1762. Who can be in the 1762 chapter?

“Feng Yu, this time the President of the Rice campaign, who can you win?” Fu Guangzheng leaned on the cigar and leaned on the sofa.

“What do you think?”

“Harry Larry? I see that many of the movies and TV shows in the country are female Presidents. And the Clinton family is very energetic. This time it is said that the people are the winners.”

There are a total of seven candidates for the President of this year. Everyone is still in the competition stage in D, but many people also know that under normal circumstances, the person ~ the main D is on the top.

And the three candidates of this citizen~main D, one is white, one is black, and one is a woman! The white man quit the campaign early, and now everyone thinks it is one of the Larry and the Ouba.

These two people have enough topicality, which makes the people ~ the main D has already prevailed.

Is it the first female President of the country, or the first African-American President? No matter which one, it is a pioneer. The two teams are also desperately making efforts.

“Movies and TV dramas are all kinds of propaganda methods. The campaigns on their side are actually very interesting. Many people don’t know who this candidate is. They rely on the concentrated propaganda during this time and then choose what they think is more. Good President.”

“You don’t think that all the elected politicians are politicians under the influence of big families and big consortia. The Clinton family is really powerful, but I don’t think she will be elected.”

“Although this family is very powerful, her policy agenda cannot be widely recognized. If her opponent is a white person, then she has 60% confidence to win. Unfortunately, her opponent is a black man.”

“At this time, black people naturally have an advantage. No matter whether they admit it or not, their species–discrimination has never disappeared.”

“It is said that the current unemployment crisis in the country is not the case. The vast majority of the unemployed are black. It is undeniable that blacks are under-educated and their competitiveness is low. According to the company’s preferential policy, whites leave more It is also reasonable.”

“But the blacks don’t think so. They think that they are discriminated against. It’s not that they don’t want to go to school, but it’s not fair for them to treat them.”

“The low level of education is also the mistake of the government. But they have to live, the Government must be in control. At this time a white man came to power, what do you say will happen? And a black man will be better?”

“In the eyes of politicians, there is no difference between men and women, but the difference in race is very important. You have not seen the election speech of Obera, and what he said is a concern of many people. The most important thing is to survive.”

Many people have been deceived by the propaganda of the country, saying that the country is good, and it is cheaper to see a doctor. From the Albanian campaign plan for universal health insurance, it can be known that many people in the country have no medical insurance before, and they are very expensive to see a doctor.

This is also why many middle-class families, such as doctors and lawyers, have very high incomes. If a lawyer is charged more expensive, it will not be said. If it is really cheap to see a doctor, how do you think those doctors can drive a good car and live in a luxury house?

“His plan is not practical at all? What kind of universal health insurance, how much is it. The country government, now get so much money?” Fu Guangzheng some do not believe.

This is simply a short check, is the rice country so deceived?

Besides, some people think that the Ouba cattle are better on the stage, but there are certainly some people who will never vote for the blacks. How will the Oba cow win?

When Clinton engaged in economic development, it was still very powerful. At that time, the country of rice, science and technology developed rapidly, and the economic growth rate was also fast. Now that the economy of the country is in trouble, shouldn’t we find someone who understands the economy?

Harry Larry doesn’t work, but there isn’t Clinton behind it. This guy who is not a good name is still very capable.

When Clinton came to power in the same year, the economy of the country was not awkward, but under his leadership, the economy of the country was soaring, and the gap with other countries was completely opened.

“It’s not practical to say two things, but it is the most attractive. This is not only good for the people. It also has great benefits for those who have money. They can give medical insurance to the country, and they will no longer be burdened by the company. ”

“In this way, their pressure can undoubtedly be much lighter. The credibility of the country is certainly higher than that of the Company. But as you said, this is difficult to implement because many people cannot afford to pay premiums. Most importantly, when the Oba came to power, they could stabilize these black people.”

This medical insurance is nominally national, but it is actually insurance Corporation. At this time, the largest insurance company in the country can not be operated. George Bush is trying to find a way to let Bank of America take over.

The country of rice is the only country in the developed world that does not have universal health insurance. This is worse than what China actually did. This is also why there are so many small clinics in the country, and the fees are much lower than those in the big hospitals.

A large hospital can take a few hundred dollars, or even thousands of dollars. In China, how much is this?

You said you can take Medicare reimbursement? Private insurance Corporation is for profit, may all be reimbursed for you? Will find various excuses, not to reimburse you.

The hospital then sends the bill to you. If you don’t pay, then your credit history will be problematic and you will start to calculate interest.

There are even many people who see a minor illness and then go bankrupt. Many people say that the doctors who have a cold fever in the country do not give prescribe drugs, saying that they rely on the body’s own resistance, saying that Chinese doctors know that selling drugs can make money.

I don’t know at all, the doctor there will suggest that you go to the big hospital for a full-body examination before you can confirm the diagnosis. They let you drink more water, this is considered a “conservative treatment”!

What do you think if you have a cold and let you spend a lot of money on a full body check? What’s more, the inspection fee on the other side of the country is more, and many people can’t afford it!

Fu Guangzheng shook his head: “Maybe many people hope that this universal health insurance will be successful. Anyway, I look at it. And what the sunspot said to achieve energy self-sufficiency, he knows what he is talking about?”

The country is the country with the most energy consumption in the world. The energy consumption of car is just several times that of many countries. At this time, the amount of car in the country is more than twice that of China, and the displacement of car is generally larger. From this point, it can be judged that their energy consumption is large.

If the country wants to invest more in the oil field, it must be sold by others. As for their shale oil, they certainly cannot be produced in large quantities.

As a result, it will soon come out!


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