Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1502


The Fleshly Body of the Blood Ancestor was exploded by Innate Magical Treasure Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure strikes, the blood mist surged, and I wanted to combine them together, immediately After being burned by the Innate Fire of Innate Divine Lantern, countless blood mist turned into fly ash, and every strange eye burst open one after another.

He persisted for a shorter period of time than Jiang Nan, and he was not able to refine Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit successfully Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light like Jiang Nan, this time Fleshly Body was blasted, and suddenly It's hard to restore the decline, and there is no way to come back!

However, the Dao Fruit of Blood Ancestor was not beheaded. He was different, and it was even filthy blood. His Dao Fruit was a mass of blood that was never completely wiped out.

As long as this blood has not disappeared, Blood Ancestor will not body dies and Dao disappears.

It’s just that Innate Magical Treasure and Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure continue to strike, and Dao Fruit of Blood Ancestor is simply impossible to escape this tribulation!

"I surrendered, I reincarnation into Immortal Dao, don't kill me!" Blood Ancestor screamed from the remaining blood mist.


Innate Spirit Root waved the branches and inserted a branch into the blood mist, piercing a mass of blood, which is the Dao Fruit of Blood Ancestor.

When the branch was pulled out, it was the Divine Soul of Blood Ancestor that was curled up. Then I saw the branch and sent the Divine Soul of Blood Ancestor to an Immortal Prefecture in Immortal Realm.

Jiang Nan's deep blood mist, seeing the heart shivered with cold, the detective grabbed Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow in his hand, and immediately sound transmission said: "Ra'er, release the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor !"

Blood Ancestor has not been reincarnation yet, but after his reincarnation, Jiang Nan will immediately become the target of many Innate Magical Treasure besieges!

And now, he still needs some time to comprehend the more profound Innate of Primordial Beginning, it is best to let the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor go to the top tank, but it can be delayed for a while! Spirit Maiden and Maha have sound transmission Rahula long ago, and have never seen Rahula act. They have long been impatient and have repeatedly sound transmission questioned.

At this moment, the two suddenly saw Rahula stand up from the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, one after another Seal Law unfolded, forcibly opened the Doaist Null-Void seal, opened the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, Spirit Maiden and Maha They are all have one's hair stand on end, hurriedly shouted: "Ra'er (Cult Master Rahu), what are you doing?"

"You all shut up!"

Rahula was furious, shouted furiously, gathered whole body strength, opened the seal of Doaist Null-Void, and saw one after another seal turned into Primal Chaos Runes shuaa~ and flew into his body. Rahula yelled, Aura soared, grabbed the horn of the coffin, opened the lid of the coffin, and said angrily: "You have confused me! I will open the coffin now, and I will open the coffin at the other time. I don't care about it now. Open the coffin!"

Spirit Maiden was dizzy and angrily said: "Brat!"

Boom, hong long!

Innate Plague Emperor Coffin was caught by him Gradually opened, and at this time, many Innate Magical Treasure and Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure stopped in the air, some vibrated, trying to clean up the blood mist, some tried to attack Jiang Nan, some power skyrocketed, locking in the Plague Emperor Coffin exist!

"He he he, are you finally getting out of trouble..."

In the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, an extremely terrifying matchless formidable aura rushed out and turned into a boundless Energy of Plague Looking down on Void, it seems that 9th Void will fall into the great plague!

His aura is more terrifying than the Blood Ancestor. It has been obliterated and refined by the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin for more than a billion years. His cultivation base strength unexpectedly is still on the Dao Monarch Boundary!

An extremely terrifying figure, the Innate Plague Emperor, is worthy of being the Dao Lord born in Primal Chaos, the first generation of Primal Chaos Divine Emperor!

"Null-Void, you have attracted so many Innate Magical Treasure and Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, do you want to plot against me and let me meet tribulation..."

The coffin is completely opened, Primal Chaos Plague Emperor strode out of the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, looking savagely to Jiang Nan, said with a smile: "You want me to be robbed for you, you are very sinister, but you will never think about me. Do..."

Under all eyes, the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor suddenly Great Dao flew out and turned into a plague blade, shua~ shua~ shua~ cut to himself, the Saber light cut his body, Passed through the body without hurting Fleshly Body at all.

Primal Chaos Plague Emperor cut himself three times in a row, aura declined sharply, Primal Chaos Dao Monarch's imposing manner fell, and fell to Primal Chaos Heavenly Monarch Boundary.

