1340. 1340 Lawyers Legion (5/10)

Those companies thought they were condemning China internationally, and China Government would definitely compromise, so they could still ask for compensation. It doesn’t have to be money, it can be some other preferential policies.

But they did not expect that China Government not only refused their claim, but in turn asked them to stop immediately and apologize.

These companies are dumbfounded, China Government, when was it so strong? They are these Corporations, there are the United States, the British, the French, the South Sea, China dare to offend them so much Corporation?


“I announced on behalf of China that everything is done in accordance with the law. The matter of Corporation should not rise to the national level, and China will not compromise because of this!”

When the spokesperson of China said this, the public opinion was awkward.

When did China become so hard, just because they just bought a scrapped carrier shell? Even if they have an aircraft carrier, what can they do? Which of these countries does not have more aircraft carriers than China?

What about the Corporation? The matter of Corporation, the media of China mainland is downside, we don’t want to send a news.

Ok, since you said so, let’s go to court, we have to sue you Yang Tai of China, suing those network Corporations, and suing your local government!

Their Corporation may not have this enthusiasm. After all, no one wants to offend China’s Government, and will continue to make money here to make money.

But if they unite, then it should not be underestimated, even if it is facing the country of rice, there is also the capital of negotiation!


“Chief Feng, things seem too much trouble, the Corporation joint name, sued us Yang Tai!” Jia Taichang’s voice was a little angry, he did not expect that those organizations really dare to tell them, still in China.


Jia Taichang is a little crazy, what does it mean? They told us that it is not something you have done, you will be there!

“Jia Tai, calm down, don’t say hello to the court, let them not pick up the case. Let them follow the normal procedures, let’s go to court with them!”

“What do you say, you let us Yang Tai go to court with them? Didn’t you say that you can get it, now we can all be accused!” Jiatai is angry, when is this Chief Feng doing things? This is not reliable!

“They can tell you, you can’t sue them? What we said in the beginning, according to the contract, we can make a claim. Let the court accept our complaint first, you have no problem? As for other aspects, I will fix it. Not only did this not block their news, but we will continue to break the news and let everyone see how unreasonable they are!”

Tell them first? Yes, I can change from the defendant to the plaintiff. But can this be claimed?

“Jia Taichang, remember, the amount of the claim must be high. Just follow the advertising fee ten times.”

What? Ten times the amount of the claim? The advertising fees of their companies are less than 10 million, and more than 70 million. Together, there are more than three billion. You make me claim more than 3 billion? Converted into dollars, it will cost more than four billion!

“Chief Feng, is the amount of the claim too high? More than four billion dollars!”

“Well? That’s it? That’s more than 3 billion RMB, change RMB to US dollars, we claim more than $3 billion!” Feng Yu said easily.

Jia Taichang’s breathing suddenly lags, more than three billion, the dollar? ! More than 3 billion RMB, he feels high, Feng Yu still feels less?

“Feng, Chief Feng, will it be too high?” Although Jia Taichang is also used to the big world, he has never experienced such a thing. Claiming more than two billion RMB at a time, has this made history?

“Hey~~ What is this? Tell you, in the capitalist society of the country, there are too many cases of huge claims. The amount of the claim is one, and the amount of real compensation is another. This is followed by the vegetable market to buy food, hawkers. It takes ten yuan a pound, and finally you give a dollar a pound is a truth.” Feng Yu is somewhat arrogant, and he has never seen the world.

Jia Taichang is a bit stunned, is this the same?

“You will listen to me. The higher the amount we claim, the more harm we will suffer in those foreigners. So tell you, there is no TV viewer in the world, we are so huge. There are more than one hundred million viewers, and that is the top TV station, and we have more than one billion viewers.”

“You’re welcome, we should be the world’s number one TV station, Yang Tai, the world’s number one TV channel! Of course, the main market is in China. But these people ignore it and seize the world of our users. At most, this is a claim. It is reasonable to call out the amount of this claim. In the country of tens of millions of TV stations, there are hundreds of millions of dollars in claims.”

Jia Tai was successfully brainwashed by Feng Yu. He now also believes that the amount claimed is reasonable. According to the number of people, this may still be a small one!

“But our lawyers can win them?” Jia Tai asked with some concern.

“You don’t have to worry about this, the lawyer’s business, give it to me. Whether it is China’s lawyer, or the big shape of Europe and America, I am ready, just waiting to go to court with them. And I promise, We can stand on the commanding heights of public opinion and gain more support from the people!”

As early as when preparing these things, Feng Yu contacted Wilson, and Wilson had contacted many top European and American law firms and signed an agreement.

In this way, the lawyers of these law firms cannot pick up the lawsuit of the other party.

Wilson told Feng Yu that in Europe and the United States, the top lawsuits must have a strong team of lawyers to fight, to collect information, to be responsible for off-site support, to be responsible for on-court debates, and to be responsible for the bag. of.

In short, the bigger the team, the more top lawyers, the more likely you are to win. Those famous lawyers are born to give others some oppression.

According to Wilson’s estimates, the scope of these organizations is not too small, they will certainly ask a team of lawyers, and then unite to form a larger group of lawyers.

Feng Yu heard it, then made a decision: Isn’t it a lawyer’s group? Let’s also ask, half of the amount of this claim is your attorney’s fee. If you can claim $100 million, you can get rid of five of them. Billions of dollars! Other expenses, I personally bear!

Wilson was overjoyed and immediately contacted the law firm, and everyone began to form a larger legal team. Or this can not be called a lawyer group, it should be a … lawyer army!


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