Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1569

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven is out?"

Dao Monarch Usnea looked at the wealthy Usnea Palace, muttered: "I really hope that Cult Master Mystic Heaven will have more Close several times..."

Lupeng is constantly changing, becoming more pure, without any impurities, all composed of Dao Monarch Level Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light, this Magical Treasure is Innate Supreme Treasure The embryonic form is inferior to Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven in structure, but its main function is to guard, and it doesn’t need to be as complicated as Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven.

Dao Monarch Usnea past life is a figure of Dao Monarch Level. His vision is extraordinary. I immediately see that Lupeng is still lacking compared to Innate Magical Treasure at this moment. Dao Monarch refining Innate Magical Treasure needs to penetrate. A lifetime of Great Dao insights, all qi and blood, and all insights of oneself are smelted with a lifetime of Inextinguishable Dao Heart. Even most of the time, Dao Monarch cannot refining successfully Innate Magical Treasure and needs to be integrated into the Magical Treasure with his own life. , It is possible to refining successfully!

What this Lupeng lacks is this. There is no Innate Magical Treasure's life entrusting Dao Heart to blend the charm, but on top of the formidable power and guardianship, most Innate Magical Treasure Beyond the dust!

Furthermore, this is just the change brought to Lupeng by the integration of Great Dao when Jiang Nan exits the customs, not the limit of Lupeng.

If Jiang Nan can entrust Dao Heart with his life in future sacrificial refining, this Lupeng will be transformed into Innate Magical Treasure, and the formidable power and guardian will once again be amazingly improved!

However, seeing this Lupeng, Dao Monarch Usnea knows that Jiang Nan has proven the Dao Monarch!

Although there is no scene of heaven shaking earth shattering, no shaking the world, suppressing the current aura, but she knows that only prove the Dao Monarch can this Lupeng have an amazing transformation!

"Immortal Dao Era's first Dao Monarch was finally born..."

Dao Monarch Usnea felt myriad in his heart. Immortal Dao Era, the heroes competed, not only gave birth to countless Heavens Warping Genius, born with the destiny of Universe Ancient Desolate, even some people have opening heaven destiny and merit. These talented generations have yet to prove the Dao Monarch.

There are also eras of reincarnation Dao Monarch, reincarnation to Immortal Dao Era, rebirth of Proving Dao, but so far, no one has proven the Dao Monarch!

Even Doaist Null-Void, who has been reincarnation, is still perfecting Dao Fruit's Emperor and Exalted, and has failed to prove the Dao Monarch!

Jiang Nan is already ahead of everyone, taking the lead and achieving Dao Monarch Fruition!

Ti Xuanwei and Jiang Xueqing boarded the great treasure carriage and drove towards the Great Overarching Heaven. Jiang Nan left the customs and proved the Primordial Beginning Dao Monarch. As family members, they naturally had to rush over.

Furthermore, Jiang Nan's seclusion took nearly a million years, which was longer than any previous seclusion. They also had too many thoughts to talk to.

Great Overarching Heaven is constantly evolving, constantly improving its power, and its coverage is getting wider and wider, and as Great Overarching Heaven expands, continuous Primordial Beginning Energy is also born!

Originally, Great Overarching Heaven was flooded with Immortal Energy and Innate Beginning Essence Energy. Jiang Nan exited the customs. All kinds of Immortal Energy and Innate Beginning Essence Energy were rejected, making Great Overarching Heaven less spiritual than before. Now that more Primordial Beginning Energy is born, the spirituality of this Great Overarching Heaven is even better than before!

Outside Great Overarching Heaven, Immortal Elder Nanguo was a little excited, watching Jiang Nan walking out of Great Overarching Heaven, muttered: "You are back... back, my Fellow Daoist, Jiang Taixu!"


Jiang Nan walked out of the Great Overarching Heaven and paid respect to Immortal Elder Nanguo, and said leisurely: "Immortal Elder, you have recognized the wrong person."

Immortal Elder Nanguo's eyes flashed brightly, and aura fluctuated. It was violent, and even Great Overarching Heaven was constantly shaking, Jiang Nan's clothes were all agitated and hunted!

"Jiang Taixu, you just clearly said that you are back..."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Immortal Elder don’t get excited, I mean I’m back from the future, It’s not that Emperor Jiang has come alive from the past. In my next life, I have met Emperor Jiang, and I can return to the present through his hand. Maybe someday in the future, Immortal Elder will be able to see him again."

Immortal Elder Nanguo is a little confused. Even if he exists, he is full of incomprehension about Jiang Nan's words. The future is full of unknowns and the variables are endless. Therefore, he cannot go to the future, and the past is known, so he cannot change the past. .

How can Jiang Nan go to the future and come back from the future to change the past?