He unexpectedly scored three knives in a row and cut his own cultivation base from Dao Monarch Boundary to Heavenly Monarch Boundary, laughing heartily, and screaming at Jiang Nan: "Null-Void, You and the two foreigners, Emperor and Exalted, opened up the Immortal Realm and left a back door for my Ancient Divinity Race. If I were in Dao Monarch Boundary with you when the sky was opened, the back door would not include me. But now I am self-cultivation. If the base falls to Heavenly Monarch Boundary, your arrangement will also protect me from meeting tribulation! On the contrary, if I cut the cultivation base, you will meet tribulation instead!"

"Null-Void , Let’s eat it, go, Laozi!” He laughed loudly, and gave birth to a plague cloud under his feet, driving the plague cloud and flying away, leaving the dumbstruck heroes there.

Jiang Nan was very surprised and a little bit stunned: "Primal Chaos Plague Emperor, you damn it, you are more clever..."

Whether it is Jiang Nan or Spirit Maiden, Or Heavenly Monarch Maha, are secretly plotting against the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor. He also planned to plot against the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor for an unknown period of time. Each consciously endowed with extraordinary intelligence, he can eat the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor to death.

But the level of cleverness of the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor this guy is beyond the imagination of others. Unexpectedly use this method to jump out of their plot against, directly without disasters, and go happily, not only let Jiang Nan was hit hard, even Spirit Maiden and Maha felt that this Primal Chaos Divine Emperor was extremely troublesome, I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with.

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch heart shivered with cold, secretly thought: "Primal Chaos Plague Emperor cut the cultivation base this time and escaped from the tribulation. If you want to regain the strength of Dao Monarch, it will take some time. But this guy is so cunning and vicious and merciless, he will definitely make trouble in Immortal Realm. I want to be the emperor, this guy may be my opponent!"

Heavenly Desolate, Evilless and The others also have their own thoughts, secretly thought: "This is also a good thing. The Primal Chaos Plague Emperor escapes from the Plague Emperor Coffin, and he will inevitably go to the Primal Chaos Heaven Country to make trouble, kill the high level of the Primal Chaos Heaven Country, and let the Primal Chaos Heaven Country’s influence is greatly lost! Only in troubled times can we have a chance for Great Cult to rise!"

Divine Mother suddenly chuckle and said: "Primal Chaos Plague Emperor, I really want to make people Eat it!"

Jade Capital Heavenly Monarch's eyes flickered, thought: "After Mystic Heaven is dead, Plague Emperor is my Immortal Realm's biggest enemy...Cult Master Mystic Heaven planned for so long this time It can be said to be all in vain, and it is destined to die!"

This is the consensus of everyone. The Primal Chaos Plague Emperor used great wisdom to see through Jiang Nan’s tricks, and cut off his own cultivation base with great courage, then The tallest person who doesn't repair Immortal Dao is still Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan still has to meet tribulation, unless he abandons his Divine Dao path, reincarnation or abolishes cultivation base cultivation Immortal Dao!

But the heroes glare like a tiger watching his prey, no matter Jiang Nan reincarnation or self-abolition of the cultivation base, waiting for him will be the dead end, there is no second way to go!

There are many heroes, no one will give him a second chance!

Innate Magical Treasure Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure riots again, Aboriginal Twelve Heavenly Wheels power blooms, Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang are set in one round, the extremely terrifying pressure is pressed to Jiang Nan, and then only Seeing this heavenly wheel is like a mirror, suddenly the mirror light is released, and I take a picture of Jiang Nan!

Suppress first, then refining, this is the power of Aboriginal Heavenly Wheel!

At the same time, Primal Chaos Immortal Sword turned into two startling rainbow, staggered across, chopped from both sides from the left and the right!

There is Chaos Origin Heavenly Umbrella again, the great umbrella opens, and one after another Essence Qi under the umbrella is like a dragon, entwining Jiang Nan away!

The Exalted-Emperor Seal hangs high again, the seal falls down, and the seal town is eternal!

Another Chaos Origin Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram flew in. A picture unfolded, including hundreds of Three Thousand Great Daos. Jiang Nan should be included in the formatíon diagram for refining!

There is another Null-Void Heavenspan Bridge, like a long rainbow, from behind him!

Another five Suppressing Dao Cauldrons broke out and turned into great formations. The five color energy rolled towards Jiang Nan like a long dragon. He was to be held in mid-air and let other Magical Treasures kill him!

There is another Primordial Chaos Golden Banner shaking, Purple Energy hundred million miles, traversing the sky, brushing down in one go, nothing is brushed, no one is shua!

apart from this, Innate Chaos Origin Pearl, Innate Divine Lantern, Innate Spirit Root, Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword, Good Fortune Gate, Innate Detestation Demon Spear, etc. Innate Magical Treasure power broke out, especially the Plague Emperor Coffin power is the most terrifying!

