Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1521

Heavenly Harmonious, Extreme Revolution, Departed Mother, and Clear Void infiltrated the Primeval Dao Truth deposited in the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone into Jiang Xueqing’s body. Although Xueqing still can’t realize the comprehend, but with her The promotion of the cultivation base boundary will surely understand these principles in the future.

The gift of Clear Void and the others is not unbelievable. Jiang Xueqing saved countless years of comprehend, but Jiang Nan knew that these four old monsters would not do this kind of thing for no reason. , There must be a picture.

"I only hope that Xueqing can be safe, and I don’t want her to endure this history."

The Jiang Nan family of three walks in the newly opened Immortal Realm. At that time, Immortal Realm was full of Sacred Lands, but the area was too wide, which often resulted in not encountering an Immortal for trillions of miles.

However, there are still many Immortal Beasts haunting here. Some Immortal Beasts are creatures born from Heaven and Earth, but they are also extremely formidable.

Ti Xuanwei collected a few mountain ranges formed by Immortal Metal, grabbed some Immortal Realm stars, collected a few colorful cloud energy, and then surrendered eight Immortal Beasts, all of which were Scaled Dragon Horses. Innate Variation Immortal Beast.

She took out the great treasure carriage used by Great Cult Master Jiang when he was doing the Divine Emperor in Three Realms, refining it with Immortal Metal, stars and cloud energy, and let the Innate Variation Scaled Dragon Horse pull the cart, Jiang Nan A family of three drove by in midair in the great treasure carriage.

This great treasure carriage is very gorgeous. There is an imperial canopy on the top floor. The Immortal Metal used is Innate Metal Essence. The bead curtain is also made of stars. The car is covered with Innate cloud gas. There, auspiciousness emerges, bright clouds are flying, immortal clouds myriad flowers.

"Master is now in an extraordinary position, but unfortunately he did not bring some entourage with him." Ti Xuanwei said with a smile.

Jiang Nan shook his head and said with a smile: "We just traveled with Xueqing casually, we don’t need heaven shaking earth shattering."

As he was talking, suddenly immortal light burst forward, I saw one after another immortal light cutting through the sky, but it was a Zun Immortal who was on his way, and only heard someone loudly said: "It turned the sky, and dare to provoke us Jade Capital Sacred Cult!"

"Don't panic everyone, even if these birds are the Divinity-Demon born of Innate, they can't help us! I, Reverence Hall and Sikou Vice-Cult Masters from Jade Capital Sacred Cult are coming soon!"

"These people are too arrogant, but their strength is also formidable. They can actually beat the Patrolling Heaven Envoy of Jade Capital Sacred Cult! But they shocked the two Vice-Cult Masters, Reverence Hall and Sikou. Will be captured, as the mount of the Sacred Cult Master!"

"Both Vice-Cult Masters will Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch, against a few Innate Creature is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?"


Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly, and the eight-headed Innate Scaled Dragon Horse immediately turned to the direction where Immortal was headed, said with a smile: "We too Go and see, what the hell is Heavenly Demon, which can provoke Reverence Hall Immortal Monarch and Immortal Monarch Sikou."

Ti Xuanwei said with a smile: "This time the Immortal Realm opens, it will definitely Many innate sacred existences were born, I’m afraid it’s better than Exa The aptitude of lted-Emperor discíple 72 Innate sacred is even more beneficial. Maybe there will be Heavenly Monarch and Dao Monarch in the future. These creatures follow the Heaven and Earth Destiny of Immortal Realm. I am afraid that they will become the Ruler of Immortal Realm in the future. Is the Master afraid? "

Jiang Nan dumbly, said with a smile: "My opponent is not them. After they cultivate successfully Dao Monarch, they may be eligible to stand in front of me. But Madam is right. These creatures that inherit the birth of Heaven and Earth Destiny do have talents to teach. If they are destined, I will also receive some training. "

"Daddy is the best! "Jiang Xueqing waved her small fist.

Jiang Nan scratched her beautiful nose, said with a smile: "Don't say that, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven there is Person beyond the Person, Although being a father is great, you still have to retreat when you encounter Dao Monarch as a father. Of course, apart from Dao Monarch Palace, there is no Dao Monarch in this world. Qing'er is not wrong to say this, but it is not very good after all. Some people will say that they are bragging for their father.

