Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1537

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor's eyes flickered, thinking about ways to defeat the enemy.

Although he saw that Jiang Nan's Primordial Beginning Great Dao still had its shortcomings, Jiang Nan's performance really made him feel shocked, extremely shocked!

The Three Primordials Strike displayed by Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch contains his life-long comprehend. Among them is a kind of Great Dao that has never appeared in the world. Jiang Nan has never seen it before, and is also impossible in such a short time. Time will be able to grind this great Dao Cutter thoroughly, and then use the other way to deal with the Supreme Oneness!

However, Jiang Nan did it!

His divine light is transformed into three 11 bright mirrors. The thirty bright mirrors in front of them have already taken the infinite species of Great Dao Truth contained in Three Primordials Strike when Three Primordials Strike penetrated these bright mirrors. Get it through!

When Three Primordials Strike runs out of power and smashes into the last bright mirror, Jiang Nan has copied the Dao Truth contained in Three Primordials Strike, even Divine Ability, Dao Law, Injure Supreme Oneness with the same move!

What a terrifying method is this?

However, this also means that Jiang Nan’s Primordial Beginning Great Dao is not perfection. After all, Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor’s eyes are extremely hot. I can see that Jiang Nan’s 30 bright mirrors seem very thin. It's easy to pass through, but in fact there are countless Spaces in the bright mirror, which has an extremely complicated structure!

Every time Three Primordials Strike penetrates a bright mirror, it will pass through the Space inside the bright mirror and collide with the power contained in the complex structure inside the bright mirror.

Because of the high number of collisions, the Three Primordials Strike of Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch will be penetrated by Jiang Nan, and the 30 bright mirrors are enough to make Jiang Nan Jiang’s attack in every aspect clear to Commander. In the chest.

This certainly reveals Jiang Nan’s formidable, terrifying comprehend ability, and also reveals the shortcomings of his Primordial Beginning Great Dao. If he really cultivates into an ideal Primordial Beginning Great Dao There is no need to use thirty bright mirrors at all. Just a glance will give him an insight into everything. No matter what Great Dao or Divine Ability, he has no more secrets.

And Jiang Nan's use of thirty bright mirrors means that he has never reached that perfection state. Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor even suspects that it is impossible for anyone to achieve this state.

"If you reach that state, I'm afraid it is Extremity of Great Dao?"

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor took a long breath, and the Supreme Ultimate daoist gown on my body gradually brightened , The nine Three Thousand Great Daos emerged in the body, and got into the daoist gown.

This is different from when he confronted Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch. When confronted Supreme Oneness, he only offered daoist gown and didn't use the nine Three Thousand Great Daos he got.

He is also hiding his strength, and now facing Jiang Nan, he is also ready to use all his strength!

But this time it was not a fight for life, so he still never used his Innate Magical Treasure Innate Scepter, and also used Dao Law Divine Ability.

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch complexion dignified, quietly watch Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor take action, Jiang Nan is his opponent, Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is also his strong enemy, and this time it is a great one Opportunity, to be able to see what kind of rivals the two rivals have reached!

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor's Supreme Ultimate daoist gown has not been sacrificed, it is still tightly attached to the body, Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch just perfected the eighty-three-thousand-great-daos that I got. , And Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor has made the nine Three Thousand Great Daos perfection!

He has a background far beyond Supreme Oneness. After all, he has survived the nine eras of Sacred Dao, Monk, Titan, Soul, Human, Divine, Monster, Demon, and Curse. All nine eras have proven the Dao. It is not very difficult for Monarch to perfect the nine Three Thousand Great Daos with his own fierce man refining successfully Innate Spirit Treasure!

His strength also surpasses Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch a lot. At this moment, the Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light in Supreme Ultimate daoist gown suddenly appears, but it is still tightly wrapped around the body, and it has never been sacrificed.

His daoist gown can also be regarded as a Magical Treasure, but Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is not like Jiang Nan refining Great Overarching Heaven and Lupeng and consumes various materials at all costs. His daoist gown is just rough For rough refining, the Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light made by his Great Dao is mainly used.

But even so, daoist gown can only exert the ultimate power after sacrifice, and putting on the body is not conducive to the development of formidable power.

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is doing this against common sense!

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch saw this scene, slightly startled, then woke up, and whispered: "Awesome, Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is indeed a person who has lived through the nine eras, indeed above me! This hand is not inferior to Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity of Cult Master Mystic Heaven, but it is Dharma Body Dao Treasure Quaternity......"

Supreme Ultimate daoist gown is both the Magical Treasure of Myriad Manifestations and his Great Dao, also his Divine Ability, is connected to his Fleshly Body and can reach the status of Dharma Body Dao Treasure Quaternity in a short time!

Use the strength of Magical Treasure to achieve another form of Quaternity. This state may not last long, but it is also not trivial. It can compete with Jiang Nan's Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity. !

Jiang Nan is also complexion dignified. He slowly got up and exclaimed: "Fellow Daoist Myriad Manifestations is indeed a person who can talk to Emperor and Exalted for three hundred years, and this move is indeed beyond my expectation. , Took a different path, and reached the extreme. Maybe you can really perfect this Quaternity, please!"

Just now against Supreme Oneness, he was still sitting, but now I met Myriad Manifestations, Jiang Nan didn't dare to be so relaxed.

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor took a long breath. It feels like a person is no longer standing alone, but a group of Qi composed of Supreme Ultimate, Inextinguishable Divine Light composed of Supreme Ultimate!

His nine Great Dao have been completely integrated, full mastery, and nine into one, turned into Supreme Ultimate!