This Innate Magical Treasure originally contained the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor, and most of the treasure of the treasure was used to suppress it. At this moment, the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor was released, and the Plague Emperor Coffin’s power was immediately released. Can all be used to deal with Jiang Nan!

Plague Emperor Coffin is the most terrifying piece of formidable power among Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures, second only to Primordial Bell, Primordial Tower and Primordial Cauldron, the formidable power at this moment is the highest among other Innate Magical Treasures!

Other Innate Magical Treasures, except Five Colored Lotus and Plague Emperor Coffin, are all made by Fleshly Body of Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor, and the origin of Plague Emperor Coffin is ancient, Null-Void Stayed.

At that time, the Primal Chaos Plague Emperor ruled the Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era. Null-Void was suppressed. With the strength of Doaist Null-Void, it would not be the opponent of the Plague Emperor at all, but Doaist Null-Void and others However, Ancient Divinity slammed the Plague Emperor into the coffin and successfully seized power.

Doaist Null-Void can succeed, this Plague Emperor Coffin has done a great job.

As for the origin of Plague Emperor Coffin, there are many speculations. Some people say that this coffin was born with Null-Void. Some people say that this coffin was made by Null-Void with its Fleshly Body. Others say Doaist Null. -Void I went to Dao Monarch Palace and saw the great character of Dao Monarch Palace. That great character gave this coffin to Null-Void and let him use it to suppress the Plague Emperor.

At this moment, this black coffin is opened, and there are countless starry sky rolling in the coffin. All of them are composed of Inextinguishable Divine Light. They form Universe Heaven and Earth by themselves. Numerous divine lights fly out to put Jiang Nan in the coffin. Not only will Jiang Nan be accepted, but the other Innate Magical Treasure Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure will also be included in the coffin!

This black coffin, unexpectedly, is to refining Jiang Nan in the coffin!

If inside the coffin, Jiang Nan will definitely die!

However, just before the outbreak of these Innate Magical Treasure Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures, Jiang Nan has moved away from the place, and Innate Lupeng and Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven are all unfolded, moving while underarms Two arms were born. The four arms held the Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake in one pair. The Primordial Stake swept all directions and fought hard with Chaos Origin Pearl, Golden Dragon Blunt Sword, Detestation Demon Spear, Primal Chaos Immortal Sword and other close combat Magical Treasures, colliding with each other and breaking out. Out of the power of world destruction!

At the same time, his other two arms opened the Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow and shot!

Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow is not in the Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures, not controlled by Immortal Dao, and it is also the Innate Magical Treasure that has never experienced the Annihilation Tribulation. It is in the peak state and the formidable power is amazing!

Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow in his hands is more tyrannical than Blood Ancestor and Primordial Heaven. He shot the Primordial Chaos Golden Banner with one arrow, and then shot the Aboriginal Twelve Heavenly Wheels back again. An arrow shot into the Good Fortune Gate, interrupting Power of Good Fortune!

Ancient Divinity Dayan flew with Primordial Bell in his hand, and was about to shake the bell, but when he saw a sword light shot, he was shot flying along with the bell!

Heavenly Desolate, Evilless, Maha, Divine Mother, Heaven's Mystery, Dao Scripture, Supreme Oneness and the others flooded in, not wanting to kill Jiang Nan, but only wanting to stop him from moving, as long as Jiang After a short meal, Nan will immediately be bombarded by treasures on the spot!

At this time, Daoist Hong, Ji Du and the others rushed to the group, and Daoist Hong shouted: "Rahula, which side do you help?"

Rahula looked embarrassed, looked at Spirit Maiden, and then at Jiang Nan, who was besieged by treasures. He absorbed the seal left by Doaist Null-Void on the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, and obtained the Great Dao left by Doaist Null-Void. The cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds has become one of the most Peak powerhouses in the world.

Jiang Nan retreated while fighting, and said: "Ra'er, don't be too embarrassed. If you shoot at me, I won't blame you. You know, I owe your mothers There are too many..."

Rahula hearing this is even more entangled, yelling suddenly, and rushing away: "You guys ignore me, I want to be alone!"

"Mystic Heaven is a traitor, bad my reputation, I will be undying with you!" Spirit Maiden was furious, and desperately killed Jiang Nan.

————Somehow, a very strong thought rushed into my heart. Zhu Te wanted a monthly pass. The remaining egg husband didn’t put a monthly pass in my socks. Brothers could give the pig two. Zhang not?

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