Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1426

"Mother is really beautiful with this flower." Rahula couldn't help but praise when she saw the flowers on the woman's sideburns, the flowers are beautiful and beautiful.

The woman was overjoyed and said: "Is it really good-looking? This is a gift from Cult Master Mystic Heaven to mother. He also said that mother is beautiful with this flower."

Rahula was stunned, dumbfounded, speechless for a while.

That woman is Spirit Maiden of Primal Chaos Heaven Country, the mother of Rahula!

When Divinities Dusk Tribulation came, Immortal Dao should be used instead of Divine Dao. Heavenly Dao felt it was born and gave birth to Immortal Body to fight against this great tribulation. Immortal Realm had Great Thousands Space-Time, and was born into Three Thousand. Immortal Bodies. In Lesser Realm, All Heavens, Hell, Heaven World, Ghost World, Buddha World, Monster World and Primal Chaos World also each have Immortal Body born.

However, the original Spirit World has been destroyed and became the Primal Chaos Heaven Country today. Spirit World’s Heavenly Dao was also beaten as scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, and Spirit World Heavenly was destroyed by Doaist Null-Void. Collect Dao Fragment and add your own refined blood refinement to become Spirit Maiden.

And on the eve of the Divinities Dusk Tribulation, Spirit Maiden also felt that the Divinities Dusk Tribulation was coming, so with his own blood and the Great Dao Heavenly Dao, supplemented by the Spirit of Heaven and Earth, he created a Primal Chaos Immortal Body is Rahula!

She was born out of Heavenly Dao in Spirit World after all. She has a keen awareness and insight that is different from ordinary people. It is not difficult for her to sense the fated tribulation.

Spirit Maiden calls Doaist Null-Void the father, and Rahula calls Spirit Maiden the mother, both are the same.

Later, Spirit Maiden took the lead and sent Rahula to Three Realms to participate in the Divinities Dusk Tribulation in response to the fated tribulation.

Spirit Maiden smiled, looked at Rahula, and said: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven is indeed a wise and able person. Mother has already met him once and confronted him. Take advantage of it."

"Take advantage of it?" Rahula's heart was tight, and a bad picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

Spirit Maiden puchi said with a smile: "I was blinded by him, thinking that what he wanted was the Null-Void cultivation technique, but I didn’t know his true purpose. It was your grandfather’s cup blood essence. The mother didn’t react at the time, thinking it took advantage of him, but later figured out that this guy is really sinister terrifying."

Rahula relaxed, said: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven wants grandfather's." What does blood essence do?"

Spirit Maiden sighed, saying: "Go to Three Realms, Exalted-Emperor Inheritance Land."

Rahula heart shivered, knowing what it means, hoarsely said: "He wants to use grandfather's blood to take away grandfather's Fleshly Body and use it against his fatal tribulation?"

Spirit Maiden nodded, said: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven, is such a terrifying person , Mother originally had several points of despising him and wanted to control him. After this confrontation, she extinguished the idea. Rahu, Cult Master Mystic Heaven gave you a sip of Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword, which is the practice of Heavenly Monarch Maha Magical Treasure?"

Rahula was shocked, and quickly sound transmission said: "Mother is silent, beware of being sensed by Maha..."

"Don't worry, in this place, Whether it is Maha or Mystic Heaven, it is imperceptible to our conversation."

Spirit Maiden said indifferently: "I summon you here this time, because here, no one can detect you, my mother and son. Dialogue. Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword is Heavenly Monarc The Magical Treasure practiced by h Maha. If you get this treasure, you should study the cultivation technique contained in this sword, and then you will be perceived by Heavenly Monarch Maha. Heavenly Monarch Maha will surely seize the opportunity to tempt you to plot against Mystic Heaven and join him. camp. "

Rahula nodded, admired, said: "Mother, Heavenly Monarch Maha did find me, let me lurking in the side of Cult Master Mystic Heaven to assassinate someone, and let me go to the Two Great Dao Palaces , Open the black coffin of the Plague Emperor and release the Plague Emperor. "

