Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1562

The beautiful woman said with a smile: "In a while, the two Little Princesses will eat the dragon if they want to eat the dragon, and eat the phoenix if they want to eat the phoenix. Let Peaceful Manifestation cook and keep it It tastes better than this bear."

A dozen other Daoists clapped and said with a smile: "Peaceful Manifestation is a good hunter, and I will shoot down a few small bird and phoenix later. Then he can be gorgeous oneself!"

Jiang Xueqing's eyes turned, and suddenly he clapped his hands to say with a smile: "I recognize you! My father originally said that you are going to hurt me, give me a heavy burden, worry I choose does not raise. He also said that he won’t be able to see you until thousands of years, and now it’s more than 10,000 years, and you really have come out."

"Little Princess of Jiang Family is smart "

The young Daoist who speaks Righteous Qi said with a smile: "Several of us are lazy people. We neither want to participate in the disputes of Immortal Dao Era nor with the Emperor, Exalted is called Fellow Daoist, and it doesn’t show much traces over the years."

Another elderly Daoist carried a big chessboard behind her back, said with a smile: "Emperor and Exalted have toiled hard and have a deep heart. Everyone Plot against, we don’t like their existence like this. And their method may not prevent Immortal Dao Era from Annihilation, we or for each of our plans in the future. Isn’t this just looking for you, the landlord female Master?"

Yun Lian heard the clouds and mists, and didn’t know why, so he quietly asked Jiang Xueqing. Jiang Xueqing whispered: “They are the strange old man and the strange Old Grandma in the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone. Now they are reincarnation. Come to find me, most of it is the Great Good Fortune mentioned by Uncle Profound Metropolis."

"Great Good Fortune are these few people? "

Little Yun Lian was taken aback, shook his head and said: "Elder Sister, where is the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone?" "

When she was born, the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone had been razed to the ground, so I don't know that Immortal Realm once had such a place.

"I'll talk about it later. "

Jiang Xueqing said to Peaceful Manifestation and the others said with a smile: "Just now there was a bear who didn't open his eyes ran over and was noisy. We cut it in half and let it go. If we beat him to death in the future, I can’t eat any more, and if I let it go, he can eat the bear paw again next time he meets it. But if a few Fellow Daoist have hunting ability, we can say that we can't really eat enough, and we can bring some meat to my dad. ”

river bank, Jiang Xueqing, Yun Lian and Peaceful Manifestation, Heavenly Harmonious and the others chatted in a frenzy, like a friendship with one another, the young Righteous Qi named Heavenly Harmonious Daoist said with a smile: "We are so congenial, why don't we bow? "

"Good, good! "

Everyone clapped their hands and applauded, the beautiful Female Daoist called Departed Mother said with a smile: "Let’s talk about age, whoever is older, whoever is Big Brother or Big Sister. "

Yun Lian looked at these dozen Daoist, among them were the old and gray-haired old man. The little girl had many thoughts, and she doubted herself: "Could it be that she wanted to make a name for her worship?" Let us recognize them as elder brothers, at their mercy? "

Jiang Xueqing stroked his palms and praised him. Everyone reported their age one after another, and after a round, Little Yun Lian dumbstruck, these people look like great characters, but they are unexpectedly older than Jiang Xueqing. Smaller, the short one is a few hundred years younger, and the long one is unexpectedly two or three thousand years younger!

Even Yun Lian’s age can be ranked in the upper middle and upper reaches of them, most of them People are much younger than her!

"Are you pretending to be tender? "Yun Lian almost jumped up.

"putting it that way, Xueqing is our Big Sister, and Yun Lian is Fourth Sister! "Everyone said with a smile.

Daoist Flying Bear was hiding in the distance and watching, hearing this questioningly: "Where do these Daoists come from?" Little-known, they are all unfamiliar faces, neither innate sacred nor prestigious existence among the older generation. "

He is also a creature born after opening heaven. How can he know the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone?

"These two naughty little girls are really hateful. Just let me go, unexpectedly. Plan to eat bear paw again next time you meet me! "

Daoist Flying Bear angrily said: "Laozi himself has never tasted the taste of his own bear paw!" She unexpectedly wanted to eat it twice! Well, how about I cut off one and try it someday...Bah, how can I eat oneself principle? "

I was thinking, suddenly Monster Qi Demonic Qi filled, Daoist Flying Bear looked back and saw a huge Annihilation Beast in the distance. The herder in the black robe is behind the beast herd and drove the beast herd.

