Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1488

Jiang Nan's paused figure, suddenly felt the extremely formidable sight of four looking to his side, facing the source of sight, only Everlasting Heavenly Venerate and Mother Yuan were facing him It seems from here.

"Everlasting, did you see it?"

Mother Yuan was puzzled: "In time, it seems that someone is watching us."

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate With his hands on his back, nodded and said: "This person is standing in time, not in this universe, but after the long river of years, watching us in the long river, and jumping out of my Karma Great Dao, not in the karma net. But when he looked towards me, he had a karma with me. Interesting, in a certain life in the future, there will be a very formidable existence, which can go back in time! It will not be said that I will leave Dao Monarch Palace, join the world, and meet Seeing the existence of next life..."

Mother Yuan shook his head and said: "Everlasting, my Dao Monarch Palace stands in Time and Space extremity, extraordinary and refined. If you enter the world before next life, my Dao Monarch Palace Dao Monarch Palace is implicated in entering a certain era, I am afraid that it will bring unexpected changes to my Dao Monarch Palace, and it is very likely to be a disaster!"

"The future, who can say Got clear?"

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate said with a smile: "Mother Yuan, said that there will be a chance of detachment in the next life."

The two returned to Dao Monarch Palace. Shape disappeared.

Jiang Nan moved slightly in his heart and felt a little confused in his head: "Everlasting Heavenly Venerate reincarnation, is it because of my amazing glance? If I don’t stand in the Time River and aim everywhere, will he reincarnation? ?Uncle's, I am confused..."

He settled his mind, walked through Profound Dao Era, and went back into Supreme Era.

This is the era before eighteen eras. In the Annihilation Tribulation that destroyed Supreme Era, he once again saw Daoist Annihilation, or the predecessor of Daoist Annihilation, Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate.

At that time, Daoist Annihilation was in Annihilation Tribulation, studying the various structures of Annihilation Tribulation. Like an old scholar, he was already extremely formidable. Although Annihilation Tribulation could hurt him, he could not kill him, but Damage his source.

If the source is damaged again and again by Annihilation Tribulation, it will also die. Therefore, Dao Monarch of Dao Monarch Palace is also hiding, hiding in the extremeity of Time and Space, and there is no place for Annihilation Tribulation.

The Dao Monarch who entered the robbery of other eras relies on Innate Magical Treasure to hide, like Daoist Annihilation enters within tribulation to study the existence of Annihilation Tribulation, which is rare.

His perseverance moved Jiang Nan. Daoist Annihilation was so persistent that he did not hesitate to leave Dao Monarch Palace to study Annihilation Great Dao. There must be an unknown story behind it!

"Palace Lord Utmost Vast!"

A deep bell sound rang, and a piece of sacred rays of light appeared in the Annihilation Tribulation. It was the Dao Monarch Palace from Time and Space. In the rays of light shining from extremity, several ancient Dao Monarchs stood in the rays of light, calling out: "Palace Lord Utmost Vast, Empress Divine Mulberry died during meditation, let's give her a gift!"

Daoist Annihilation's body shuddered and stiffened, standing stupidly in Annihilation Tribulation, suddenly turned into a flowing light and rushed towards Dao Monarch Palace.

Jiang Nan saw this scene, thought: "Who is this Empress Divine Mulberry? What does it have to do with Daoist Annihilation? She died during meditation. Is it Dao Transformation who went away and became Innate Magical Treasure? "

Shortly after, Dao Monarch Palace appeared again. Several extremely formidable silhouettes fought in Annihilation Tribulation. Everlasting Heavenly Venerate and Mother Yuan as well as many ancient existences of Dao Monarch Palace appeared. Efforts to suppress Daoist Annihilation.

"Stop Utmost Vast!"

"Empress Divine Mulberry died during meditation, there is nothing we can do!"

"Palace Lord Utmost Vast, Empress Divine Mulberry is Your Dao Companion, she died during meditation and turned into Innate Spirit Treasure. It is a good thing to turn into eternity. You prevent her from Dao Transformation to make her disappear forever, do you know?"

"Utmost Vast, Stop it!"


This battle was fruitless. In the end, Daoist Annihilation stopped. Lasting for ages, a hundred years later, he took out a plant from Dao Monarch Palace. Divine Mulberry Tree, sitting next to him in the Annihilation Tribulation that has not disappeared. It took me so many years to sit, until the Annihilation Tribulation turned Supreme Era into nothing.

That Divine Mulberry Tree is his Dao Companion, Innate Spirit Treasure made by Empress Divine Mulberry.

"Is this the reason Utmost Vast became Annihilation?"

Jiang Nan was stunned, moving his footsteps backwards along the Supreme Era, studying the Profound of Great Dao in this unknown era Mystery and Supreme Era immemorial are old. Before the seventeen known eras, the Great Dao and Jiang Nan of this era have never been in contact with them, so it took longer and it took a full thousand years to get to Supreme. The origin of Era.

In front of him, is Primordial Extinguished Era.

In this era, he once again saw Daoist Annihilation, Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate, he is the leader of Primordial Extinguished Era, countless subordinate discíples, with his own wives and children, descendants, and his mother is still in Don, it’s not an exaggeration to call it family love and joy.

"Mother, rest assured, I subordinate countless capable people, countless powerhouses, and six Dao Monarchs whom I have worshipped. What is the fear of the so-called Annihilation Tribulation?"

Daoist Annihilation Laughed heartily, comforting my mother before Annihilation Tribulation is about to come, said with a smile: "With our seven Heavenly Venerates, Annihilation Tribulation can't destroy our Primordial Extinguished Era, our Primordial Extinguished Era, any creature will not be destroyed within tribulation!"

