Exalted Emperor

Chapter 1421

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright heart shivered, how many Cult Masters will stand up?

Who would dare to speak so loudly?

"Cult Master, you want to really kill reincarnation Dao Monarch and Heavenly Monarch. I am afraid that your current accumulation is not enough, right?"

Jiang Nan is prestige every day. Deep, but Old Ancestor Dark-Bright still speaks unscrupulously in front of him, pondering for a moment, said with a smile: "These reincarnation Dao Monarch established cults have past life accumulation and terrifying background. They want to truly kill them unless they have A battle strength that is more than twice their hidden background can be achieved! Annihilation Tribulation can't destroy them, the Cult Master can only kill their Fleshly Body at best. But if you kill their Fleshly Body in public, you are only afraid of offending people. More, by the time of the 7th Void World War I, your fated tribulation will be even more fierce!"

Jiang Nan nodded, said: "Trusted Advisor said it is good."

"And you still So calm, can it be said that you have the grasp of Transcending Tribulation?" Old Ancestor Dark-Bright's eyes lit up, said with a smile.

Jiang Nan smiled on his face and said, "Trusted Advisor is really Trusted Advisor. You can't hide this from you. Yes, after returning from Primal Chaos Heaven Country, I now have 10% Transcending Tribulation is sure, and soon there will be a 20% certainty. When the 5th Void ends, I will go to the Dao Monarch Palace at the core of the Uninhabited Forbidden Zone to see how sure I am going through this fated tribulation! "

"Twenty percent sure?"

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright had bright eyes and suddenly said: "I see, Cult Master is in Primal Chaos Heaven Country, With the help of Primordial Bell or Primal Chaos Heavenly Bow, the Emperor and Exalted mark in Primordial Beginning Energy was erased, and the Primordial Beginning Energy was finally completely refined, so there is a certain degree of assurance, right? Where did Cult Master come from?"

Jiang Nan took out a teacup. The teacup contained Null-Void blood essence, said with a smile: "I am from Primal Chaos Heaven Country Spirit In exchange for a glass of Null-Void blood essence."

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright was moved, dumbstruck said: "Spirit Maiden is willing to give you this? She is too courageous, right? No, it’s because she didn’t guess the mind of Cult Master, or was deceived by Cult Master’s words and guessed wrong about Cult Master’s thoughts, so she came up with Null-Void essence blood!"

Jiang Nan stroked her palm said with a smile: "Trusted Advisor really deserves to be Hidden Dragon. If you are Spirit Maiden, I can't deceive you! In fact, At that time, I told Spirit Maiden that I wanted the half-dead cultivation technique of Doaist Null-Void. She naturally refused to accept it, so I retreated and asked for a cup of Null-Void blood essence. "

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright sighed: "She thought that your goal was the complete cultivation technique of Doaist Null-Void, so she thought that giving you a cup of Null-Void blood essence would not be the worst. As a result In your plan. This cup of Null-Void blood essence, in exchange for more than 10% of the assurance of the fated tribulation, in my opinion, the minimum is 20%! "

Jiang Nan indifferent expression, said with a smile: "I don't know how strong my fated tribulation is. It is better to estimate less and make more plans than to relax your vigilance. ”

Old Ancestor Dark-Bright nodded, spirit great, laughed heartily said: “Primordial Beginning Energy, Null-Void blood essence, plus a trip to Dao Monarch Palace, Cult Master’s fated tribulation is finally not So desperate. Vitality has emerged, and when the fated tribulation comes, I will watch Cult Master overturning seas and rivers! "

"I definitely won't let Trusted Advisor down! "

On the Primal Chaos Rainbow Bridge, a great battle has begun.

Thousands of people who stepped on the Primal Chaos Rainbow Bridge can be said to be destined or have Destiny people, in addition to Immortal Realm's Four Great Heavenly Monarchs, Spirit Maiden, Myriad Manifestations, Divine Mother Dao Monarch are the most formidable, followed by Immortal Realm's many old brands Immortal Monarch, Five Great Dao Ancestors, Deep Earth, Deep Earth, and North Star. Wait for the Seven Immortal Monarch!

Above the rainbow bridge, thousands of people are fighting for the ferry. Even those who are destiny will inevitably fall, and one corpse will fall from the above bridge.