In his opinion, Jiang Nan's words are a bit idiotic.

"When you were in Proving Dao, didn't you hear the call of Emperor Jiang Emperor Jiang?" Immortal Elder Nanguo probed.

Jiang Nan shook the head, Immortal Elder Nanguo's eyes radiate all around: "You lied!"

Jiang Nan walked to him and said with a smile: "Immortal Elder, Do you remember the big bell hanging under the eaves of Dao Monarch Palace? It was the Divine Ability that I gave to Emperor Jiang after the future Annihilating Tribulation to bring back to Dao Monarch Palace, waiting for the bell to ring in hundreds of billions of years to wake up the comprehension Dao I am in. And I, when I return to the present tense, the body of Primordial Beginning is obliterated by the past time, only then can I return to the present and wake up from the comprehension Dao. Now you may not understand it, but it is somewhere in the future Every moment, you will understand."

"Are you really not him? Really not him..."

Immortal Elder Nanguo was slumped, pale and rose wildly, and his eyebrows changed. He got snow white, his eyes became muddy, and he was rapidly old.

The wrong hand killed his best friend in his life, which made him continue to blame and regret over the endless years. The only thing that supported him from falling down was the possibility of Emperor Jiang coming back.

But Jiang Nan's words made his Dao Heart begin to wither away.

Suddenly, Immortal Elder Nanguo’s eyes flashed with struggling rays of light, hehe said with a smile: "Emperor Jiang, is that your big dream, right? You prove the Dao Monarch , And then wake up using dream to enter the Dao, sleepwalking in the future in the dream, meet the Dream Realm when your past life is Jiang Taixu, the two Dream Realm blend, Jiang Nan and Jiang Taixu's Dream Realm fuse together, will Such a weird thing happened! This is even more proof that you are Jiang Taixu, I called your Remnant Soul, and reincarnation is Jiang Nan!"

His eyes are getting brighter and he clapped his hands. "It must be so! Emperor Jiang, maybe you don’t recognize your past life and think that past life violates your Dao Heart, but you are Emperor Jiang this matter couldn’t be changed!"

Jiang Nan sensed the deep and decayed aura from his body, secretly sighed in his heart, and said: "Maybe it is also possible...Immortal Elder, do you think Immortal Dao Era might be the last era? "

Immortal Elder Nanguo didn't deny it directly. The spirit vigorously recovered, Dao Heart, Fleshly Body and Divine Soul stopped decay, and even began to gradually become younger, standing side by side with him, hehe said with a smile: "Any era may be the last era, and Dao Monarch Palace can't confirm when the last era will arrive. You know, we used to stand in front of Dao Monarch Palace and watch the Primordial Rising Era. , You said that Primordial Rising Era may be the last era..."

Jiang Nan's eyes are a bit complicated, and then he calms down: "Immortal Elder, today’s Immortal Dao is developing rapidly, although not as good as Prim Ordial Dao Era, but it’s not trivial. If there are hundreds of Dao Monarch in the future, Emperor and Exalted will be resurrected, Dao Void Proving Dao, Everlasting Heavenly Venerate will enter the world with Dao Monarch Palace’s Ancient Dao Monarch. Do you think Immortal Dao Era's Annihilation Tribulation will be the last Annihilation Tribulation? ”

Immortal Elder Nanguo complexion slightly changed, even he couldn’t help feeling numb for Jiang Nan’s words.

Primordial Dao Era’s Annihilation Tribulation is extremely fierce and destroys everything even though Hundreds of Dao Monarch entered Dao Monarch Palace to avoid that great tribulation, but Primordial Dao's Annihilation Tribulation is more fierce than everyone can imagine!

If Immortal Dao Era's Annihilation Tribulation breaks out, Immortal Dao Era has the Dao Monarch quantity not inferior to Primordial Dao Era, plus Emperor, Exalted, Dao Void, Annihilation, Everlasting, Jiang Nan and other peerless powerhouses, Dao Monarch from past generations reincarnation, and Dao Monarch from Dao Monarch Palace. Entering the WTO, the fierceness of this great tribulation may exceed all the Annihilation Tribulation of Primeval, even the great tribulation of world destruction by Primordial Dao Era is far less than it!

"Taixu, nothing is wrong. It's something we two can't handle. "

Immortal Elder Nanguo laughed heartily, patted Jiang Nan's shoulders, standing with him, looking down at Immortal Dao Era, and said with a smile: "We work together, and all suffering can be solved without What fated tribulation can stump us! We will also stand at the Extremeity of Great Dao, resurrect all the creatures who died in the died tribulation, resurrect our loved ones, and resurrect our Fellow Daoist, so that tragedies will never happen again! Taixu, are you right? "

Jiang Nan was silent for a moment, and said with a smile: "You are right! Nothing can beat us! This is God, this is us, nothing can break us! "

"You are Jiang Taixu, you are the Jiang Taixu I know! "

Immortal Elder Nanguo laughed, tears slipping off his smile, he hugged Jiang Nan, hugged tightly, muttered: "You are back, you are finally back, my Fellow Daoist... I am so happy..."

