Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1431

"Old Rabbit, are you okay?"

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch hurriedly stepped forward and looked at the back of Immortal Elder Nanguo, and saw that Old Rabbit’s back was broken Open two great caves with two black tentacles inserted on them, like two big black braids. This Old Rabbit was just as okay, he was alive and kicking, not knowing that his brain was open, and he couldn't help but feel dumbstruck in his heart.


Immortal Elder Nanguo cried to him with a nose and tears: "I have just been promoted to Immortal King Boundary, and I got two tentacles from Divine Mother. One inhalation, it fell to True Immortal Boundary again!"

Skyscraping Immortal Monarch turned around and reported to everyone: "He's all right!"

Dao King, Purple Firmament, Xi Yingqing and the others are relaxed, even saying: "It’s okay, it’s okay. Thanks to Immortal Elder’s on-the-spot explosion this time, we can survive until now."

Immortal Elder Nanguo glared at them , Angrily said: "I got two holes in my head, and I couldn't afford to cultivation to Immortal King Boundary, and I was sucked back into True Immortal Boundary. Your sister is fine!"

Xi Yingqing Detoured behind him, looked through the two hollow tentacles, saw the brains of Baihuahua, and praised: "It is full of air, Origin Yang is abundant, and it really is nothing at all."

Immortal Elder Nanguo said pitifully, "I think my head is a little heavy..."

Dao King stepped forward and pulled two tentacles out of his brain hole, and said with relief: "It will be well soon, very It will be ready soon."

"Really? Why do I feel a little confused?"

"Wrap it well."

"I feel a chill on the back of my head , I might faint..."


In front of Dao Monarch Palace, Jiang Nan looked up and saw the twilight mountains and rivers towering here like a background picture. Behind the Divine Palace, here seems to be the extremity of time, the end of Space, without all the troubles and disputes, without all the involvement of Mundane World, only unprecedented peace!

"One step forward is the Extremeity of Great Dao, and one step backward is the worldly affairs."

Jiang Nan seemed to have an understanding in his heart, and looked back. However, despite the torn Space-Time and Annihilation Zone blocking, Immortal Realm still comes into view like ten thousand fathoms worldly affairs.

Further enter the Extremeity of Great Dao, take a step back and enter Mortal World, where you are vividly and thoroughly!

Just, has Dao Monarch Palace found the Extremeity of Great Dao?

Or are they standing at the end of Time and Space, looking for the ultimate extremity?

"Why did you come?"

In front of Dao Monarch Palace, the Female Dao Monarch who had already seen one side stared at the token in Jiang Nan's hand, and suddenly spoke, the voice seemed to pass through countless Century and the era, said: "Why come? What do you want?"

Jiang Nan bowed, presented the token, and said: "My fated tribulation is approaching, I want to ask for a way of Transcending Tribulation."


The Female Dao Monarch accepted the token and said indifferently: "Since you have that person's token, then you can hide in Dao Monarch Palace without any trouble."

Jiang Nan shook his head and said: "I want Transcending Tribulation, and I don't want to escape the world."

The Female Dao Monarch glanced at him and shook her head slightly: "You know that there have been countless people who wanted to enter Dao Monarch Palace and escape the world. Can’t avoid Annihilation Tribulation, can’t get it?"

"My way is the way to enter the world, and advancing in the face of difficulties is not the way to escape from the world."

Jiang Nan said with a smile: "Please also Fellow Daoist for pointers."

The Female Dao Monarch took another look at him, faintly said: "Someone once came with a token in their hands, just like you said. To avoid death tribulation, your mental state has several points of similarities, but you are more decisive. Come with me."

Jiang Nan follows her footsteps to Dao Monarch Palace Walked to the front entrance and said: "Dare to ask who that person is?"


The Female Dao Monarch said calmly: "He has come to trust Divine Soul , Divine Soul has been resurrected not long ago."

Jiang Nan's heart trembles slightly, Doaist Null-Void apparently counted his death tribulation approaching, so he put his other Divine Soul on Dao Monarch in advance. In the Palace, save the chance for a comeback!

The Female Dao Monarch said that the mental state of Doaist Null-Void is similar to Jiang Nan, but Jiang Nan is more resolute, but it is because the two have the heart to compete for Transcending Tribulation, but Doaist Null-Void However, it avoids death tribulation before entering the WTO. Compared with Jiang Nan, who does not avoid death tribulation and only seeks the method of Transcending Tribulation, it is slightly less emboldened.

But it’s no wonder that Null-Void’s death tribulation is Emperor and Exalted. Faced with these two great experts, anyone is afraid that they may not have enough confidence.


Palace gate opens, Jiang Nan suddenly feels a grand ancient aura assaults the senses, there seems to be countless thoughts in the Void flooding him in an instant, Suddenly Jiang Nan's ears sounded countless questions: "What is Tao?"

"Where does Tao come from?"

"Where does Tao come from?"

"Is there an end to life and death?"

"When does time start and when does it end?"

"Where is the Extremity of Dao?"


A sound of deafening interrogative sentences blasted into his mind, Jiang Nan's brain was almost burst by these sounds, he suddenly "duh" shocking loudly: "I am the Dao, and the Dao is me !"

"You are the Tao? What is you?" "Where do you come from?" "Can with Dao?" "Are you exhausted?" "When did you start and when? "Where is your extremity?"...

It was bombarded with countless messy questions again. Jiang Nan got a headache because of the noise, and his head almost burst open.

The Female Dao Monarch on the side said calmly: "Don't pay attention to them. These questions are the questions asked by Dao Monarch who visited Dao Monarch Palace for many times. Even the Three Great Palace Lords cannot answer them. They."