Spirit Maiden sneered: "Maha this guy, I want you to die!" Turning on the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin is what your strength can do? On the Innate Plague Emperor Coffin, there is the seal of your grandfather Doaist Null-Void, and you have the bloodline of your grandfather. Only by washing your blood sacrifice and washing away the seal of your grandfather can you open the Plague Emperor Coffin and release the Primal Chaos Plague. Emperor! "

Rahula's forehead is cold and sweaty, hoarsely said: "Then why does he even want me to kill someone next to Mystic Heaven?" If I die, wouldn't I be able to kill that person? "

"This is the power of Great Wisdom Ancient Divinity. Heavenly Monarch Maha said in this way, you will think that opening the Plague Emperor Coffin will not be life-threatening, so you can do things for him with peace of mind. "

Spirit Maiden said with a smile: "But since there is a mother, you don't have to die. I can assure you that there is no harm when you turn on the Plague Emperor Coffin. Heavenly Monarch Maha will let you kill and continue to do things for him. "

Rahula relaxed and said: "Heavenly Monarch Maha is so insidious?" "

"It's not just him that is sinister, why is Cult Master Mystic Heaven?" Heavenly Monarch Maha must not be able to keep him from contacting you. He gave you Primal Chaos Beheading Immortal Sword to test your loyalty. "

Spirit Maiden said with a smile: "As a result, you let him down. "

Rahula's eyes are round, his mouth is open, speechless, and his heart is extremely frustrated.

He originally thought he was connecting the heavens planning strategies. However, in front of the great giant, ambitious and ruthless characters of Maha and Jiang Nan, it is like a little child who has just learned to move crooked eyes. Every and every move can’t hide from them!

This is for him How big is the blow?

Spirit Maiden puchi said with a smile: "Maha is Divine Prediction, and Mystic Heaven has Hidden Dragon to help. It is normal for you to fight against them. Don't be frustrated, Maha wild ambition, you want to get rid of me and replace him. Although he is my Primal Chaos Divine Race, he doesn't take the interests of Ancient Divinity as the most important thing. Only selfishness is the tumor in my Primal Chaos Heaven Country. Cult Master Mystic Heaven can't escape his fatal tribulation. Although he goes to the Exalted-Emperor Inheritance Land to collect your grandfather's Past Life Fleshly Body, he can only guarantee 20-30% of the Transcending Tribulation. "

She said leisurely: "If Primordial Bell and Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow are dispatched, his 20-30% certainty will only be destroyed by 10%. "

Rahula can't interrupt, facing Spirit Maiden and the others, he is still too young and tender to fight against Jiang Nan and Maha.

"Rahu , You don’t need to be frustrated. "

Spirit Maiden said with a smile: "Your grandfather has already figured out today's pattern, and calculated that my Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity will inevitably be integrated into the Immortal Realm and be assimilated by Immortal Dao, so he is talking with Emperor and When Exalted developed Immortal Realm together, they also left behind all sorts of backhands to protect me Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Race. One of them is you. "

"Me? "Rahula heart startled.

"Yes, it's you. "

Spirit Maiden said with a smile: "Your grandfather has calculated your appearance. He has calculated that the future Immortal Dao will rejuvenate the world. No one can control it. It will surely become the Great Dao that rules the entire era, even Those Primeval Dao Monarchs will also appear to contribute to Immortal Dao and make Immortal Dao the strongest Great Dao since times immemorial! My Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity Era will inevitably fall completely and be annexed by Immortal Realm, and there will be no Ancient Divinity Race ever since. Therefore, in order to prevent my Ancient Divinity Race from extinction, in order to allow me to fight against the Ancient Divinity and Immortal and not be destroyed by the immortal, he must have a character who can keep pace with Immortal Dao Dao Ancestor! "

She looked towards Rahula and whispered softly: "Your grandfather created me to create you." Your birth, you created Demon Dao and became Demon Dao Dao Ancestor, which can be said to be accidental and inevitable. You created a new Demon Dao and became one of the Five Great Dao Ancestors, and finally gave me Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity a vitality, and also created an opportunity to fight against the immortals! "

Rahula's heart is shaken, Spirit Maiden throws out a series of news, one after another has already knocked him out!

