Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1461

"Is this the peerless Dao Monarch who walked out of Dao Monarch Palace?"

In Emperor Palace, Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor muttered: "It looks like It’s not how formidable..."

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch is also puzzled: "Even reincarnation, as the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace, unhindered Primeval, an invincible figure in seventeen eras, also You shouldn’t be beaten up like this, right? And it’s so beaten up by Cult Master Mystic Heaven..."

The great giants of Primal Chaos Heaven Country have the same doubts as them, the performance of Everlasting Heavenly Venerate It’s really bad. I first appeared in Immortal Realm. I didn’t show anything formidable. I was beaten up by Jiang Nan and the Wild Dragon. It was aloof and remote in the rumors, Dao Monarch, standing in Time and Space extremity. Palace is a little different, even more how is it the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace?

"This guy ordered the boy to invite you Primeval Dao Monarch. Isn't it just to let them see that they are being crushed?"

Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor muttered: "Could it be He knows that he puts too much pressure on those reincarnation Dao Monarch, so he deliberately asked Mystic Heaven to cut him fiercely in public to dispel the shadow in the heart of reincarnation Dao Monarch?"

Heavenly Monarch Maha and Spirit Maiden couldn’t help being speechless, Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor's thinking is so weird, he would think that Everlasting Heavenly Venerate was deliberately beaten.

However, the performance of Everlasting Heavenly Venerate is really disappointing. It is difficult to look at it under the prestige, and it is not worthy of his reputation.

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate furiously attacked the heart. This feeling of humiliation was a hundred times stronger than the sum total of the humiliation he had suffered in his life, but he was helpless. There was only a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart, unable to restore this situation. !

He asked the Everlasting Book Child to invite these reincarnation Dao Monarch to show the pomp and demeanor of Dao Monarch Palace Palace Lord, and by the way, he showed his hand slightly to frighten the heroes and let the heroes take advantage of them.

However, he did not expect that his pomp and demeanor were not revealed. On the contrary, he lost his reputation and was beaten in public by the Wild Dragon and Jiang Nan!

Being beaten with bloody nose and swollen face is that's all. What's more critical is that this Wild Dragon stepped on him in front of everyone and sat on him with his ass. This kind of humiliation is beyond words. table!

What’s even more annoying is that it’s fine to be beaten by the Great Dragon. After all, this Great Dragon is the Innate Spirit Treasure. Everlasting Heavenly Venerate also met him back then and knew his strength.

But being beaten up by Jiang Nan, he couldn't accept it.

Jiang Nan is a who thing?

For Everlasting Heavenly Venerate, that is, an unremarkable native resident in an era, Jiang Nan can't even count as a wave in his extremely long lifespan.

But he was beaten by this person!

In fact, his performance is already extremely remarkable. The Great Dragon is the Innate Spirit Treasure that gave birth to spiritual wisdom. Jiang Nan also holds the Innate Magical Treasure and is besieging. If he is replaced by other Heavenly Monarch, he will be Boom to scum

He was able to persist until now and undying. Such achievements are shocking. Even Jiang Nan admires him and has to marvel at his strength.

It’s just that the name of Dao Monarch Palace Palace Lord is too loud, and some people cannot accept this situation, even Everlasting Heavenly Venerate cannot accept this result. unhindered Seventeen times undefeated, the invincible existence in Dao Monarch is now beaten to the ground by Jiang Nan and a stupid dragon. This can be said to be the biggest stain in his life!

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor was the first to wake up, and suddenly said with a smile: "This, will this really be the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace?"

He haha ​​smiled. shook the head, turned and left.

Asceticism Heavenly Venerate sighed, leaning on the yellow Bitter Bamboo also stepped away.

Other Primeval Dao Monarchs, such as Heavenly Desolate, Evilless, Sacred Demon, Divine Mother and the others, shook their heads and left one after another without helping, leaving Everlasting Heavenly Venerate by Jiang Nan and Great Dragon Chase him violently.

"What are you doing?"

Everlasting Book Child screamed: "Give me back! This is really Everlasting Heavenly Venerate, the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace ! As long as you help Sir Heavenly Venerate get out of trouble, Sir Heavenly Venerate will give you unexpected rewards, and even allow you to enter Dao Monarch Palace and get eternal inextinguishable opportunities!"

"didn't expect me too I’ll be deceived."

