Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1457

"This is to kill all my life..."

Jiang Nan's heart is cold, Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Three Great Innate Spirit Treasures are Immortal Realm determined the existence of Universe Heaven and Earth, and also succeeded Emperor and Exalted, opening up the existence of Uninhabited Forbidden Zone Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos!

If his Heavenly Tribulation this time is really the Primordial Bell Primordial Tower and Primordial Cauldron and Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures, I am afraid he has this method and strength only by Proving Dao Dao Monarch. Ever!

Heavenly Monarch wants to spend this fated tribulation? It's impossible!

Be aware that Myriad Curses Dao Monarch and Asceticism Heavenly Venerate are both living Primeval Dao Monarch before reincarnation, and they have Innate Magical Treasure, and they have been refined by Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures. Had to surrender, reincarnation Immortal Realm became Immortal.

Furthermore, when the Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures dealt with these two Dao Monarchs, it was not the Eight Great Magical Treasures who were dispatched together. Instead, they dispatched four or five pieces and one Spirit Treasure!

And now, Jiang Nan’s Heavenly Monarch great tribulation, actually saw the scene of Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Three Great Innate Spirit Treasures from karma, which means that when he crosses Heavenly Tribulation in the future, There will be Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Three Great Innate Spirit Treasures attacking him!

Dao Monarch can be practiced to death, not to mention Jiang Nan is not Dao Monarch!

The reason for this situation is not that Jiang Nan’s strength surpassed the Myriad Curses and Asceticism before reincarnation, but Immortal Realm had many hidden dangers at that time, and many Innate Magical Treasures needed to guard against other hidden dangers. Unable to release power at all!

Nowadays, many Primeval Dao Monarch reincarnation Immortal Realm have enhanced Immortal Realm’s entire body battle strength and improved Immortal Dao. The remaining Uninhabited Forbidden Zone is just some old stubborn unwilling to reincarnation, finally let Eight Great Innate Magical Treasures and Three Great Innate Spirit Treasures are together!

This is not to say that Emperor and Exalted wants to destroy Jiang Nan, but Immortal Realm's "Heaven" wants to destroy Jiang Nan, Emperor and Exalted left these Innate Magical Treasures in order to be here where they are not. During this period, let Immortal Realm follow their predetermined path in an orderly manner, and they can make a palm cabinet.

It is the "Heaven" of Immortal Realm that controls these Innate Magical Treasures!

Whether it is refining Myriad Curses Dao Monarch or refining Asceticism Heavenly Venerate, it follows the steps set by Emperor and Exalted. Emperor and Exalted set a broad strategy, and all this is done "Heaven" of Immortal Realm!

In the sky of Immortal Realm, it is necessary to maintain the orthodoxy of Immortal Dao. All others who do not respect Immortal Dao as orthodox, and cultivation other Great Dao will be regarded as enemies of the become Immortal world!

And now, as long as Jiang Nan Proving Dao Heavenly Monarch, he is the highest among Immortal Dao's "enemies". For Immortal Dao's "Heaven", he is even more threatening More than those Primeval Dao Monarch who have not been reincarnation in the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone!

Jiang Nan sits silently and reads from the one after another karma line. Human Tribulation has been so difficult to overcome. Coupled with this extinct Heavenly Tribulation, it is almost dead. !

"No one wants my life either, Immortal Realm is not good, nor is Innate Magical Treasure!"

He suddenly got up, his brows opened abruptly, and his brows were Purple. In the Mansion, an extremely large body stands tall. It is the Past Life True Body of Doaist Null-Void, which is filled with the power of Dao Monarch and the power of Primal Chaos in the overflowing heaven!

In front of Doaist Null-Void’s Past Life True Body, there is a Great Dragon lying there, with its feet upright, its tail upright, and its tongue sticking out of its mouth. It looks like a dead body. Look like.

This Great Dragon has been pretending to be dead in front of Doaist Null-Void’s Fleshly Body for seven or eight years. Since Spirit Maiden scared him away last time, this Great Dragon sneaked back and was caught by Jiang Nan. In one fell swoop into his Purple Mansion.

