Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1546

(Fellow Daoists, the Exalted-Emperor mobile game is ready for one year. It has been developed and downloaded on 360 mobile assistant, Baidu Game, UC Jiuyou, Xiaomi Game Store and official website. Learn more For more information, go to the public Weixin of Jia Zhaizhu. Zhaizhu has downloaded the game package and is waiting for the service to be upgraded! I want to slap the brother of the Zhaizhu in the game, add some oil!)


Among the endless Void of Immortal Realm, a Secret Realm suddenly exploded, all split up and in pieces, and I saw a mouthful of black coffin surging like a mouthful of the exploded Secret Realm. The tide, the giant coffin collided, bursting out a string of fire!

"Emperor Jiang, you are so bold!"

Daoist Annihilation The Daoist transformed from the avatar body that got out of trouble was blown up and flew around, and the next moment fell in a mouthful Above the coffin, the group of coffins robbed the way.

But seeing the blow from Great Overarching Heaven turned into a pillar of divine light, the Daoist dodges and hides, and sees the divine light one revolution, falling on a coffin. The seals left by the Exalted-Emperor and Null-Void on the coffin have been wiped out as bits and pieces, illuminated by the divine light, and suddenly a 1-layer seal is generated on the black coffin, turning it into a Great Overarching Heaven mark!

"Fellow Daoist Annihilation, I will suppress you for a while, don't refuse!" Before the divine light disappeared, there was a big laugh inside.

That Daoist complexion ashen, divine light changed into Great Overarching Heaven mark, it was the second coffin he wanted to open that was sealed, and his heart was suppressed in this coffin, originally a few more You can refining the seal in just one month and get out of trouble.

As long as the heart is out of trouble, his strength will surely be doubled. Refining the seal of other coffins will be faster, so that the time for him to return to the main body is much earlier!

And Jiang Nan now reinforces his indelible seal on the 1-layer Great Overarching Heaven Seal, and immediately let his abacus come to nothing!

The most important thing of the Great Overarching Heaven Seal is not the strength of the seal, but the power of the attack. This power is attached to the coffin and attacked as long as he gets close, without giving him any chance to crack the seal. .

"This place has been exposed, Emperor Jiang will find this place soon and leave immediately!"

Daoist Annihilation hand grasps, grab the Blood Ancestor and put it together with Heavenly Monarch Maha On one of the coffins, the other hand clasped the huge Fleshly Body of Divine Mother, driving away countless black coffins quickly.

Daoist Annihilation looked towards Maha, his face became dark, and then said with a smile: "My discíple, do you now know how big the gap is between you and Emperor Jiang? Your little cleverness looks like a divine Strategy and wonderful planning, I can’t hide anything from you. Haven’t you been squandered by Emperor Jiang? I asked you to earn Divine Mother into my subordinate, but you just thought that you got Divine Mother Fleshly Body, and then you can win Immortal Realm invincible. , So that Divine Mother body dies and Dao disappears. If it weren’t for me to take the risk of saving you, I’m afraid you would have been successfully dregsed by Emperor Jiang refining now!"

Maha knelt on his knees, kowtows again and again, with a face Ashamed, he wept and said: "discíple is embarrassing to the Master. But discíple really does not mean to swallow Divine Mother Fleshly Body, but the enemy is really formidable. Divine Mother is bound to die. Discíple just wants to win the Divine Mother Fleshly Body and give it to Master. , There is the Good Fortune Divine Artifact of Divine Mother Fleshly Body, Master grazing the world is just around the corner..."

"Still lying?"

Daoist Annihilation said with a smile: "If not If you don’t save Divine Mother, how can Divine Mother die so easily?"

Maha's forehead was sweating, and he knocked his head again and again, said resolutely: "Yes, I killed Divine Mother! Master, Divine Mother wild ambition, she will definitely not return to the Master, and maybe even want to swallow the Master. Keeping her is a curse, and she will backlash at some point! So even if discíple is scrupulously punished by the Master, she must eradicate this curse!"

