Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1423

In Primal Chaos Heaven Country, Ancient Divinity Dayan, Heavenly Monarch Maha, Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor and the others stood on a high platform, looking towards the 5th Void, and Heavenly Monarch Rama Then control the army of Primal Chaos Heaven Country remotely, vying for benefits.

The four Primal Chaos Heavenly Monarchs were hit hard by Jiang Nan, just at the end of the 5th Void. The four Heavenly Monarchs are still somewhat complexion pale, and obviously the injuries have not been completely recovered.

Heavenly Monarch Rama’s injuries are serious, but it doesn’t require much Magic Power to remotely control the formatíon of the Primal Chaos Heaven Country army. He can still support it, and it can still guarantee the formatíon of the Primal Chaos Heaven Country army. There will be no major casualties.

The four of them failed to besie Jiang Nan, but were hit hard by Jiang Nan. They even used the power of Primordial Bell and Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow to erase the mark of Emperor and Exalted in Primordial Beginning Energy, so to speak. He suffered a big loss and was beaten to the face.

Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor saw the situation of the 5th Void, eyes shined, said with a smile: "Mystic Heaven is doing a lot of evil, and now it's finally the villain's own wicked torment, so other reincarnation Dao Monarch can't see it. , He is going to have an operation! His Mystic Prefecture influence is entangled by these Primeval Dao Monarchs, I am afraid that the army will be lost and defeated!"

"Divine Ancestor, Cult Master Mystic Heaven will not sit back and watch him His Mystic Prefecture influence has been eradicated by these reincarnation Dao Monarch. In my opinion, he is also looking for an opportunity!"

Heavenly Monarch Maha whispered: "An opportunity to rise to the Primeval Dao Monarch! This opportunity! , He has already waited!"

"Lead to Primeval Dao Monarch?"

Ancient Divinity Dayan and Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor are startled in their hearts, Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor hoarsely said: "Crazy? He is crazy! How does Primeval Dao Monarch exist? Although it is now reincarnation not very long, everyone is outstanding. Only one or two characters appear in one era. They stand up to them, Cult Master Mystic Heaven this The guy is crazy!"

Ancient Divinity Dayan nodded, and also somewhat impossible to believe, said: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven is quite risky. Even if you can kill a few reincarnation Dao Monarch, you can’t let the other person body dies and Dao disappears, on the contrary, it will completely offend the other party. When the fated tribulation arrives, his fated tribulation will be heavier and more lifeless!"

"It is estimated that he It was a broken jar. "Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor said with a smile.

Heavenly Monarch Maha shook his head and said: "Cult Master Mystic Heaven’s each and every move has a profound meaning. There is already an immortal and ruthless character of Immortal Realm. , The handwriting is amazing, not inferior to those Primeval Dao Monarch. This person is the only existence I have seen in my life, cunning, method, and scheming. If it hadn't been the explosion of Emperor and Exalted's arrangement in Immortal Realm and blinded Heaven's Mystery, I would like to calculate what his backing was. "

His eyes flashed, said with a smile: "Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor, haven't you already wanted to shoot Cult Master Mystic Heaven?" Now there is a chance. Mystic Heaven will inevitably encounter strong enemies when fighting these Cult Masters. You must prepare the Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow first, and you will shoot an arrow after I give an order later! "

Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor spirit vigorously vibrated and immediately grabbed Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow in his hands. After Heavenly Monarch Maha gave an order, he shot Jiang Nan!

Demon Gate Great Cult Headquarters, Immortal Mountain stand in great numbers, Immortal Pond is located in the mountains, and Headquarters is built on the dangerous land surrounded by mountains, which is more imposing manner and magnificent than before. There is a solemn killing aura.