This Great Dragon saw the True Body of Doaist Null-Void, and immediately fell down without saying a word, with his tail upturned to the sky, indicating that he was dead.

His patience is surprisingly good. He has been pretending to be dead for seven or eight years. He hasn't even moved or blinked his eyelashes.

"Great Dragon, don’t pretend to be dead."

Jiang Nan’s voice is transmitted to Purple Mansion, saying: "If you open your eyes and take a look, you should know the Doaist in front of you. Null-Void is actually the dead Doaist Null-Void! This person is dead, you don’t need to worry that he will beat you to amnesia again."

The Great Dragon is still motionless, lying upright.

Jiang Nan said this several times in a row, this Great Dragon still continued to play dead, obviously made up his mind, no matter how Jiang Nan persuades, as long as Doaist Null-Void is right in front of him, he will never get up!

Jiang Nan reluctantly, his mind moved slightly and released this Great Dragon from Purple Mansion.

The Great Dragon still lay straight on the ground, attracting many Immortals in Mystic Prefecture to come to watch and be curious.

"Zichuan, this dragon is dead?"

Luo Huayin took a closer look and said with a smile: "It's better to give the dragon corpse to me. I can pull out the dragon skin. Refining a good armor, dragon tendon can also refining successfully whip. This dragon root is left for Zichuan to replenish your body..."

"Which one is dead?"

Great Dragon quickly jumped up and said angrily: "You little small insect, it is amazingly bad, unexpectedly I want my dragon root..."

He glanced around and looked around. No trace of Doaist Null-Void was found. This was relaxed, and he sat on the ground, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and sprayed out two Innate Inextinguishable Divine Light from nostrils, whispered: "Fortunately, I was clever and acted to pretend to be dead, so the brat did not continue. Hit me..."

Jiang Nan suddenly flew on the back of this Great Dragon, his eyebrows split open, Purple Mansion opened, and the Doaist Null-Void's aura spewed out of his Purple Mansion!

Great Dragon bird of horrified bow, whole body scales shua~ shua~ shua~ one by one, just listening to a loud explosion sound, this Great Dragon rushed out with Jiang Nan, and flew there in an instant In the vast boundless starry sky!


Jiang Nan only felt that the oncoming Void hit his body and almost knocked him flat. The flying speed of this Great Dragon was too fast, even if it was him. Such a formidable Fleshly Body can hardly resist the oncoming horrible pressure!

I saw this Great Dragon swiftly passing by the Immortal Realm starry sky, even if it reaches the stars, it doesn’t hide at all, and rushes over!

Slices of starry sky exploded, one after another star The sun was smashed to pieces!

Jiang Nan still opened the Opening Purple Mansion and let the Doaist Null-Void’s aura radiate. The Great Dragon was faster and slammed through a Star River. Numerous Immortal Realm suns and Mercury stars fought against each other. After a few breaths, this Great Dragon took Jiang Nan into the breakthrough Immortal Realm Barrier and rushed into the Primal Chaos!

"Still chasing me?"

Great Dragon sensed the Null-Void aura coming from behind, and was so scared that it soul flies away and scatters, even if it rushes into the Primal Chaos speed It was not slow at all, breaking through the Primal Chaos hurricane, but still couldn't get rid of the Null-Void aura behind him.

Primal Chaos is endless, this Great Dragon takes a few years to fly, and the speed is getting slower and slower. For the most part, he is Wild Innate Magical Treasure. At this moment, he is also exhausted. Lie down, hu hu gasped and shouted: "Fight, amnesia at most..."

Jiang Nan jumped off his back, Opening Purple Mansion, and the Past of Doaist Null-Void Life Body was released, standing in front of Great Dragon, said with a smile: "Great Dragon, I told you that Doaist Null-Void is dead, you just didn't believe it. Frankly......"

Jiang Nan's face Said solemnly: "Your enemy, Doaist Null-Void, who beat you to amnesia, was actually killed by me. I heard about your experience and wanted to take revenge and wipe out a grudge for you. This is the killer. Kill him!"

