Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1524

Jade Capital Sacred Cult's Vice-Cult Master also saw something wrong. This little babygirl named Yun Lian is only a foot tall, but it doesn’t seem to be a new one. Little infant, but clever and lively, the aura on the body is rich, the inner is Great Dao!

They are very familiar with this aura, exactly the same as the aura of the stone egg on the desert oasis island!

What's more critical is that this little babygirl is still holding an eggshell in her hand, which is exactly the same as the stone egg shell pattern!

"Cult Master..." Female Monarch Lustrous Pearl leaned forward and said in a low voice.

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch raised his hand and motioned to her that she didn't need to say any more, her eyes flickered, pouring tea for Jiang Nan and his wife, and said: "Where did Fellow Daoist Mystic Heaven pick it up? I want to pick one too."

"Then you have to see if you have this fate."

Jiang Nan said resolutely: "Without fate, you can't hold it in front of you. If you have fate, It will be delivered to you. Fellow Daoist Jade Capital is right?"

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch face is gloomy and uncertain, Female Monarch Lustrous Pearl said with a smile: "Mystic Heaven, the origin of this little babygirl, Don’t you want to explain it to us?"

The atmosphere suddenly became serious. The Azure Lotus Suppressing Dao Cauldron under this blue cloud is like a huge volcano mouth, and Jade Capital Immortal City is like a bigger cage. , And the tens of millions of Jade Capital Sacred Cult outside the city are like Heaven Overarching!

Female Monarch Lustrous Pearl said with a smile: "We have worked so hard to guard the stone egg immortal fetus so far, but we have been snatched away by the unfathomable mystery, but there is more of this and that stone egg immortal around you. Fetus aura is exactly the same little baby, please explain this matter!"


Jiang Nan put down his teacup, his eyes fell on Female Monarch Lustrous Pearl, The complexion sinks slightly.

Heaven and Earth changes color suddenly, just listen to the loud booming bang, but seeing the endless thunderclap flying out of the Void, the crack crack splitting down, like one after another sharp sword, thunder and lightning Light up Heaven and Earth when it is dark and bright!

Circumference trillion miles, earth, water, wind, fire surge, one after another Immortal Realm stars fall from starry sky, holding the long tail of fire to the boundless desolate land!

Jade Capital Sacred Cult 21 Vice-Cult Masters face changed drastically. Looking up, I saw that Heaven and Earth where they are located is almost annihilated. The horrible scene is outside Jade Capital City. The ups and downs even formed the scene of Annihilation Tribulation, but I saw an Annihilation Demon Eye with a pitch-black and a circle hundred million miles from the void above, seeming to be suppressed, and Jade Capital Immortal City, even Everything in and outside the city is crushed!

Jiang Nan indifferently said: "Lustrous Pearl, are you asking me to explain it to you?"

crash ——

Jade Capital City outside, Jade Capital Sacred Cult tens of thousands Immortal collapsed without fighting. A complexion was pale, trembling with fear, and Magical Treasure was thrown on the ground. Looking up at the furious sky, the military spirit was defeated.

Female Monarch Lustrous Pearl's face changed drastically, and there was terror and fear in her heart. Jiang Nan's voice seemed to have a strange demonic nature, defeating her Dao Heart, and his imposing manner directly crushed her, like To fall into the boundless darkness and Abyss, you will never be able to wake up!

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch coughed and said: "Fellow Daoist calms down. Lustrous Pearl is just Immortal Monarch. Ignorance jokes offend Fellow Daoist, and the crime is not dead."

Jiang Nansan Go to the imposing manner prestige, the horror outside disappeared, said with a smile: "I also know that she is Immortal Monarch, so I didn't move her. If she is a Heavenly Monarch, and dare to say this to me, then she is now It's dead."

Because the Female Monarch Lustrous Pearl is Immortal Monarch, she will not kill her. If it is Heavenly Monarch, it will be killed. This makes Jade Capital Sacred Cult 21 Vice-Cult Masters' hearts. Cold, the corner of Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch's eyes also jumped twice.