Sacred Pavo and powerhouses such as Nine Yang Sacred Dragon, Heavenly Phoenix Monster Empress, Seven Blasphemous Demon King, etc. also come together, Nine Yang Sacred Dragon is a Nine-Headed Dragon, born from Nine Yang Valley of Nine Dragons Heavenly Domain, and Heavenly Phoenix Monster Empress is a Nine Phoenixes, born from the stone wall of Phoenix Heavenly Mountain Range, Seven Blasphemous Demon King was born of the Resident Demonic Will between Heaven and Earth. They are all Innate sacreds. They are much more formidable than Daoist Flying Bear!

These Monster King Demon Kings dominate, and subordinates are gathered. Tens of thousands of Innate Demonic Monsters and circle quadrillions miles are unpopulated, and Immortal King Immortal Monarch dare not build Cave Mansion near their lair.

Sacred Pavo has no permanent residence. Attacking the world, relying on swallowing the world's creatures to enhance the strength of the cultivation base, once angered the Heavenly Monarch of the old age, but after a few rounds with that Heavenly Monarch battle, he calmly left.

This is also Sacred. Pavo is proud of his capital and thinks he can compete with Heavenly Monarch Rival.

Nine Yang Sacred Dragon, Heavenly Phoenix Monster Empress and Seven Blasphemous Demon King have similar abilities, and there are many subordinate powerhouses, and the influence is formidable, so Sacred Pavo will invite them to come, and even if Jiang Nan gets angry Kill it without fear at all.

"Why are there more than a dozen people?"

As soon as Sacred Pavo arrived, looked towards Jiang Xueqing and the others, squinted his eyes, and looked at Heavenly Harmonious, Peaceful Manifestation and the others, whispered: "Are you a helper or come to grab the Heavenly Female?"

Daoist Flying Bear has not had time to speak in the future, Heavenly Phoenix Monster Empress said with a smile: "No matter what his background is. , I ate it!"

This Nine Phoenixes shook its body and suddenly revealed nine phoenix heads, wings spread to the sky, spreading out to cover dozens of thousandss of miles, nine screams came, only Heavenly Phoenix Monster Empress flapped its wings and flew over the great river. Nine pokes pecked at Jiang Xueqing, Yun Lian, Peaceful Manifestation, Heavenly Harmonious and the others!

"Big Sister, you don’t need you to do something about this kind of thing."

Extreme Revolution hehe smiled, and the chessboard flew up behind him, next moment Heavenly Phoenix Monster Empress saw the great river and Everyone in the river bank disappeared, all around is the starry sky, starry sky is like a chess board, scattered about like chess pieces on a board, can’t help being heart startled, hurriedly flying, but still can’t fly out of this starry sky.

One after another black and white planet flew over and pressed on her body one after another. This one after another was so heavy that it was too heavy for Heavenly Phoenix Monster Empress to fly, and I was even more shocked.

Waiting for Immortal Realm planet, let alone suppress Heavenly Phoenix Monster Empress, as long as Heavenly Phoenix Monster Empress is willing, you can swallow one after another planet by opening your mouth.

The terrifying of this black and white planet is obviously through powerhouse sacrificial refining tempering!

Extreme Revolution abandon the chess cup, put all the chess pieces together with Heavenly Phoenix Monster Empress into the chess cup, then two fingers picked up this Nine Phoenixes, pinched it to the ground, said with a smile: "Eat Isn’t it coming?"

In midair, Nine Yang Sacred Dragon, Seven Blasphemous Demon King and the others dumbstruck, Sacred Pavo was also shocked, hoarsely said: "This old man who sacrificed chessboard man, is it Cult Master Mystic Heaven? So powerful?"

"It should be Cult Master Mystic Heaven!"

Seven Blasphemous Demon King looked towards those two dozen herders , Shouted: "Several Daoist Brothers, you urged Annihilation Beast to kill, we went to kill the Old Daoist Mystic Heaven!"

A herder urged Annihilation Beast to rush, from in midair to river bank Rushing, Seven Blasphemous Demon King, Nine Yang Sacred Dragon, Sacred Pavo, Daoist Flying Bear immediately swooped down and went straight to Extreme Revolution!

Suddenly, the spinning wheel flew up, and I saw a woman sitting in front of the car. The steel ingots were earning fast, and the silk threads were turning around. I only heard the sound of duo duo duo endlessly, I saw only annihilation beast. Passed through by the silk thread, hung on the thread but killed them!

Annihilation Giant Beast swallowed those two dozen herders without knowing it, and then killed Sacred Pavo and Nine Yang Sacred Dragon and the others. Sacred Pavo was shocked and hurriedly fluttered, shouted: " This woman is powerful, everyone quickly retreat! ”

Seven Blasphemous Demon King was trapped by many Annihilation Beasts. Before he could withdraw, he was divided and swallowed by Annihilation Beasts. On the other side, several Great Demon Kings. Many Innate Demonic Monsters led by them also saw the bad things, and immediately fled in all directions.