At the bridgehead, there are still many powerhouses squeezing towards the rainbow above bridge, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch offers the Curse Dao Heavenly Altar, imposing manner, and several reincarnation Dao Monarchs who have just established cults. Rushing to the rainbow bridge, there is another unparalleled big snake with a body length of ten million miles. It swam in and can't see the tail section. Swim to the rainbow above bridge!

The existence of Cult Master class To fight for battle, you have to see if you have boarded the rainbow bridge and won the destiny of Immortal Realm Immortal Dao Supreme Treasure!

Fortunately, these existence possesses remarkable abilities, Divine Ability heaven shaking earth shattering, but they do not No one can board the rainbow bridge, only that the Primal Chaos Rainbow Bridge is getting farther and farther away from him.

On the contrary, those who have big destiny fated persons, even if they are much weaker than them, board the rainbow bridge with no difficulty, which is enviable.

Reincarnation Dao Monarch missed the Ten Great Immortal Dao Supreme Treasures, and could only compete for 30 Innate Immortal Domains. Innate Immortal Domain, as a cultivation Sacred Land that combines offense and defense, has a great effect.

However, at this time, the Four Great Heavenly Monarchs of Primal Chaos Heaven Country did not appear. Although the 5th Void competition was fierce, many Cult Masters did not dare to kill the Primal Chaos Ancient Divinity army.

Ancient Divinity army is a great influence in the 5th Void battlefield, and the other great influence is an army in Mystic Prefecture. Five Cults are twisted into a rope, naturally invincible and unstoppable!

Many cult members of other great cults guard the Immortal Domain they invaded, but they can’t stop the Mystic Prefecture army from pushing forward!

Especially the Great Overarching Heaven Army, the Great Overarching Heaven Army with 50% of Jiang Nan’s battle strength swept over, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and broke through the Immortal Domain, and other troops covered and killed them from behind. , Flattening the influence of resistance in an Immortal Domain is simply with no difficulty!

The defensive power of Innate Immortal Domain will not be broken so easily, but the great cults have just obtained the Immortal Domain, and there will be time for sacrificial refining in the future to use all the power of the Immortal Domain, so it is not broken. difficult.

Now, the Mystic Prefecture army has acquired eight Innate Immortal Domains and began to invade more Immortal Domains.

Finally, a Cult Master-level character couldn’t bear it. The reincarnation Dao Monarch attacked. The first to do it was the Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch, killing the army of Mystic Prefecture, cutting into the army, the explorer looked towards The Innate Immortal Domain, which the Mystic Prefecture army has already included in the bag, is caught!

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother yelled and greeted the Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch, said with a smile: "Senior Nine Mountains, you are also a Cult Master anyway, how can you steal something from the younger generation with your face?"


The two palms collided, and the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother groaned her heart slightly. At the first collision, she fell into the wind. This Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch is a reincarnation figure with Divine Mother Dao Monarch and the others. It has been more than two thousand years, and it has been close to Heavenly Monarch Boundary, and the strength is higher than her!

Although she is about to cultivate successfully Heavenly Monarch, her background is much inferior to the reincarnation Dao Monarch, and it is difficult to fight against such old monsters.

"The little concubine of Cult Master Mystic Heaven, Ice Lotus Sacred Mother?"

Nine Mountains Sovereign Monarch glanced over the Ice Lotus Sacred Mother, coldly said: "You are not my opponent No matter the background or the strength of the cultivation base, it is very different from me. You still have time to retreat! Otherwise, Mystic Heaven will not be able to protect you!"

Ice Lotus Sacred Mother shook her body, said with a smile: "How do you know if you haven't fought?"

At this moment, suddenly another Cult Master figure shot out from the diagonal stabbing and directly collided with the Great Overarching Heaven Army, with a heaven shaking earth There was a loud shattering noise, and the Great Overarching Heaven Army was unexpectedly blocked by life!

One hundred thousand army collided with one person, and the aftermath lifted the 5th Void, shaking violently like a ripple. The great formation of the Great Overarching Heaven Army was shaken like a wave, which shows the intensity of the impact this time!

"Old Ancestor Rampart Life?"

In front of the Great Overarching Heaven Army, I saw countless Immortal cities rolling. Immortal cities formed a large robe, like clothes, bang bang collision, countless Immortal City Magical Treasure consists of treasure clothes, and this treasure clothes is draped on a reincarnation Dao Monarch.

"Old Ancestor Rampart Life, this is the great formation created by Great Overarching Heaven Army, Cult Master Mystic Heaven!"