The Annihilation Tribulation is here, and it is extremely violent. It is the biggest Annihilation Tribulation Jiang Nan has ever seen!

This Annihilation Tribulation is coming so menacingly, it seems that the stronger the era, the greater the destructive power of Annihilation Tribulation, destroying everything in Primordial Extinguished Era, leaving only boundless corpse, dead universe, all prosperous and all civilization , All creatures, all turned into as if dreams and visions in a bubble.


Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate ran wildly in the deadly Universe full of Annihilation Tribulation, and found a corpse, and he held a woman Corpse cried, that was his favorite daughter.

Then he saw the corpse of his son, the corpse of his beloved wife, his brother, and the six corpse of Heavenly Venerate.


Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate staggered towards Tribulation Light, Judgement Tribulation Sound shook, and he found his mother.


He knelt down in front of the corpse without any signs of life, shrugging his shoulders, letting Annihilation Tribulation burn himself, and letting Annihilation Tribulation burn him. Heavenly Fire swallowed itself.

Everything about him is gone, nothing is left, only himself.

There is a bell sound coming from the depths of Space-Time, deep but clear, Dao Monarch Palace appears in a divine light, and a delicate and pretty Female Dao Monarch slowly supports an umbrella Go behind him and block the wind and rain of Annihilation Tribulation and Heavenly Fire for him.

Under the umbrella, there is peace.

"Fellow Daoist Utmost Vast, let me go."

The woman's voice was very gentle, and the voice penetrated into his heart: "Dao Monarch Palace needs you like this Outstanding existence, there, there is no sorrow, no death, only Enron, only the yearning to chase the Tao..."

Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate sits silently in front of Mother's corpse, Annihilation Tribulation swallows Primordial All of Extinguished Era completely destroyed this magnificent civilization, completely annihilated, and everything ceased to exist, including his mother.

The woman accompanied him until everything turned into Annihilation Heavenly Fire, very patient and gentle.

Finally, in Annihilation Heavenly Fire, Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate lifts the head looked towards her, and saw the gentlest and softest horn in her heart. Her eyes were clear, shining on him.

"Who are you?" Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate asked with a hoarse voice.

The woman’s smile is like a flower of life blooming in the Heavenly Fire, said with a smile: "I was a mulberry tree of Primordial Dao Era, and later achieving the Dao was led to Dao Monarch Palace, so they call me God Sang."

"Shen Sang..."

Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate whispered, got up and followed her to Dao Monarch Palace, under the umbrella, two people His silhouette drifted away and disappeared in the divine light emanating from Dao Monarch Palace.

Jiang Nan looked at their backs, and there was a crash in his mind. That woman was Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate, the Dao Companion after becoming the Lord of Dao Monarch Palace Palace Palace, Empress Divine Mulberry, and the Innate Spirit that accompanied Daoist Annihilation. Treasure, Divine Mulberry Tree.

Supreme Era, Empress Divine Mulberry died during meditation, turned into Divine Mulberry Tree, the talented Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate abandoned own Dao Heart, abandoned its own Great Dao, and became Daoist Annihilation.

This is the origin of the Daoist Annihilation that made powerhouses and creatures of seventeen eras tremble. From then on, he embarked on the path of evil and destruction, and his shadow enveloped one era after another.

Jiang Nan stood silent for a long time, Utmost Vast Heavenly Venerate was able to change from a Peak Dao Monarch to the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace in an era. His talent can be described as heaven shaking earth shattering, but this person is still He has become an evil existence that everyone fears. He will listen to your story when he destroys you, but how many people know his story?

In the future, Jiang Nan will return to Immortal Realm and will still be against Daoist Annihilation, but now, he has a little more respect for this Daoist Annihilation.

"If I encounter the experience of Daoist Annihilation, will I become like him?"

The road ahead is still there, Jiang Nan walks forward, let time calm himself In his heart, let Dao’s Profound Mystery wash away that scene of feelings. He spent thousands of years studying the Great Dao of Primordial Extinguished Era, and then stepped onto Primordial Heaven Era, and saw the rise of Everlasting Heavenly Venerate, Everlasting Heavenly Venerate. He showed his unparalleled talents and developed Karma Great Dao. His experience is also tearful, and it is another Legendary, a unique Legendary.

Jiang Nan went to Primordial Rising Era again, witnessed the glory and decline of this universe, and witnessed the joys and sorrows of countless creatures.

Finally, he came to Primordial Dao Era, the first and most ancient era born out of Primal Chaos. It has the closest existence to the Extremity of Great Dao, and it has a splendor that future generations cannot match. He civilization, the powerhouse that opened up Dao Monarch Palace was born, and Dao Monarch Palace stands tall in the imposing strength of Time and Space extremity!

At that time, there was no Uninhabited Forbidden Zone for later generations, and Great Dao of many eras. Everything started from the origin, everything was create something from nothing!

When entering Primordial Dao Era, Jiang Nan saw the Annihilation Tribulation before futile, the unimaginable Annihilation Tribulation, which is larger than all the Annihilation Tribulation in later generations, and an amazing fated tribulation!

What a horrible scene, what a horrible situation?

Even Jiang Nan, who has participated in research for more than 20 eras and is proficient in Annihilation Great Dao, cannot help but shudder!

"If Imortal Dao Era welcomes Annihilation Tribulation, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..." He shuddered.

—————————————————————————————— Brothers, this week Five Emperors will host Dao Preaching Cliff The event starts at 8pm. The house pig will talk to everyone about the various things and contents of Exalted-Emperor. Everyone is ready to be vigorous and fire on the house pig!

In this Dao Preaching Cliff event, the Mystic Heaven team provided various prizes. Roar, this guy is bleeding heavily, and the blood volume is not small. Brothers must remember to go online tomorrow to make the blood flow faster. More!

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