The Great Dragon originally closed its eyes and waited for a beating, hearing this secretly opened its eyes and glanced at Doaist Null-Void, which gradually opened.

This Great Dragon eyeball turned around, and finally confirmed that Doaist Null-Void was dead, and there was only a body in front of him. Then he jumped up and stepped on Doaist Null-Void’s Past Life Body with one foot. On the ground.

"haha, I'm not afraid of you anymore, I don't need to be afraid of you anymore!"

dragon claw stepped on the chest of Doaist Null-Void Past Life Body, this Great Dragon has its toes high Angrily, the dragon tail is so high, hehe said with a smile: "Small, didn't expect, you actually fell at the feet of greatness like me. It must be more than 800 million years ago, I fought with you Three hundred rounds, you beat me to amnesia, I beat you to death, roar roar roar......"

Jiang Nan was shocked and reminded: "Great Dragon, I killed him. I will avenge you..."

This Great Dragon jumped up, happily, spinning around the Null-Void Past Life Body, hehe said with a smile: "Cult Master, as small as your existence, can also Killing such a great expert? It must be a fierce battle between me and him more than 800 million years ago, and he was seriously injured and dying. More than 800 million years did not restore Origin Energy! You only rely on petty and low ability. , I picked up a bargain!"

His two hind legs stood up, his tail supported the ground, and his two sturdy front paws squeezed fists, and shouted: "Come on, you and I will fight three times. Hundred rounds! I will give you two paws...Hoho, are you dying? In front of the existence that is as great as me, your rays of light petty and low are like a small small insect..."

Jiang Nan couldn't help but roll his eyes, this Great Dragon shameless got up, I'm afraid that even Immortal Elder Nanguo will bow down!

"Cough cough, Brother Dragon, you hurt him hard, and I beheaded him, this can be said to be Brother's concerted effort to break the gold!"

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "You and I are like biological elder brothers. As long as we work together, there will be nothing we can't do!"

Great Dragon laughed heartily, hands on hips, and said: "Brother works together to cut gold. That’s a good saying! But I’m still stronger, because I beat him half to death, you just picked a bargain! Brother!"

He patted Jiang Nan’s shoulder with a paw, and slapped Jiang Nan shot short, and said with earnest words: "You still need cultivation! When your cultivation has muscle lumps like me, if you work hard to improve your wisdom, you can be wise and brilliant like me!"

Jiang Nan repeatedly nodded, and said: "I admire Brother Dragon's character, I can't beat it. Brother Dragon, in a few years, I have a little trouble, I don't know..."

"hehe , As great as I can still be afraid of trouble?"

The Great Dragon's tail is up to Heaven, his chest is heavily patted, and he said: "Leave it to me, it's all right!"

Jiang Nan Relaxed, face gloomy and uncertain, thought: "Great Dragon pushed to Everlasting Heavenly Venerate this guy, should it be nothing difficult? The only problem now is that this dragon can deal with a few Innate Magical Treasures... If it is not guaranteed, he will be beaten again. Amnesia..."

—————————————————————————————— Guoguo had a high fever last night, Once it reached 39 degrees, the house pig did not sleep all night, and the pig Madam took an ambulance to the Beijing Children's Hospital. The hospital was mountain man. He heard that the children’s hospital had nearly 10,000 times of influenza A virus this weekend. The house pig and Madam have been there. After queuing until late at night, there was still no line. Fortunately, Guoguo's fever had dropped to 38 degrees, so he rented an ambulance and rushed back to the hotel.

This evening, the house pig and Madam took turns taking care of Guoguo, wiping with warm water, feeding water, feeding antipyretics, and continuously measuring body temperature. They have not slept so far, and finally the fever of Guoguo has been reduced.

At five o'clock in the morning, Zhaizhu wrote this chapter and updated it regularly. I don’t know when I can wake up in the afternoon. Tired, being a parent, it’s really hard...

brothers, follow the latest news about the Exalted-Emperor mobile game, and ask for a monthly pass by the way! !

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