Does the Foundation have any hostile organizations?!

Seeing this sentence, everyone in the world suddenly felt incredible.

Because the Foundation has ways to deal with even those reality distorters. Who else dares to become his hostile organization?

Just use the power of the contained object.

It must be very easy to eliminate these hostile organizations!

These contained objects are capable of destroying the world at every turn. These organizations dare to be enemies of the Foundation, which is simply asking for their own death.

At worst, just release the Immortal Evil Lizard.

When the time comes, other organizations will be unable to deal with such a terrifying existence and will directly engage the opponent!

However, there is another possibility.

That is the strength of these hostile organizations. Although they are weaker than the Foundation, they still have considerable energy.

No matter which point it is.

It makes people all over the world feel curious.

"Broken God Association?! Could it be that they worship a level 6 reality warper? If so, it would be understandable."

"That’s not right! What if there really was a Level 6 reality warper, wouldn't it be nice to just reshape the world?"

"fool! It must be because the Foundation has entities that can compete with Level 6 reality warpers! But it hasn’t been revealed yet!"

"hiss....It is indeed the ultimate world!"

When they thought that in such a world, there are existences that can be compared with the Foundation, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, an ultimate world with struggle is completely different from an ultimate world that is completely dominated...

Naruto world.

Inside Konoha Village, which is undergoing reconstruction.

Except for those who have returned to work, most people are looking at the light screen with surprise in their eyes.

"The Broken God?"

"The Foundation is already so powerful, are there any other entities in this world that can compete with it?"

"Just thinking about it, it’s completely impossible, right?"

"This is not necessarily the case!"

People were talking and arguing.

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head, sat next to Shikamaru, and looked up at the light curtain

"It’s really confusing."

"Shikamaru, what do you think?"Naruto has never been able to understand such brain-burning things.

Shikamaru groaned and said seriously.

"From the current point of view, in the foundation world, many absurd things may be threatening the order of the world."

"A group of beings that can cause world-class disasters... Over the long years, there has been a mysterious foundation that has been dedicated to"controlling, containing, and protecting" these mysterious things."

"so that human beings can survive normally and healthily"

"That's the foundation."

Naruto nodded thoughtfully.

Shikamaru continued.

"In a sense, anomalies can be considered to be existences similar to Nine-Tails. Although they are not uncontrollable, most of them are basically difficult to control."

"But because of its huge power, it is normal to be targeted by other organizations."

Speaking of this, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

If the containment object appears in this world, then someone will definitely try to use this power for war.

However, if you want to do this Very difficult.

Easier to destroy the world......

Super beast world.

After Pluto learned the news, his eyes suddenly lit up with joy.

After all, the foundation's beliefs are not in line with his, and the hostile organization wants to take advantage of the powerful power.

This is what the strong should do.

Everything is to make yourself stronger, even if you use the power of taboo, it doesn't matter

"Living in harmony is just a self-deception of the weak. The Foundation does not make good use of its power for the sake of those humans."

"Sooner or later it will be overthrown"

"We are souls from the dark abyss. What we yearn for in our hearts is infinite darkness, and there is no love in the darkness."

"Yes, my survival of the fittest is the right answer!"

Pluto snorted coldly.

His eyes were fixed on the dome, waiting for the next scene.

He wanted to see this hostile organization....What exactly is it!

At this time.

While the picture is played on the light curtain, a series of texts appear in response.

"Church of the Broken God"

"Is a religion that worships machinery and believes that life or flesh is inherently evil or"broken""

"Although its origin is unknown"

"Artifacts associated with the Broken God have been discovered from archaeological excavations and date back to classical Greece"

"The teachings of the Church, however, claim that its existence predates the emergence of life on earth, and the centerpiece of its theory is that their god was destroyed, dispersed, etc., and no longer active."

"Followers of the church attempt to provide the god with a usable physical form through the use of technology - often anomalous - to collect parts of the god's body."

"At the same time, several types of semi-artificial and semi-organic sacred objects were brought"

"Several SCP objects have been believed to belong to this organization since their discovery. A group of fanatical believers who believe that many SCP objects are the broken parts of the"Broken God" after creating the universe."

"By restoring the"god" to its full state"

"They will also attain divinity at the same time."

The starlight next to it turned into short words describing their philosophy.

【The reason why humans can think and create on their own is the result of the Broken God sacrificing himself.】

【There was once a cosmic war】

【The final battle, beyond time and space, at the border of the world】

【But in order to ensure the salvation of mankind, it turned its own body into a prison in a last ditch effort - locking the evil god into its broken body.】

【Its fragments are scattered throughout every copy of the world】

【become a gear】

【Be part of the divine machine】

【Otherwise be prepared to face the consequences of inaction】

【God breaks Himself so that mankind can be complete]

PS There are still three chapters to go, so I will post it later.

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