Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1550

Jiang Nan followed Madam Qiong Hua and the others to the palace on the moon. Madam Qiong Hua probed: "Master, remember this Purple Silk Moon Palace, right? This is from this one. Dowry."

Jiang Nan nodded, said: "Remember."

Madam Qiong Hua relaxed, daughter Jiang Aiqiong blinked and said with a smile: "Father does not remember , What did you bet with Supreme Overarching Dao Monarch? The current father wanted a territory, went to see Supreme Overarching Dao Monarch, made a bet with Supreme Overarching Dao Monarch, and was won by the father. Supreme Overarching Dao Monarch allowed you to be enveloped by Divine Consciousness The land is your territory. He thought that the Divine Consciousness of father Heavenly Monarch could not cover too far."

Jiang Aiqiong said with a smile: "As a result, the Divine Consciousness formidable of father is unmatched and covered."

Jiang Aiqiong said with a smile The 30 billion galaxy shocked the entire universe. Not only was Supreme Overarching Dao Monarch shocked speechless, the other Dao Monarchs were also shocked, thinking that father is the most formidable Heavenly Monarch in Divine Dao's history!"

Jiang Nan nodded again and said: "Also, I remember the shocked expression of Supreme Overarching Dao Monarch, I also remember perfectly clear."

Jiang Aiqiong was also relaxed, just listening to Jiang Nan continuing: "Unfortunately, these all are Fake memories. Even you are all forged characters. My age is still waiting for me to go back."

Madam Q iong Hua and Jiang Aiqiong looked at each other, their eyes darkened with worry.

After a while, I only heard Qing Xiao’s voice, loudly said: "Madam, Master, Mister Gongye are here!"

Madam Qiong Hua hurried to greet him, but for a moment , Madam Qiong Hua walked in with a handsome man. The handsome man has extraordinary temperament and is extremely formidable. It is also a Heavenly Monarch, which is Mister Gongye.

But this Mister Gongye always looks like a fool, giving people an unreliable feeling.

"Jiang Taixu, remember me?" Mister Gongye said with a smile.

Jiang Nan's gaze swept, and his heart moved slightly, only to feel that this person seemed very familiar, and suddenly he woke up, said with a smile: "Remember, I remember naturally. Gongye, who has been against me for a lifetime, is also an enemy and a friend. Qian, Dao title Absolute Beginning, is the same name as me, how can I not remember? We have been fighting for so long, and we have confirmed each other for so long. You can be said to be my most formidable opponent, or my closest friend."

Gongye Qian relaxed, Jiang Nan continued: "It's just that I've seen you in Immortal Dao Era! Don't think that you can hide from my eyes when you are so young, Immortal Elder Nanguo! "

"Immortal Elder Nanguo?"

Gongye Qian hoarsely said: "You saw me in your dreams, and you changed my name?"

Jiang Nan laughed heartily, stood up, said solemnly: "Immortal Elder, more than one Primeval Dao Monarch once said that they have seen you in each era, not only that, I also met you once in Primordial Dao Era, I I suspected that you were the first-generation Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace! Now that you appear here, it means you have finally shown your feet!"

Gongye Qian's eyes widened in surprise, speechless for a while, raised his hand to touch I touched Jiang Nan's forehead: "Taixu, you are very ill."

Madam Qiong Hua worriedly said: "Senior Brother Gongye, my husband him......"

Gongye Qian Take back the palm, said with a smile: "It's okay. This brat is a reserves a beating, no matter how big the problem is, it's recover completely after being beaten by me! Madam sister-in-law, don't worry, even if it's on my body! "

He jumped and jumped to Beyond the Heaven, said with a smile: "Taixu, come up and fight with me, let me see the results of your dreams during this time!"


"Immortal Elder Nanguo, since you only use the Heavenly Monarch cultivation base boundary, you will never be my opponent! Beat you, I will definitely be able to pass this 5th-pass! "

Jiang Nan body moved, suddenly disappeared, the next moment also came to Beyond the Heaven, flicks with the finger is a divine light turned into a Primordial Bell form flying out, said with a smile: "Immortal Elder No matter whether you are the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace or not, Heavenly Monarch Boundary alone is definitely not my opponent! "

"Is this the Divine Ability of your dream comprehend this time?" "

Gongye Qian raised his hand and pressed it on the Primordial Bell that hit it. The Primordial Bell shook and made a loud noise of heaven shaking earth shattering. I saw that this person was shocked to hunt and hunt, unexpectedly not in the slightest. Damage.

