Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1433

At this moment, hundreds of Heavenly Monarch-like Divine Ability in the Book Pavilion blasted through, and you could see Jiang Nan have one's hair stand on end.

"Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven!"

Jiang Nan roars, the Great Overarching Heaven unfolds, the Primordial Beginning Divine Monarch stands in the Great Overarching Heaven, and countless temples are towering , The sun and the moon hung high, and the Innate Magical Treasure Innate Spirit Treasure natural phenomenon rose to the sky, shaking up the Divine Ability that these Book Monsters blasted!

Next moment, the tattered Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven carried the tattered Jiang Nan and fell out of the Book Pavilion.

"Kill him!"

A group of Book Monsters yelled, flew out of the Book Pavilion in a mess, bombarded, one after another Divine Ability burst out and bombed Jiang Nan. !

"Kill heretic!"

The Book Monsters were very happy. Originally, they were divided into three Great Factions to strike each other. At this moment, they unexpectedly united and blasted Jiang Nan.

However, this corridor is narrow, and there are only seven or eight Book Monsters that can attack Jiang Nan. The Divine Ability blasted by the Book Monster at the back often strikes on the Book Monster at the front and beats the Book Monster at the front. The pages of the book crash bang jittered endlessly.

The Book Monster in front naturally refused to lose. Turning around was one after another Great Divine Ability showering down. Many Book Monsters played fiercely.

Jiang Nan vomited blood and tried his best to keep the Primordial Beginning Great Overarching Heaven unbreakable, contending with the seven or eight Book Monsters in the front, but was still dizzy and unstable by one after another Divine Ability. Constantly being forced out of the promenade.

"Burn to death heretic!"

After Jiang Nan was forced out of the promenade, these energetic Book Monsters formed three Great Factions and attacked each other in the promenade. It was very lively.

"This group of Book Monsters......"

Jiang Nan was speechless. It was indeed extremely dangerous in the Book Pavilion just now. Hundreds of Divine Ability from Heavenly Monarch full strength attack blasted, even He felt terrified and almost died there. If he hadn't studied the contents of more than a dozen Dao Monarch ancient records during this period, his strength and cultivation base would have made a lot of progress. Even if he couldn't support the first encounter, he would be bombarded in Book Monster. Subordinates.

"It seems that there are three people in Book Pavilion who have written these books, otherwise there will be no three kingdoms melee. However, these Book Monsters are divided into three Great Factions, which are difficult for any faction to deal with. How can I break through the three Great Factions and read all the Dao Monarch ancient records."

Jiang Nan thought for a moment, and his injuries were slowly recovering. Thought: In the gallery, start a tug-of-war with these Book Monsters, positional battles, and study their Divine Ability Great Dao when you fight them! The more I see, the stronger I will become and the more I can stand firm!"

After recovering completely from his injury, he immediately entered the corridor again, and the seven or eight Book Monsters in front of him immediately attacked, and Jiang Nan Great Overarching Heaven unfolded, contending with these Book Monsters, and smashed one after another Divine Ability.

These Book Monsters are extremely formidable. Seven or eight Book Monsters teamed up to immediately make up for the ineffective operation of the Divine Ability of Book Monsters. The attack was well-founded and very sharp.

Even though Jiang Nan has made great progress, he can barely survive. While trying his best to maintain his life, he absorbed the Great Dao Concept contained in this Dao attack. Otherwise, he was forced to He had to retreat step by step. After 5 minutes of time, he was wounded all over, and Great Overarching Heaven was beaten to pieces and forced out of the promenade.

"Come again!"

Jiang Nan healed his injury, jumped up again, and entered the corridor.

He made wounds again and again, and entered the corridor again and again. He persisted for longer and longer, from 5 minutes to one hour, from one hour to two hours, and then to a firm foothold. Persist in not retreating, and share the same offense and defense with the seven or eight Book Monsters!

"Can you guys in front of you work? If you don't, then you can do me!" Book Monster called out at the back.

"This Highness Divine Ability is boundless, it will definitely beat that brat to death!"

"Go back, scoundrel, and don't let Laozi burn you guys!"



