Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1505

Primordial Bell Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron has recovered.

The name of the Three Great Innate Spirit Treasures is amazing, surpassing any Innate Magical Treasure. It is the weapon used by Null-Void, Emperor, and Exalted. Primordial Bell represents time, and Primordial Cauldron represents With Space, the two together form the Universe.

And the Thirty Three Layers Heavens of Primordial Tower represents the universe plane!

These three, including Dao Mystery, are the first of all Magical Treasures known to Immortal Realm!

Although this Three Great Spirit Treasures has never fully recovered, its power has surpassed any other Innate Magical Treasure Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure!

Jiang Nan’s Heavenly Tribulation is finally about to usher in the most spectacular and tragic battle!

The bell sound of Primordial Bell is connected into one piece, majestic and grandiose, rushing, the bell is high hanging, there is a certain Heaven and Earth Universe Heaven and Earth!

"Great Dragon!"

In Jiang Nan's eyebrows, an unbelievably strong Great Dragon flew out, with a long roar, the claw looked towards Primordial Bell and grabbed it, Primordial Bell Shocked, the waves at the bottom of the dragon claw collided with the dragon claw, the scales on the surface of the dragon claw were even shaken, the pieces cracked, and faintly turned into one after another Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light!

"I recognize you, you are the Magical Treasure that the Null-Void used to beat me to amnesia! roar—"

The Great Dragon yelled, roared and bell sounded Collision, the terrifying Dao Sound even conceals the Dao Sound emitted by other Innate Magical Treasures, eclipsing those Innate Magical Treasure Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure. The divine light on the surface of dragon claw self-assembles and turns into scales!

Great Dragon was happy, rushed forward, swept its tail, only to hear a loud noise, Primordial Bell was swept high by him, and shouted: "Now the evil Null-Void No, let's make a gesture to see who is the since times immemorial Number One Spirit Treasure!"

Primordial Bell oscillates, this Spirit Treasure seems to have spirituality, recognize this Wild Dragon, the power of the big bell The recovery is faster and the power is stronger. The big bell slammed into the Great Dragon, smashing his body and distorting his body, exploding the scales!

"I just like the way you resist me. It makes me feel more fulfilled when I am ravaged!"

The Great Dragon exclaimed excitedly: "Do your best to resist me, let me I'm more excited!"

Primordial Cauldron and Primordial Tower rushed forward, collapsing the barriers of the 8th Void and 9th Void, and was about to enter the Beginning Source Land of the 9th Void. Jiang Nan suddenly shouted: "Heavenly Harmonious, Departed Mother, everyone Fellow Daoist, do you still remember the agreement between you and me?"

Before he finished his words, an ancient sigh came from the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone on the edge of Immortal Realm. I saw huge forbidden zone riots in the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone, the terrifying aura rose to the sky, and an incomparable ancient silhouette emerged from the forbidden zone.

Alongside these Primeval Dao Monarch’s immense physique, there are huge Magical Treasures, like stars spinning around them, or bows or prints or spinning wheels, or beads or bottles or Qin, aura overflowing heaven!

"everyone Fellow Daoist, Cult Master Mystic Heaven let go of the giant Lingdao that day, and we did have an agreement with us to take action when his fated tribulation arrives."

Old Man Extreme Revolution hehe said with a smile: "This tribulation is difficult. If we make a move, we will also fall into his in the fated tribulation. There are more than twenty eras in the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone, I am afraid it is difficult to guarantee. Everyone Fellow Daoist , Do you or me take action or not?"

Heavenly Harmonious Saint said with a smile: "Since I promised him, I will naturally not break my promise. His this tribulation is also our forbidden zone. I don’t know. After this battle, will the forbidden zone still exist..."

"If this is the case, then do it!"

In the ancient forbidden zone, one after another imposing manner broke out. , Turned into a torrent, Bo Bo Bo Bo continuously penetrated the Eight Great Void of Immortal Realm and rushed towards Primordial Cauldron!


There was an extremely violent shock. Even the tens of millions of Immortal battles in the 8th Void were impacted and the army was scattered. Precarious!

Uninhabited Forbidden Zone finally took off and blocked the Primordial Cauldron, and even saw a large hand coming out of the forbidden zone. All the big hands merged into one, and together they grabbed a cauldron of Primordial Cauldron. Leg, tear this big cauldron from the 8th Void, and pull out the Void Layers!

Primordial Cauldron shook, this big cauldron seemed to be furious, furious that someone dared to rebel against him, and the endless treasure light of the big cauldron rushed into the sky, turning into a rare treasure form, and all directions hit it. A big hand made by Great Dao smashed!

Immediately, I saw countless rare treasures fiercely smashing through the Void Layers like shooting stars, smashing into the boundless Uninhabited Forbidden Zone, and blasting into the forbidden zone!