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven is afraid of going out to kill others. "

Sacred Demon Heavenly Venerate leaned on the battle halberd, looked at the 5th Void, and whispered: "Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch, Old Ancestor Rampart Life and the others are too unbearable, Mystic Heaven has long thought about it Liwei, there has been no chance, but you just jumped out... But this is an opportunity, which can make Mystic Heaven suffer a big loss and dampen his vigorous opportunity! "

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven, it's going to kill others. "

Monster Gate Great Cult, Heavenly Desolate Dao Monarch said with a slight smile: "So this is also an opportunity to kill him! "

In Mystic Prefecture, Old Ancestor Dark-Bright's heart shook, and suddenly I saw Jiang Nan in front of me disappear without a trace, thought: "Kill a few people and return, Cult Master is now more and more in this tone It’s bigger..."

In the 5th Void, Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch fought with Ice Lotus Sacred Mother. After all, Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch was Primeval’s Dao Monarch reincarnation. Despite this life reincarnate and recultivate, it was also Immortal. Dao is no longer Primeval Great Dao, but his cultivation base strength with the boundary has not fallen at all. He can still be proud of a boundary invincible existence!

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother and he is also Immortal Monarch Perfection’s powerhouse, but it’s still a tiny bit behind him. For existence like Dao Monarch, it’s extremely difficult to improve, and one-line gap is already an insurmountable achievement.

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother Downwind, although her past life is the Heavenly Monarch of Monster Race Era, this life has also made considerable progress over past life, but the foundation and accumulation still cannot match the existence of Primeval Dao Monarch.

Previous She is able to keep pace with Controlling Heaven Dao Monarch because Controlling Heaven Dao Monarch has been reincarnation for more than a thousand years, while Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch has been reincarnation for more than two thousand years!

Years of accumulation will naturally widen the gap!

Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch has fully gained the upper hand, suddenly opened his mouth and vomited, only to see a small golden coffin flying out of his mouth, getting bigger and bigger. Primev carved all over the coffin Al's text and animal pictures said calmly: "Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, you are also a generation of wise and able person after all. To be buried in my Nine Mountains Coffin is also an honor to you! My coffin......"

He hasn’t finished speaking, suddenly the complexion slightly changed, Nine Mountains Coffin opened, and the terrifying Immortal Prestige bloomed and spewed outwards, Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch said with a smile:" Cult Master Mystic Heaven, do you want to sneak attack me? I had expected you to shoot, so let me see you, Immortal Realm native creature, can have several points of power? "

A sweeping heaven great hand fiercely photographed, Nine Mountains Coffin exploded with terrifying power, and Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch roared endlessly, urging the golden coffin: "Today I will break your myth. You and your little lover......"


All the power of the Nine Mountains Coffin was squashed by that palm and turned into a gold ingot, that palm power Unabated, palm blasted on Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch!

Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch all split up and in pieces, and then saw a Daoist shadow passing through his split corpse, The Daoist shadow paused, Jiang Nan's figure emerged, appeared in the 5th Void, his complexion was calm and composed, and he could not see at all that his palm had just beaten the Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch, the reincarnation Dao Monarch, all split up and in pieces!

"If you don't prove Heavenly Monarch, you don't have any right to scream in front of me. "

Jiang Nan carried his hands on his back and walked towards the Old Ancestor Rampart Life. Behind him, the Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch squirmed, bang and bang collided and merged, and turned into the silhouette of the Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch, standing There was a little hesitation there, I don’t know whether to shoot Jiang Nan.

At this moment, the Divine Wheel swaying behind Jiang Nan’s head gently turned, and a sword light shot out from the Divine Wheel, Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch He was completely unprepared and smashed to pieces!

His Fleshly Body was completely destroyed, and he could only resurrect with Dao Fruit.

And Old Ancestor Rampart Life is fighting the Great Overarching Heaven Army, With the help of the Spirit Treasure Great Dao, the formatíon of the Great Overarching Heaven Army is so exquisite that it can gather hundreds of thousands of Immortal Soldiers, Immortal Generals and incarnation Battle Divinity. It has nearly half the strength of Jiang Nan, but the great formation is, after all, great formation. After all, it will be a little unsatisfactory in operation, not as dexterous and changeable as a person.

It’s all that’s all to deal with ordinary powerhouses, and to deal with Old Ancestor Rampart Life and other reincarnation Dao Monarch, there is a slight weak spot. I’ll be caught by this person, chased and beaten!

