Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1450

"There seems to be no shortage of demons and monsters in Primeval Dao Monarch. A Primeval variation leech has successfully cultivated Dao Monarch and has not yet died under Annihilation Tribulation."

Jiang Nan faintly muttered to oneself, turned back to Mystic Prefecture, Blood Ancestor shot, broke his plan, let Black Flower Sacred Mother, Bullseye Stare Dao Monarch and Ghost Martial Dao Monarch escape, Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch was eaten by Blood Ancestor.

If you are now going to Black Flower Sacred Mother and the others, it will not be so easy, Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate, Evilless Dao Monarch and even Supreme Oneness, Jade Capital and the others, including Primal Chaos Heaven Country The giant, will not give him another chance to kill other Primeval Dao Monarch!

Now Immortal Realm is in chaos and the situation is not clear, but Jiang Nan as the public enemy of Immortal Realm's great influence is something everyone agrees with, let alone the tower of Empyrean Origin Immortal Dynasty. Of strength, the Five Great Dao Ancestors, which he undercare, is a thorn in everyone's eyes.

In addition, Daoist Jun, Ji Du, Rahula and Empress Other Shore will each get an Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure. Let them grow, they will inevitably become the most formidable opponents to other great influences!

Jiang Nan returned to Mystic Prefecture, calmed down and stopped attacking. Three reincarnation Dao Monarch died in this battle. The coming of the future fated tribulation will reduce the pressure on him, but not Did not achieve the effect he expected.

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright’s strategy for him is to eradicate all opponents and kill all the powerhouses that may be shot at him when Human Tribulation breaks out, leaving none of them. In this way, Human Tribulation does not exist. Only the Heavenly Tribulation launched by Immortal Realm against him is much easier, and there will be a chance of survival anyway.

But now it seems that it is impossible.

"Cult Master, I have a plan, which may help Cult Master weaken the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation by a few points."

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright suddenly said with a smile:" If this strategy is successful, the Cult Master’s tribulation power can be reduced to about 40% at most, or at least to about 70%!"

Jiang Nan moved slightly in his heart, and immediately turned his head and looked towards him. , Said: "Where does the Trusted Advisor plan come from?"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright said, Jiang Nan's face is like the situation of Immortal Realm, always cloudy and sunny, wait until Old Ancestor After Dark-Bright finished talking about the strategy, Jiang Nan was silent for a long time, suddenly got up and hit the ground, and said with emotion: "Hidden Dragon, Celestial, and evil monster. Fortunately, I tied you to Immortal Realm to help me, otherwise this fat tribulation I am afraid that bode ill rather than well, now I finally see a glimmer of light in the haze!"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright quickly returned the gift, said with a smile: "If there is no Cult Master, my life will be It’s useless to learn. Didn’t I fail my skills? It’s because of the Cult Master that gave me a chance to show off my talents and ambitions!"

The two got up, looked at each other and smiled. Yu Liangcai met Mingzhu with emotion.

So far, the battle of 5th Void has come to an end, and the 6th Void is about to open.

Immortal Realm Nine Layers Void is slowly brewing to explode the energy of the 6th Void. The great cult and influence are also paying attention to the movement of the 6th Void, from the opening of the 1st Void to the opening of the 5th Void, and the Cult Master level. Existence has now participated in this battle for opportunity, and even the three major reincarnation Dao Monarchs have fallen, and the giant Lingdao has been taken away by the old monster of the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone, and Absolute Profound Dao Monarch has converted to Asceticism Heavenly Venerate, which can be described as a changeable situation.

However, the merger of Absolute Profound Great Cult and Monk Great Cult also makes people realize that it may be difficult to gain a foothold in Immortal Realm only with the help of one's own teaching, and more strength is needed to achieve greater benefits. .

It’s just that, whether Heavenly Monarch or reincarnation Dao Monarch, they are both brimming over with talent wild ambition, how can they be willing to become a vassal?

Only when someone loses in battle and blood, will he submit to others.

The storm is slowly brewing, and the battles and conquests in the future will be even more tragic!

