Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1500

"Absolutely cannot allow this propitious cloud to enter the 9th Void, otherwise the Cult Master will be dangerous!"

Overarching Heaven Propitious Cloud was impaired by Empyrean Origin, Daoist Hong and the others One after another shot to suppress, this propitious cloud bumped left and right, and couldn't get out and enter the 9th Void. As soon as Overarching Heaven Propitious Cloud appeared, they understood the magical effect of this propitious cloud. Let alone the power of this Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, the propitious cloud alone can stimulate and expand the power of other Magical Treasures. Nan's Heavenly Tribulation detonated!

Jiang Nan has been able to persist until now, mainly because the power of many Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure and Innate Magical Treasure has not been fully activated and fully recovered. If these Magical Treasures are activated by Overarching Heaven Propitious Cloud, they will fully recover. , No matter how strong Jiang Nan is, he must end with hatred!

"There is no need for so many people to suppress the propitious cloud!"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright looked around, suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Great Overarching Heaven Army and Five Cults cult The members of the army stay here, Dao Ancestor Jun, Trusted Advisor and Lady Sacred Mother of the Floating Dawn also stay, other Immortal Monarch, Chaos Origin Saint also stay. Dao Ancestor Hong, Demon Ancestor Ji Du, Your Majesty Empyrean Origin and The others enter Beginning Source Land together and crack Human Tribulation!"

Everyone was nodded. In Beginning Source Land, the powerhouse of the Heavenly Monarch Level who fought against Jiang Nan was the powerhouse of the Heavenly Monarch Level. There were also pieces of Innate Magical Treasure and Immortal. Dao Supreme Treasure, the presence of Immortal Monarch Level is of no use to participate in it, and it can't cause much waves. Even the several millions of Mystic Prefecture cannot participate in the battle. It is better to stay and suppress the Overarching Heaven Propitious Cloud.

Only the six Heavenly Monarch Levels Daoist Hong, Daoist Jun, Demon Ancestor Ji Du, Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor, Purple Blossoming Lotus Immortal Empress and Crown Prince Meng Xun can participate in Jiang Nan’s Human Tribulation Heavenly Tribulation!

The suppression of Overarching Heaven Propitious Cloud also requires Heavenly Monarch Level powerhouse. Daoist Jun has never killed a life. Facing the 9th Void battle, he will definitely not be able to kill the killer, so I still stay. The other five Heavenly Monarch Level exists to help Jiang Nan resist Human Tribulation.

Daoist Hong, Demon Ancestor Ji Du and Empyrean Origin and the others immediately entered the 9th Void, Old Ancestor Dark-Bright saw the five people leave, their eyes immediately swept to the everyone leader of the Great Overarching Heaven Army, said solemnly "The army of Dao Ancestor Jun, Other Shore and Lady Sacred Mother of the Floating Dawn Commander Five Great Cults suppress this Overarching Heaven Propitious Cloud, Great Overarching Heaven Army, and level out the great cult for me!"

Daoist Jun's heart jumped, and he quickly said: "Trusted Advisor, there are thousands of Immortal..."

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright said with a smile: "Our Mystic Prefecture has lost two or three million Immortal, dozens of Immortal King Immortal Monarch died, Dao Ancestor Jun don’t want revenge?"


"Great Overarching Heaven Army, listen to my orders!"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright looked towards Great Overarching Heaven Army, looked away, and landed on the cult army such as Jade Capital Sacred Cult and Divine Mother Sacred Cult. The voice became louder and louder, like a sound of a drum shakes the 8th Void: "After this Human Tribulation Heavenly Tribulation, if the Cult Master wins, it is invincible in the whole world! Ascend to the Immortal Emperor without any hindrance! Now, the army is dispatched to level the great cult , Sects pull up by the roots, for Your Majesty ascend the throne, clear all obstacles! "

He raised his arms and shouted: "From then on, the Emperor Mystic family, you and I are all heroes of the emperor, and the establishment of tens of thousands generations and hundreds of millions generations is a great achievement that is not easy! "

The soldiers of the Great Overarching Heaven Army were excited by his words. Some people were muttered: "tens of thousands generations, hundreds of millions generations are not easy great achievements..."

"Good! This is the foundation laid by Your Majesty Emperor Mystic, and it is also the foundation laid by you! "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright reached out to the army of Jade Capital Sacred Cult and Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity, and said with a smile: "These people, kill my friends and block my way, how will Monarchs do?" "

Immortal, a statue of Immortal, is angry, loudly said: "Trusted Advisor, how to deal with it?" "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright stretched out his hand and waved: "Stop it! ”

The Great Overarching Heaven Army rushed out and turned into a Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven great formation, killing each great cult!

Heavenly Monarch Rama double-pupil shot out two Primordial Chaos purple light , The body suddenly became extremely imposing, said with a smile: "Mystic Heaven wants to level the world and swallow Universe Heaven and Earth? What a big tone! The so-called Trusted Advisor, I want to see how your marching set up the formation method compares to me! Can trifling Great Overarching Heaven Army alone be able to stop the great cult coalition forces? All great cults, fight against the chaos in Mystic Prefecture with me! "

At this time, Immortal Realm 9th Void, Beginning Source Land, and the battle became more and more fierce.