Good Fortune divine elegance, Yin-Yang divine elegance!

one thought to become Saint, one thought to become Demon, one thought to become Buddha, one thought to become Spirit, one thought to become Ghost, one thought to become Monster, one thought to become Divinity!

Celestial Myriad Manifestations, Primordial Raising Supreme Ultimate!

The work of nine eras is in this life Mahayana!


The body of Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor doesn't seem to exist anymore, replaced by Supreme Ultimate Dark-Bright, Yin-Yang Transformation, one strike out, unpretentious It seems to combine the strength of nine eras into one!

next moment, this unpretentious sudden change, wonderful and mighty panorama, Space-Time in the great palace seems chaotic, Jiang Nan and Supreme Oneness look like the nine Great Universes were born from the Supreme Ultimate , Divine light is like dots of stars interlaced, one by one Universe rises and falls in Supreme Ultimate!

Universe changes, shaped like nine Magical Treasures, which is the Magical Treasure form of his former nine eras Fleshly Body!

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor Dharma Body Dao Treasure Quaternity, in the form of Supreme Ultimate, is such a natural phenomenon, Body and Dao fusion, Dao and Law fusion, Law and Treasure fusion, Treasure and Body fusion!

Jiang Nan admired, and his body shook, Lupeng rose up. This Lupeng is not the Magical Treasure he practiced not long ago, but he evolved with Great Dao.

As soon as Lupeng came out, Jiang Nan immediately did not invade Myriad Laws, and Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor attacked with this attack. Nine major changes were hidden and turned into the form of nine Great Innate Magical Treasures, Chaos Origin Pearl and Vajra Pestle. , Good Fortune Gate, Detestation Demon Spear, Scepter, Golden Dragon Blunt Sword, Spirit Root, Divine Lantern, etc. Magical Treasure crashed.

In Lupeng of Jiang Nan, various rays of light are released, divine light is coiled, bell sound oscillates, there are divine drums, Dao Sound is sacrificed, and treasure light and power of various colors are blasted out, and Lupeng It is the embryonic form of Supreme Treasure, blocking Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor's blow one after another, and can't invade Lupeng.

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor roared, the offensive changed again, I saw the nine treasures united into one, turned into Supreme Ultimate, Yin-Yang Dual Fish swimming, one black one white, Supreme Ultimate, one black one white, Supreme Ultimate Black, envelop Lupeng, refining everything!

Jiang Nan, the Lupeng stood firm, and firmly blocked the Supreme Ultimate Diagram from the outside, still unable to invade Lupeng.

"Supreme Ultimate Primordial Raising, create something from nothing! Yin-Yang cut, Three Thousand Great Daos!"

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor Drink low, I only see in the Supreme Ultimate Diagram In addition to Nine Great Immortal Daos, more Great Dao embryonic forms have emerged, densely packed, impressively embryonic forms of Three Thousand Great Daos!

Supreme Ultimate Diagram's power suddenly surged, only listening to Lupeng's creak explosive sound, unexpectedly Supreme Ultimate Diagram invaded Lupeng!

"Three Thousand Great Daos!"

Supreme Oneness exclaimed, his face gloomy and uncertain, his Eight Great Immortal Daos is not yet perfect, and Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor unexpectedly not only changed Nine Great Immortal Daos is perfect, even by analogy, self-comprehend other Great Dao, has already walked in front of him, in front of all other Immortal Dao powerhouses!

Jiang Nan laughed heartily, Lupeng suddenly received it, and immediately let the Supreme Ultimate Diagram unimpeded, enveloped him in it, and said leisurely: "Fellow Daoist Myriad Manifestations this life is called Primordial Raising, and the name is Primordial Raising. , Is indeed extraordinary and profound! In the future, Fellow Daoist Myriad Manifestations may indeed achieve Primordial Raising Supreme Ultimate, create something from nothing, refining successfully Three Thousand Immortal Daos, the first Dao Monarch!"


Supreme Ultimate Diagram The infinite crushing force struck, rolling and stirring, as if to obliterate him in the picture.

Although this blow of Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is called the Supreme Ultimate Diagram, what you see in it is not a picture, but a vast boundless Space, infinite power, and boundless. Changes, although his Three Thousand Great Daos are still only embryonic form, but the combined power is far more than before!

The refining power of this picture has also reached a terrifying situation!

It's just that Jiang Nan is in the picture, still serene, it seems that he doesn't feel the refining crushing power of Supreme Ultimate Diagram at all. This scroll of pictures has infinite changes and endless power. To him, it is the past and it cannot cause any harm to him!

This is the magical effect of Primordial Beginning Great Dao, Jiang Nan Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity, the body is Primordial Beginning, the method is Primordial Beginning, the Tao is Primordial Beginning, the fruit is Primordial Beginning, regardless of each other , His whole person is Primordial Beginning Great Dao, regardless of each other.

Either Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor destroys the Primordial Beginning Great Dao with boundless power, or there is nothing to do with him!


Jiang Nan a finger pointed, Great Overarching Heaven opened, opened the Supreme Ultimate Diagram, shook the Three Thousand Great Daos into disarray, stepped out, said with a smile: "Two Fellow Daoists, don't have to try, lest I really break my family's things, Madam will complain about my ineffective protection."

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is still waiting to take action, hearing this I was shocked, and I hurriedly looked around. I saw that unexpectedly none of the objects in this great palace were shattered by the aftermath of their attack, let alone the aftermath of their battle passed outside!

This means that Jiang Nan still has more power to protect this great palace, but he didn't do his best!

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven, goodbye."

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor turned around and left: "Take me Proving Dao Dao Monarch, come and learn!"

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