Jiang Nan's heart was startled, no more temptation, and came to Mister Gongye in front of him. The seal was pushed out and printed on his chest.

hong long!

Gongye Qian's Void exploded behind him and was smashed into the Void. The next moment figure appeared in the Void outside of several tens of thousands miles, kneeling on one foot, and the corner of the mouth was bleeding.

"Such a strong guy! "Jiang Nan's heart shook slightly.

Although his seal did not hurt the killer, any Heavenly Monarch of Immortal Dao Era, even if it is Everlasting Heavenly Venerate, dare not say to take him. Hit without being severely injured.

But this Gongye Qian unexpectedly just spilled a trace of blood from the corner of the mouth, obviously the injury is not serious!

"terrifying opponent! "

Jiang Nan immediately confirmed that Gongye Qian's strength is indeed an existence that can keep pace with him!

"Taixu, is this the comprehend in your dream this time?" "

Gongye Qian got up, eyes brighter and brighter, as dazzling as two rounds of blazing sun, obviously seeing others do what one loves to do, one is inspired to try it again, rushing like a whirlwind, Big said with a smile: "You comprehend the amazing Absolute Art during this time, but I haven't fallen behind during this time! I appear in your dream, which means that I am the strongest opponent in your subconscious and the opponent you want to defeat the most! Jiang Taixu, let you see my Absolute Art during this time! "

"Pick me up with Absolute Beginning Heaven Seal! "

One after another divine light emerges from his palm, aura is extremely simple, as if the Universe has not been opened, Great Dao traces its origin, contains amazing energy!

"Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven ! "

Jiang Nan complexion dignified, countless divine light changed into Great Overarching Heaven and Yin brazenly greeted him. This Gongye Qian’s strength exceeded his expectation. This Absolute Beginning Seal unexpectedly also has the Embryonic form of Innate Supreme Treasure. It’s incomparably formidable, not inferior to his Great Overarching Heaven, and he needs his full strength to contend!

The collision of the two most terrifying Divine Ability, the invisible shock wave all directions go, wherever you go, one After another the sun is annihilated, one after another stars directly turns into a strand of Primal Chaos Energy, the scene is terrifying!

"Come again! "

The two vomited blood together, suddenly shouted in unison, and collided with each other. Jiang Nan tried his best to constantly collide with Gongye Qian and was unable to gain the upper hand.

The two peerless Heavenly Monarch methods are numerous, just like enemies with blood sea feuds, fighting desperately, seeming to want to kill their opponents, seeing Madam Qiong Hua and the Divine Maiden in Taixu Heaven pale.

Jiang Aiqiong thought: "Mother, will father..."

"No! "

Madam Qiong Hua categorically said: "They have been fighting for a lifetime, and no one can do anything about it. And even if someone can win once, it won't hurt the killer, but there will still be a bottom line in the end. "

Jiang Nan and Gongye Qian fought hard for dozens of days. Both of them were bruised and bruised. Only when Jiang Nan and Everlasting Heavenly Venerate competed against each other can it be comparable!

Suddenly, the two stopped their hands, and hu hu panted heavily.

"Jiang Taixu, stop fighting? "

Gongye Qian put his hands on his knees and raised his head hehe said with a smile: "Now you remember that I am not the Immortal Elder Nanguo in your dreams, right?" The reason why you will dream of me when you fall into a dream and regard me as an old fogey is nothing more than admiring my wise and brilliant and knowing that I am your number one opponent. I am so relieved that you dreamed of me! By the way, am I an expert in your dream? "

Jiang Nan got up, thought about it, nodded and said: "It's an expert. You are mysterious and unpredictable, and all treasures, no matter where there is treasure, you are always present immediately. "

Gongye Qian lay down on his back, straightening out his limbs lazily, said with a smile: "It is very similar to my character, you brat really regarded me as the strongest opponent!" "

Jiang Nan stared at him and fell on his face, as if to see something from his face, said with a smile: "Immortal Elder, whether I beat you or not, I can spend this 5th- pass? I didn't succeed this time, and you might not be my opponent next time. "

Gongye Qian sat up, raised his forehead with his hand, helplessly said: "You haven't woke up from your dream yet?" Come, let me relax your mind again! "

The two rushed together again and fought again, until they were exhausted and then stopped, each breathing.

Gongye Qian lay down again, after a long time, suddenly Said: "In life, it is enough to have an opponent and close friend like Jiang Taixu! Taixu..."

