Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1477

Blood Ancestor hearing this, said with a smile: "The road is open, but I can't enter it. What's the truth? I can't get in if I don't believe in Immortal Dao!"

He body flashed and rushed to the road opened by Primordial Bell. Unexpectedly, despite his incredible speed, he was still only one step away from that road, unable to step on it.

Blood Ancestor changed the movement technique again and again, but it was still unable to step onto the road. The road was clearly in front of you. It seemed that as long as you lifted your foot, you could board the road, but the Blood Ancestor moved. I don't know how many times I have stepped, but I am always on the air.

"Fellow Daoist Blood Ancestor, your way is different from that of Immortal Dao, you still want to set foot on Immortal Dao?" The white-haired City Lord said with a smile.

Jiang Nan's heart moved slightly, said with a smile: "Just now the City Lords asked us to entrust Dao Fruit in Primordial Bell, which means we can also enter Exalted-Emperor Dao Field and get Three Thousand Great Daos. I’m not on Immortal Dao. Could there be other ways to enter Dao Field?"

The white-haired City Lord applauded: "Emperor Jiang really has a quick mind , Emperor and Exalted did leave another path so that people who are not cultivation Immortal Dao can enter Dao Field. However, this path is not smooth sailing. As long as the two can pass the test left by Emperor and Exalted, entering Dao Field is not impossible."

Jiang Nan said with a slight smile: "Please also Fellow Daoist for advice."

The white-haired City Lord got up, walked outside the city, and said:" The Emperor and Exalted also knew that the Immortal Dao they created was only a direct path to the Extremity of Great Dao. There may be other ways to enter the Extremity of Great Dao. Perhaps there are other talented and talented people who have found other paths. If this kind of existence is not allowed to enter Dao Field, doesn’t it appear that they are stingy? Maybe the stone of the mountain can be used for jade, but other roads can also make Immortal Dao perfect and learn from each other’s strengths. Therefore, the road to Dao Field, except for this one There is another road besides Immortal Dao."

Jiang Nan can’t help but admire that Immortal Dao is changeable and learns from the strengths of many families. Immortal Dao is in the midst of change and growth, Emperor and Exalted has this kind of mind and spirit, and it is far from being comparable to other Dao Monarch.

Blood Ancestor hurriedly followed, coldly said: "Why are those Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity able to set foot on that road, but what test do I need?"

The gray hair The City Lord explained patiently: "Immortal Realm was opened by Emperor, Exalted and Null-Void. Three Thousand Immortal Daos was also established by Emperor, Exalted and Null-Void. Null-Void will naturally open a back door for its clansman."

Blood Ancestor chuckled constantly, full of sharp teeth turning, and said: "The so-called fair, and only this, it makes the teeth cold!"

The white-haired City Lord was puzzled and said: "Who told you it's fair? If you participate in the development of Immortal Realm and the establishment of Three Thousand Immortal Daos, you can also leave a back door."

Blood Ancestor was suffocated and half-dead, and one eye behind his back shows the ominous light, thinking about whether to eat this gray-haired old man.

The gray-haired City Lord didn’t care, and led the way to the depths of the Two Great Dao Palaces, saying: "Immortal Dao Era developed by Emperor and Exalted, naturally, it should focus on cultivation instead of Immortal. Dao’s will all be suppressed. Only a few existences that can survive the suppression of Immortal Dao can be tied with Immortal Dao and become Supreme Achievers, and will be able to join them in the future. They must be able to treat Immortal Dao alone. Confrontation, one person is a glorious era comparable to Immortal Dao. This and the others, Emperor and Exalted thinks it may appear, so leave this path so that the other party can enter Dao Field and penetrate Immortal Dao, and Immortal Dao also You can take this opportunity to penetrate each other. This is also a kind of communication and confirmation."

Jiang Nan nodded and said: "The Three Great Palace Lords of Dao Monarch Palace should all be of this kind. Emperor and Exalted need Opponents also need Fellow Daoist who communicate with each other to get to the Extremity of Great Dao."

The white-haired City Lord led them all the way to the Two Great Dao Palaces. After going for an unknown amount of time, or Did not go to extremity.

Blood Ancestor gradually became impatient, thought: "Will this guy lead me in circles? Now other people have already entered Exalted-Emperor Dao Field, studying Three Thousand Great Daos, maybe even Body and Dao fusion is in harmony with the Tao, and the cultivation base is advanced greatly! It is better to simply eat him, and then eat all the Heavenly Monarch Immortal Monarch in Primordial Bell Immortal City, occupy Primordial Bell, and I will make this Immortal Dao Era Ruler by myself!"

