Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1515

These seven Azure Birds have gained too many benefits. Jiang Nan used his own Great Dao and his own Magic Power to sacrificially refining them, and drew the essence from countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures. , Practicing in the Great Overarching Heaven, let their strength soaring wildly, each instant of improvement in strength is better than thousands of years of bitter cultivation!

Jiang Nan refining Great Overarching Heaven, equivalent to treating them as Innate Magical Treasure, but they are living beings, and not completely Magical Treasure. When Jiang Nan sacrificial refining them, they did not erase their spiritual wisdom, and the benefits they received were extremely abundant.

After several months, Jiang Nan no longer sacrificial refining Great Overarching Heaven, but grabbed some Primordial Chaos Ancient Energy and Immortal Metal in Immortal Realm, refining Lupeng.

Lupeng is also one of his important Magical Treasures.

Great Overarching Heaven is his place, and Lupeng is his place for people from the faction department.

He refining Lupeng and Great Overarching Heaven in the way of Innate Supreme Treasure. In Time River, he comprehend the refining method of Innate Supreme Treasure, and he also comprehend Dao Mystery of Innate Supreme Treasure, but he wanted to really In addition to Dao Monarch Perfection Boundary, the refining successfully Innate Supreme Treasure requires a Supreme comprehend for Great Dao!

No matter which of these two points, Jiang Nan has never reached it.

Although he has been promoted to Primordial Beginning Heavenly Monarch Boundary, he is still far away from refining successfully Innate Magical Treasure, let alone Supreme Treasure.

refining successfully Innate Magical Treasure, there is no need for any tangible materials, only the divine light transformed by the Great Dao itself, and a little divine light inextinguishable, thereby refining successfully Innate Magical Treasure.

This is also the reason why Innate Magical Treasure such as Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell was crushed, but no Magical Treasure material fragment could be found, only one after another Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light could be found.

And now, Jiang Nan has not reached the boundary of refining Innate Magical Treasure, so he can only use heavenly materials and earthly treasures to make up for the lack of his own cultivation base boundary.

If he reaches Dao Monarch Boundary, he does not need to resort to any tangible materials, and he can refining successfully two Great Innate Magical Treasures only with his own Inextinguishable Divine Light!

When Lupeng and Great Overarching Heaven refining successfully, Jiang Nan will offer these two Magical Treasures and hang them high on the zenith of Immortal Realm. The Great Overarching Heaven will stand with countless huge divine statues, and the palace will be deeply imposing. One after another divine light turns into treasures hanging high, one after another stars shining, Lupeng is a variety of treasures hanging high, each with its own uniqueness.

In addition to the treasure made by his Inextinguishable Divine Light, Lupeng also has a Palm Leaf Fan, an eye pupil, and a big meat ball.

Jiang Nan stretched out his hand and saw the aura of berserk in the Palm Leaf Fan surging, and gradually a majestic silhouette formed in the Palm Leaf Fan, vaguely like Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate.

After a while, Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate walked out of the Palm Leaf Fan, raised one's head looked towards Jiang Nan, and screamed: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven, I don't accept you!"

Jiang Nan didn't care, only saw a person walking out of that pupil, but it was Ghost Martial Dao Monarch with a gloomy and uncertain face looking all around, and then vacated and wanted to rush out of this little one. Lupeng, just let him bump into it, he will be captured by two divine light just after flying out of Lupeng, locked firmly, and pulled back under the cover.

And the meat ball squirmed and turned into a lithe and graceful woman of twenty-eight years of age, but it was the Black Flower Sacred Mother, dressed as a young woman, standing under the canopy without speaking, but looking at all around.

The two of them were killed by Jiang Nan in the Human Tribulation of Jiang Nan Fleshly Body, because Dao Fruit hid each and did not die, but was suppressed by Jiang Nan in Lupeng.

At the moment Jiang Nan lifted the suppression, the three immediately resurrected from Dao Fruit.

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate's explorer grabbed the Palm Leaf Fan in his hand and said with a smile: "Mystic Heaven, there is an open and aboveboard battle for 300 rounds!"

Jiang Nan dumbly, said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Sacred Demon, now my tribulation is over, why bother to fight and kill? Besides, the three of them can't help me. What's the point of fighting again?"

"Your fated tribulation is over?"

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate, Ghost Martial Dao Monarch and Black Flower Sacred Mother are dumbstruck in the hearts of Black Flower Sacred Mother hoarsely said: "Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Primordial Bell Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron, as well as the Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, have fallen to you. Can you also live through these fatal tribulations?"