"In this Ten Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures, you are there. Grandfather leave your treasure. I am here this time to tell you where this treasure was unearthed. "

Spirit Maiden looked towards the lake ahead, whispering: "Other Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures you still need to compete for, compete with other powerhouses, and this treasure is in the lake, no one can compete I'll have you, go down and take it up. "

Rahula was overjoyed and suddenly hesitated: "Mother, if I get this treasure, can I still compete for other Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure?" "

Spirit Maiden smiled: "Naturally. "

Rahula jumped into the lake and was overjoyed: "After I get the treasure in the lake, my strength will definitely be amazingly improved, and then I will fight for other Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure, which is bound to be very easy. ! "

It didn't take long for him to dive into the depths of the big lake, and suddenly he saw the light in front of him. The bottom of the lake is no longer water, but Primal Chaos Liquid formed by Primal Chaos and Primordial Chaos!

Primal Chaos is like a slurry!

It is this heavy Primal Chaos Liquid that conceals all the power fluctuations of Magical Treasure, so that even if you pass by here, you will not notice the slightest. !

And that bright divine light comes from the depths of Primal Chaos Liquid. Even such a heavy Primal Chaos Liquid can't hide the divine light. You can imagine this Immortal Dao Supreme The power of Treasure is amazing!

Rahula's heart is pounding, diving into Primal Chaos Liquid and trying to swim towards the source of divine light, only to see two bizarre Divine Swords wrapped in strong Primal Chaos Liquid. Immortal Dao vein lines are constantly pouring into the Divine Sword.

The two Divine Swords, the sword body is like a spiral, formed by twisting and rotating two sword blades. One blade represents Primal Chaos. , One line represents Immortal Dao, and the blade is twisted like a twist, it represents the fusion of these two systems!

"Okay, good treasure! I am Half-Immortal Half-Divinity, both Immortal Body and Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity. These two swords are suitable for my use, allowing me to give full play to my battle strength! ”

Three Realms, Exalted-Emperor Inheritance Land, Jiang Nan walked on this cultivation technique Sacred Land that used to be used by countless people yearn for something even in dreams. I saw that the people here have been desolate, and few people come here.


When Divine Dao was prosperous, this was the must-go place for countless Spiritual Divinity. Jiang Nan fixed this treasures land in Great Overarching Heaven, which is also convenient for people to enter.

Only now Divine Dao is only left with Jiang Nan, Immortal Dao grand and prosperous, which makes this Sacred Land desolate.

Spirit Maiden guessed right. He got a cup of Null-Void blood essence. It is to enter this place to collect Null-Void Fleshly Body!

Why is it against Human Tribulation Heavenly Tribulation? Only the formidable Null-Void Fleshly Body can give him another chance!

"Divine Dao has fallen, and this place is also lonely. "

Jiang Nan sighed in surprise, and walked towards the three great palaces in the deepest part of Inheritance Land. Suddenly he slightly startled: "Well, there are still people cultivation here?" "

He immediately sensed two familiar bloodline auras. Jiang Nan looked around and saw a woman with a cute small girl standing in front of the Emperor Palace.

"Little Sister...no wonder I feel the familiar bloodline! "

Jiang Nan flickered and appeared in front of the two, looking towards the little girl beside the woman, said with a smile: "Younger Sister Lin'er, this is you and Feng Manlou Senior Is Brother Feng's daughter? ”

———————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————— ——Zhaizhu will appear in the game’s main city as a love ambassador with Guoguo. Enter "Guoguo" or "Zhaizhu" by adding the Weixin of the pig to see the original paintings of Guoguo and Zhaizhu respectively. You can go behind the house The pig will also release Xuan Wuxie biography, Exalted-Emperor travel notes, etc. Please look forward to it!

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