A group of Book Monsters are clamoring and making a lot of noise. Jiang Nan turned a deaf ear and gradually became familiar with all the skills of these seven or eight Book Monsters and absorbed the Great Dao Concept in Divine Ability. , Getting more and more relaxed, he began to push back the seven or eight Book Monsters in front, and the Book Monster behind was suddenly anxious, and immediately bound the seven or eight Book Monsters with Divine Ability and dragged them to the rear.

This time I changed seven or eight Book Monsters. Jiang Nan’s advancement was immediately blocked. The new Book Monster offensive was fierce. Divine Ability was completely different from the previous Book Monster Divine Ability. Jiang Nan retreated and gradually retreated to the edge of the corridor.

He just explored the Divine Ability of the seven or eight Book Monsters in front of him, and absorbed part of its Divine Ability. Although the cultivation base has improved in strength, it is not that big. Switching to another Book Monster, he can only re-explore the changes in the Divine Ability of these Book Monsters and the truth behind them.

However, when he reached the edge of the corridor, Jiang Nan immediately took his footing, stopped backing, and began to counterattack. The counterattack became stronger and stronger!

Although Jiang Nan's cultivation base is not fast, he is still improving. His advantage gradually expands, oppressing a lot of Book Monsters and constantly retreating!

The Book Monster yelling at the back is also useless. It was squeezed and had to return to the Book Pavilion. Gradually, most of the Book Monsters were forced back to the Book Pavilion, leaving only a few diehards. Still resisting, there are some Book Monster stick one's head around to look for, trying to rush into the corridor.

Suddenly, Jiang Nan violent, stretched out the hand to grab a Book Monster, turned around and left.

The Book Monster called heaven shaking earth shattering, which was extremely loud.

Not long after, Jiang Nan threw the Book Monster back into the corridor, and so on, captured a dozen more Book Monsters, read the Dao Monarch above, and gained a lot. many.

"Strange, the third person who wrote these books is a man, full of hostility."

Jiang Nan finally saw the book written by the third Dao Monarch , Read carefully, I saw that the Great Dao insights described in the book are different from those of the other two Dao Monarchs, and they are also unique in their own family.

But this person is more extreme. Although the other two Dao Monarch's insights are giving tit for tat, their perceptions are on the orthodox path, and the Dao Book written by this person reveals The hostility of world destruction, the idea of ​​Great Dao Era mixed with one by one is just abnormal, only Annihilation is the norm.

"Annihilation is eternal." He wrote this more than once in the book.

"This person's philosophy still can't keep up with Daoist Annihilation, but he already has the idea of ​​becoming the second Daoist Annihilation."

Jiang Nan complexion dignified, Daoist Annihilation itself comes from Dao Monarch Palace is one of the Three Great Palace Lords of Dao Monarch Palace. It has been extinct one after another, causing the death of unknown creatures and the destruction of the times. Now, I am afraid that there will be a second Daoist Annihilation born, inheriting Daoist Legacy of Annihilation!

And this person is mostly among those Dao Monarchs in Dao Monarch Palace who are not being seclusion!

"This incident can also show that the Third Palace Lord of Dao Monarch Palace has actually gradually become powerless towards Dao Monarch of Dao Monarch Palace and cannot control them."

Dao Monarch The Three Great Palace Lords of the Palace, Everlasting Heavenly Venerate reincarnation turned into Infant Giant, and they are still suppressed in Abandoned Land at this moment. I don't know when they will get out of trouble.

another Palace Lord Daoist Annihilation Because of the cultivation Annihilation Great Dao believes that Annihilation is eternal, and is controlled by Annihilation Great Dao. He is sleeping during the flourishing period and he comes out world destruction at the end of the era.

And the Third Palace Lord should be the actual controller of Dao Monarch Palace at present, but Jiang Nan judging from the current experience and research on these Dao Books, the Third Palace Lord is afraid that it has gradually been unable to control other Dao Monarchs. !

"Sooner or later, Dao Monarch Palace will cause a chaos, and even a chaos in the Immortal Realm!"