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate and Ghost Martial Dao Monarch are shocked Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure is Dao Monarch Treasure. The power of any Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure alone is far more powerful than any Heavenly Monarch. Even more how are Nine Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures bombarding Jiang Nan?

even more how and Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures, and Three Great Innate Spirit Treasures?

You can spend even these fated tribulations. How formidable is Jiang Nan's strength?

Jiang Nan complexion is gentle, said with a smile: "If all these treasure powers are turned on, it will be difficult for me to get through, but I used a clever trick to force Innate Magical Treasure and Innate Spirit Treasure to open up. After this fatal tribulation. Three Fellow Daoist, look!"

He pointed to Immortal Realm, Sacred Demon, Ghost Martial and Black Flower Sacred Mother quickly looked down, shocked and dumbstruck in his heart. .

I saw that today's Immortal Realm is hundreds of times larger than their before death Immortal Realm, and it is vast, and Five Colored Lotus, Good Fortune Gate, Golden Dragon Blunt Sword, etc. Innate Magical Treasure stand The place of Eight Desolates of Immortal Realm, constantly strikes Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos, splitting heaven and earth apart!

The Primordial Bell is located in the center, anchoring the Immortal Realm, the Primordial Tower is located above, holding up the Void of the Immortal Realm, and the Primordial Cauldron is located below, supporting the Immortal Realm four poles!

The Three Great Innate Spirit Treasures also constantly vibrated, and the horrible Inextinguishable Dao Prestige erupted, opened up Primal Chaos, separated Primordial Chaos, and let Immortal Realm continue to expand outward!

Immortal Realm's Immortal Prefectures are growing rapidly, absorbing the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Energy born of splitting heaven and earth apart. Each Immortal Prefecture is dozens of times larger than before!

As for the originally vast boundless Uninhabited Forbidden Zone, it has become a small part of Immortal Realm, which seems insignificant!

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "The Immortal Realm today is totally different from the three Immortal Realm I saw before. The Three Thousand Immortal Prefectures will be built, with endless treasures and territories, waiting Immortal Realm heroes go to develop and occupy. Those heaven grotto and blessed land are all masterless objects, the land without a master, are the three Fellow Daoists not tempted?"

Sacred Demon, Ghost Martial and Black Flower Sacred Mother is naturally tempted, Black Flower Sacred Mother said with a smile: "Cult Master trapped us in Lupeng, but what kind of cool talk?"

Jiang Nan slightly smiled, stretched out his hand, The pressure of the three suddenly eased, Ghost Martial Dao Monarch hurriedly flew out of Lupeng, without any obstruction, could not help but stay in a daze.

Black Flower Sacred Mother also flew out quickly, Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate hesitated for a moment, and also walked out of Lupeng.

The three of them did not leave immediately. Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate raised one's head looked towards Jiang Nan, only to see Jiang Nan's body imposing, which set off the three very small and pitiful, loudly said: "Mystic Heaven, you What tricks? Let's just say it!"

"Yes. I don't believe if you capture the three of us, you will let us go so easily!" Ghost Martial Dao Monarch also raised his head and shouted.

Jiang Nan's gaze fell and looked towards the very small three people in front of him, said with a smile: "The three Fellow Daoists can naturally leave. I won't stop them, but the three go back, but Dao Fruit has to stay and put it in my Great Overarching Heaven."

All three of them are startled, and Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate said with a smile: "Leave our Dao Fruit behind and put it on In your Great Overarching Heaven? Cult Master Mystic Heaven, if we do this, don’t we leave life and death in your control? Do you want us to live and die?"

"You have a great idea!" Ghost Martial Dao Monarch said with a smile.

"Let's go!"

Black Flower Sacred Mother uttered a cry, and the three of them immediately flew up and fled in different directions. They knew that Jiang Nan could not do anything about it, so He didn't shoot at Jiang Nan, and fled directly.

Playing with Jiang Nan is naturally impossible to win, but the three are extremely determined. If they want to escape, Jiang Nan can't keep their three people!

"Three Fellow Daoists, you pin Dao Fruit in any corner of Immortal Realm. Don’t Emperor and Exalted want you to die when you die? Your Dao Fruit is pinned on What is the difference between Immortal Realm and the Great Overarching Heaven entrusted to me?"

Jiang Nan said with a smile, did not get up to chase, but there was a shock from Lupeng, only Lupeng eaves The big bell hanging below flew up, and the praying mat and incense burner in Lupeng also flew out.

The big bell chased Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate straight away, buckled diagonally down, and Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate flew up involuntarily and was taken into the big bell.

