to exchange resources. Power cannot buy back the sincerity and time that has passed.

Lu Sheng slowly strode towards the villa area.

At the gate guard, several security guards quickly approached, intending to question the origin, but Lu Sheng just raised his hand and made a silent motion.

All the security guards were stunned. When they came back to their senses, there was no one in front of them.

As if nothing had happened, they returned to their posts and continued to do what they had not finished just now.

There are many elderly people in the community sitting outside playing chess and chatting. There are also elderly people playing with their children in public facilities.

The weather is cool, the temperature is suitable, and there are not many people going out.

When Lu Sheng and the two walked to the front door of a building, a little girl with twin tails was jumping down the stairs.

When the little girl saw Lu Sheng and the two of them, her pace slowly slowed down and she seemed a little scared. Because their figures are a bit too exaggerated.

Lu Sheng was stronger than before, nearly two meters tall. Standing in front of an adult, he could cover his figure. This time, he did not hide his true figure. In Anming City, he had actually been using exercises like bone shrinking to maintain his shape.

But after coming out, there is no need to restrain yourself.

Wei Handong behind him was also about 1.8 meters tall, with strong muscles that even a loose T-shirt couldn't hide. A faint look of determination gradually formed on his body. This is the aura that I have developed recently by searching for scale stones with Bai Juncheng everywhere.

The two of them were blocking the stairs, almost blocking the entire exit.

Don't be afraid. Little friend, tell uncle, where is Li Ze's house? Lu Sheng smiled, lowered his head slightly and said to the little girl.

There are four villas in this villa, so if you don’t ask clearly, you have to look for them one by one.

The little girl took a step back in fear and almost sat down on the steps.

I don't know. Her face was very nervous, and she suddenly ran out from under Lu Sheng's arm.

Lu Sheng didn't stop her, he just watched her leave.

According to the information, it's on the second floor here. The entire second and third floors belong to his family. Wei Handong whispered behind him.

So the little girl just now is actually from his family.

I know. Lu Sheng nodded. Of course he knew that the little girl was Li Ze's daughter. In fact, he also knew that the other party already knew it from the moment he entered this community and came straight here.

And he lowered his head to ask just now, just to give the other party a signal.

The two of them sat down in the shady pavilion on the side.

Wei Handong skillfully took out water from his backpack and replenished the dry food bars with high energy. Then he took out the counter-surveillance equipment by himself and carefully debugged and searched the surrounding situation.

Li Ze himself is a telekinesis master. He has joined several high-level telekinesis master alliances, but later quit due to unknown reasons. If we want to convince him to transfer the scale stone business, we can start with telekinesis masters. Wei Handong introduced.

No need to go to such trouble. Lu Sheng said calmly. He will soon know our purpose. And, he will agree.

? Wei Handong was a little confused, but seeing the master's expression dull, he couldn't say anything.

The two of them sat here for more than ten minutes.

Soon, a gloomy-looking middle-aged man, about forty years old, holding a small box in his hand, strode towards the two of them.

The man's facial features were very gentle, just like an ordinary teacher. He doesn't seem to have the temperament of a strong man at all.

Wearing an old-fashioned white shirt and black trousers, he walked to the pavilion and stared at Lu Sheng coldly.

He could tell that Lu Sheng was the leader almost at a glance.

Tell me your purpose. Jiu Ming Tang, if you don't stay in Anming City, what are you doing here?

Everything has its own destiny in this world. Lu Sheng was still sitting, his eyes falling on this man.

Li Ze, I want the scale stone mine, all the scale stone mines of your family.

What can I buy for you? Li Ze's tone was still cold.

Your life. Is that enough? Lu Sheng said calmly.

Li Ze suddenly stopped being angry and smiled instead.

You should go find out what my reputation is in the Nian Neng Alliance. I haven't done anything for several years, and it seems that the outside world has forgotten my reputation.

A faint buzzing sound began to come from the suitcase in his hand.

You are a very self-aware person. Lu Sheng stood up slowly. The tight black vest and the three red marks on his right arm became more and more bright as blood.

If you want to die in front of your daughter, I will grant your wish. Lu Sheng said calmly.

He suddenly raised his hand and pinched it with his fingers.


With a slight impact, a sharp alloy needle as thin as a cow's hair was clamped tightly between his fingers, unable to move.

Li Ze unexpectedly took action immediately after a disagreement. The veins on his forehead were exposed, and his mind power was running wildly.

But the metal wire seemed to be clamped by some giant machinery and could not move at all. The entire translucent metal wire began to glow red and hot. Under the blessing and confrontation between the two giant forces, there are even signs of melting.

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