He did it when he thought of it, opened his mouth and looked towards the white-haired City Lord and bit down, hehe said with a smile: "What Exalted-Emperor Dao Field, eat everything!"

He shot too fast, Jiang Nan didn't have time to stop him, so he swallowed the gray-haired City Lord into his belly!

But at this time, I saw the white-haired City Lord as if the Fleshly Body did not exist, as if it were just a ghost, came out of the Blood Ancestor's belly, without any scars, and shook his head: " Fellow Daoist Blood Ancestor, don’t be kidding."

Blood Ancestor both shocked and angry, opened his mouth again and swallowed the gray-haired old man in one bite. Numerous sharp teeth turned endlessly in his mouth and intestines, turning white Send City Lord to pieces!

I saw the Great Dao flying out of his body, combining and turning into the body of the white-haired City Lord. He continued to walk forward and said: "Blood Ancestor, don't make trouble."

Blood Ancestor was shocked, Jiang Nan also felt weird, thought: "It seems that the white-haired City Lord and the Immortal Bell Immortal City of the Immortal Monarch Heavenly Monarch are indeed the Great from the Emperor and Exalted Dao Palace. Dao transformed..."

The three of them walked on their own for a long time, and finally a majestic World Tree stood upright in front of them. This World Tree has luxuriant branches and leaves, and a leaf holds up a World, majestic and majestic.

Under the tree, the magnificence is even more shocking, even Blood Ancestor only feels insignificant.

And this World Tree is far away from the boundless Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos. Among the Primordial Chaos, an Azure Lotus Flower has its petals open, one after another Primordial Chaos Great Dao floating in the flower stamen. In the lotus sky, it is not inferior to World Tree, and even surpasses it!

"Could this be the Primordial Spirit of Immortal Emperor and Immortal Exalted?" Jiang Nan secretly said in one's heart.

Immortal Emperor and Immortal Exalted once flew into the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone with their own Primordial Spirit to frighten the Primeval Dao Monarch in the forbidden zone. The Ice Lotus Sacred Mother once described that scene to Jiang Nan, the two’s Primordial Spirit is permeated with boundless power, so that the ancient existence in the forbidden zone dare not move!

No one can have such an imposing formidable Primordial Spirit, the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother said to Jiang Nan.

Now, Jiang Nan has seen World Tree and Primordial Chaos Azure Lotus with his own eyes, and is very impressed with the evaluation of Ice Lotus Sacred Mother.

If World Tree and Primordial Chaos Azure Lotus are really the Primordial Spirit of Emperor and Exalted, it is hard to imagine how powerful their Magic Power is!

Between World Tree and Primordial Chaos Azure Lotus, only two huge monsters capable of supporting both Heaven and Earth have their roots coiled, weaving another path.

This path is not a path woven by Immortal Dao, but another Great Dao, a unique Great Dao, different from the Great Dao of any era in Primeval!

The road leads to Primeval Era. From a distance, you can see the glorious Universe Void of Curse Dao.

White-haired City Lord said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang, Fellow Daoist Blood Ancestor, this path is the person who does not repair Immortal Dao, and the road to enter Exalted-Emperor Dao Field is Emperor and Exalted was organized with their previous Magic Power Great Dao. Unlike the Immortal Dao they created, they can also enter Exalted-Emperor Dao Field by setting foot in them. Two people who want to enter Exalted-Emperor Dao Field can only pass through this path. "

Blood Ancestor immediately took the lead, rushing into this path, and rushing forward.

Jiang Nan turned around and bowed to the gray-haired City Lord to thank him, and said, "many thanks Fellow Daoist for showing the way."

The gray-haired City Lord returned the courtesy and said: "Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang is polite. Your rough future is not because Emperor and Exalted deliberately did it, but Immortal Dao has decided, and people who want to jump out of Immortal Dao must have a tribulation. If Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang can live to Emperor and Exalted On the day of awakening, all doubts must be solved suddenly. You can call Emperor and Exalted Fellow Daoist."

Jiang Nan blinked and said with a smile: "Listen to the meaning of Fellow Daoist." , Emperor and Exalted are not dead, but just fall asleep?"

The gray-haired City Lord shook his head and said: "Emperor, Exalted is dead, how can they undying, Uninhabited Forbidden Zone be obliterated? Both of them , Really is dead, but for their existence, death is just a sleep, waking up is resurrection."

Jiang Nan hurriedly said: "Fellow Daoist, Emperor and Exalted is really cannibalizing, so that both of them fall? Existing like them, how can they be two-by-two, and both fall..."

"Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang, walked to the extremeity of the road, you Then I know."

The body of the white-haired City Lord suddenly turned into a Great Dao, merged into Heaven and Earth, and disappeared.

"Extremity of the road? Is it the extremity of this path, or the Extremity of Great Dao?"

Jiang Nan slightly frowned, turned and set foot on the road made by World Tree and Primordial Chaos Azure Lotus , Step onto the road and walk along the road towards Curse Dao Space-Time.

He walked for a long time, and saw Curse Dao’s Space-Time on both sides, he came from the Annihilation Tribulation of Curse Dao Era, time was flowing back on both sides of the road, retrospective, he saw Annihilation Tribulation Destroy the scene of the entire Universe, and also saw the silhouette of Daoist Annihilation when it reached the Curse Dao Heavenly Altar.

Seeing Daoist Annihilation is about to destroy Curse Dao Heavenly Altar. Suddenly this Daoist seems to sense something. Turning to the direction of the channel, said with a smile: "who is spying on me... it's you again Every time Annihilation Tribulation breaks out, you spy on me!"


Daoist Annihilation probe grabbed this path, and all the palms of Great Destruction contain Annihilation Tribulation. The terrifying energy of Jiang Nan was caught on the road where Jiang Nan was, and even the Fleshly Body of Jiang Nan was caught, but it passed through Jiang Nan's body like a phantom, without catching anything.

Daoist Annihilation missed a hit, showing the color of thinking, and whispered: "Yes, you are standing in the Time River and spying on me, right? So, you come from the future, hehe, me I have sensed your aura, and when I meet you again in the future, I must know who spied on the existence of my seventeen Primal Chaos Years..."

"I will tell you Destroy..."

Jiang Nan was shocked, settled, and walking forward, he saw Curse Dao Era's countless formidable existence under the leadership of Myriad Curses Dao Monarch to create Curse Dao Heavenly Altar Circumstances, see every step of Curse Dao Heavenly Altar forging.

Countless ancestors of Curse Dao prayed and worshipped around this huge Heavenly Altar, refined their most formidable Great Dao into Heavenly Altar, refined the Great Dao between Heaven and Earth, and integrated it into In Heavenly Altar, it refines its own blood essence and integrates into Heavenly Altar, preparing for the upcoming Annihilation Tribulation with full expectation.

But Jiang Nan also saw the Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor slaughter the Curse Dao creature, this formidable Dao Monarch destroyed half of the Creature and powerhouse of the Curse Dao Era, standing in the boundless sea of ​​​In the ​corpses Blood Sea, said with a smile in a low voice: "Hehe, kill half of the creatures. I wonder if we can delay the arrival of Annihilation Tribulation? If not, try to kill all the creatures in the next era. Maybe it will do..."

Jiang Nan continued to move forward, and finally reached the starting point of Curse Dao Era, the road leading to the endless Annihilation Heavenly Fire, Annihilation Heavenly Fire conceived a mouthful of Innate Magical Treasure, that is Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell vibrated and shattered the Heavenly Fire, which belongs to the era of Curse Dao!

Jiang Nan walked toward Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell, passed Heavenly Fire Heavenly Bell, and saw a Giant High Platform. On the high platform stood a silhouette with his back facing him.

Although he hasn't turned around yet, Jiang Nan can see that this figure is very familiar.

Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor who developed the Immortal Realm stood there, seemingly waiting for those who set foot on this path to come to his 1-pass.

Jiang Nan ascended to the high platform and bowed and said: "Mystic Heaven has seen Your Majesty Immortal Emperor."

Immortal Emperor is filled with Curse Dao all over his body. It seems to be Dao Monarch from the Great Accomplishment of Curse Dao. He also said: "I have seen Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang. Through my 1-pass, Fellow Daoist Emperor Jiang can enter the channel of Demon Dao Era. The next 1-pass is Immortal Exalted is waiting for you."

Jiang Nan did not do anything, said with a slight smile: "I am sure I am not anyone reincarnation, no past life, why does Your Majesty call me Emperor Jiang?"


———— Alipay sent Zhaizhu a ten-year bill. Zhaizhu was scared to pee. It spent 620,000 yuan in ten years. Grandma’s was scared to death. A house was defeated by Prodigal. Gone! Zhaizhu is the man behind Jack Ma!

Brothers, read the book, let me go! Well, this chapter is three thousand five hundred words. Can you ask for a monthly pass to comfort the injured heart of Xia Zhai Zhu?

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