Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1508

Jiang Nan yelled: "Great Heavenly Venerate, you only know one or the other. Like me, I was born late, and failed to catch up with Primeval or Primal Chaos Era. , I didn’t even have the chance of Innate Creature. If I didn’t take advantage of this opportunity to steal a little treasures land from Immortal Dao, then I would really be played to death!"

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate solemnly "So, this is where I admire you. You are not Primeval’s old monster reincarnation, nor are you the Giant of Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era. You were born late, not even Innate Creature, just a pitiful Acquired Creature. , Living in a big chess game where Emperor, Exalted, and Null-Void have been laid out for more than 800 million years. But you have been able to make waves and live all the way to the present, and you have to create Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven and let Immortal Dao dominate you. Next, I want to be tied with Emperor and Exalted. I only see your talent and courage!"

Jiang Nan laughed heartily: "Great Heavenly Venerate is indeed a master of Karma Great Dao, I am a little smart Naturally, I can’t hide it from you. I don’t want to succumb to others, and I don’t want to be destroyed by Immortal Dao. In that case, I might as well let Great Overarching Heaven become Immortal Realm Highest Heaven. Immortal Dao's desire to destroy me is also impossible."

The two didn't seem to be enemies about to go to war. On the contrary, they talked fiercely, and they were puzzled by the sight of Great Dragon.

"Cult Master and Everlasting's mutually flattering cheeks are disgusting!" Great Dragon thought, this Great Dragon has a bad memory, and I don't even remember that he and Jiang Nan have been flattering each other just now.

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate looked towards below, Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Three Great Innate Spirit Treasures opened up Primal Chaos, set Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, and said with emotion: "Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang, I am It is the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace, but I also hate that I cannot be born in the era of Primordial Dao. Primordial Dao Era is the first era, with endless Profound Mystery, Profound Mystery, Great Dao, and no future generations. In an era, the universe that can be developed is much smaller than the Primordial Dao Era. Only in that era can it be possible to enter the Extremeity of Great Dao. I hate my late birth and missed the Primordial Dao Era."

Jiang Nan nodded, he also has such regrets.

Primordial Dao Era blessed by heaven, the Universe Ancient Desolate was born out of Primal Chaos for the first time. The universe of other eras is much smaller than this era.

It's like dropping a stone on a calm lake. The first ripple from the stone is the clearest and largest. The one after another ripple is the aftermath of the first ripple, becoming more and more blurred and smaller.

Primordial Dao Era is the first ripple, with a side that cannot be matched by other eras.

And every ripple that returns to calm, represents an Annihilation Tribulation.

If there is no accident, after one after another ripples, the lake will return to calm.

The same is true for Primal Chaos. After a certain era in the future, you will be completely plunged into the Great Desolate cold, great loneliness, and all eras will disappear.

But with the arrival of the two foreigners, Emperor and Exalted, the equivalent to dropped another stone on the lake, causing the lake that had been slowly restored to calm to rippling on its own.

Moreover, this time is even more weird, because the previous ripples have not completely disappeared, but this time the ripples have risen again, the ripples are interlaced and collide with each other.

What’s even stranger is that Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era is not a ripple on the initiative, but a mysterious strength that shattered Annihilation Heavenly Fire and interrupted the inherent turbulent trajectory of ripples.

This formed three different locations of ripples, interfering with each other, and colliding with each other.

Jiang Nan believes that this peculiar scene has formed the current Immortal Realm situation. There is Primeval Dao Monarch reincarnation to this era, and there is Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity living in this era, cohabiting with Immortal, and coexisting with Immortal. I, formed an extremely glorious era!

"Immortal Dao Era, is the era most likely to be comparable to Primordial Dao Era."

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate said with a smile: "I noticed someone a long time ago Spying on me in Time River, I realized that there will be an extremely glorious era in the next life. Powerhouse can open the Time River and go back to the ancient era. The era of next life will inevitably be an incomparably splendid era. Times! I missed Primordial Dao Era, so I definitely won’t miss this era."

Jiang Nan complexion is weird, coughed, and said: "Back then Great Heavenly Venerate felt someone spying on you, that person is Me."

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate suddenly realized, said with a smile: "It turns out that the karma between you and me, since then, it is no wonder that I wanted to go back to the root cause and include you in my great net of karma However, it has never been possible to do it. It turns out that hundreds of billions of years have passed since the karma between you and me began."

He paused and said: "I saw Primal Chaos Era is here. When the two outsiders realized that the next life I was waiting for finally came. Therefore, I took advantage of the failure of these two outsiders to test Kaitian. Reincarnation was in Abandoned Land, and I planned to put the forthcoming flourishing period. , Included in my great net of karma. When this era is destroyed and karma closes the net, I may set foot in the Extremity of Great Dao."

Jiang Nan admired: "Great Heavenly Venerate’s Karma Great Dao, it is indeed profound and unpredictable, and I am beyond my reach."

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, you escaped. You are not in my great net of karma, so I always have some Uneasy, only to get rid of Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang, my great net of ka rma will not have any shortcomings. "

"So, Great Heavenly Venerate will definitely kill me, right? "Jiang Nan said with a smile.