Ti Xuanwei puchi smiled and said: "Master is now bragging. "

Jiang Nan made a haha ​​and said: "It is indeed a bit exaggerated, but when present life can be included in Master my eyes, there are indeed not many. ”

Immortal, an Immortal of Jade Capital Sacred Cult, drove by, but it didn’t seem to have seen this great treasure carriage, shua~ shua~ shua~ galloping forward, and Immortal commented: "I heard that Sacred Cult Master and 19 other Vice-Cult Masters are also in the vicinity. It seems that they have discovered some amazing Innate Creature and are preparing to capture them. Being able to alarm 21 Vice-Cult Masters and Sacred Cult Masters, this Innate-born creature must be no small thing! "

" Isn't it? I heard that this creature was that when Innate Five Colored Lotus was broken, a strand of Inextinguishable Divine Light fell into a piece of Innate Beginning Essence Ancient Energy and turned into a stone egg, giving birth to spiritual wisdom. If not, how could it alarm Sacred Cult Master? "

"The stone egg that gave birth to this creature has absorbed an Innate Beginning Essence Ancient Energy the size of a galaxy thoroughly. It still hasn't been born, and it continues to absorb Immortal Energy from the nearby quadrillions miles. The neighborhood became a desert. Sacred Cult Master had originally planned to search for the fragment of Primordial Bell, but hurried over when he heard about it. If it weren't for the hateful and annoying Innate birds, we are afraid that we would go there too to see what creature this Innate stone egg gave birth to. "

"These big birds are so irritating that they have taken so many brothers from us, and they must take down their bird feathers. "


It didn't take long for Jiang Nan to sense the violent battle fluctuations in front of him. When he glanced at it, he saw the more than 100,000 Immortal composition of Jade Capital Sacred Cult there. The great formation is besieging the Innate birds they said. In the center of the great formation is a Divine Tree. The several figures are flying around the big tree and they are very fierce.

.Jiang Nan looked from a distance, wondering in his heart, and whispered: "It seems to be the birds of my family..."

"How many birds are in our family?" "

Ti Xuanwei slightly startled, saying: "Which ones? Is it Golden Emperor or Divine Vulture? "

Jiang Nan shook the head, the great treasure carriage drove there, and saw that more than 100,000 Immortal of Jade Capital Sacred Cult formed a great formation. It was just a few Azure Birds that were besieged, and the big tree Shrouded in a circle several thousands miles, four Azure Birds flew around, unexpectedly blocking the siege of more than 100,000 Immortal.

There were still two big birds squatting on the Divine Tree, a male bird with a frown and a sigh. , Said: "I said you little bastard will cause trouble, you really caused trouble, what should I do now, Master knows, and I will punish you..."

And the four Azure Birds sacrificed One by one golden-bright and dazzling nests, the nest flies, the golden light is released, and an Immortal is collected in the nest, and then the nest shakes down, and the Immortal falls from the nest and is tied up firmly. .

Under the Divine Tree, there is also a big Azure Bird, with two slender bird feet bouncing around, and the bird’s beak pecked at the ground, it was a pothole, and then a statue was picked up. Immortal, who is unable to move, stuffed it into the cave, whispering said: "You can't finish eating. If you can't finish eating, plant it. The next year will definitely bear more Immortal..."

Jiang Nan and Ti Xuanwei watched this scene speechlessly, Jiang Xueqing was even more stunned. They saw that under the Divine Tree, about 30,000-40,000 Immortal was buried in the soil, leaving only the head exposed.

These seven birds, unexpectedly captured Jade Capital Sacred Cult 30,000-40,000 Immortal, "planted" all of them, and waited for the next year to eat!

"Father, plant Immortal In the soil, will you really bear more in the coming year? Jiang Xueqing raised his head and asked curiously.

Jiang Nan hasn't answered yet, Ti Xuanwei shook his head quickly and said: "Qing'er, don't believe them!" Immortal planted in the soil cannot produce more Immortal! These seven little bastard are used to burying their seeds, thinking that the edible things can grow more out of the soil. "

"What can you eat?" "

Jiang Xueqing is even more strange, wondering: "Is Immortal also edible?" "

Ti Xuanwei's forehead was covered with black lines, and he asked Jiang Nan for help. Jiang Nan coughed and said resolutely: "For Monster, Immortal is edible because..."

The little girl blinked her eyes and said curiously: "I am also a Monster, can I also eat Immortal? "

Jiang Nan's face also turned dark, and said: "Why do you want to eat?" Cannibalism is the behavior of Low Level Monster, High Level Monster eating wind and drinking dew, not eating grains..."