Jiang Nan's words are clearly aimed at him!

The meaning is obvious. If you dare to mention this, you will die immediately. If you don't mention it, let's talk and drink tea.

"Fellow Daoist drinking tea." Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch raised his teacup, said with a smile.

Jiang Nan picked up the tea cup and said with a smile: "Drink tea."

The two took a sip and put them down. Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch now regrets asking Jiang Nan to come. Sit down, he is on the books, Jade Capital Sacred City is his own Heavenly Monarch Treasure, and the place to drink tea is Azure Lotus Suppressing Dao Cauldron. Among the blue clouds, it is safe and secure. Please Jiang Nan to drink. Tea is just asking monarch to enter the urn.

But now, it is him who is sitting on pins and needles.

After a while, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch coughed and said with concern: "Fellow Daoist’s Dao Wound has recovered completely, right? In that fated tribulation, I also squeezed a cold sweat for Fellow Daoist. I heard that Everlasting Heavenly Venerate also profited from somebody's misfortune, and shot to Fellow Daoist, really worried about the safety of Fellow Daoist. Today I saw Fellow Daoist come out again, and I couldn’t help being happy for Fellow Daoist."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "It's just a small Dao Wound. Fellow Daoist cares about it."

The two exchanged greetings with each other. It seems that Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch was not among the people who shot Jiang Nan at the beginning. Nan did not pursue the issue of Jade Capital's attack on him in Human Tribulation. In his mind, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch is much more formidable than before, but it can no longer be his opponent.

His strength is high, and his vision is also as the tide rises, the boat floats. Of course, if Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch is ignorant of current affairs, Jiang Nan will not hesitate to shoot.

"Jade Capital Sacred Cult is the first under the heavens cult, with many eyes and ears, you must know a lot of news. I don't know if Fellow Daoist Jade Capital has the news and whereabouts of the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor?" Jiang Nan asked .

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch shook his head, and said: "I used to hear the news about the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor. I used to haunt the newly opened Immortal Realm several times, causing a lot of trouble, but then I didn’t know it. He was traced. This person should be searching for Energy of Immortal Spirit everywhere, ready to restore his own strength."

Jiang Nan's heart sank slightly, the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor still did not show up when the sky opened. It should be after preparing to regain strength, then Monarch Overlooking The Whole World.

Compared to others, Primal Chaos Plague Emperor is more threatening, because Plague Emperor is the old school of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, Dao Lord of Primal Chaos Era, the first Primal Chaos Great Emperor, first Dao Monarch, it is only his obsession to restore the glory of Ancient Divinity Era.

Of course, the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor is cruel, and I will definitely look for the bad luck of those Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity who betrayed me at the beginning. The Primal Chaos Heaven Country left by Doaist Null-Void bears the brunt.

Furthermore, this Plague Emperor is extremely cunning, appear and disappear unpredictably, and is inextricably linked with Daoist Annihilation. He is a very tricky character, and can be said to be the public enemy of Immortal Realm.

Especially because he mistakenly thought that Jiang Nan was Null-Void reincarnation, this is the most troublesome place for Jiang Nan.

If the Plague Emperor restores the cultivation base, now the Innate Spirit Treasure Innate Magical Treasure is mostly broken, and only the Primordial Cauldron Primordial Tower is still on the way to open the sky. Sooner or later, it will be broken. Primal Chaos Plague Emperor Without being able to restrain his existence, this Primal Chaos Great Emperor will surely make waves and become more and more unscrupulous!

"Now I can still deal with him. If he returns to Dao Monarch Boundary, I will not be fully sure."

Jiang Nan pondered, Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch's eyes flashed , Spread out a palm, said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, I think my cultivation base has improved during this time. I wonder if Fellow Daoist can give me some pointers?"

Great Dao appeared in his palm , Turned into a lofty Heaven and Earth stars, like a little Universe!

