740. Chapter 740 Future Plan (Request for Booking)

After Zhu Tiewan greeted, on the third day, Feng Yu got a legal passport from Hong Kong. At the same time, Feng Yu’s China passport is still legal.

After getting the passport, Feng Yu contacted the country, from Hong Kong, brought a few people and flew to New York.

The last time I came, I was still a fan of Pfizer Corporation, and this time, Feng Yu is ready to stay in the country for a while. At this time, the country is in a period of rapid economic growth. Although the growth rate is no more than 4%, the average is around 3%, but because of the large base, the growth is still very terrifying.

At this time, the United States cannot say that gold is everywhere, but the opportunities are indeed very many. At this time, it is the period of the rise of the US high-tech industry. High-tech industries such as electronic communications, computers, information technology, bioengineering, and software design will replace the traditional manufacturing industry of the country and become the engine of economic growth in the country.

Feng Yu came here in three directions, namely, computer, software and communication, which is also the industry he is preparing to promote in China.

Needless to say, communication, from the pager, to gradually transition to mobile phones, after 99 years, SMS SMSC high-speed processing system, the processing capacity of SMS, reached 500 hundred per second, and this will officially beat the pager Let the pager take the real path of decline.

Feng Yu’s plan for Aihua Electronics is to launch Aihua and Wind & Rain Brand mobile phones by 1997, and then gradually transform the production line to dispose of the production equipment of the pager within one to two years. Within three years, The pager was completely discontinued.

This decision made many people in Aihua Electronics unable to understand. In their view, the pager can still have at least ten years of scenery. It should continue to expand production capacity and continue to fight for production. How can it withdraw from the market in a short time?

Feng Yu told them that the SMS service of the mobile phone would beat the pager, which they did not believe. Because the SMSC system at this time can only process 10 messages in one second, it will cause serious delays in SMS, and the SMS function does not have a pager at all.

But they can’t think of it, the speed of text message development will be so fast, in the future it will reach 16,000 processing speed per second, and SMS will become the mobile service with the highest penetration rate of mobile phone users, because SMS is cheaper than cost. It costs about the pager, but it is a lot easier.

Feng Yu told Aihua Electronics that this is an order, not a negotiation. Feng Yu is the controlling shareholder, any decision of Corporation. As long as he does not break the law, he can make a decision by himself. Other shareholders’ opinions can be ignored.

The computer industry was handed over to Lenovo Corporation. Lenovo Corporation has done a very good job in controlling costs, and the country’s tariffs on imported electronic products have remained high. This year is a good opportunity for Lenovo to start a price war and a domestic market.

And immediately, it was the fastest period of development in the computer industry. Because Microsoft’s WIN95 operating system is coming soon.

This system is an important reason for the rapid spread of computers. Simple, convenient, fast, and easy to use, so that people can complete most of the operations with the click of a mouse, and the elderly and children will use the computer. At the same time, Microsoft will also launch IE browser, which will speed up the development of the network.

This kind of good opportunity, of course, can’t be missed. Although it is difficult to make Lenovo a world-class computer organization, it is still no problem to rule the China market.

On the hardware, Lenovo has signed supply contracts with many companies, and some non-core components can be produced in China. With the Chinese strength of Lenovo, this year will definitely be the peak period of China’s computer sales!

Such a good opportunity, Feng Yu of course, let Lenovo grasp. Fortunately, Liu Chuanzhi is also very positive about this, and he also believes that it is time to start a price war.

This world’s Lenovo is different from the previous one. The last Lenovo was financed by listing in Hong Kong and then getting the money. But this world is directly funded by Feng Yu, and the listing of Hong Kong was stopped by Feng Yu.

Feng Yu let Lenovo wait, even if it is going to go public, the best choice for listing now is also the country of rice, whether it is the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq, and the stockmarket in Hong Kong is now a lot worse.

A few years after Lenovo’s listing in Hong Kong, it was delisted again. Feng Yu didn’t want to happen again. Delisting is a blow to investor confidence.

Anyway, Feng Yu is firmly opposed, and the shares at this time are diluted. Feng Yu would fully support unless Lenovo asked him to subscribe for a part of the internal and then issue it again, keeping Feng Yu’s equity not lower.

As for the software, Lenovo is also working hard to develop, and Feng Yu pointed out that Liu Chuanzhi, the former domestic software industry Boss, Silver Mountain, has already been established at this time, there are many talents there.

If Lenovo can buy Silver Mountain, then you can run parallel hardware, walk smoothly on both legs, and even run fast!

Liu Chuanzhi even knows the people of Silver Mountain. They are still very famous in the software circle of China, but now it is not the best in China.

The best in the country is Rising, but with official capital, Feng Yu does not recommend acquisition. Liu Chuanzhi wanted to merge Rising into Silver Mountain and was stopped by Feng Yu.

Rising is good, but once it is merged, Lenovo’s shareholding transformation will soon be failed. The background of Rising is too strong and powerful enough to in turn engulf Lenovo.

Silver Mountain is better, the technology is as strong, and there is not much background. After all, it is easy to swallow. And in terms of Chinese, Silver Mountain has always been the world leader.

On the system side, no one can catch up with Microsoft now. This is for sure. Feng Yu didn’t expect it. He spent a lot of money and could immediately develop an operating system that is more usable than WIN95.

But it is important to localize WIN95. Microsoft, at this time, does not provide other versions of the operating system, only the English version.

If it is in English, then it will be very troublesome to implement in China. Feng Yu remembers that the previous Microsoft system was also made by Silver Mountain.

Only later, Silver Mountain directly cracked Microsoft’s system and used it for free. It was eventually brought to court by Microsoft. After losing the case, one person either quits or quits, but Silver Mountain has taken a different approach, starting from the mobile phone system and creating rice. Mobile phone, Boss Lei Dajun of Silver Mountain, has once again become a man of the times!

At the time of the mature development of the country, Feng Yu is ready to copy to China. And it is better to do than the rice country here, let China’s Company, to annex the company of the country. For example, in web browsers, forums, etc., you can take a step ahead.

Now, he is here to make an outpost.

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