Jiang Nan was stunned and hurriedly said: "Why can I still hear these questions? And these questions can actually change the way of asking, as if someone is really asking me."

"Because these questions were asked by Dao Monarch and no one was able to answer them, these questions became refined over time. They are just the invisible and intangible Evil Spirit that's all."

that Female Dao Monarch leads the way, and there are some dilapidated old jars on both sides of the road, many of which have been broken, that Female Dao Monarch as cold as ice and frost, I don’t know if it is natural that it is so cold or because it has existed for too long. Forgot to smile, and said: "These jars originally contained the questions of Dao Monarch who asked, but some of them were broken and escaped by these questions. I originally caught some of them and escaped some of them. I'm too lazy to ask. You have to be careful, don't break it, or there will be more problems."

Jiang Nan looked at the jars curiously and blinked, thought: "Dao Monarch's question Can they become fine? They can be caught and stuffed into jars. It's Great Thousand Worlds there is no lack of strange things......"

Those jars really seem to be filled with little evil spirits and bang bangs. Hit the jar, as if to run out of it to ask questions.

The path inside Dao Monarch Palace is tangled and complicated. Jiang Nan followed the Female Dao Monarch for a long time, bypassing unknown many corridors, but never saw other people. He was surprised: "This Dao Monarch Is this woman unexpectedly the only one in the Monarch Palace? Impossible, right? Didn’t the Spirit Treasure Dao Lord come out of the Dao Monarch Palace and be killed by the emperor?"

The woman seemed to sense his doubts. Said: "The people in Dao Monarch Palace are seclusion, trying to solve some of the problems that have plagued them for a long time. Some people have not been out for several billion years as soon as they sit, and even after several times outside, they only leave the customs once."

Jiang Nan dumbstruck: "How many eras of seclusion? Several billions of years have been seclusion? No wonder it is so deserted here!"

"Cultivation to their step, everything in the world It’s hard to get them interested. What’s the worst of several billions years in the past? If you stay in my Dao Monarch Palace to avoid catastrophe, you will gradually get used to this kind of seclusion in the future."

The Female Dao Monarch led him through a promenade, and only heard the sound of fluttering. In the promenade, a group of winged books flew around, trying to break through the promenade to fly outside. Some books were still In chant the sutras, the profound and unpredictable scriptures are profound and difficult to understand.

Some books burst out with terrifying power, attacking other books.

"This is what they left behind. They have already become Monster, and some breakthrough seals have come out of the Book Pavilion."

The Female Dao Monarch looked up and down Jiang Nan , Thinking about it, shook his head and said: "You are not strong enough to participate in the more profound method in Dao Monarch Palace. The Book Pavilion of this promenade extremity is barely suitable for you. But even if you read Dao Monarch's experience, There is no law to have had your fated tribulation, but if you can comprehend Dao Monarch’s collection, there will be another 10% more life."

She thought about it again and said: Come out of the Book Pavilion, you can participate in the research of more profound methods, then I will take you to Heavenspan Pavilion."

"I am not strong enough?"

Jiang Nan Although I am not surprised, I am a little unconvinced when I heard this, saying that his boundary is low and that's all, but is it strong? Great Cult Master Jiang is taking the strong line!

"Be careful, don't die inside, because I won't save you."

The Female Dao Monarch said with expressionless concern: "If you die, It has nothing to do with me, that person can’t blame me, because I have given you a chance, it’s your disappointing that was killed by Book Monster."

Jiang Nan took a long breath and said with a smile:" Just a few Book Monsters, can they kill me? Don’t worry, this Elder Sister, I will go to Heavenspan Pavilion comprehend when I come out!"

"Elder Sister? The secular title, this is Dao Monarch Palace, it’s not dunya."

The Female Dao Monarch turned her head and turned away, saying: "my Dao title Dao Venerate Concubine Tian, ​​you can just call me Concubine Tian."


Jiang Nan slightly startled, feeling a little surprised: "Dao Monarch Concubine Tian? Whose Concubine Tian?"

Since the name is Concubine Tian, ​​it must be someone else’s imperial concubine, who is qualified Marry a Dao Monarch as imperial concubine?

He walked into this long corridor. This corridor has a seal, but it is a one-way seal. It will only seal the refined books, not the Human.

"The Tao has the Tao, Heavenly Beginning, for the Tao..."

The sound of chant the sutras came, several books flapped their wings, and the cover of the book was long Out of my eyes, I looked at Jiang Nan curiously, turning the pages of the book, and still heard the sound of chant the sutras.

"Dao Monarch's insights will definitely help me perfect Primordial Beginning Great Dao!"

Jiang Nan has a fiery heart, looking towards the books flying around in the corridor, thought "With the wisdom of Primeval Dao Monarch integrated into my Primordial Beginning Great Dao, how far can my Primordial Beginning Great Dao grow?"

He explored his hand to the nearest Book Monster Grabbing it, the Book Monster screamed suddenly, the chant the sutras in his mouth suddenly became dense, and a terrifying Great Divine Ability flew out of the book, banging on Jiang Nan with a bang, blasting him high. Rise and fall out of the promenade!

"It's careless..." Jiang Nan corner of the mouth was bleeding, and slowly stood up.

—————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————— On November 25th, Exalted-Emperor 33 Alliance Leaders co-organized An Exalted-Emperor Book Friends Carnival, which lasts for 7 days. This Exalted-Emperor Book Friends Carnival has rich prizes and interesting activities. We look forward to the participation of book friends (the way to participate is different, and the prizes are different).

In addition, Zhaizhu will also launch Exalted-Emperor's Xuan Wuxie Biography, deciphering the grievances of Xuan Wuxie, Xi Yingqing and Supreme Sovereign and the others, I hope everyone will like it.

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