"You suspect that the Master will not be able to surrender Di vine Mother? "

Daoist Annihilation's empty gaze fell on him, as if he wanted to see whether he was sincere or fake. After a while, said with a smile: "Maha, the way you play with me in front of me really looks like lovely. But I will not pursue this matter anymore. After all, Divine Mother has also arrived in my hands. You are still useful to me. Not only will I not punish you, but I will reward you. Don't you want to refining Null-Void Dao Fruit? Well, I will teach you some Annihilation Great Dao, so that you can refining Null-Void Dao Fruit. "

Maha was both surprised and happy, some not knowing what to do.

Daoist Annihilation hehe said with a smile: "How? When I don’t preach you, you want to get it every day, but when I preach you, do you hesitate? "

Heavenly Monarch Maha bowed, dare not say much.

Daoist Annihilation did not pursue it, and taught him the Annihilation Great Dao refining Null-Void Dao Fruit method.

"Interesting little things..."

Daoist Annihilation looked at him, thought: "I want to see how many tricks you can do in my palm. Compared to Emperor Jiang, you are still too tender. Having said that, Emperor Jiang this guy is indeed terrifying, and it is getting more and more terrifying..."

Dao Monarch Palace, Heavenspan Pavilion, Jiang Nan are sitting in the middle of the island.

He came to this small island through the 1st-pass of the Heavenspan Pavilion, and immediately found that there was nothing else on the island, except for a cliff engraved with a picture.

human diagram.

The stone wall is engraved with a pattern of a person, sitting on the praying mat, as if someone really puts his whole body Essence Qi mark on the stone wall, lifelike, even muscles can be seen Go towards vein lines!

Under this stone wall, pieces of broken bones are piled into hills, and blood gathers into lakes, and there are even pieces of human skin standing under the stone wall!

This scene sends cold shivers down one's spine, but Jiang Nan has no feeling of having one's hair stand on end.

He knows the origin of these broken bones, blood and human skin.

These are the bones of Dao Monarch, the blood of Dao Monarch, and the human skin of Dao Monarch!

Dao Monarch of Dao Monarch Palace walked here, study this human diagram here, and comprehend it from it Fleshly Body Profound Mystery of the two Great Palace Lords, involuntarily shedding body, exchanging bones. These broken bones, blood and human skin are the waste left by their shedding body and exchanging bones.

But for Dao Monarch Although it is a waste, for any other Heavenly Army, the piles of Dao Monarch bones, Dao Monarch blood, and Dao Monarch human skins are all great sacred objects, rare refining treasure materials. , Even the blood of Dao Monarch can extract seco nd only to Primeval Sacred Medicine’s Spirit Pill!

The bones of Dao Monarch piled up into the mountains exude a shining luster. Dao Monarch who are eligible to enter the Dao Monarch Palace are the essence of Dao Monarch. The hardness of their abandoned bones is directly behind Dao Monarch Treasure. , The power contained in bones, I am afraid that it also has the energy of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, the remnants of Great Dao, no stronghold one cannot overcome!

And the blood of Dao Monarch is glowing with sacred light. The energy contained in a drop of blood is only scarier than the cultivation base of an Immortal Monarch!

As for the human skin shed by Dao Monarch, it is extremely tough. If it is used to refining successfully leather armor or human leather pockets, I am afraid that there are few Magical Treasures that can pierce it!

These treasures were taken here by Dao Monarch, and they were thrown here as rubbish. For their existence, these things are meaningless, but if they are taken out, I’m afraid they will cause a The battle of foul wind and bloody rain!

Jiang Nan is also indifferent to the blood of Dao Monarch, the bones of Dao Monarch and the human skin of Dao Monarch. His current vision is far above Heavenly Monarch, and he also knows his future Magical Treasure How to cultivation, Dao Monarch's blood, bones, and skin are of little significance to him.