This big cauldron is transformed from the Fleshly Body of the Spirit Treasure Dao Lord of Primeval Spirit Treasure Era. The power formidable is unmatched. The treasure light within the cauldron can evolve into the form of countless Innate Magical Treasures, unexpectedly to work alone. Resist the forbidden zone giant's siege, not only to contend, but also to counterattack!

The forbidden zone is a gathering place for stubborn old monsters who are incapable of transforming into the past. These old monsters have never reincarnation to Immortal Realm, nor cultivation Immortal Dao, and become a member of Immortal Dao. At this moment, they shot to Primordial Cauldron and immediately attracted. Heavenly Punishment of Immortal Dao.

This Primordial Cauldron unexpectedly abandoned Jiang Nan and punished it in the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone. The big cauldron rushed to the forbidden zone. The boundless power bloomed, destroying the forbidden zone and razing it to the ground!

Extreme Revolution, Heavenly Harmonious, etc. in the forbidden zone can't be shot. Once shots, it will trigger Immortal Dao's Heavenly Punishment and reduce the fat tribulation to them. Because Jiang Nan is the alternative that Immortal Dao wants to eradicate, and the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone is also the alternative that Immortal Dao wants to eradicate!

"Trifling a Spirit Treasure, unexpectedly still want to smooth the forbidden zone?"

The loud laughter came from the forbidden zone, and an ancient existence came out forbidden zone, said with a smile: "Even if you are transformed by the Spirit Treasure Dao Lord, it is impossible to level my forbidden zone!"

"Today, I will fight with Emperor and Exalted, let The world will look at the strength of my forbidden zone, we can’t let Emperor and Exalted underestimate me and wait!"

An old monster shouted, Heavenly Harmonious, Extreme Revolution, Departed Mother, Peaceful Manifestation, Usnea, Clear Void , Clouded Sun and the others, are extremely ancient existences, even more ancient than other Primeval Dao Monarchs that have been reincarnation. They have gone through ages and their strengths are amazing. Unexpectedly, they have established a great formation in the forbidden zone and put all of them together. The forbidden zone is unified and fights Primordial Cauldron together.

At this time, Primordial Tower breakthrough 9th Void barrier, Thirty Three Layers Heavens Treasure Tower vibrated, and suddenly I saw Innate Spirit Root, Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword, Innate Chaos Origin Pearl, Innate Detestation Demon Spear, Good Fortune Gate, Innate Divine Lantern, Innate Plague Emperor Coffin and other Magical Treasures abandoned Jiang Nan and flew in!


Innate Divine Lantern falls on the top floor of this Primordial Tower, hung on the top of the tower, the fire is shining, and the light lasting for ages shines on 33-layers treasure tower .

Innate Plague Emperor Coffin flew up, flew into the treasure tower, seated on the bottom of the treasure tower, floating on the bottom Space, the coffin opened, countless divine lights poured out, washing up and down in the tower, For the refining power of Ying Yuan Tower!

Another Detestation Demon Spear flew into the tower, a big spear like a column, piercing through treasure tower Thirty Three Layers Heavens, just like piercing through the pillar supporting heavens of Thirty Three Heavens.

Golden Dragon Blunt Sword made a loud dragon roar, shaking its head and wagging its tail turned into a Golden Dragon, flew into the tower, entangled on the pillar supporting heavens transformed by Detestation Demon Spear, The two merge into one and become a dragon pillar.

Innate Spirit Root falls into the highest level of Primordial Tower, in the Thirty Three Heavens, Cangmu lush and green, branches hang down, one branch falls from the tower, multi-colored light overflowing with color, the roots hang down from the tower and take root in the treasure tower!

Innate Chaos Origin Pearl falls in the center of treasure tower, like a big ball, Human Dao Heaven emerges in it, as if every living being.

The Good Fortune Gate is integrated into the Primordial Tower and turned into the only one gate of the Primordial Tower!

Only Innate Five Colored Lotus is still trapped by Asceticism Heavenly Venerate and Absolute Profound Dao Monarch at the moment, unable to fly, but the power of this Innate Magical Treasure is constantly increasing, Asceticism Heavenly Venerate and Absolute Profound Dao Monarch is gradually unable to suppress himself, and may break through the blockade of the two reincarnation Dao Monarch at any time.

Innate Bitter Bamboo inspired by Absolute Profound Dao Monarch and Asceticism Heavenly Venerate has gone through the Annihilation Tribulation. A lot of power has been obliterated by the Annihilation Tribulation. The formidable power is not as good as Innate Five Colored Lotus.

Five Colored Lotus could be suppressed before because the power of Five Colored Lotus is still gradually recovering, not the state of full power.

At the moment the Primordial Tower appeared, the power of Innate Five Colored Lotus also skyrocketed, and the interaction with Primordial Tower gradually made Absolute Profound and Asceticism more difficult.