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate nodded, said: "The deeper I am in contact with you, the more trembling in fear, you and the others, even the schemes of Emperor and Exalted When you jump out, these two people are already rare wise and able persons. Uncontrollable characters like you, don’t stay. "

Great Dragon said with a smile: "petty and low, like your existence, do you want to do it after a long time?" "

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate puchi said with a smile: "Stupid small dragon, the reason why I explained to Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang is not to waste words, but to explain why he killed him. In this way, he knew that he had not died unjustly. "

Jiang Nan also explained to Great Dragon: "Great Heavenly Venerate cultivation is Karma Great Dao. Naturally, you have to explain karma to the slain person, and then you will break the karma. "

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate said with a smile: "This is reasonable!" Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang, after you die, I will miss you. "

He tone barely fell, he has already shot!

The moment he shot, Jiang Nan shot too!

Both of them are cultivation Magic, Body The existence of Dao, Fruit Quaternity, and Fruit Quaternity have all reached an extreme boundary. The Tao of Everlasting Heavenly Venerate’s Quaternity is Karma Great Dao, and Jiang Nan’s Tao is converging the Myriad Daos to build the Primordial Beginning of Primordial Beginning. Great Dao!

Their Divine Ability has been made to be compatible with Fleshly Body, Dao Fruit, and Magic Power. Fleshly Body is Divine Ability, Dao Fruit, Magic Power, and Primordial Spirit!

How intense and intense will the collision of the two Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity exist?

They are all in the Heavenly Monarch Boundary, one is Primordial Beginning Heavenly Monarch, one is Karma Heavenly Monarch, Everlasting Heavenly Venerate’s this life Fleshly Body was born from Annihilation Heavenly Fire, absorbed its Past Life Body and Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor’s Fleshly Body to build this body successfully His Fleshly Body is stronger than Jiang Nan!

The Fleshly Body of his past life is not formidable, but this life, he has successfully refined the Perfect Fleshly Body!

Jiang Nan once teamed up with the Great Dragon to besiege, and never killed him, you can see his Fleshly How strong is Body!

At this moment, Everlasting Heavenly Venerate has a gluttonous body, bulging muscles, and the Heaven and Earth all around collapsed, and the Great Dao around it turned into one after another divine light, the divine light is like a net, and there are unexpectedly twenty eras in the net. Of natural phenomenon!

That is his position of innate invincible, Encompassing Heaven!

He also has his own innate invincible position, which is not inferior and even more complete than Jiang Nan's Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven and Lupeng!


Everlasting Heavenly Venerate reached out and beckoned, Glazed Jade Ruyi fell into his hands, this Jade Ruyi is the Innate Spirit Treasure he brought out from Dao Monarch Palace When he was besieged by Jiang Nan and Great Dragon last time, he escaped with this Jade Ruyi!

At that time, even the Great Dragon was injured by a single blow from this Jade Ruyi!

Glazed Jade Ruyi rays of light are released, the inextinguishable Dao Prestige soars into the sky, shocking the world, disturbing the Primal Chaos, suppressing the Immortal Realm, and it is not inferior to the Primordial Bell Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron, or even worse than the Primordial Bell Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron Nothing less!

The cascading petals at the end of Jade Ruyi bloom and dance, and in an instant, the white petals float and roll towards Jiang Nan!

With countless petals, Everlasting Heavenly Venerate held Glazed Jade Ruyi fiercely and smashed it down at Jiang Nan.

This blow is superb overbearing. It does not have the femininity and invisibleness of Karma Great Dao. Instead, he has to directly crush dry weeds and smashing rotten wood with his Fleshly Body far superior to Jiang Nan's superiority method. Nan destroy, destroy!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's tendon was also bulging. Among Lupeng, the Great Dragon screamed up to the sky, the body coiled, and in the blink of an eye it was coiled on Jiang Nan's huge body!

One man one dragon and Fleshly Body are both composed of Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light. Two different divine lights burst out, intertwined and blended with each other, making Jiang Nan's aura crazy climb!

Different from Everlasting Heavenly Venerate, he unexpectedly uses the strength of the Great Dragon to increase his battle strength frantically!

The Great Dragon is also the Innate Spirit Treasure, which is not inferior to Glazed Jade Ruyi, and even surpasses it. After all, Doaist Null-Void wants to capture this Great Dragon and also needs the strength of Primordial Bell.

Jiang Nan's muscles tremble, and he is like a resurrected Innate Spirit Treasure. The Great Dragon wraps around him, making his arms extremely thick, and the dragon's claws are compatible with his claws. Dragon scales are even covering him, like wearing an armor made of Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light!

The two reached the current strong state almost at the same moment. Jiang Nan did not stop Glazed Jade Ruyi, but under the cover of the palm. The divine light of Great Dragon was similar to the divine light of his main body. Rong, together with the Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven under his feet, took off and fell into his palm!

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate did not firmly receive his blow, so he swung Glazed Jade Ruyi, fiercely smashed into Jiang Nan's head!


There was a loud noise of heaven shaking earth shattering, and the Immortal Realm was torn apart. The two startling rainbow-like inextinguishable powers were on the Supreme point of Immortal Realm It broke out, tearing the Supreme point of Immortal Realm and cutting it into the Primal Chaos. Where the startling rainbow passed, the Primal Chaos boomed and opened, unexpectedly revealing two universes, then the universe collapsed, and the Primal Chaos state was restored on its own!

Jiang Nan’s Lupeng was smashed and beaten on the head by Glazed Jade Ruyi, Encompassing Heaven of Everlasting Heavenly Venerate was shattered, and was blasted on the chest by Jiang Nan seal. Two imposing silhouettes staggered past, blood flying all over. Each swayed, unexpectedly hit hard at the same time!

———— Tomorrow's starting event, double monthly pass, whether brothers, Exalted-Emperor can be on the monthly pass list, all count on tomorrow, book tomorrow's monthly pass!

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