But at this moment, I saw Daoist Clear Void throw up the whisk in his hand, and the dust of the whisk spread out all directions, just like the great net under the cover, and more than a thousand Innate Demonic Monsters Capture all of them.

Clear Void received the whisk and shook, and saw a head of Innate Demonic Monster falling to the ground, struggling.

"I still escaped two."

Clear Void slightly frowned, said: "After all, I just got the Heavenly Monarch not long ago, and I'm still a bit worse. Peaceful Manifestation, those two are just fine. I'll leave it to you."

The young hunter got up, took off the bow and arrow on his back, bent the bow and shot, shua shua shot out two arrows, and then sat down and said: "Set fire, barbecue."


Sacred Pavo and Nine Yang Sacred Dragon are the fastest, both are Innate sacred, who are known for their speed. At this moment, the two saw that the situation was far from good, and they hate to have a few more wings and go madly forward.

"Sacred Pavo, who are the male-female Daoists beside Cult Master Mystic Heaven?"

Nine Yang Sacred Dragon flustered and exasperated said: "So amazing? Yes. Is Emperor and Exalted born? Or Dao Monarch of Dao Monarch Palace?"

Sacred Pavo didn't have a good air said: "Where do I know? Cult Master Mystic Heaven this guy is extremely insidious, knowing that we are going to deal with his daughter , Call so many helpers in advance. This time we are dead. Next time I will find more helpers. I can’t take him if I don’t believe it!"

Nine Yang Sacred Dragon nodded and said: "I am early I heard people say that Cult Master Mystic Heaven is extremely insidious. Now that I have seen it, I actually called more than a dozen helpers. This time we are less crowded...ah!" This Great Dragon screamed and was shot. Hit and fall from mid-air.

Sacred Pavo heart shivered, looking back, I saw an arrow light rushing straight towards him, about to avoid it, the arrow light had already shot himself, this Seven Colored Peacock could not help but lose his strength, from the air come down.

After a while, I saw a few big black dogs with long slender waists running out from nowhere, and they dragged the Nine Yang Sacred Dragon away together. It didn’t take long for those black dogs with slender waists again. He ran back and dragged Sacred Pavo away.

"Peaceful Manifestation, it's up to you to do things like opening your stomach. Wash and peel it, burn it or roast it, or stir fry a few plates and drink it, it depends on your craftsmanship."

River bank, everyone said with a smile: "The Innate Creature after opening heaven is the most delicious. These are even more incredible creatures, and the taste must be even better!"

" Forgive me!" Daoist Flying Bear exclaimed.

Sacred Pavo took a mouthful of bloody sputum from Flying Bear, and said angrily: "Fellow Daoist Flying Bear, is it a bit of integrity? Cult Master Mystic Heaven, we are planted this time. Please be happy!"

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven?"

Extreme Revolution was shocked and lost said with a smile: "Do you think I am a Cult Master? You have a sense of integrity, actually I want to challenge that terrifying existence! Heavenly Monarch in the world is tied together, there are almost fifty people, and it is not enough for Cult Master. Only Dao Monarch dare to compete with him. If he really comes, Aura can You squashed it."

Sacred Pavo was stunned.

Jiang Xueqing showed unbearable expression and said, "Although these guys have eyes but no beads, they are creatures born when the sky is opened after all. They are rare variations. If they are eaten, I am afraid they will become extinct. Now."

Daoist Flying Bear, Nine Yang Sacred Dragon, and other thousands of Innate Demonic Monsters showed their gratitude. Jiang Xueqing said with a smile: "It’s better... Thousands of catties of meat, leaving the most delicious parts of each one, and then let them go. When you catch them next time, they will definitely grow back again!"

Daoist Flying Bear and the others With miserable faces, everyone clapped their hands and said: "Good idea! Just do it!"

Sacred Pavo and the others Every Demonic Monster was cut off with some parts and then sent away. Heavenly Harmonious Saint said: "This time our Big Sister is pleading for you. If there is another time, we will either cut or kill, or use it as a foot force!" Sacred Pavo and the others turned around and left.

River bank, a banquet ended, Heavenly Harmonious suggested: "Big Sister, now we are also worshipping, it is better to establish a cult, not Dao Monarch in the future, can not enter. What do you think?"

Other people’s eyes were sharp, and they looked to Jiang Xueqing, Jiang Xueqing was drunk with meat and wine, said with a smile: "Well, it’s better to call it Heavenly Gate!"

Since then, in the history of Immortal Dao Era, a cult has been established that has influenced several billion years.

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