When Jiang Nan flew in Chaos Origin Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram, Already in distress again and again, the power of Chaos Origin Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram is hardly inferior to that of a Dao Monarch, and he has just obtained the Heavenly Monarch and is still solidifying his cultivation base.

Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram has absorbed hundreds of Said Three Thousand Great Daos, he was almost wiped out in the Killing Formation as soon as he appeared!

Especially the two Primal Chaos Immortal Sword floating above the Slaughtering Dao Diagram, the two sword light is like a soaring dragon flying, shua ~ shua~ shua~ The cutting came and went, cutting off the way he escaped from the formatíon diagram!

Jiang Nan used the Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake and the stake to knock off the Killing Formation, escape, and shake the Primal Chaos Immortal Sword. He attacked with two swords and was cut on the spot. Fortunately, his Fleshly Body Primordial Spirit Dao Fruit Great Dao has already refining successfully Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light, and only then escaped the tribulation.

This fierce battle is for him. It's already an unprecedented fierce battle. When Chaos Origin Heavenly Umbrella flies, it will make his situation worse and hurt again and again!

Jade Capital, Maha, Heaven's Mystery, Dao Scripture are all relaxed, now Jiang Nan powerless to Defend himself, no matter how hard it is to attack them, they can attack Jiang Nan unscrupulously.

Finally, just now, Innate Spirit Root, Innate Five Colored Lotus and Plague Emperor Coffin all flew out and entered here!

Aboriginal Twelve Heavenly Wheels also flew right away, breaking through Jiang Nan's Lupeng with crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Innate Five Colored Lotus radiance was released and Jiang Nan was absorbed into lotus flower. , The petals of Five Colored Lotus Flower begin to close together!

Jiang Nan wants to jump out, and at this time Innate Spirit Root's countless roots are flying, tangling him firmly, the branches and leaves are flying, brushing on Jiang Nan's body!

Jiang Nan vomited blood, and Innate Chaos Origin Pearl hit his head again at this time!

In the blood mist, Innate Divine Lantern shoots a bright glow and slashes towards Jiang Nan. At the same time, Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow shoots an arrow, but Blood Ancestor shoots!

Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword, Good Fortune Gate, Innate Detestation Demon Spear have also attacked, and five Suppressing Dao Cauldron, Chaos Origin Heavenly Umbrella, Slaughtering Dao Diagram, Primal Chaos Immortal Sword, Exalted-Emperor Seal, Null-Void Heavenspan Bridge, and other treasures will come at the same time!

Ancient Divinity Dayan also celebrated Primordial Bell. The bell sound vibrated like a death knell and blasted towards Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan sighed, a line of Primordial Beginning Energy in the heart of the eyebrow flew out, fell into the entrance, and shouted in a low voice: "Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven...Open!"


There was a violent vibration in the Innate Five Colored Lotus. Jiang Nan flew out one after another Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light and turned into a majestic Great Overarching Heaven. It also has the size of a place, similar to Lupeng, but this Great Overarching Heaven is more complete than Lupeng.

Although Great Overarching Heaven is small, it seems to have infinite Space inside, the palace Divine Court stand in great numbers, the Heavenly Sea waves, the Heavenly River hangs upside down, sun, moon, stars Universe Ancient Desolate as if All in this piece of Heaven and Earth!

Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven!

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor still never participated in the battle. I saw the Great Overarching Heaven at the foot of Jiang Nan in the Five Colored Lotus from afar, and supported the Five Colored Lotus, making this Innate Magical Treasure unable to close, and I couldn’t help being moved. , Whispered: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven, it's no small thing, this Great Overarching Heaven is his real invincible position... Until now, he has revealed his true capital, really a terrifying character!"

He can see that Innate Lupeng is not the strongest method in Jiang Nan. The strongest method is probably this one, Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven!

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor’s gaze is so old, and he immediately sees that Lupeng is a place to save people. Although Jiang Nan said that Lupeng is his invincible position, in fact, Lupeng is just a cover .

The real innate invincible position is this Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven!

As soon as Great Overarching Heaven came out, it opened Innate Five Colored Lotus, and even the one after another root that Innate Spirit Root wrapped around Jiang Nan's body was also opened. This is the real method, the real Great Divine Ability!

"Unfortunately, I am still escaping in tribulation..." Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor shook his head.


The other six Great Innate Magical Treasures blasted, Innate Chaos Origin Pearl, Detestation Demon Spear, Golden Dragon Blunt Sword hit Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven one after another, three in a row Hit, and smash this Great Overarching Heaven to pieces!

Innate Plague Emperor Coffin slammed into Jiang Nan's back heart, and smashed him into flight. He vomited blood in mid-air, and then other Innate Magical Treasure Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure blasted!

Innate Five Colored Lotus Suddenly countless lotus flowers bloomed, and the layered lotus flowers rose up and grew bigger and bigger, like a five-color flower screen, blocking Jiang Nan and trapping Jiang Nan in the lotus flower Among them, many Innate Magical Treasure Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure will kill him in this lotus flower to refining!