Black Flower Sacred Mother turned and walked away, sighing in sorrow: "I should have thought of how much the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace exists, and it’s only half way from the Extremeity of Great Dao. How can you reincarnation to Immortal Realm within a few steps?"

Everlasting Book Child was furious and exclaimed: "If you have eyes but no knowledge of gold and jade, you will regret today's decision sooner or later!"


Ghost Martial Dao Monarch was dumb, and shook his head and left, saying: "Young Fellow Daoist, you lie to us that's all, we don’t care about you. But if you offend Cult Master Mystic Heaven, you don’t know if you want to die. How dying. I know how powerful he is. This guy is not exhausted. It is not a good opportunity to kill him right now. I advise you to run away as soon as possible, lest he kills your companions and then comes to kill you."

Purple Blossoming Lotus Immortal Empress chuckle and said: "I really don't know if you invited us here. Did you invite us to see your companion be beaten by Mystic Heaven? Meng Xun, let's go too!"

Crown Prince Meng Xun nodded, return with her to the Emperor Palace of Immortal Realm 7th Void, Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor, Profound Metropolis Heavenly Monarch and Supreme Oneness , Jade Capital immediately greeted us, said with a smile: "There was an oolong in vain. I thought the visitor was really the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace! "

"That person is indeed the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace. "

Crown Prince Meng Xun suddenly said: "I have been to Dao Monarch Palace and met him. In Abandoned Land, I also encountered a weird planet in which Heavenly Fire gave birth to infant. Fellow Daoist Supreme Oneness, you should have seen the Heavenly Fire Planet too? "

Supreme Oneness Heavenly Monarch heart shivered with cold, immediately woke up, hoarsely said: "You mean, this Giant is the infant in the Heavenly Fire Planet? That is to kill the Primal Chaos Dragon Ancestor who is about to Proving Dao Primal Chaos Dao Monarch and swallow the Dao Monarch who is the dragon Ancestor and the flesh and blood of the cultivation base? "

Crown Prince Meng Xun nodded. Both of them came from Abandoned Land, and they know all the weirdness of Abandoned Land.

"Is it really the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace?" "

Purple Blossoming Lotus Immortal Empress stomped and said: "Why didn't you just say it earlier?" "

Crown Prince Meng Xun wondered: "Why do you want to say?" Help him beat Cult Master? Moreover, this person is the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace. If his identity is disclosed, he can control all Primeval Dao Monarch and make Primeval Dao Monarch his subordinate. In my opinion, Myriad Manifestations, Asceticism, etc. have been to Dao Monarch Palace. I am afraid they have recognized this person, but they have not broken it. I am also worried that I will become a subordinate of this person. "

Purple Blossoming Lotus Immortal Empress nodded.

Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor and the others were very surprised. After a long time, Empyrean Origin sighed: "Imperial Tutor can kill this Everlasting Heavenly Venerate? "

Crown Prince Meng Xun shook the head, said: "No. Everlasting Heavenly Venerate was only killed by him completely unprepared, and this suffered a big loss. With this person's background, I am afraid that I will be able to escape from the escape tribulation soon. "

Jiang Nan and Great Dragon are still beating Everlasting Heavenly Venerate. Everlasting Heavenly Venerate was beaten with bloody nose and swollen face. They suffered repeated injuries, but they were still undying. Their cultivation base has not yet reached Dao Monarch level. You can shake Jiang Nan and Great Dragon hard, and make Jiang Nan shocked in his heart and admire him greatly.

Everlasting Book Child looked towards Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, I saw that this reincarnation Dao Monarch still hasn’t left. , His eyes lit up, and he continued: "This Fellow Daoist is still brilliant in your eyes, knowing that this is the Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace, Everlasting Sir Heavenly Venerate. As long as you save Sir Heavenly Venerate, your benefits will be indispensable in the future..."

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch suddenly gritted his teeth, only to hear a loud bang, and Curse Dao Heavenly Altar appeared, hitting this with a bang. Small Daoist Child hit the Everlasting Book Child to vomit blood!

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch stood on the Curse Dao Heavenly Altar and killed the Everlasting Book Child, gnashing one's teeth said: "Is it true? The Palace Lord of Laozi, Laozi will not get off as soon as he gets on the thief ship. He will simply kill to the end, first get rid of this little man, and then get rid of the big one! "

Everlasting Book Child both shocked and angry, fought back angrily, but how did he know the pain in Myriad Curses Dao Monarch's heart?