While praying mat catches up with Ghost Martial Dao Monarch, praying mat inside one after another divine light flies out, shua~ shua~ shua~ entangles Ghost Martial Dao Monarch firmly, divine light is collected, Ghost Martial Dao Monarch will involuntarily fall on praying mat.

And the incense burner fell on the back of the Black Flower Sacred Mother with a bang. No matter how the Black Flower Sacred Mother moves and changes, it can’t escape. The incense burner is getting heavier and heavier. Reincarnation Female Dao Monarch was tired and pressed under the incense burner.

The three were captured again and thrown into Lupeng.

Jiang Nan no longer looked towards the three of them, and continued to sacrificial refining Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven and Lupeng, and occasionally shot, to draw in the Primordial Beginning Energy generated by splitting heaven and earth apart.

Today, the number of Primordial Beginning Energy born in Immortal Realm is still not many, but one after another Primordial Beginning Energy is far away from him. There are already many powerhouses searching for Primordial Beginning Energy, and many Primordial Beginning Energy Taken away by others.

Jiang Nan’s advantage is that he stands at Immortal Realm’s zenith. As long as Primordial Beginning Energy is born anywhere, he can be the first to find out. Compared with other Immortal Realm powerhouses, Being able to take the lead, so get more Primordial Beginning Energy.

These Primordial Beginning Energy, he did not completely absorb the refining, but a part of the Primordial Beginning Energy was refined into the Great Overarching Heaven and Lupeng to enhance the power of these two treasures.

In Lupeng, Sacred Demon, Ghost Martial and Black Flower Sacred Mother felt that there was still no pressure in Lupeng. Jiang Nan still did not suppress them. The three looked at each other and Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate whispered. Said: "Mystic Heaven is trying to convince us, let us know that we can't escape his control no matter what we escape. This guy is hateful, but he does have this strength, but you and I are not false reputation, it is better to be like this, I attacked this guy. The two of you took the opportunity to escape, and you can also blow his confidence. Let him know that we can dominate Primeval, not for false reputation!"

Black Flower Sacred Mother and Ghost Martial Dao Monarch hesitated for a moment, and double arched his hands and said: "many thanks Fellow Daoist Sacred Demon is complete! Fellow Daoist rest assured, after we escaped, we will search for Immortal Realm resources. We must have advanced cultivation base strength, and come to rescue Fellow Daoist again!"

The plan of the three has been decided. Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate immediately sacrificed the Palm Leaf Fan and rushed towards Jiang Nan with a large fan, shouted: "Mystic Heaven is killed, take me a blow!"

Black Flower Sacred Mother and Ghost Martial Dao Monarch also attacked Jiang Nan, their strongest Divine Ability, and flew out of Lupeng to the Immortal Realm.

Jiang Nan turned his back to the three of them, letting the three of them attack behind him, bang bang, three muffled noises came, he suffered the strongest blow of the three of his life, and he did not even shake his body In the slightest, only Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate rushed behind Jiang Nan and waved the Palm Leaf Fan, fanning Jiang Nan's clothes slightly horn.

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate was shocked, and saw that he came behind Jiang Nan, still extremely small, Jiang Nan was extremely tall and sturdy, as if he was sitting there with his back to him as a heavenly moat.

"In any case, let Black Flower and Ghost Martial escape!"

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate roared, his body swelled, his muscles bulged from under the skin like an explosion, shouted "Big! Big! Big!"

His Fleshly Body was countless times bigger in the blink of an eye, becoming an incomparable giant with a height of trillion miles. Looking up, I saw that Jiang Nan looked like a heavenly Moat sat there with his back to him, it seems that he is getting bigger, Jiang Nan is also getting bigger, he is still an insignificant little.

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate roared in anger, raised his fists and attacked Jiang Nan frantically. He attacked an unknown number of styles in an instant and displayed all his methods. It was just this scene, just like a mole crickets and ants waved their fists at Giant, which was indescribably ridiculous.

Suddenly, he heard the voices of Black Flower Sacred Mother and Ghost Martial Dao Monarch, loudly said: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven, we served it!"

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate looked back and saw that Black Flower Sacred Mother and Ghost Martial Dao Monarch unexpectedly fell into Lupeng again. The dumbstruck eyes of the dumbstruck were frustrated. It was obvious that they saw him attack Jiang Nan, as ridiculously as if they were shaking a tree. unprecedented blow.

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate was depressed, no longer attacking, and said desperately: "Cult Master, I also...take it!"

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