He also intends to explain in detail, I can only see more Jade Capital Sacred Cult cult members Flying, the two Immortal Monarch aura formidable at the head are amazing. It is Reverence Hall Immortal Monarch and Immortal Monarch Sikou, both of which are already Great Perfection Immortal Monarch Boundary, but because Immortal Monarch is about to break karma, they have not yet attained Heavenly Monarch.

"Where did the evildoer come from, dare to be so humiliate my Jade Capital Sacred Cult! "

Reverence Hall Immortal Monarch, after all, is experienced and knowledgeable. At a glance, you immediately know that these seven birds are not creatures born from Heaven and Earth first, but seven cultivation base immortals. Qin, immediately coldly said: "Forgive you seven beasts for not daring to attack me Jade Capital Sacred Cult, let's talk, who instigated you? ”

Immortal Monarch Sikou saw these birds unexpectedly capture the younger generation of Jade Capital Sacred Cult down to tens of thousands of people. Covered the seven Azure Birds on the Divine Tree and said: "Why don’t Senior Brother Reverence Hall tell them more, so humiliate my Sacred Cult, and kill them directly, killing the chicken to frighten the monkey, don’t believe the people behind them don’t? come out! "

He is the Great Perfection Immortal Monarch. The power of palm is more powerful than the great formation composed of more than 100,000 Immortal. There is even the aura of Three Thousand Great Daos in his body, Great Dao rumble, and even more Help increase the power of this palm!

Ti Xuanwei cried out in surprise, just about to take a shot, suddenly I saw seven birds on the Divine Tree, six of them were all hanging out with green leaves. Branches, this branch rose into the sky, rays of light ten thousand fathoms, suddenly swept forward, and saw the divine light rush forward, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like this palm of Immortal Monarch Sikou Smash!

The divine light swarmed forward, and six branches brushed on Immortal Monarch Sikou. This Great Perfection Immortal Monarch groaned was brushed out of several thousands miles, and fiercely hit a great mountain. Come, knock that Immortal Mountain down!

Immortal Monarch Sikou roared, and a Three Thousand Great Daos flew out of the body and wrapped around the body. Just now it was the Three Thousand Great made by Emperor and Exalted. Daos body protection, so that he is not injured, otherwise the six branches just brushed up, he would lose half of his life because of undying.

Immortal Monarch Sikou imposing manner is coming violently, and is about to face the birds on the Divine Tree. I brushed it away, the Azure Bird that didn’t shoot quickly shook his body and turned into a middle-aged person, dressed in a large cloak of feathers, and bowed and said: “Two people, please do it slowly. Our family of seven is Great Master Mystic Heaven. Under care, I’ve traveled so far, I didn’t cause trouble, it’s you Sacred Cult Discíple thought we were Innate Creature, ready to capture me and wait for the killer to wait for me. Our family of seven then counterattacked, but it did not kill their lives. Just bury them in the soil, just kidding! "

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven under care? "

Clear Brahma Immortal Monarch quickly stopped Immortal Monarch Sikou and said: "If these seven birds are really Cult Master Mystic Heaven under care, they can't easily provoke them. Although my Sacred Cult is damaged, But after all, there were no casualties, so forget it. Ask them to hand over the buried Sacred Cult younger generation, a few words, let's rush over and help Senior Brother Jade Capital to surrender the Innate Creature in the stone egg! "

Immortal Monarch Sikou shook the head, said with a smile: "Senior Brother Clear Brahma has been hit hard and hasn't appeared for hundreds of years. I heard that he suffers from Everlasting Heavenly Venerate both sides and is still fated. Many Innate Magical Treasure, Spirit Treasure and Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure have left the indelible Dao Wound in the tribulation. Even his Mystic Prefecture is split. When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, the power of Mystic Prefecture has divided up his influence, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled. If before, my Jade Capital Sacred Cult still feared him by three points, but now my Sacred Cult is the number one Great Cult, Mystic Heaven act recklessly, Mystic Prefecture is only the old, weak, sick and disabled. Why is my Sacred Cult afraid? "

Clear Brahma Immortal Monarch slightly frowned, Immortal Monarch Sikou sacrificed his Magical Treasure, and a Three Thousand Great Daos flew into the Magical Treasure, killing seven Azure Birds, said with a smile "The seven branches raised by Azure Birds are actually Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light, a rare treasure, you can't help but capture it! Besides, this time splitting heaven and earth apart is also a good time to wash the dishes, capture these seven Azure Birds, lure the guys from Mystic Prefecture to take action, and take the opportunity to destroy Mystic Prefecture! "

————Tearfully kneel and beg, monthly ticket!!!

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