He let go of Jiang Nan, turned and left, said with a smile: "I also have to prepare for this great tribulation of next life! In the future, I will fight side by side with you! "

Jiang Nan watched him go away, the complexion was calm, but his clothes were hunting, as if his mood was ups and downs, which could not be calmed for a long time.

"I'm back. "

He whispered: "I won't let that future happen, won't let me regret forever, and be lonely forever!" "

"My wife and daughter, my son, my Fellow Daoist, my like-minded person! "

"Before, I left you, but now, I am back in this life and walk with you! "

"I want to fight for you, do everything I can! "


Dao Monarch Fruition Great Palace, Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor stepped into the Palace Lord, please see Dao Void, now Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor Three Thousand Immortal Daos has been completed, Profound and unpredictable, during the years of Jiang Nan seclusion, he is also very simple and rarely reveals True Divinity in front of the world. Only Ling Zhuzi and Ding Guang walk in the world instead of him.

His Myriad Manifestations Sacred Cult is also handed over to these two people to take care of, Ling Zhuzi is good at management, and Ding Guang is determined to forge ahead. Myriad Manifestations Sacred Cult has become extremely prosperous. The cult members are spread all over the world, and the well-organized management by them is far better than Myriad Manifestations Dao. The period when Ancestor personally took care of it.

"Myriad Manifestations, you came to see me, what's the matter? "White clothed Dao Void, please seat Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor, said with a smile.

They are also old friends, Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era, Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is the mysterious hermit in Primal Chaos. I have met with Doaist Null-Void a few times.

"Let’s see which Dao Monarch Fruition is in Divine Palace, and whether anyone will prove the Dao Monarch first. "

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor was quite conceited, and said indifferently: "There is also another 1-layer purpose here, which is to meet Fellow Daoist for a while to see if Fellow Daoist is one step faster than me. "

white clothed Dao Void said with a smile: "In Dao Monarch Fruition Great Palace, there are already 213 Dao Monarch Fruition, originally 214, but a few years ago Jiang Xueqing from Mystic Heaven came to see him and erased his name from the stone tablet. That woman, a hero in female, will be a big deal in the future. "

He said leisurely: "But if you say Proving Dao Dao Monarch, Fellow Daoist is faster than anyone else, your Supreme Ultimate Great Dao accommodates Three Thousand Great Daos, Three Thousand Great Daos has been You make it, you prove the Dao Monarch in a few days! There are three people following you, one is Supreme Oneness, the other is Empyrean Origin, and the third is Jade Capital. Apart from this, no one can compare with you! As for me, my picture is too big, and the date of Proving Dao Dao Monarch is hundreds of millions of years later than you. "

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor's complexion changed drastically, and his hostility became steep. The demonic nature of Dao Heart became heavier and heavier: "Two hundred and fourteen Dao Monarch Fruition? Hehe..."

The white clothed Dao Void glanced at him and saw that Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor's face was sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny, sometimes murderous aura was deep, sometimes black cloud disappeared, and he couldn't help but wonder: "Fellow Daoist This is..."

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor turned away without saying a word. Daoist Dao Void was puzzled, but felt that the moment Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor turned around, unexpectedly he also had murderous intention on himself. However, this murderous intention dissipated immediately, and no action was taken.

"Two hundred and fourteen Dao Monarch Fruition, hehe......"

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor flew quickly, his face gloomy and uncertain: "If this is the arrival of Annihilation Tribulation, no one will survive... Yes, kill! After I proved the Dao Monarch, I killed them all, so Annihilation Tribulation is much smaller, but Dao Void and Exalted-Emperor, and Mystic Heaven this guy, I’m afraid I can’t kill them..."

He stopped abruptly, his face turned cloudy and clear, said with a smile: "After I have proven the Dao Monarch, I will sit on the throne of the above Immortal emperor and unite the world cult, so that future generations of Dao Monarch will also listen to me. Integrating the power of hundreds of Dao Monarchs, can’t they kill Mystic Heaven and Exalted-Emperor? Then I will provoke these Dao Monarchs and let them kill each other. If I kill most of the creature of Immortal Dao Era, can't the formidable power of Annihilation Tribulation be reduced? hahahaha......"

————This chapter is almost four thousand words, can it be considered a big chapter? Weakly ask for a monthly pass~~~

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