He was silent for a moment, and suddenly said with a smile: "You are my best friend. "

"You are fake. "

Jiang Nan said coldly: "It must be fake!" It was Dao Monarch Palace and two Great Palace Lords who recreated Space, created such a place, created you, and created my memory out of thin air, and created everything here. "

"You are crazy, I am not crazy, hehe, I finally found a place where I am better than you. "

Gongye Qian sits up and said with a smile: "Jiang Taixu, the person I envy the most is you, romantic, merciful everywhere, there is a big wife at home, and gangs The team’s little wife and little concubine have a wide network of friends and friends all over the world. People like you will surely become the emperor who will rule the entire universe in the future! And I, a lonely family, no worries, so I have more time than you to cultivation, this did not let you guys leave me behind. "

"these all are my little wife, little concubine? "

Jiang Nan was astonished, looked towards Taixu Heaven in the Divine Maiden, the number of Divine Maiden is almost innumerable, which surprised him. Then he "think", these girls, indeed It’s the little wife and little concubine brought home by "myself" after repeated turmoil.


Jiang Nan was speechless and angrily said: "I only Would you marry one? How come there are so many wives in this ghost place? No Heavenly Truth! "

Gongye Qian stood up, flexed his muscles and bones, raised his fingers to the boundless Universe Heaven and Earth, proudly, laughed heartily and said: "Jiang Taixu, you and I will become this in the future The Ruler of Universe, surpass those old monster Dao Monarch! If I did that step, I would not call this era Divine Dao Era! "

both of his hands akimbo, said with a smile: "Divine, just the secular mortal's name for our existence!" And Tao is our lifelong pursuit! We are not gods, but Daoist who marched into the Extremity of Great Dao! So this era is called..."

He scratched his head, some words were poor, looked towards Jiang Nan, hehe said with a smile: "Jiang Taixu, what is your Great Dao's name? "

"Primordial Beginning Great Dao. "Jiang Nan said without thinking.

"Your Great Dao is called Primordial Beginning Great Dao, and my Great Dao is called Absolute Beginning Great Dao...Why is it called Primordial Absolute Era in this era? It doesn't look good... Then it's called Primordial Beginning Era? Why is your Great Dao ahead of my Absolute Beginning Great Dao, so it’s called Beginning Primordial Era, which is still the Primordial Era..."

Gongye Qian struggled there for a long time, never making up his mind, Madam Qiong Hua came and said with a smile: "The first era of the Master’s dream is called Primordial Dao Era, it’s better to call Primordial Dao Era. "

"It's not impossible. "

Gongye Qian opened his eyebrows and said with a smile: "he is Primordial, i am Dao, speaking of which is better. He is begging Daoist, and he needs to ask me... Well, it's Primordial Dao Era! "

"Primordial Dao Era? "

Jiang Nan's mind is greatly shakes: "Primordial Dao Era! This is Primordial Dao Era? The first era ever? I am not in the unique Space opened by the two Great Palace Lords, but I returned to Primeval’s most ancient Primordial Dao Era? "

"What Primeval? Our universe was born from Big Bang, where is Primeval? Jiang Taixu is crazy again, madam sister-in-law, I can't cure him. "

Gongye Qian patted his butt flat, walked away, said with a smile: "madam sister-in-law stayed, I will look for Supreme Overarching Dao Monarch those old bastard, they After all, if you have obtained Dao Monarch, you may be able to heal this guy’s head..."

"You Lao Senior Brother Gongye. "Madam Qiong Hua is worried, thank you.

Jiang Nan looked towards the distance, I saw one after another Primordial Beginning Energy, and the Primordial Beginning Energy is more abundant than Immortal Dao Era!

"Primordial Dao Era, I was sent back to Primordial Dao Era... how is it possible? Even a formidable character such as Emperor and Exalted cannot change the history that has occurred. It is basically impossible to have this kind of existence can send me back to Primeval, and it is the most ancient Primordial Dao Era......"

Jiang Nan sat down, muttered: "Is my experience at Immortal Dao Era really just a big dream? And here is the truth. I was originally the powerhouse of Primordial Dao Era. All the experiences evolved in my dreams...no! Not a big dream, but something that really happened, my wife and children, are still waiting for me to go back! I must go back! "

————The outbreak continues today, this is the first update, more than 3,700 words! After reading this chapter, brothers can subscribe to the next chapter by turning the page!

Yesterday, the Heavenly Emperor Mobile Game malfunctioned, the server was squeezed down, Zhaizhu, Mystic Heaven and the team all ran away in tears, there were too many people logging in to the game, we didn’t anticipate and prepare, so we can only ask for forgiveness. Now. Please forgive me...

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