When Jiang Nan couldn’t walk, Old Ancestor Rampart Life had already begun to disintegrate the formatíon of the Great Overarching Heaven Army. When Jiang Nan palm blasted the Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch, I couldn’t help but shook my heart. I hurriedly closed the attack and fully urged Immortal City bar. rier, change to the defensive.

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven?"

He asked loudly, Immortal City rampart like clothes, and the layers of Immortal City guard him in it, just like what Immortal Metal cast Giant!

"It's this Cult Master."

Jiang Nan stepped forward, and Immortal Prestige, which was staggered and bursting with heaven shaking earth shattering, bumped into Jiang Nan. Jiang Nan turned a blind eye and saw Those Immortal cities were distorted by the Space-Time formed around him before they got close, melted by his divine prestige, and turned into molten iron!

Jiang Nan walked all the way, Immortal City collapsed and melted, unobstructed power, all the way to Old Ancestor Rampart Life.

"You are impossible so strong, impossible to break my Immortal City Rampart Clothes......"

Old Ancestor Rampart Life roars, method connecting the heavens, this moment is almost 5th Void All the Magical Treasures shook zheng zheng, and I saw the Great Dao gushing out of countless Magical Treasures, like one after another bright clouds swarming into his body!

"Spirit Treasure Era, I am Dao Monarch, no one dare to underestimate me! I don't believe you can resist my Spirit Treasure Great Dao!"

He set Myriad Treasures The power of punch towards Jiang Nan, how amazing is this blow and how overbearing?

"Rampart Life, you have only been born for more than two thousand years. In my long life essence, you are still a little child. Don't embarrass yourself too much."

Jiang Nan raises his hand , Just hear a bell ringing, the inextinguishable Dao Sound of Primordial Bell vibrates, strikes forward, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like a prestige of strike of Old Ancestor Rampart Life!

"After you cultivation to Heavenly Monarch Boundary, come and yell in front of me again."

Jiang Nan's black hair is flying, like countless black sword light has been cut, Immediately after the black hair was collected, the ribbon floated, and it was automatically rolled into a bun.

Old Ancestor Rampart Life all split up and in pieces, was cut to pieces!

Heavenly Mineral Immortal Monarch saw it, and could not help but flew soul flew beyond the heaven, without saying a word, turning into an immortal light and hurried away.

Jiang Nan walks towards the giant Lingdao, the giant Lingdao is coldly snorted, turns around, and does not conflict with him at all.

His reincarnation time is later than Old Ancestor Rampart Life, and he is taking the path of Body, Dao, Fruit Trinity, if there is a head-on conflict with Jiang Nan, even Dao Fruit will be killed by Jiang Nan. soul flies away and scatters, so there is only one way back!

"Cult Master Mystic Heaven is impossible so strong!"

In Primal Chaos Heaven Country, Ancient Divinity Dayan, Heavenly Monarch Maha and the others frowned, Jiang Nan cut two Great Dao Jun Reincarnation Body, these two reincarnation Dao Monarchs are simply mischief children in front of him, and there is no threat to him at all. This has exceeded their knowledge of Jiang Nan!

In the sneak attack of the four major Primal Chaos Heavenly Monarch, Jiang Nan was strong, but not as strong as that ridiculous, comparable to Heavenly Monarch Rama, inferior to Dayan and Maha, and inferior to Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor is inferior.

And now, Jiang Nan is ridiculously strong enough to be tied with Dayan and the others!

"He has refining Primordial Beginning Energy, and his strength has greatly increased!"

Ancient Divinity Maha took a long breath and said solemnly: "But it seems that he has not fully completed Primordial Beginning Energy. Digest, although the strength has greatly increased, but the growth is not outrageous."

Ancient Divinity Dayan sighed, said: "In other words, he can continue to improve his strength? Primordial Heaven Divine Ancestor, I come Set up the Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow, you come to draw the bow, and the arrow shoots Mystic Heaven!"

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Follow the house pig, follow Exalted-Emperor!

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