Heavenly Mineral Immortal Monarch stands in this reincarnation Dao Monarch The next part, apparently already taking refuge in Old Ancestor Rampart Life, bowed and said: "This great formation has half of the battle strength of Cult Master Mystic Heaven. It can be mobilized to perform the cultivation technique of Cult Master Mystic Heaven."

Old Ancestor Rampart Life said indifferently: "The cultivation technique of Cult Master Mystic Heaven? Nothing more. I can break its great formation with Spirit Treasure Great Dao. Heavenly Mineral, you go to fight for Immortal Domain."

Heavenly Mineral Immortal Monarch took the lead and entered the army. Myriad Treasures World unfolded. Numerous Immortal Artifacts soared into the sky. Even the Immortal Magical Treasures of many Soldiers in Mystic Prefecture were also inspired by him, exploding with terrifying power. , Anti-killing itself, for a time the Mystic Prefecture army troops was in chaos, and he slaughtered more than many people!

"Heavenly Mineral, you are the Immortal Monarch born and bred in Immortal Realm. You actually took refuge in Primeval Dao Monarch and became a running dog!"

Xi Chong, Yue Youniang, Hua Zhenyuan, Hao Shaojun each rode a Divine Steed Immortal Beast, shot out the beast, and faced the Heavenly Mineral Immortal Monarch, said with a smile: "Traitor, I want you to die today, corpse Dao Fruit refining successfully Magical Treasure!"

Heavenly Mineral Immortal Monarch said with a smile: "Everyone is vying for Immortal Realm and the orthodoxy is their own way. Now Spirit Treasure Great Dao is also one of the Immortal Dao. What is the saying that betrays the lackey? It's Cult Master Mystic Heaven is a god , You, as Immortal, go to be god’s lackeys, you are the real Immortal Dao traitors!"

Heavenly Mineral Immortal Monarch is trapped by Xi Chong, Yue Youniang and the others, Yue Youniang and the others Magical Treasure cannot be sacrificed, but Divine Ability is also heaven shaking earth shattering, which prevents Heavenly Mineral Immortal Monarch from breaking through.

The Great Overarching Heaven Army against Old Ancestor Rampart Life is like an entire body. Suddenly, great formation changes. One hundred thousand Immortals form a divinity able to support both Heaven and Earth, countless Magical Treasure zheng zheng collides, forming a Divine Sword, sword Primordial Opening, killing Old Ancestor Rampart Life, and Old Ancestor Rampart Life meeting force with force.

But at this time, another Cult Master level existence broke out and entered the army of Mystic Prefecture, caught the Innate Immortal Domain, and is a reincarnation Female Dao Monarch, called Black Flower Sacred Mother, whispered: "Mystic Heaven has lost its virtue, wants to monopolize Thirty Immortal Domains, swallow the world, and take refuge in Immortal in Mystic Prefecture, there should be this tribulation!"

On the other side, the other side cannot board Primal Chaos Rainbow Bridge's unparalleled big snake turned abruptly, opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, swallowed the sky, sucked up several millions Mystic Prefecture Immortal soldiers in one breath, and fell into his mouth one after another!

Suddenly the Curse Dao Heavenly Altar flew up, blocking the mouth of this unparalleled big snake, and rescued these immortal Immortal Weapon, Myriad Curses Dao Monarch stood on the altar, said with a smile:" Evilless Dao Monarch, are you going to devour the Mystic Prefecture several millions army, don’t die?"

That unparalleled big snake shrank suddenly and turned into Evilless Dao Monarch, said with a smile: "Myriad Curses, you You don’t want to die. Not only do you die, but you are shameless. You actually took refuge in an Immortal Realm ground beetle, Primeval Dao Monarch's face, Dao Monarch's glory, and you were thoroughly ashamed of you, and now you are shy to cheat on Mystic Heaven. Hi! Today, I want to remove you, a shameless person!"

Myriad Curses Dao Monarch was furious and urged Curse Dao Heavenly Altar to go forward. Both reincarnation Dao Monarchs are The existence of Heavenly Monarch Level is more exciting than other powerhouses!

At this time, another giant Lingdao Jun Reincarnation Body rushed out to attack the Mystic Prefecture army.

In Mystic Heaven Immortal Domain, Old Ancestor Dark-Bright complexion nervously looked towards Jiang Nan and said: "Cult Master..."

Jiang Nan got up and said calmly: "Trusted Advisor waits a moment, I will return after killing a few people."

———————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————Focus on the house pig, follow Exalted-Emperor!

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