In the future, if he wants to refining treasure, he will naturally refine the Inextinguishable Divine Light, without resorting to any foreign objects, intertwining his Great Dao into Innate Supreme Treasure!

If that step is reached, the divine light transformed by his Great Dao will surpass any kind of Immortal Metal, Immortal Stuff, and Cosmic Desolation Divine Stone, even the blood, bone, and skin of Dao Monarch Far from being comparable, why use foreign objects?

"These blood, bones and skins are useless to me, but they are of great use to others. Take them out before leaving."

Jiang Nan secretly said in one's heart: "But Dao Monarch The energy contained in the blood of the blood and Life Essence too terrifying, I am afraid that when it goes to the outside world, it may be transformed into a creature. For example, Ghost Grandma is the creature formed by the blood of Dao Monarch..."

Sit and watch the human diagram carved on the cliff.

The human diagram on the cliff looks like a simple pattern, but the concept contained in it is extremely profound. It is the tempering Fleshy Body, reaching the crucial point of the Fleshly Body Supreme Domain world!

with Dao Bone replaces the original bones, with Dao Blood replaces human blood, with Dao Body reconstructs Fleshly Body!

If it is completely refining successfully, Fleshly Body Perfection will be perfect and there will be no weaknesses anymore!

When Dao Monarch comes here, Fleshly Body will reshape the shedding body, exchanging bones, and replace the blood essence to reach the pure Dao Body level!

Jiang Nan watched for a long time and was amazed, but there was no blood being refined in the body, and no bones were excreted from the body. As for the birth, there was no movement at all.

After he practiced Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity, the Fleshly Body structure is very different from the ordinary Fleshly Body. When he refining successfully Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light, it will make My Fleshly Body has got a shedding body, exchanging bones change!

the body is Dao, Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light is composed of Great Dao and inextinguishable Dao Heart. His Fleshly Body has undergone the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down at that time, and the body is pure Innate. Inextinguishable Divine Light, no more impurities!

His Fleshly Body has reached the extreme of the extreme, and there is no possibility of advanced by leaps and bounds.

Although the human diagram carved on the cliff is exquisite, it has only reference significance for him, and there is no need for cultivation.

"In Dao Monarch, there should be many people refining successfully Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light, and with this cliff carving, I am afraid they can refining their Fleshly Body successfully Innate Inextinguishable Dao Body! "

Jiang Nan took a long breath. How formidable is the Dao Body of the Innate Inextinguishable boundary? Keep up with Innate Magical Treasure!

Moreover, there are not a few in Dao Monarch Palace who have such a formidable Fleshly Body!

“There are a group of abnormal old monsters hidden in Dao Monarch Palace. If Mother Yuan didn’t guess wrong, I’m afraid some of the old monsters have also moved into the world. Everlasting Heavenly Venerate will definitely pull a group of people. In Immortal Realm, there is a storm, and Immortal Dao Era is too weak for this kind of existence..."

Jiang Nan settled down and left the matter behind. Thought: "My Quaternity is extremely difficult to cultivation, and few can refining successfully, but the human diagram left by the two Palace Lords is many times easier than Quaternity. It can sort out a set of Body Tempering cultivation techniques to teach others."

He figured out the cultivation technique in the cliff-carved human diagram, and it took several months to comprehend the concepts contained therein.

When Jiang Nan leaves the island and continues on the road, the blood skin of Dao Monarch's bones under the cliff has all disappeared. Great Cult Master Jiang still hasn't changed his original color. Washed into white ground. If it weren't for the cliff carvings left by the two first-generation Palace Lords of Dao Monarch Palace, they could not be carried away, I am afraid even this cliff carving would disappear without a trace.

"The cliff-cut human diagram is not very useful to me, but if I can harvest several times like this along the way, it would be a worthwhile trip..."

Jiang Nan blinked, thought: "There should be treasures ahead, right? If these Dao Monarchs can drop a few Innate Magical Treasure Innate Spirit Treasures or something, that would be even better!"

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