While the Primordial Tower is still constantly shaking, each piece of Innate Magical Treasure is getting brighter and brighter in the Primordial Tower, making the power of Innate Five Colored Lotus stronger and stronger.

Finally, the five-color radiance was suddenly released. Innate Five Colored Lotus swept away the two Asceticism and Absolute Profound, and took off to meet the flying Primordial Tower.

Five Colored Lotus rotates slowly, getting bigger and bigger, and the petals are blooming in layers, and they are very gorgeous. The caves in the lotus flower spray out one after another five-color airflow.


The Primordial Tower fell, located in the Five Colored Lotus, this Five Colored Lotus, which suddenly became the base of the Primordial Tower, and the five-color air flow surged from the base of the tower. Out, through Primordial Tower Thirty Three Layers Heavens!

Primordial Tower, finally fuse together the power of Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures!

The treasure tower has not yet been attacked, the berserk's air flow is set off by the treasure tower, all directions are swept away, and the Empyrean Origin, Supreme Oneness, Daoist Hong, Divine Mother, Black Tortoise are at war in the 9th Void. and the others all shoot and fly!

Boom, hong long!

9th Void shocked, and the mysterious Secret Realm were all revealed, then collapsed, and even the Divine Palace that hides the Extreme of Great Dao The great palace collapsed, and the three stone pillars representing the Extremity of Great Dao also emerged and collapsed. Even the three illusory shadows on the top of the stone pillar, representing the Extremeity of Great Dao, were also Primordial. The tower's power shattered!

The Dao Monarch Fruition Great Palace was also shocked to show up, but this great palace stood firm under the power of the Primordial Tower. The vicissitudes of life and the ancient Great Dao entangled outside the great palace. There are three types of auras, which should be the arrangements left by Emperor, Exalted and Doaist Null-Void, guarding this great palace against the power of Primordial Tower.

Jiang Nan’s strongest fated tribulation is finally here!

"Immortal Exalted is really better than the Immortal Emperor. This hand is really beautiful."

In Dao Monarch Fruition Great Palace, Everlasting Heavenly Venerate praised him, and he also praised him at this moment. Some palpitations, a Jade Ruyi faintly appeared in the heart of his eyebrows, with the color of glass, treasure light, but it was worried that Primordial Tower would find his aura to attack him.

"Primordial Tower will coordinate and control the Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures, combined with the power of the Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures, plus the strength of the Primordial Tower itself, this blow can be called destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth is here."

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate frowned, thinking: "How does Emperor Jiang resist? Even if he is a hundred times more formidable than he is now, he will be killed on the spot. But my Karma Great Dao sensed it. , Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Primordial Bell Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron will all be destroyed in this fated tribulation......"

"open for me!"

9th Void In the middle, there was a roar of heaven shaking earth shattering. Everlasting Heavenly Venerate and Daoist Dao Void hurriedly looked at it. They saw that Jiang Nan was caught in the siege of Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure at the moment, and was beaten with cuts and bruises, accompanied by this roar. Jiang Nan's body skyrocketed, and the one that skyrocketed with him was Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake!

One person’s stake grew rapidly and became able to support both Heaven and Earth. The majestic Fleshly Body even surpassed the Dao Monarch Fruition Great Palace. The huge Dao Monarch Fruition Great Palace soon fell on his Under his waist, under his legs, only to his ankles.

In Dao Monarch Fruition Great Palace, Everlasting Heavenly Venerate and Daoist Dao Void are both stunned. Daoist Dao Void frowned: "What's the point of such a big change? You can't stop the Primordial Tower and you will be hit by a blow. Smash..."

"Immortal Dao, if you want to destroy me, then don't blame me for vicious and merciless!"

Jiang Nan roared, waved Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake, stake smashed Above the 9th Void's heavenly barrier, booming, the 9th Void's heavenly barrier was smashed, and the billowing Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos Energy suddenly fell from the sky, like the great river hanging down, crashing into the 9th Void!

Jiang Nan allows other Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure strikes on him, hugs the Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake with both hands, stirs the 9th Void's heavenly barrier vigorously, and shatters the 9th Void's heavenly barrier, but see boundless The Primal Chaos rolled down and fell into the Immortal Realm. The 8th Void collapsed with a bang. The Primal Chaos swelled like a rat’s den. It poured down from above, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, destroying the 8th Void. , Press towards 7th Void!

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate and Daoist Dao Void exclaimed and stood up one after another, their eyes showing error and disbelief.

In the 8th Void crushed by Primal Chaos, a mouthful of black coffin heard a loud laugh: "Good job, good job! Immortal Dao wants to kill you, you just Introduce Primal Chaos and destroy the entire Immortal Dao Era! Well done, then, Immortal Dao Era's Annihilation Tribulation can explode, and I can also be born..."

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