Immortal Realm's 9th Void exudes more and more horrible pressure, just like Dao Monarch with at the peak period sitting in 9th Void, horror and depression, making all the creatures of Immortal Realm feel as if they are in their hearts Pressing a big rock!

This is the energy that 9th Void mobilizes Immortal Realm's Great Dao to prepare for the opening of 6th Void!

Opening 6th Void requires a few years longer brewing time than other Voids. This shows that the treasures in the 6th Void are much stronger than the treasures in the previous 5-layer Void!

As the opening day approaches, the Great Cult Masters of Immortal Realm and the giants of Primal Chaos Heaven Country are also discussing spiritedly to discuss what the treasures of the 6th Void are.

"There are eight Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures in the 5th Void. Among them, the Overarching Heaven Propitious Cloud disappears and disappears. Then there should be two Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures in the 6th Void! These treasures are probably the two most formidable of the Ten Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures!"

"6th Void is about to open, but I can only see one of them, which is composed of Twelve Continents The disc! As for what the other thing is, it has not been seen since the opening of Immortal Realm."

"This treasure should be the Heaven Supporting Pillar of Supporting Immortal Realm, in Emperor , Exalted and Null-Void opened Immortal Realm to stand in Immortal Prefecture in the center of Immortal Realm, to support Immortal Realm Void Layers, and top it on the zenith of 9th Void. Now this treasure is missing. Could it be that it was Emperor, Exalted Hidden with Null-Void so that we can’t see it?"

"Anyway, when the 6th Void is turned on, this treasure will definitely appear! Among Ten Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures, the formidable power is the strongest This is the top one of Supreme Treasure! No matter who can get this treasure, he can overpower other Nine Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures and compete for supremacy in the world!"

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven, I’m afraid I’m very greedy for this treasure, right? After the 6th Void is opened, the fated tribulation of this guy is about to arrive. He hasn’t got any Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure yet, so he will definitely fight for it!"

"Look at his Arrangement, but also defensive, can not let him succeed! "


I don’t know how many exist secretly observe Mystic Prefecture Mystic Heaven Immortal Domain and search for the location of Jiang Nan, but what surprised them is that Jiang Nan is not at all at all these days. Tensions, and not much layout.

All armies in Mystic Prefecture are training troops, polishing Magical Treasure, Five Great Dao Ancestors missionary, open altar lectures on law and defense, and there are many Immortal King Immortal Monarchs or in Immortal. Seclusion in Domain Immortal Mountain, or visiting friends.

In the Mystic Heaven Immortal Domain, Jiang Nan holds a volume of books to read with keen interest pleasure, and does not take care of the affairs of Mystic Prefecture. , Study all day.

"Does Cult Master Mystic Heaven plan to go to Mortal World to take the No. 1 pick? "

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate saw this scene, suspicious in his heart, and whispered: "Does this guy lay a back ground for himself and can keep his Divine Soul in the fated tribulation, reincarnation to Lesser Realm? Can't get the top pick in the exam? "

Other reincarnation Dao Monarch and Heavenly Monarch are also puzzled. I saw Jiang Nan not only studying, but occasionally cultivating for a period of time, and then he picked up the book to continue studying.

"great With the tribulation approaching, you can still enjoy yourself so well. Mystic Heaven is going to enjoy one of the few days. "Divine Mother Dao Monarch chuckle and said.

Jiang Nan calm and easy-going, he studied the Everlasting Dao Book every day. He was caught in a fight when he returned from Dao Monarch Palace. He has never had time to calm his mind, this short A short moment of tranquility allowed him to carefully comprehend Everlasting Heavenly Venerate’s Dao Law Profound Mystery.

He had to marvel that Everlasting Heavenly Venerate’s Magic, Body, Dao, and Fruit Quaternity had already gone far. In front of him!

Jiang Nan also walks Magic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity. Although the two have the same path on the surface, their ideas are completely different, the path taken by Everlasting Heavenly Venerate He is in control of karma, while Jiang Nan is dauntless karma. All kinds of karma bless my body!