Seeing micro-knowledge, seeing a fallen leaf and knowing autumn, this is a powerhouse The necessary insight!

"But for those Dao Monarchs, I'm only as weak as mole crickets and ants. I don't have the strength to mix these things. Let's get through the difficulties before you talk!"

Jiang Nan abandoned distractions and once again broke into the promenade and entered the Book Pavilion. He was bombed out in a riot, and he captured another Book Monster and exited the promenade to study slowly.

After a long time, he stood up and threw the hoarse Book Monster back to the corridor, thought: "This time, I have to stand firm in the Book Pavilion anyway, those Book Monster don’t want to blast me out!"

Immortal Realm 5th Void, Primal Chaos Rainbow Bridge extremity, fifth Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure Null-Void Heavenspan Bridge and sixth Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure Primordial Chaos Golden Banner All have been born, causing terrible contention and fierce fighting. Many people who have entered this place with great destiny great opportunity have died unknown and completely fallen!

In these battles, even the four Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures, Primal Chaos Immortal Sword, Exalted-Emperor Immortal Seal, Chaos Origin Heavenly Umbrella, and Chaos Origin Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram, appeared in their own right. , Everlasting's boundless power broke out, Supreme Treasure was bloodied!

Not only that, Primal Chaos Heaven Country Spirit, Supreme Oneness, Profound Metropolis, Divine Mother, Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor, Jade Capital and the others took their own shots. The most terrifying thing is Myriad Manifestations Dao. Ancestor’s shot hardly shook the Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure and killed an unknown number of powerhouses. Almost half of the powerhouses died in his hands. Even Divine Mother, Profound Metropolis, Jade Capital and the others also retreated in his hands and created a generation of Demon Kings. The name!

However, even though Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor is so fierce, it still failed to grab the Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, the Null-Void Heavenspan Bridge was taken away by Spirit Maiden, and the Primordial Chaos Golden Banner fell in the hands of the Empyrean Origin Immortal Emperor. !

Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor was furious, chasing down other people who got Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, Daoist Hong Daoist Jun entire group was the weakest, but Rahula got Primal Chaos Immortal Sword and Ji Du got Three Thousand Slaughtering Dao Diagram, Daoist Jun got Chaos Origin Heavenly Umbrella, three Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures fell into their hands, naturally the first to attract the pursuit of Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor!

How does Myriad Manifestations Dao Ancestor exist? Dao Monarch of reincarnation, one of the very best characters in Heavenly Monarch, even without Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure in hand, they are far from their opponents.

What's more, Jade Capital, Spirit, Supreme Oneness, and other Immortal Monarch are watching, Daoist Hong Daoist Jun and the others can only retreat while fighting.

Fortunately, Immortal Elder Nanguo's other abilities are not strong, but the ability to escape is first-rate, leading them to escape the chase.

"There are only two Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures left in this space."

Immortal Elder Nanguo sneaked out his head and looked around, no one was chasing After killing it, this was relaxed, said with a smile: "I have found one of these two Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures, but was chased and killed, and there is no time to collect it. This treasure seems to be Emperor and Exalted The treasure is left for Cult Master, but Cult Master is not there. I don’t know if anyone can collect it......"

Ti Xuanwei eyes shined, hurriedly said: "Immortal Elder, where is this treasure?"

Everyone looked at Immortal Elder Nanguo eagerly.

"Where do I know where this treasure is hidden?"

Immortal Elder Nanguo said with a smile: "But using Cult Master's bloodline should be able to bring it out. As for I'm not sure whether it can be collected. I can only say that the person who has the deepest connection with Cult Master is more likely to get this treasure."

———————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— On November 25th, Exalted-Emperor 33 Alliance Leaders jointly hosted an Exalted-Emperor book friend Carnival event, this 7-day Exalted-Emperor Book Friends Carnival, with rich prizes and interesting activities, look forward to the participation of book friends (with iphone6).

In addition, Zhaizhu will also launch Exalted-Emperor's Xuan Wuxie Biography, deciphering the grievances of Xuan Wuxie, Xi Yingqing and Supreme Sovereign and the others, I hope everyone will like it.

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