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch was aggrieved and no one complained, only Can kill him and plan to kill him and Everlasting Heavenly Venerate together, so that you can sit back and relax, and you don’t need to worry about being settled by Everlasting Heavenly Venerate!

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate Everlasting Book Child Chuang, it didn’t take long for the two of them to be drenched with blood, which was horrible.

At this time, standing in the Dao Monarch Palace in the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone extremity, suddenly a palace in the great palace vibrated and the gate opened. I saw an extremely ancient Dao Monarch Fleshly Body in the gate sitting in the boundless Void, vast imposing, nine Great Innate Magical Treasures floating around him, forming a big ring.

Those Magical Treasure sacred Incomparably, unexpectedly there are several pieces of power that are not inferior to the Primordial Bell Primordial Tower Primordial Cauldron, and they are the Innate Spirit Treasure level!

Not only that, but this Dao Monarch inextinguishable flesh body also has another A very formidable, very ancient and very far-reaching power, surpassing the Innate Spirit Treasure!

Suddenly, one of the Innate Spirit Treasures flew out with a sound, the breakthrough gate and lightning escaped out of the Dao Monarch Palace, in an instant. Break through the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone Void and turn it into a flowi ng light, go straight to Jiang Nan and Great Dragon to besiege Everlasting Heavenly Venerate!

In Dao Monarch Palace, Palace Lord Mother Yuan opened his eyes, gave a soft sound, and swept away Divine Consciousness, and then he knew the entire process of development well, and said in a low voice: "Fellow Daoist Everlasting has suffered. Unexpectedly, even Glazed Jade Ruyi also used...hehe, it turned out to be the Cult Master Mystic Heaven..."

It's that this ancient female Dao Monarch has seen so many weird things, and can't help but reveal it at this moment With a smile, I seem to be happy to see Everlasting Heavenly Venerate deflated.

The Innate Spirit Treasure that flew out of the Dao Monarch Palace just now was Glazed Jade Ruyi, a Magical Treasure that was transformed after Primeval Dao Monarch died during meditation, and it flew to the battlefield in an instant. In the middle, Yiruyi hit it, hit the top of the big dragon head!

Great Dragon was beaten dizzy and eyes blurred, the scales on the top of the head were shattered into several pieces, and the layered petals on top of Jade Ruyi bloomed, and the petals in the starry sky covered the Mercury River, filled with The sky is boundless, roll towards Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan celebrates the big bell, and the bang bang bang bell sound trembles endlessly, making these petals unable to get close.

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate was finally relaxed, and the probing hand grabbed Jade Ruyi in his hand and waved it down!


The Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell set up by Jiang Nan was knocked out, Jade Ruyi smashed down and knocked on Jiang Nan’s head, Jiang Nan’s Divine Wheel turned, Primordial Beginning Energy changed into Great Overarching Heaven, He lifted it up, blocked Jade Ruyi's knock down, and then retreated, avoiding the blow, and retracted Myriad Curses Heavenly Bell.

The Great Dragon came, and Jiang Nan also killed the clock. The three of them met force with force and Everlasting Heavenly Venerate was still downwind, but there was no life worry.

He retreated while fighting, and soon came to the sky above the major Immortal Prefectures, and the next place was Mystic Prefecture.

Obviously Everlasting Heavenly Venerate is very careful, knowing that in the battle over Mystic Prefecture, Jiang Nan will inevitably restrain his hands and feet to avoid the aftermath of the battle from injuring the Mystic Prefecture creature.

Sure enough, Jiang Nan stopped and stopped chasing. Everlasting Heavenly Venerate took the opportunity to get rid of the Great Dragon and sacrificed Jade Ruyi and smashed it at Myriad Curses Dao Monarch, and Myriad Curses Dao Monarch quickly escaped. Everlasting Heavenly Venerate immediately grabbed the Everlasting Book Child and walked away, disappearing in a moment.

"Mystic Heaven, when your Heavenly Tribulation arrives, I will liquidate Karma with you." His voice came from afar.

Jiang Nan took a step forward and signaled that Great Dragon does not have to chase, loudly said: "Mystic Heaven is waiting for Daoist Brother."

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