The most terrifying thing is that this little Heaven and Earth within palm, unexpectedly encompassing the Great Dao of more than ten eras, is displayed in the form of Immortal Dao!

This palm of Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch is unfolded, revealing his long-hidden strength and cultivation base. Now his strength can be said to be a superb figure among present life Heaven!

Spirit Maiden, Dayan and Rama came home in his hands, and the defeat was not wronged.

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch still doesn't believe that Jiang Nan's injury has been completely recovered, and also wants to weigh Jiang Nan's current strength!


Jiang Nan slightly smiled, stretched out a finger to point, and said leisurely: "Pointing and pointing you are also not without exception."

He pointed his finger on the palm of Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch, and the universe of Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch suddenly shattered, and all Great Dao totally was crushed and disappeared!

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch's body was shaken, and Jiang Nan's palm pierced his palm, and a blood hole appeared.

Jiang Nan retracted his finger and said indifferently: "I have pointed it."

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch held back the pain and retracted the palm, said with a smile: "Teached."

Jiang Nan didn’t stay long, and after sitting for a while, he got up and said goodbye. Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch got up to see him off. Jiang Nan took Madam child onto the great treasure carriage and drove deep into the newly opened Immortal Realm. go with.

Jade Capital Sacred Cult Twenty-one Vice-Cult Masters are extremely upset, one after another opened the mouth and said: "Sacred Cult Master, the little baby named Yun Lian, clearly is..."

"No need to say!"

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch raised his hand, and the wound on his palm pierced by Jiang Nan's finger still did not heal. Said solemnly: "I also know that that little baby is stone Innate Creature in the egg, Mystic Heaven is the one who snatches the stone egg, so what can I do? Cult Master Mystic Heaven, one person can smash me Jade Capital Sacred Cult, if I just said it, everyone will die!"

A Vice-Cult Master is very resentful, Female Monarch Lustrous Pearl air said: "We have been preparing for such a long time and mobilizing tens of millions of troops. Did we just admit defeat?"

Jade Palace Immortal Monarch said: "Senior Brother, our current battle strength at Sacred Cult is not the same as before, and our strength has increased several times over before. Even Primal Chaos Heaven Country is not our opponent..."

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch looked at his transparent palm before and after, shook his head and said: "Mystic Heaven’s Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow is Innate Magical Treasure, and Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake is the Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure with the strongest formidable power. We Although his strength has improved, he is not weak. With these two treasures, the entire body battle strength of my Jade Capital Sacred Cult is weaker than him. However, this is only temporary, as long as you get the Heavenly Monarch, and then fight with Dao. Lord Men g Xun teamed up to get rid of Divine Mother, combined with the strength of Divine Mother, Mystic Heaven is nothing to worry about! "

His words are like rocks, with a loud voice: "Mystic Heaven, can be arrogant for a while, impossible arrogant! After all, this is Immortal Dao Era, not the era when he can be impudent! He is just a back of Immortal Dao chaotic era, and now Immortal Realm is completely opened soon, Immortal Dao Era is on the right track, Mystic Heaven will also become history and be eliminated by the times! ”

The spirit of Jade Capital Sacred Cult everyone lifted up. The haze brought to them by Jiang Nan just now was wiped out by Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch with only a few words.

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch said with a smile: "Innate Creature, which adheres to the opening heaven destiny and merit of Five Colored Lotus, has been taken away by Mystic Heaven, but there are seven other Innate Magical Treasures. The Creature which adheres to these Magical Treasure opening heaven destiny and merit should not be far away. Up. Everyone keep searching, be sure to find these creatures! These creatures are the future Dao Monarch of my Immortal Realm, absolutely cannot fall into the hands of others! "

He said leisurely: "Mystic Heaven is nothing but Heavenly Monarch, and these creatures will be the existence of Dao Monarch in the future. It is conceivable that in the future Immortal Realm, Cult Master Mystic Heaven is There is no sense of existence! "

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