This also led to the greater differences between the two of them. Jiang Nan's path is divinity's path, brave and brave Advance, break the waves forward, but there are obstacles, cut it with one effort!

The path of Everlasting Heavenly Venerate is controlling karma, which controls the karma relationship of an era, and you can kill people by touching karma. It can be world destruction!

He has reached the end of this path, and he wants to explore further, the front is already invisible.

He uses Emperor, Exalted and Null this time. -Void's failed karma reincarnation turned into an Infant Giant, and his heart was not without the help of Immortal Realm, the brilliant Great Era, and the chaotic karma, to overcome the obstacles and take the last step!

However, Everlasting Heavenly Venerate’s Dao Book gave Jiang Nan’s enlightenment to Jiang Nan. ic, Body, Dao, Fruit Quaternity all kinds of unimaginable and mysterious comprehend!

For these comprehends, if Jiang Nan slowly explores, it is estimated that it will take a very long time, but with the Everlasting Dao Book, he will save the time of exploring alone!

He is hungry for the comprehend Everlasting Dao Book, and he gains new insights every moment, and even has some esoteric aspects. He needs seclusion to comprehend thoroughly!

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate's Dao Book is all-inclusive, with the Great Dao perception of each era, allowing Jiang Nan to stop and interact with the Dao Book of those eras he read in the Dao Monarch Palace Book Pavilion. By reference, I have benefited a lot, and I have a deeper understanding of those times!

Even, this volume of Dao Book still has traces of Great Dao that was 17 times before!

Obviously, there should be a few eras before the seventeen eras, but the Dao Book does not say how many eras there are before the seventeen eras.

However, Everlasting Heavenly Venerate mentioned the first era. The book said that era was an extremely glorious flourishing period, and many heaven defying genius appeared!

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate does not talk much about the era in Dao Book. There are only a few sentences. The extremely ancient era is the first time life appears and is the origin of all ages, so it is called Primordial Dao Era.

Dao Monarch Palace was established in Primordial Dao Era. Everlasting Heavenly Venerate is not a character of Primordial Dao Era, naturally it is not the founder of Dao Monarch Palace. He is just after Primordial Dao Era and seventeen eras ago Dao Monarch in one of the eras later joined Dao Monarch Palace and became one of the Three Great Palace Lords.

Daoist Annihilation has the same origin.

Only Palace Lord Mother Yuan is the Dao Monarch of Primordial Dao Era, but it is not the founder of Dao Monarch Palace.

According to the rumors, the Dao Monarch who founded Dao Monarch Palace failed to survive the incomparable ancient time. They died during meditation on their way to find the Extremity of Great Dao. Among them, the most formidable is Fleshly Body. Made Innate Supreme Treasure.

"Is there really a treasure like Innate Supreme Treasure?"

Jiang Nan's heart shook slightly, and he hurriedly read the Everlasting Dao Book, but the book is about Dao Monarch Palace and Primordial Dao Era. It stopped abruptly, and Everlasting Heavenly Venerate continued to elaborate on his perception of Great Dao.

"Uncle Everlasting, actually sold off!"

Jiang Nan didn't know whether to cry or laugh, he also knew a little bit about Innate Supreme Treasure, according to the rumors of Emperor and Exalted Each has an Innate Supreme Treasure, and its power is even far superior to the Three Great Innate Spirit Treasures of Primordial Cauldron Primordial Tower Primordial Bell!

However, this is just a rumor. Even Empyrean Origin, Profound Metropolis and the others have never seen it before!

Everlasting Heavenly Venerate said in the book that Innate Supreme Treasure is true, but this scam is only written here and never written again, so Jiang Nan can’t wait to take him over and beat him up. Pour out everything you know like pour beans!

—————————————————————————————————————— away from this month Only the last 12 hours are left, ask for a monthly pass!

The list of winners of this Exalted-Emperor Book Friends Carnival has been released. Brothers, please see if you have won! Let me reveal that the most formidable CosplayDivine Vulture Monster King in the history of "Exalted-Emperor" has won Love Crazy 6~~~

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