"Asceticism!" Jiang Nan shouted loudly.

Before his words fell, a long yellow bamboo stick flew up, with a half Waning Moon hanging on it, gently picked it under the Innate Five Colored Lotus, and picked up this Innate Five Colored Lotus. Turn it over, the bamboo stick is pressed down, and Jiang Nan trapped in the lotus is shaken out.

Asceticism Heavenly Venerate finally shot, repaying Jiang Nan for letting go of Absolute Profound Heavenly Venerate this karma!

"Imperial Tutor Jiang, I only shot once to deal with this Innate Five Colored Lotus, and don’t ask about the rest."

Asceticism Heavenly Venerate and Absolute Profound Dao Monarch came together and joined forces. Innate Five Colored Lotus attacked, hehe said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Heavenly Desolate, Fellow Daoist Evilless, you guys don’t want to attack Old Monk either. Old Monk and Junior Brother Absolute Profound just walk through the field and won’t attack you. Also. Please everyone, give the Old Monk Senior and Junior Brothers a face."

The yellow bamboo stick in his hand is Innate Magical Treasure Innate Bitter Bamboo, and he lowered his posture to discuss with everyone, and gave enough to the crowd. Face, whether it is Reincarnation Dao Monarch such as Heavenly Desolate and Evilless or Spirit Maiden, Maha, Jade Capital and the others, they don't want to provoke him.

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor has no intention of taking action. Blood Ancestor hides the Void, devours blood essence everywhere, and is too lazy to deal with this Old Monk.

Jiang Nan asked Asceticism to take action to block Innate Five Colored Lotus, but the crisis is still there. There are still seven Innate Magical Treasures and seven Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures besieging him, and he may still be killed at any time!

Blood Ancestor sacrificed Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow and the arrow shot at him. Although it was not as weird as Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor’s attack, the timing was clever, but it also made him you can't guard against it.

Even more how, the attacks of Divine Mother, Maha, Dayan and the others should not be underestimated.

Suddenly, his eyebrows flashed, and a shocking aura rose into the sky. He only heard that all over the sky was the Dao Sound rolling in, and the strikes' eardrums buzzed!

"Only I Am Null-Void!"

An incomparable imposing silhouette suddenly appeared, watching everything, with one hand, shaking the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, and then one Fist blasted away, and the Innate Golden Dragon Blunt Sword shook and screamed. It was the Null-Void Fleshly Body!

Jiang Nan celebrated the Null-Void Fleshly Body, opened and closed, sweeping all directions, blocking the attacks of Innate Magical Treasure and Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, brandishing Ordering Heaven Primordial Stake, and Null -Void Fleshly Body shot together, finally blocking this wave of offensive.

"Mystic Heaven, this one is the Fleshly Body that you sacrificed to your father."

Spirit Maiden's eyes are sad, and tears seem to fall from them, low Said: "Didn't expect, in the end, this one send you off...Dayan, let's do it!"

Ancient Divinity Dayan raised Primordial Bell instead of attacking Jiang Nan, but shaking Primordial Bell , Spirit Maiden bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood essence on the Primordial Bell. The Primordial Bell immediately diffused with an aura of Only I Am Null-Void, which was in response to the Null-Void Fleshly Body.

Jiang Nan suddenly felt that the Null-Void Fleshly Body was out of control. He was refining the Null-Void Fleshly Body, relying on a glass of blood essence from Spirit Maiden. He didn’t expect Spirit Maiden unexpectedly to be here waiting for him With its own blood essence and the Primordial Bell refined by Doaist Null-Void, the Null-Void Fleshly Body must be forcibly recovered!

"Spirit Maiden, worthy of Primal Chaos Heaven Country Spirit..."

Jiang Nan praised that the Null-Void Fleshly Body suddenly lost control and was forcibly taken away by Primordial Bell and Spirit Maiden. Exalted-Emperor Seal blasted and blasted Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, Jiang Nan backed away, but at this moment, a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl suddenly appeared behind him. The mouth was full of barbs and barbs. He swallowed it in one bite!

"hahaha, hahaha, I finally eat you, I finally eat you!"

Blood Ancestor appeared and turned into a big leech swimming happily, and said with joy:" Mystic Heaven, I know you have a Null-Void Fleshly Body. You hide that Fleshly Body. I dare not do anything to you, but now that you don’t have that Fleshly Body, you should just make my food obediently..."

At this time, Jiang Nan's voice came from inside this big leech, relieved, and said in a low voice: "Now, I am finally not the tallest one...Blood Ancestor, thank you, I don't know you How much breathing time can I give me..."

"The tallest one?"

Blood Ancestor is a little puzzled. He hasn't come back to his senses yet, only one piece of Innate Magical. Treasure Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, one after another blasted at him, could not help but have one's hair stand on end!

————This chapter has 3,700 words, to help brothers have a happy Cannon Festival and pay attention to safety. The pig dreamed yesterday, dreaming that Heaven floated down a lot of monthly tickets. He woke up and looked at the monthly ticket of Exalted-Emperor. Well, it really was a dream...Tears, woof woof, ask for a monthly ticket and give it to Zhang~~~

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